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4487976 No.4487976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

By Shia LaBeouf



>> No.4488050

I would love to take that class, honestly.

>> No.4488130

But it's of course not his class. He copied that part from a text of Kenneth Goldsmith, a prof at the University of Pennsylvania.

>> No.4488210

this whole thing is just damage control when he first got caught for ripping clowes. dunno why he thought he would get away with it, clowes is well known as far as comic artists go. imo he just wants to drown that initial mistake in a hailstorm of distractions and weirdness. he doesnt want to admit he fucked up. kind of admirable how far he's willing to go though. eventually this will all come to a grinding halt and his regret will be even greater than if he just came clean, apologized, etc.

polite sage

>> No.4488233

It has been one of my fantasies to someday write a book composed entirely of sentences from other books. Probably will never have read enough to do that though.

Also, I copy 4chan comments into my writing all the time.

>> No.4488327

Yeah, there are some funny lines on 4chan sometimes.

What is your writing about?

>> No.4488353

This. He's making things worse for himself.
That being said, this features piece is pretty well written.

>> No.4488359

WTF is this?
What did he say about Clowes?

>> No.4488368

>We retype documents and transcribe audio clips. We make small changes to Wikipedia pages (changing an a to an an or inserting an extra space between words). We hold classes in chat rooms, and entire semesters are spent exclusively in Second Life

What? how do i sign up for this

>> No.4488373

Wait, now I'm even more confused.
Is this really Shia LaBoeuf claiming to have been an advertising executive and a college professor?
Or is it someone else using "Shia LaBoeuf" as a byline?

>> No.4488375

smarter than 95% of /lit/

>> No.4488420

I refuse to read that much of anything written by Shia TheBeef

He's a child, a terrible reflection of what childstardom has the capability to do to a person

>> No.4488422


feels good to be in the top 5%

>> No.4488425

Shia is a hilarious cunt, he apologised for plagiarism by plagiarising an old Yahoo Answers post.

>> No.4488449

Daily reminder that Shia LaTheif is insane.


>Actor Shia Lebeouf found himself in handcuffs briefly just outside a Sherman Oaks, California bar this weekend.
>"There was an exchange of words [with another man] and Shia got punched in the face," said Sammy Cultler, who answered the phone at Mad Bull's Tavern, where the altercation began.
>This isn't the first time LaBeouf has had a run-in with a Los Angeles-area police officer. The actor was arrested in 2008 on suspicion of drunk driving in Hollywood.

>> No.4488453

following this, he most likely hired someone to type this out for him.

>> No.4488461

If you weren't smart enough to notice or search in Google, he plagiarized this as well.

It's from a book by Kenneth Goldsmith.

He's plagiarized everything.

>> No.4488463

How do you get the highest marks in an Uncreative Wrting class?

In order to separate yourself from the herd, you'd have to be creative in your plagiarism, but that involves being creative.

>> No.4488468


>getting into fights and getting drunk is a sign of insanity


>> No.4488470

Wouldn't suprise me, he also bought an artistic manifesto that was already in circulation and put it online with his name attached to it.

>> No.4488473

Poor form Shia. Why don't you read some Frye's theories or something?

>> No.4488479

inb4 shia was trying to make a point about intellectual property by repeating what that guy said verbatim for at least half an hour

>> No.4488485

There are a handful of Shia scandals. This one was the most timely, though.
Look up his record online. The dude's kind of a slimeball.

>> No.4488489


is he ever gonna make that biopic of cage the rapper ?

>> No.4488495

literally this just feels like shia got caught plagiarizing and then once people started giving him shit he googled for some stuff to make him feel better about doing it.

>> No.4488519

Yeah thats what I get from it too.

Its funny. Its certainly a novelty. But if a movement arises from this well, bravo TheBeef.

>> No.4488530

>What is your writing about?


>> No.4488533

Seems more like a guy that likes to drink and gets into fights occasionally. In other words, a young man.

>> No.4488551

Copyright is for faggots though, Shia is right whatever his reasons.

>> No.4488572


i think it's a lot worse than this. i think he actually thinks he's creating art.

and people might follow in his footsteps.

>> No.4488578

>by Shia Labeouf

This fucking guy...

>> No.4488606

that's what the plebs said about dadaism

>> No.4488614

This is really pathetic.

>> No.4488617

Wait, he really spells his name LaBeouf?
That's it. He's insane.

>> No.4488629

Have any of you read Shia LaBeouf's new book called Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.4488634


>This includes not only his plagiarising spree, but also his headbutting of a random man in a south London pub last week

>> No.4488646


>> No.4488653


>> No.4488657

I think that video is misinterpreted, clearly the man said something very smart, and Shia was very anxious to plagiarize it. That is why the woman in the end says don't play smart with him around.

>> No.4488659
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>> No.4488673

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my uncreative class at college, and I’ve been involved in numerous art movies like Transformers 2 with Michael Bay, and I have over 300 confirmed manifestos. I am trained in acting and I’m the top plagiarizer in the entire US acting scene. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will plagiarize you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet with me copying it? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that copies the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can copy you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in uncreative thinking, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Hollywood lawyers and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re a fucking copy, kiddo.

>> No.4488678


>> No.4488687

That essay is terribly written. Someone want to relay his message back to him?

>> No.4488707

baldilocks looks shook as fuck

>> No.4488709


>> No.4488711

Why is the title of that essay a hashtag?

>> No.4488713



>> No.4488724

Would have been perfect if you had said "mark your words." You need to think about the little things.

>> No.4488731


>> No.4488761

shia buys his cars for hitting other cars.

>> No.4488804

>what is borderline personality disorder?

actually, a bunch of disorders could explain that

>> No.4488812

serious question though, should creation have to get a lawyer first?

>> No.4488816

>kind of admirable


>> No.4488821

same here hehe

>> No.4488825

Yeah, that was known by the second reply ITT, Sherlock.

>> No.4488873

>Also, I copy 4chan comments into my writing all the time.

y-you too?

>> No.4488890

sure hope so, cage is an interesting person

>> No.4488914
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This is the short he got in trouble for:


I actually like it, sadly it's really literally just a plain copy of the comic (pic related)

>> No.4488926


It's exactly the sort of thing somebody who gets into fights at bars would do.

>> No.4488952
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>> No.4488982

The problem with this kid is, his has a naive idea of plagiarising that leads to the creation of masterpieces in art. It is a process of three different levels and he could only see two levels like all other plebs in the world. The real secret of crafting a literary masterpiece is in the third level. And im not gonna tell you what is it. It took me 10 years to find out.

>> No.4489000

>giving attention to a dumb celeb attentionwhore
brb need to dvr keeping up with the kardashians

>> No.4489010

Alright grandpa. Come back when you've made a classic

>> No.4489016

Tell me what it is.

>> No.4489018


I did.


Sent ;)

>> No.4489030

>I know a secret you don't know, I know a secret you don't know ;P

>> No.4489040
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>mfw you will never find out who i am

Feels good to be patrician. Actually one in a billion or maybe even the only ONE. haha.

>> No.4489049

The secret is you have to live it.

Yeah i know too.

Fuck off secret-guy.

>> No.4489053

Alright, Grandpa time to take your meds

>> No.4489079

>drinking and fighting are symptoms of illness now

le neutered society face

>> No.4489257

lol did he just steal portions of an essay again? it took me a while until i got to the Uncreative Writing class part and realized that I had read about that before

>> No.4489266

>le finally having stability to get down to the real important non-plebeian business face

>> No.4489285

Life is not a Chuck Palahniuk novel.

>> No.4489315


>> No.4489342

did this nigger ever start creating anything of cultural worth?

>> No.4489346

Your exposure to fighting drunks is limited to Palahniuk novels?

>> No.4489349

Shia's worth 25 million, which business would he have to get down to?

>> No.4489354

Why would I in a bar? I'm a merry drunk myself, there is nothing wrong with getting hammered but going to pubs looking to get shitfaced and fighting someone is not "normal#

>> No.4489364

It's a bit of a cunt move perhaps, but that doesn't mean it's a symptom of mental illness.

Getting drunk and getting into trouble is pretty normal behaviour for young people in the Western world.

>> No.4489370

>being a criminal scum is normal.

>> No.4489379

and /pol/ blames immigrants for the degeneracy of the west

>> No.4489395

The history of the Western world is basically a bunch of drunks looking for trouble, it's what makes us great. Defiant cunts picking fights is at the base of all glory.

>> No.4489400 [SPOILER] 
File: 70 KB, 780x624, 3d855d_1001185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should tell him to stop

>> No.4489410

I'm so glad I'm not a normie pleb. How is it, having such a limited mind?

>> No.4489417

fuck off Franzen

your schtick is getting old, you senile hack

>> No.4489421

>grand narratives
>blurring group identities


>> No.4490002

"Shia TheBeef"

I teared up from laughter. Thank you, anon.

>> No.4490024

I'm glad his ignorance will probably keep him away from plagiarizing the theater.

>tfw the last human art.

>> No.4490048

He's just making fun of franco right?

>> No.4490070

>While the author won’t die, we might begin to view authorship in a more conceptual way: perhaps the best authors of the future will be ones who can write the best programs with which to manipulate, parse and distribute language-based practices.

Oh look at my I'm Labeouf, I have to justify my stealing in big words.

>> No.4490080

I did that once, I hadn't seen generation kill when someone posted that Born to Kill monologue by Person. Luckily I didn't put it in a real piece of writing, just in a 1-page flavor sheet for a one-off board game that otherwise contained original writing (and only one person had seen). Still, I was totally mortified

>> No.4490090

>criminal scum
You're the kind of person who posts on /k/ that they would shoot anyone who punches them "because you never know what can happen in a street fight"

>> No.4490092

Poor Jim Gaffigan. He puts in a good performance for nothing.

>> No.4490356

Fuk u shia get away from my carey u fat potato

>> No.4490465


>> No.4490470

I can't believe how bad this is.

>> No.4490471

No I don't get into fights I take care of my most valuable asset; my head. Scum, on the other hand, don't care about if their minds break.

I would use my superior conflict handling skills to make a deal everyone profits from in some way, not guns, I'm not a caveman.

>> No.4490472


Not the guy you're responding to but you're fucking dense. In what context do you randomly get punched? If I had a gun and someone just punched me for no reason I'd shot them dead before they can do worse again.

>> No.4490474

Not that guy, but it sounds like you never had a conflict to resolve in your life.

>> No.4490477

Plenty, even with robbers and thugs. It's all about keeping calm, they are human beings too. I take it you are a emotionally driven scum.

>> No.4490483

[tipping intensifies]

>> No.4490484


so basically you were that kid who got bullied and made fun of himself thinking they would laugh with you instead of at you



>> No.4490489


Yeah man. If only the world leaders would listen to us reasonable people that they should stop fighting because it's wrong. we would have world peace.

I tip my hat to you

>> No.4490491

No I'm the kid that dazzles and manipulates you. But scum like you, of course, never notice you are being used. Keep having your simple views on things, it makes it much easier to play you.

>> No.4490495

0/10 calm it down Cpt. Sperg

>> No.4490496

In summation, thugs and robbers are human beings and skeptics on-line are "scum".

No idea why I come here.

>> No.4490499

Did I strike a nerve?

>> No.4490500


holy shit lol

>> No.4490502
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>No I'm the kid that dazzles and manipulates you.

>> No.4490533
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>It's all about keeping calm, they are human beings too.


>scum like you, of course, never notice you are being used. Keep having your simple views on things, it makes it much easier to play you.

Solid 8/10 - there's no way you could honestly bipolar yourself into such hypocritical retardation without it being a bait.

>> No.4490672
File: 8 KB, 300x300, dazzled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice analogy fuckhead.

if anything this is dada for hipsters, adding risk only as artifice and generally providing the biggest injury not to established biases but to those that created the original works because now it's cool to steal their shit and fuck off with them.

humans have neat capabilities of turning shit into gold, so i'm know there'll be cool substantial works, but just like the bastard child of dada, there's going to be a fuckton of toilets tossing out shit, especially since internet.

maybe that'll be the point after the fact though.


>muh grand narrative of no grand narratives
>muh generalizing generalizations
>muh fractured human "identities"



one of my new favorite posts.

>> No.4490707


by stealing their shit, i mean specifically stealing the form they put their work into. i make this correction because i know someone'll read that and go "muh all art is stealing"

well sure, motherfucker, but i prefer to be more subtle than that when i steal.

where's the line between plagiarism-as-art and putting someone out of work?

>> No.4490713

/lit/'s greatest works are Bloomkid, Corazon di Poeta and these occasional marvels of trolling.

>> No.4490725


>> No.4490753

>mfw you have to be a movie star for your art to be noticed

>> No.4491002

How do you guys know who Shia LaBeouf is?

>> No.4491021

>doesn't know about the fourth level

>> No.4491030

Last night while I was lying in bed the thought of Bloomkid randomly appeared in my mind and I began laughing uncontrollably. Then my girlfriend told me to shut up so I went to sleep. Jk (I don't have a gf).

>> No.4491129

>muh lack of ability to understand paradoxes
>muh lack of counter-argument
>muh retardation


>> No.4491153

>this pleb doesn't know there are 9 levels

>> No.4491179

>don't know about -1/12
>don't know the 26 dimensions
>don't know there are infinite levels

>> No.4491203


Taking 10 years to discover something I knew intuitively since i was 5. Sit back and be dazzled by me.

>> No.4491236
File: 204 KB, 643x970, johntb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Shia is pushing hard antithesis and it's going to make a lot more sense when we get the herald for the new synthesis. He's John the Baptist crying out in the wilderness right now

>> No.4491264


>muh inability to reconcile paradoxes as the irrelevant symbolic inconsistencies they are
>muh implying i was arguing a point more than just mocking you for your obvious deficits and lack of nuance
>muh ad homibuttmad contingent on you believing i was arguing against you and you raising a counter-argument to my non-argument-actually-blatant-mocking-post


>> No.4491512

>if anything this is dada for hipsters
If anything dada was dada for hipsters. You can't apply a lack of conformism as something negative regarding avant garde artistic movements.

>> No.4491558

no it wasn't. you're comparing dada as a reaction to traditionalism/modernism to a hipsterized version as a reaction to fuck all. you don't know what the fuck you're talking about if that analogy is coherent. if anything, i'll concede that this is better standardizing the sentiment, but that's exactly what avant-garde isn't.

best way to describe it is that this would be more like the footmen coming in once the artillery strikes, the cavalry comes in, and the shock troops do their thing.

this dude knows what he's talking about.

>> No.4491615

i was in tears by the end. i love you, /lit/

>> No.4491961

The umteenth Hollywood-star losing it.
