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/lit/ - Literature

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4512527 No.4512527 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw searching long frankfurt school videos on youtube
>most of the results are paranoid right wing nuts presenting their erroneous platitudes

srsly look at this shit: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=frankfurt+school&filters=long&lclk=long

>tfw right wing tards don't realize they're functioning as mouthpieces for people like glenn beck and andrew brietbart when they spew this toxic shite

>> No.4512532

why are footfags so beta?

>> No.4512545

>implying that all Shitorno and Fagheimer did was more than spouting erroneous platitudes and masturbatory retardation

>> No.4512575

>my political opinions are a youtube trend

good going

>> No.4512579


Nah, the idiots on Youtube is blowing all that worthless crap that the Frankies proliferated out of proportion. It's not dangerous or evil, it's just retarded.

>> No.4512590

Even /lit/'s resident naturalist onionring likes the Dialectic of Enlightenment.

>> No.4512592


Sounds credible.

>> No.4512605

Be fair even their students rejected most of their ideas in the 1960s

Adorno's culture industry thesis would have been better if he wasn't such a try hard
>hur muh jazz

>> No.4512618

>a try hard

lol he was part of the intelligentsia. what did he have to prove?

>> No.4512641

he was literally a hipster before hipsters

>> No.4512646

hipsters are awesome so thats cool.

>> No.4512647
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Those that haven't read this work aren't worthy of philosophical consideration and are far behind the the discussion of the problem of the Enlightenment which we still face today.
Adornos and Horkeheimers thesis still remains as sharp and critical as when this came and I have still yet to to find something that discredits it. It's a very daunting work philosophicaly.

And OP, pay no heed to those loudmouthed bafoons, paid right wing shills stop at nothing to discredit the left with their conspiracy theories. In the same way the tried to discredit the Tiqqun movement, imprison Negri etc. They are just drones that unwillingly work for their ideological masters.


Adorno's critique of the culture industry and of mass deception is far more relevant today than anything any other modern leftist intellectual brought foward.

>> No.4512674

>discredit the Tiqqun movement

are you talking about glenn beck and the coming insurrection?

>imprison Negri etc

wat. never heard about that

>> No.4512683


> and are far behind the the discussion of the problem of the Enlightenment which we still face today.

Needs more de Maistre and Burke.

>> No.4512773

>thinking social degeneracy is a good thing for society

>> No.4512784

hermann göring had a foot fetish u know

>> No.4512845

How do we know this

Also that girl's feet are incredible

>> No.4512854

idk i just made it up

>> No.4512858

Seems believable for some reason

>> No.4512860

man knew how to throw a party. when he was off his tits on opium, knowing the Reich was irreversibly crumbling and his power removed, he painted his toe nails and fingernails and played with trains and adolescent boys in his private estate. And I think we can all admit at that moment in time, that's the thing to do.

>> No.4512863

That was beautiful

>> No.4513442

Not mutually exclusive propositions.

Academic marxism is also a bourgeois ideology.

Negri was sent down for the Moro slaying.

>> No.4513546


>> No.4513598

What makes a good pair of feet for a footfag? They just look like feet to me.

This is /lit/ related I'm writing a book on it.

>> No.4513875

>first video
Seems legit

>> No.4513913

You should write about things you understand rather than those you don´t understand.

>> No.4513952

are you calling v-lad a pedo?

>> No.4513969

Careful with those loaded words there, buddy.

>> No.4513971

hebo then

>> No.4514009

I suppose, yes. But I´d add that what matters is what you do, not what you "are".

>> No.4514043

>ITT: Butt hurt cultural marxist Gramscians.

>> No.4514094

In a few years you lot can go wild in VR m8, all problems solved.

>> No.4514114

You know, a lot of women IRL enjoy having their feet played with.

>> No.4514203


Go home /pol/

>> No.4514214

The shape of the foot, the soles, the shape of the toes. I personally find really short toes unattractive.

>> No.4514531


>> No.4514548

What's wrong with jazz?

>> No.4514563

Jazz is degenerate, just like playing flute. Gentlemen speak with each other to pass time they don't listen to degenerate music that stirs the senses.

>> No.4514574
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>Jazz is degenerate

>> No.4514592

Listen to this, 10 minutes in I realize that this professor doesn't really realize what the fuck he's saying.

>> No.4514596
File: 284 KB, 572x635, jesus christ how horrifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complete and utter lack of charisma
>zero engaging rethorics
>painstakeingly slow explanations
>that horrible droning voice

This is what students have to put up with?

>> No.4514599
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>> No.4514605
File: 111 KB, 1000x750, harz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ideology is the belief that perspective is truth

Is this guy for real? Wikipedias definition is better than that!

>> No.4514612

Marx would had killed himself if he'd been able to see this lecture and what he's economic model created.

>> No.4514635

lol is this all the same person?

that's a decent lecture, the professor is fine

>> No.4514645

You should watch it again after the coke has worn off. This is a pretty good lecture.

>> No.4514652

It's not the professor it's the content I'm criticizing (I as being one of the four posts), he seems totally oblivious to how ludicrous any of this comes out. No wonder literary art is hopefully lost and broken.

>> No.4514659
