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/lit/ - Literature

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4506862 No.4506862 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I just promised to write a short story for a girl.

My only experience with this is writing adventures for /tg/ type stuff.

It just sort of slipped out. She said she knits stuff for fun, and I jokingly offered to trade a story for a beanie or something.

She accepted.

/lit/, there's no real deadline, but what do I do?

>> No.4506871

>take beanie
>don't write anything
>stop trying to impress girls with gifts and friendship hoping that will lead to sex and a relationship

>> No.4506873

Do it. That's the kind of cute shit that makes a good story to tell later in life.

>> No.4506878

>stop trying to impress girls with gifts and friendship hoping that will lead to sex and a relationship
I should have put this in the OP, but I'm not interested in her, she's more of a friend, and we both have a boyfriend/girlfriend I just mentioned it offhandedly and I didn't want to admit to playing D&D so i said I write.

>> No.4506887

The story is about a clerk. It takes place in an office building in Chicago. The story begins with a office conflict. The differences between world cultures plays a major role in this story.

>> No.4506890

>I didn't want to admit to playing D&D
Jesus Christ man. If you like something than why not say it?

Shit I'd be open about liking anime if the topic came up.

Stop being beta.

>> No.4506892

Write a story about your dilemma and end it on a cliffhanger.

>> No.4506896

>if the topic came up

>> No.4506909
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Just steal 20 pages from De Sade

It worked for me

>> No.4506929

Be as bombastic and chauvinistic as you dare. Be ridiculous and funny. Say the silly shit in your imagination that would get rolled eyes on 4chan. Don't try to be serious or artsy.

>> No.4506952

Well, /lit/ there were several stories I had running around my head.

>A boy becomes a superhero, only to lose everything, even the girl he loves, in the process.
>When stalking a girl, a boy finds out she's being hunted by aliens. Or at least, he thinks he is.
>A high-adventure story revolving around a soldier loyally serving his queen in the navy, where coincidence brings them together time and time again.
>A man tries to get the girl, but fails every time, as the story repeats in different time periods.

There are plenty more, but these seem to be in my head the most.

>> No.4506961

You do know what a SHORT story is, right?

>> No.4506970

Well, relatively short, about 40 pages or so.

>> No.4506997

>40 fucking pages for a beanie
Dude, just buy one.

>> No.4507001

I have one but that's not the point.

>> No.4507020


I know it's not the point, but being cute isn't worth it if you have to write 40 fucking pages.

>> No.4507040

>have to write

>> No.4507431

Write a short story about a race-car driver who has to go into space to save the president from aliens. Make the aliens as retarded as possible, e.g they are 3 foot tall and look like blobs of peanut butter given form.

>> No.4507435

Write a meta story about how you getting the beanie will somehow save the world. Attempt to make her laugh, it's the leas you can do.

>> No.4507448

write a story about an animal, bitches love animals.

>> No.4507477

this is good advice

>> No.4507530

This is probably the best idea in the thread. You could even just make it a D&D story, man, but the treasure ends up being a knitted beanie and there's a huge What The Fuck? gag at the end over that.
I used to write retarded-funny poems for a friend who would bake me stuff. The only good advice I have is to not worry about how it reads, just put a little thought into it and edit it only when it's complete. Be off-the-cuff and remember they're your friend so worst case scenario is it sucks and they don't read it but they say they did and they liked it.

>> No.4507549

If you don't already write shit that isn't specifically for /tg/ type stuff you should back out because anything you write will be bad. Normally I would say just do it but this is a situation where you're bound to embarrass yourself. Offer to do something else that's more equivalent to the beanie. Like make something out of wood or something, whatever. Some craft, not some art. Crafts are forgiving.

>> No.4507608

I think you're kinda in anyway if she is knitting you something. The only girls who have ever knitted anything for me (2) liked me and ended up getting the D

If you're really gutsy, write a 50 shades type story. If you're not so gutsy then just write anything, you pussy

>> No.4507617
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you know if you misread the reaction and she didn't really mean anything by accepting and has no real, specific intention of making a beanie for you and then you give her this short story, you're going to force that obligation on to her

you're in a mexican standoff
the rules are vague
who shoots first is the more annoying person
unless both shoot at the same time then you're both wonderful
and if you don't shoot you're both perfectly nuetral
maybe this should be your story op
this prisoner's dilemma emmarite

>> No.4507621

Wut? I'm >>4507608 and didn't read the thread
So you've made an agreement that you're going to do things for each other, things that take time and effort, and you've each got a significat other?
>inb4 you 2 end up together and you're lying about not liking her

Unless, of course, >>4507617 is right and you're just some autist who has terribly misread playful conversation as a promise

>> No.4507679

For the love of god, this. Perfect. You can be serious but hide it with irony and humour.