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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 92 KB, 500x375, time wise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4503450 No.4503450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Racial tensions are inflamed at the University of California at Los Angeles following several incidents — most notably, one where a professor corrected the grammar, punctuation and capitalization in minority students’ assignments.

>The act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression,” according to the members of the student group “Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color,” which launched a sit-in during a subsequent meeting of the class.


Expecting good grammar from black people is racist.

Thanks leftists/progressives!

>> No.4503452

>tfw /pol/ was right

>> No.4503454

/lit/ is racist

>> No.4503458

This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "grammar nazi".

Seriously though, this is the end result of encouraging the victimhood culture of blacks.

>> No.4503462

"we want equality of opportunity" they said

>> No.4503465

>we want to be equal with whites
>just don't grade us on an equal level

>> No.4503466
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>The act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression,” according to the members of the student group “Call 2 Action

>Call 2 Action

Has anyone dared to correct them on that yet?

>> No.4503468

And somehow this has sparked an argument against liberals, Jews and taxes in the comment section.

>> No.4503469

Grammar is a social construct!

>> No.4503471

>“She wants to use Standpoint Theory [a method of analysis coined by feminist sociologist Dorothy Smith, based on the idea that all knowledge is subjective and based on one's position in society]

>based on the idea that all knowledge is subjective and based on one's position in society

Is gravity subjective? What about atomic theory? Human physiology?
This can't be real, right? It's a joke?

>> No.4503472

check your reality privilege

>> No.4503474
File: 1.42 MB, 320x173, cagelolz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>All through school, 16+ years of it, my grammar was corrected. Now I learn I could have claimed racism -- if only I was a member of a minority group. Actually, I am a member of a minority -- white male -- we just aren't recognized as such
>Actually, I am a member of a minority -- white male -- we just aren't recognized as such

lit, you need to tune out the noise of fuckheads. Assuming you're not one of them.

>> No.4503476

>this is the end result of enslaving an entire race and oppresssing them for centuries




>> No.4503477

believe it or not, science is a social construct designed to perpetuate capitalistic phallocracy

>> No.4503479

White males are a minority of earth.

>> No.4503482

>lit, you need to tune out the noise of fuckheads. Assuming you're not one of them.

technically white men are a global minority

>> No.4503486



>> No.4503488

There are also more black men, chinese men, and middle eastern men than there are white men.

Whatever a white male is... or a black male for that matter.

>> No.4503489

>be black
>2 generations of slavery
>genetically and sociologically doomed to be lazy scum
>bitch about it ad nauseam

>be russian
>90% chance that you descend from 15 generations of slaves and serfs
>none gives a fuck

>> No.4503491

>mfw when my country has just started the first its first dept. of critical white studies

>> No.4503492 [DELETED] 

but muh culture. muh rights. muh ancestors!
Nigga wigga bix bo bix nude wig wagga

>> No.4503495
File: 22 KB, 320x342, bcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google critical white studies
>"treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity."
>mfw /pol/ was right and antiracist is actually a codeword for antiwhite

>> No.4503498

These students should be assigned DFW's essay "Authority and American Usage".

>> No.4503502


Excellent retort, made me reconsider my views and question my philosophies 11/10

>> No.4503505

>"[Whiteness Studies] teaches that if you are white, you are branded, literally in the flesh, with evidence of a kind of original sin. You can try to mitigate your evilness, but you can't eradicate it. The goal of WS (Whitness Studies) is to entrench permanent race consciousness in everyone — eternal victimhood for nonwhites, eternal guilt for whites — and was most famously framed by WS chief guru, Noel Ignatiev, former professor at Harvard University [sic, Ignatiev was a Ph.D. student and then a tutor at Harvard, but never a professor], now teaching at the Massachusetts College of Art: "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race — in other words, to abolish the privileges of the white skin."

>Noel Ignatiev
>Ignatiev, the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia, was raised in Philadelphia

>> No.4503508

If the world goes to shit because of this kind of stuff I'm going to be very upset!

>> No.4503538

It's true. Grammar is an instrument to convey our ideas. To believe ideas are invalidated because it's not transcribed perfectly is ludicrous. If these professors aren't English professors, then they need to worry more about the message than the notation.

Imagine where would blues and jazz be if anal folks like these were to judge music.

>> No.4503544

the whole point of grammar is to make ideas intelligible. if we each adopted our own unique grammar the whole concept of language would be defunct.

>> No.4503545

Adjunct prof here.

NEVER fucking embarrass ANY student in the classroom.

Save it for grading their papers.

>> No.4503548
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>> No.4503549

But he was grading their papers...

>> No.4503562

Only on /lit/ would you see people taking the side of the protestors in this scenario.

>> No.4503566

>wacky group accuses a professor of something ridiculous to no consequence
>sketchy conservative newssite takes advantage of this non-news to further their agenda and get hits


fucking retards

>> No.4503571

If it's an English class, then be a grammar nazi; however, for all else, if the ideas and meaning are getting through, then make a note of the wrong grammar but don't take off points.

>> No.4503576

Do you know how insulting that is? Jazz doesn't disregard musical rules or go against musical 'grammar', it is entirely aware of it and plays with it, similar to how the best poets are masters of versification and poetic syntax, and play with those 'rules' to create dissonance or unexpected forms.

It is vastly different from not knowing how to structure a basic fucking sentence, and comparing jazz to idiots who don't know how to write their own fucking language is incredibly insulting.

>> No.4503579

no probs, just making the world a beta place

>> No.4503580

You didn't read the article did you? The professor stated that furthered the argument for not taking sides with a black girl was arguing with a white girl. He was neutral.

>> No.4503583

If people don't challenge things like this, it will continue to happen.

Do you want to live in a world where you cannot criticize someone's basic grammar and syntax for fear of being called a racist? Admittedly, that's not happening just now, put not saying something about it now just gives a free pass for others to do it again in the future, and with greater force.

>> No.4503585

If he was actually neutral he would be taking the side of the black girl.
There are people who actually think like this.

>> No.4503596

Nobody of consequence actually thinks the professor is a racist though, just a few extremely misguided sjws.Tthe article is manipulative as fuck and designed to get conservative people riled up. For hits. This isn't fucking news it's sensationalist trash meant to make people go "omg what is the world coming to dang liberals!!!!" Nothing wrong with hating sjws but this shit is just stupid
I really hope everyone realizes this is bait

>> No.4503610

>Nobody of consequence actually thinks the professor is a racist though, just a few extremely misguided sjws
This is not an excuse to not challenge it. Don't say anything about it, people think it's fine. Becomes less extreme to accept the notion that correcting a person's grammar is racist if the person in question is a minority.

>> No.4503611


>those comments


>> No.4503614

People like you and those protestors are why "racism" is treated less and less seriously by the day.

>> No.4503616

I think you're overestimating complaining on 4chan as "challenging it".

>> No.4503620


First comment in and I'm already bothered, people actually write god as g-d? I thought that was just a joke. What the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.4503623

>Imagine where would blues and jazz be if anal folks like these were to judge music.
>implying western music wouldn't be much better if the academia had kept the monopoly over culture instead of handing it over to the masses and record industry

>> No.4503625

>implying that is not what the liberal media does

>> No.4503631

fuck the system

>> No.4503633

Jews do it.

>> No.4503635

it is almost as annoying as when muslims put the (peace be upon him) every time they write muhamad or allah

>> No.4503636

It's different when liberals do it you racist fuck.

>> No.4503692

Yes, challenging ideas are not allowed.

>> No.4503703

>Call 2 Action

It's of little wonder...

>> No.4503706


lost it at 1:50

>> No.4503711 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 650x478, penn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found a picture of the professor.

pic related

>> No.4503721 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 336x346, 1367426569155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with inculcating a victim mentality in these people from birth, no sirree. Just keep telling the people with the worst grades, worst literacy problems, worst crime rate, worst wedlock rate, worst delinquency rate, worst AIDS transmission rate, worst drug addiction rate, worst everything that all their problems are whitey's fault, and they ain't gotta do shit. Don't even have to speak English properly or meet other basic social and academic standards. That'd be racist.


>> No.4503722

Do you know how insulting it is to say these college students don't know how to structure basic sentences? No one gets to college, especially UCLA, without knowing how to structure basic sentences.

And jazz and blues was not born from great musicians that had an ultimate grasp on musical notation and grammar. Their ideas came first, and those from the mainstream came in to figure out what they were doing and how it related to traditional music. For you to focus only on the solid framework that jazz is taught on presently is insulting to those that contributed without a full grasp of what they were doing relative to music theory at the time, and that was plenty at its genesis.

>> No.4503726
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>> No.4503728 [DELETED] 

Meanwhile, at a highschool in Massachusetts....

>14 year old African-american raped his white teacher, slit her throat. then left her in a dumpster with a branch sticking out of her genitals

>black community reacts with "he din do nuffin"

Thank God the justice system doesn't bow to political whims just yet.


>> No.4503731

Jesus Christ blacks.

Get your shit together.

>> No.4503734

>white privilege

>> No.4503740

that looks technically correct, just entirely accentuated. kinda cool, actually.

>> No.4503741

>black community reacts with "he din do nuffin"

there was absolutely nothing in the article to indicate this is the case

great literature discussion we are having by the way guys

>> No.4503746

I fucking love Bill Whittle and I'm leftist.

>> No.4503748

Yes, there are plenty of people at state universities who can't structure a basic sentence. I've marked papers from (white) first-years at the University of Chicago who simply could not consistently write parseable sentences. Universities are full of lucky morons even at the highest ranks.

>> No.4503751

>in class
>literature professor talking about victorian poetry
>suddenly black teenager starts raping her
>slits her throat
>jams a branch in her vagina
>throws her out the window and into a dumpster
>white person calls out in dismay
>"Great literature discussion we're having, you racists"

>> No.4503752

Boy, how wrong you are. I'm a PhD student in the humanities and therefore have to work with Administrative duties which includes Teaching courses. And holy fuck, some people can't even put together a sentence.

>> No.4503753


Bill Whittle on the study system.

>> No.4503754

If you can't figure out what college kids with bad grammar and punctuation are saying, then you probably can't be posting on 4chan because the captcha is much too hard.

>> No.4503757

>Some of the corrections were clarified by sit-in organizer Kenjus Watson. Rust told one student that she should not capitalize the word “indigenous” in her papers. This correction was ideologically-motivated, according to Watson.

Any english professor who doesnt tell their students to not capitalize some random fucking word in the middle of a paper should be fired.

>> No.4503758

>People still prejudiced against non-cis/het spelling orientations

MLK must be rolling in his grave, and english as a second language classes are the new cotton plantations.

When will it stop /lit/.

>> No.4503760

He could have been Obama's son.

>> No.4503764



IT'S haaaaappppepeeeeeennniiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!!

>> No.4503773 [DELETED] 

>Holder's New School Discipline Guidelines: Stop Targeting Minorities

>In American schools, black students without disabilities were more than three times as likely as whites to be expelled or suspended, according to government civil rights data collection from 2011-2012. Although black students made up 15 percent of students in the data collection, they made up more than a third of students suspended once, 44 percent of those suspended more than once and more than a third of students expelled.

> More than half of students involved in school-related arrests or referred to law enforcement were Hispanic or black, according to the data.


Black students are 3 times more likely than White students to be kicked out of school. And it is all whitey's fault.

>> No.4503776

>called out on bullshit
>greentext irrelevant nonsense

whenever i read news of murders and homocides, i make sure to link the article on 4chan's literature board

>> No.4503779

do you know stats?

>> No.4503781

>leftist replies to joke with bitter humourless asspain

Hi honey. Tumblr too boring this morning?

>> No.4503783
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>> No.4503787

>damage control

>> No.4503790


>> No.4503794


This is blatantly incorrect. Jazz and blues are built off of ragtime, you ignorant shit. The prototypical jazz and blues musicians were well aware of musical structure and notation, and they built off of the ideas developed in ragtime explicitly through the manipulation of musical structures that were already present.

>without a full grasp of what they were doing relative to music theory

They knew exactly what they were doing. They might not have been aware of its implications, but they knew they were manipulating the time signature and where the beat "dropped" while counting off musical notation.

Do you even know the basic foundation of jazz and the blues? It's a swung beat. You cannot swing a beat without first knowing what the basic beat is. In eighth notes, it's 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and. Swung beats emphasize a specific part of the beat by shortening and lengthening the up and down beats of the eighth note appropriately.

How could you possibly know how to swing a note without first knowing the basic operative elements of music? You vastly underestimate the knowledge and talent of the early jazz and blues musicians.

>> No.4503799

I think anon's point is that they didn't know what they were doing theoretically - I mean they didn't have a conscious knowledge of the intellectual framework and terminology of music theory as such

>> No.4503801

Clearly the poster you're responding to is racist himself.
As well all know, Jazz is exclusively made by and listened by African Americans.

>> No.4503818


Those black fellows must be really smart.

>> No.4503834

How can you possibly fill out a college application and write a college essay without knowing how to form a basic sentence?

>> No.4503840

No, /lit/ is apparently full of black people.

As you type improperly.

African-Americans, please!

>> No.4503845

>As you type improperly.
Have you forgotten we're on an imageboard?

>> No.4503849

As soon as they saw the word "African-American" in the ethnicity section, they were obligated to accept them.

>> No.4503859 [DELETED] 
File: 483 KB, 939x1400, 1390670247068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image:

No, /lit/ is apparently full of black people.

As you type improperly.

African-Americans, please!

>> No.4503873 [DELETED] 


>> No.4503876

Butterfly... you sick fuck.

>> No.4503877

If I didn't quote, ">As you type improperly." that would have been somewhat clever.

>> No.4503880

THAT'S the image you forgot?


>> No.4503882

it is...

>> No.4503883

>file info says JPG
>clearly a GIF
Thanks moot

>> No.4503884
File: 12 KB, 300x168, boston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like how all those that manipulate language do it consciously, I forgot. Them Bostonians and Southerners sat down and consciously came up with their own dialects after learning British English.

>> No.4503885

Moots glitch. I didn't post that.

Yeah whatever.

>> No.4503889

We all now know you have a white man/asian woman domination fetish.

>> No.4503892

You deleting it doesn't delete it in the archive butterfag.

We all know the truth about you now.

>> No.4503894 [DELETED] 

>Them Bostonians and Southerners sat down and consciously came up with their own dialects after learning British English.
What are you implying? I didn't know Bostonians and Southerners were calling professors racist for correcting their grammar.
>Yeah whatever.
I'm sorry you decided to make a poor joke instead of an arguement.

>> No.4503895

I'm not saying that there isn't a good possibility that the black students are being completely ridiculous in this situation... but you have to consider the source is your typical fear-mongering conservative soapbox.. the top commenter is crying about the plight of the poor persecuted white male.. the article is certainly written to be inflammatory and the details are so vague we really have no idea what happened. for a literature board I would expect a little bit more scruitiny of a news article.

>> No.4503897

when did /lit/ become /b/
everyone get trips so I can filter your mindless shitposts

>> No.4503899

yeah, the "sit-in" had like 10 students

>> No.4503909

Actually, the archive provides proof it was an image swap. Notice how it says JPG even though it's a GIF, 939x1400 even though it's 160x118, and 483 KB even though it's 3.8 MB?

Seriously, it would be literally impossible to post that GIF on /lit/. /lit/'s max file size is 3 MB. It must have come from /gif/.