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File: 31 KB, 500x375, Stephen-King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
452106 No.452106 [Reply] [Original]

Stephen King is a hack

>> No.452112

Stephen King honestly loves writing and the English language. One of the best things about him is that, unlike "literary" writers, he's not afraid of writing the way the common man speaks.

Well, spoke. Let's be honest, the man is kinda old and his attempts at writing teenagers in Under the Dome...well, it'd make more sense if it was set 20 or 30 years earlier, that's all I'll say.

>> No.452132
File: 16 KB, 460x276, king oh you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot and is merely jealous of the most successful writer of our generation. Sure, its easy to hate on the come-and-go fads like twilight or harry potter, but how can you argue with a man who has been writing nothing but best sellers for the past 30 years? Even under a pseudonym he used to dodge popularity, he was successful. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.452140

No shit Sherlock

The only people who read Stephen King are closeted twilight fans, whose idea of literature is trash fiction on sale in supermarkets or celebrity autobiographies.

>> No.452154 [DELETED] 


>> No.452153

It's by no means literature, but I enjoy King's work because of his eccentricities.

And the incredibly perverse things he comes up with. I'm looking at you, IT

>> No.452160

What the fuck did I just read? You are an idiot.

I'll agree with you on his writing style. Im a 26yr old from Aus, and when I read Stephen King I think of an old man from the deep south of America. Almost everything he writes seems old-fashioned somehow, it's no wonder he was busted as being Richard Bachman so quickly. Anybody who has ever read a Stephen King novel would be able to pick his writing style from a fucking mile away.

>> No.452162
File: 26 KB, 400x500, old_bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in b4 County Clerk.

>> No.452164

Yes, in many ways Stephen King is not a "literary" writer, but he does writes good novels, give some credit where it is due....

>> No.452166


>> No.452167

by definition it is since being popular means its liked by the lowest common denominator

>> No.452170

That's why some of his best stuff is when he casts his mind back to the past, like in It, or Hearts in Atlantis. He's an awesome late 20th century writer, but his heart just isn't in the 21st century.

>> No.452176


Lol, no shit. Have you read Cell?

>> No.452181

>It's by no means literature

define "literature then bro...

>> No.452182

not the poster, but here's mine
writing that has an underlying concept, such as philosophy and thought.

>> No.452183
File: 170 KB, 1280x960, 1245995469085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is you

enjoy life on your literary high horse

>> No.452186

I have, and I even enjoyed it a bit, even if ZOMBIES SUDDENLY PSYCHIC was at the same time innovative from a zombie perspective and an utter fucking King cliche.

I was referring more to the skater kids from Under the Dome, who all talk like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from the 80's. Oh, and the military can monitor cellphone conversations BUT NOT EMAIL.

>> No.452187

Im looking at my profile on Goodreads, and about 20% of the books I have read are Stephen King novels.


Has anyone here read "Under the Dome" yet? Heard it was pretty good.

>> No.452189

things like the kids talking in the fifty's part of IT were a little more convincing...

>> No.452190

yeah i have, it's preetty good. It may seem long, but most of it is full of story. Just a small amount of filler

>> No.452198

Under the Dome is brilliant, so long as you can stomach the anachronistic skater children. They're not BADLY written, they just belong in a different decade.

It has the single best villains of any King novel ever. Nothing supernatural about them, but they're so hateable that you'll start foaming at the mouth from rage whenever they're on-screen. (On-page?)

>> No.452199

i just plainly dont have enough time in my life to waste reading stephen kings latest formulaic shite.

Do you not sit there with the book in your hand thinking, 'i could die tomorrow and theres a thousand literary classics i'd have never read' ?

>> No.452208


That thing about the military is fucking awesome. I love SK so much. He probably knows nothing at all about email and the intertubes.

I know what you mean about the psychic zombies. That part was OK with me though up until the levitation..... Sometimes, when I read books, I omit things that ive read, like im editing the book in my mind. When I read Cell I just pretended that the zombies weren't levitating, and every time it was mentioned I just had to push the thought out of my head and pretend they were just walking like normal.
Ive actually read books where characters I like have died, and as I continue reading I just pretend like it never happened.

>> No.452215


Speaking of filler. Duma Key was the only Stephen King book I ever came close to hating. That book could have been half the size it was, and that would have been enough.

>> No.452220

I read and appreciate Steven King's works. I even wrote, and got a high grade, on a university level comparative literature essay examining his works and how he'd been influenced by earlier writers such as Lovecraft.

>> No.452222

yes, and Delores Claiborne

>> No.452225


Because god forbid people read what they find interesting and entertaining than what people say they should read, lest they be called an idiot

>> No.452232

i guess for some people, reading is about more than a few hours of entertainment.

>> No.452279

like the blind...

>> No.453258

wow ..um the last person I knew who said that was a drop out English Major from UC Irvine

And if Stephen King Being a Hack is a revelation then there is not much use in you being here because obviously you cant fucking understand what your reading.
He writes pulp

>> No.453262
File: 36 KB, 528x718, Stephenkingoftrolls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's also king of trolls

>> No.453270

That's everyone who likes Stephn King actually!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.454153


u mad