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/lit/ - Literature

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4501752 No.4501752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered these books from Amazon.

Have any of you ever read any of these? What are your thoughts? I realize The Shining is a classic, and I read it as a child, but forget most of it.

>> No.4501760

The movie of the shining is much better. Of mice and men is brief and good, but it's considered high school tier, along with lord of the flies. The Origin of Species is a work of science, kinda stands out, it will definitely be the most difficult and tedious out of all the books you've bought.
Lord of the flies is great but it's high school tier, as is Catcher in the Rye.

You'd be better off watching the Simpsons Movie than reading Under the Dome.

>> No.4501771

I laughed and related to your post, thanks. I do remember The Simpsons episode as well.

Could you elaborate on high school tier? Pretty much assuming you mean a high school reading level/something you'd read in high school.

Thanks for your response.

>> No.4501778

>Origin of Species

Why would you even read that?

>> No.4501796

I've idolized Darwin in a lot of places in my mind, I would consider myself a man of science, and I decided to pick up a piece of literature by him.

>> No.4501809
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>man of science
>idolizes darwin
>all that entry level literature

>> No.4501811


>Man of science

Meant to say that I believe in evolution, not really religious, etc.,

>> No.4501853

Because he finds one of the most significant theories ever proposed interesting? Because he wants to see from Darwin's viewpoint? Why wouldn't he read it?

>> No.4501855

Of Mice and Men is an enjoyable read along with Lord of the Flies. It took a while for me to actually like Catcher in the Rye, but when you get over the initial whininess it becomes much better imo.
The Origin of Species is a dry,dry read and unless you are really interested in his theories, you'll get bored very quickly.

>> No.4501857

>idolizing a man when you haven't read a word he's written
>I would consider myself a man of science
If this is a troll post, then 10/10. Accurate portrayal of euphoric fedoras.

>> No.4501858
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>not having amazon prime
>not buying thos pleb paperbacks used for the total price of the shining

>> No.4501860

If you were really interested in evolution, you'd buy a modern textbook. Depending on your level of education any arbitrary middle school / high school / university book should do the job. This way you'd learn the actual scientific theory of evolution as it is known today, based on genetics, biochemistry and bioinformatics. But instead you're buying the outdated original book by Darwin which is of no value anymore other than historical. An overly long, scientifically primitive, very vague and merely philosophical work, flawed and irrelevant from a modern point of view. You are not interested in science, you are not interested in evolution, you are only interested in being a pseudo-intellectual underaged douchebag worshipping Darwin for his name. Get the fuck out and never insult science again.

>> No.4501867


It's pretty stupid to believe that religion and evolution are mutually exclusive, to be perfectly honest.

>> No.4501869

I don't know what you're talking about. The Origin of Species is fascinating and better written than most contemporary pop-sci lit.

>> No.4501870

A lot of atheists think all religious people are Young Earth Creationists for some bizarre reason.

>> No.4501879
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>> No.4501880

>A lot of atheists

No, you only get that impression because the obnoxious fedoras are the loudest of the bunch. Most atheists simply don't give a shit about religion. Go outside once in a while. The reddit tier anti-theists are a small minority and almost non-existent outside of the internet.

>> No.4501885

>better written than most contemporary pop-sci lit
You are setting the bar ridiculously low.

I've read Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, and Catcher in the Rye. They're all easy, quick reads that everyone should read at some point (and most people are forced to whether they like it or not in high school). If you have any more specific questions about them feel free to ask.

>> No.4501944

I just ordered Lolita, Crime and Punishment, and Thus Spoke Zarathustra off Amazon. I also got Ulysses in the mail a couple days ago and started that too.

Did I do well, /lit/?

>> No.4501945

Descent of man is a nice read.

>> No.4501946

You won't be able to read Thus Spoke Zarathustra, especially if you haven't already read Nietzche's other stuff. It's good but it's also extremely heavy reading and largely incomprehensible.

>> No.4501952

>You won't be able to read Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Are you saying I couldn't at this point in time? Or never? Because I find it hard to believe I'm incapable of reading it.

Is there something I need to do to prepare, or something?

>> No.4501953

>Origin of the Species
Odd choice, does it have much literary value?

>> No.4501956

>Did I do well, /lit/?
You don't do well by buying books, you do well by reading them. Your selection of potential reads is fine, but don't go fishing for complements when you haven't done anything yet.

>> No.4501957

I'd say you're unlikely now, and possibly never.

I wouldn't recommend reading it without help from someone who has a clear understanding of it because it'll probably read like gibberish if you don't already know the book quite well.

>> No.4501962

>if you don't already know the book quite well.
How can I know the book well already if I've never read it before? I guess I could find some kind of detailed, professional annotations online. Otherwise I'm not sure.

>> No.4501987

If you're well versed with Nietzsche already you'll find it easier but on the whole I'd think the best way too read that book is with a teacher helping to contextualise everything.

>> No.4501994

Of Mice and Men is beautiful. Hauntingly beautiful.

>> No.4502066

>Most atheist

He said a lot. There are millions of atheists and less than most are still a lot.