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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 246x262, Plato-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
451617 No.451617 [Reply] [Original]

You can't call yourself a cultured, worth, proud or happy man if you haven't al least readed 5 Plato's dialogues. Fact.

>> No.451621

Plato wouldn't approve of passing off opinions as facts.

>> No.451623
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>> No.451648
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>al least readed

>> No.451713
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Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.451753
File: 78 KB, 354x318, Gunshow20090612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato was gay. FACT.

reading Plato's dialogues will turn YOU gay. FACT.

>> No.451756

In the original Greek, OP? Because, you know, if you don't learn all the ancient languages -- from Coptic to Latin -- you can't call yourself cultured, worthy, proud, or happy. I mean, could you imagine an intelligent person that didn't know Greek?

>> No.451854

i didn't get much out of them.

>> No.451882



I see what you did there.

>> No.451908

He had a purpose in not using K?

>> No.451910

Hey guy's, this is my first time on this board. Thought I would stop by and have a look.

Quick question though, is 'readed' some kind of in-joke with you guys, or did OP just make himself look like a complete idiot?

>> No.451918

Could be medium level troll, or just an idiot. You decide.

>> No.451932


Let's see...



>> No.451941


I don't think they're mutually exclusive.

>> No.451968


>> No.451995

Read several of his dialogues and hate it

most of the ancient philosophers just spewed fantastical tales as philosophical beliefs. I want to study things that could have some truth in them...

>> No.451996


>just spewed fantastical tales

That's kind of what philosophy does.

>> No.452001

You can't call yourself a douchbag, fag, cunt or elitist fuck if you haven't yakked on about old writings that aren't relevant to the modern day

>> No.452193


in all seriousness, the only one that had me interested in what he was going to say next was crito, and that is because how much i hated his arguments in there. i've read all the early dialogue, and some of the mid and late ones in a class setting.

>> No.452196

Aristotle was here.
Plato is a faggot.

>> No.452197


Then what does it do?

>> No.452205

ask a better question.

>> No.452206

Read Aristotle. First of the useful philosophers.

>> No.452210
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>> No.452217
File: 96 KB, 465x600, 1268578582669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.452221

I love how in this picture, Aristotle has the good sense to wear a pair of shoes, while Plato is wandering around the streets of Athens barefoot.

>> No.452248


shoes are for fags

>> No.452257

who the fuck needs shoes when you have slaves to clean the floors properly

>> No.452274

What about all the slave poop on the ground? What if Plato steps in that?

>> No.452276

Who needs anything when you have delicious slave boys

>> No.452282

You need more than slaves to be successful in life. For example, you need real people to be friends with. And the correct dispositions toward people to keep those friends.

>> No.452285


I would rather sit on a chair composed of naked teenage boys instead

>> No.452287

You'll need money to afford the slaves. And you need the correct dispositions to earn and keep money.

>> No.452289


What, ancestral money and property holdings aren't enough?

>> No.452292

Generally, no. People with money have a way of losing it over time.

>> No.452320

Agree with OP.

>> No.452324

agree with OP, but with the caveat that you must read them in Ancient Greek

>> No.452362

This is my favorite Norman Rockwell painting ever.

>> No.452370

Didn't Socrates paint this?

>> No.452375


Socrates wasn't real.

>> No.452376

You aren't real.

>> No.452378

If So-Crates wasn't real why was he in the Bill and Ted movie?

>> No.452379


There is no 'You'.

>> No.452383

There is only me.

>> No.452384

You are we.

>> No.452386

I just made you up to hurt myself.

>> No.452392


>> No.452445

You are all subhumans
But most of you are trolls

>> No.453200
File: 16 KB, 281x211, chauncey_281x211b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't call yourself a worth man if you are not retarded