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/lit/ - Literature

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4490832 No.4490832 [Reply] [Original]

I've read all sort of literary texts in English language: from Dickens and Shakespeare to Junot Diaz. There's nothing worse than African-American literature. I was bored to death with Beloved and I can't stand reading Uncle Tom's Cabin. I've got an essay due this Friday and I have tried to read it several times always failing to do so.

At this point I've realised I'll be better off reading the plot overview from SparkNotes, choosing a passage, read the extensive summary for that and then take the excerp that corresponds from the novel. The professor asked us to focus on just one, or two pages at most.

I love literature and I study at a masters level in one good UK university but this text puts me off. How have you dealt with this before /lit/?

>> No.4490834

I'm also studying for my Master's in literature. I just avoid all literature written by black people and women. It's not that difficult.

>> No.4490838

it's a book (written, btw, by a white woman) that's mostly known for its historical influence and political message. it's not in itself surprising that this kind of book is not going to be enjoyable to read. treat it as a historical text and grind that motherfucker out instead of whining about how much you hate black people, you racist fuck

>> No.4490859

is that a real cover? cos it looks like zombie attack

>> No.4490873

I can't avoid it, i've got one whole module of it and it's compulsory! Luckily it finishes this week.

It's not about being racist. Rap music is my fav genre and many of my fav actors are black. But black literature is not good. As you said, it's more of a historical text than a literary one.
It's one of the many covers, yes.

>> No.4490876 [DELETED] 

look at me guiz i am le racist

>> No.4490882

I would suggest you stop being a pleb OP, too late for you to stop being a faggot.

Masters in Literature here and working at McDonalds, this book helps me get along with my co-workers.

>> No.4490885

I read Fences for my English course, and it wasn't that bad, for a play that is. I Will Marry When I Want was cock boring though.

>> No.4490888

One of the points I was making is that it's questionable whether you can call Uncle Tom's Cabin "black literature". I also think it's wrong to make a judgment of black literature as a whole from Uncle Tom's Cabin. It's ridiculous. Your problem isn't that you dislike black literature, it's that you dislike Uncle Tom's Cabin, which is fine, it's not a very good book.

>> No.4490929

>book written by white woman
>"black literature"

>> No.4490967

>It's not about being racist. Rap music is my fav genre and many of my fav actors are black.

OP confirmed for pleb.

Funny you submit your taste to White Guilt when it comes to music and films but deny the same pathetically submissive behavior when it comes to literature.

But hey, if you already went almost full retard might as well complete the whole journey and end up reading black and ghetto poetry and stating that they deserve a special place on the history of literature.




>> No.4490972

>Allegedly a Master's student
>Can't even get through the challenge of reading a book you don't enjoy
>Seriously considering visiting SparkNotes

It's time to stop acting like a casual. Perhaps University isn't for you.

>> No.4490976

on the contrary, he's a lazy cunt who fakes it and probably gets by on politicking, university is precisely for him

>> No.4490983

You realize that 12 years a slave is a book and you can just watch the movie right

>> No.4490987

just think about it, there was a time when you could buy a loli for personal use for a few dollars

>> No.4490989

Oh, I see you're boning up for the exam in Edge 101!

>> No.4490999

im going to kill that exam

>> No.4491051

>tfw born in the wrong generation

>> No.4491073
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>> No.4491200
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>> No.4491202


What does that have to do with politics?

>> No.4491209

>OP probably thinks To Kill a Mockingbird is "African-American" literature too

>> No.4491211

>you should go back to this cancerous place
>here let me use my cancerous image to direct you there

God damn people like you are utter retards

>> No.4491217

It's politically incorrect.

>> No.4491218

>Uncle Tom's Cabin
but it was written by a white woman.

>> No.4491224

The usual complaining about white guilt is fucking stupid because right wing morons dislike 'white guilt' for the wrong reason.

>> No.4491226

she was a nigger trapped in white woman's body

>> No.4491227


It’s not my problem if you don’t know real art. You want to call this racism? Call it racism, but I am not going to say that something is good as art only to make groups of people proud of their peers.

And stop saying to everyone to go back to /pol/ you bunch of retards. There is a difference between not accepting the majority of works created by an ethnic and social group because you think they are inferior as art (the works, as art, get it! The works, not the ones who made them – Paulo Coelho, for example, is white but is one of the worst pieces of trash this world has ever seen) and browsing a pathetic hate site every day to complain about how the world is bad because of “inferior races” and etc. (I could do that, after all were I live more than 90% of crimes are committed by black people, but I don’t like even to talk about that – what is the use of sit on a computer and rant about this without trying to offer any alternative)?.

>> No.4491232

>There's nothing worse than African-American literature
>he's never read Invisible Man