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4489940 No.4489940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did any contemporary historical figures ever point out how fucking retarded Napoleonic warfare was when it was still around?

Even if all you have are shitty muskets couldn't you make up some strategies that don't involve mass suicide?

>> No.4489955

Casualty rates from musket fire were actually kinda low. It wasn't until one side turned and fled and the cavalry chased them down that the body count started climbing. Mainly it was all about intimidation, each side trying to psyche out the other. Hence the silly uniforms.

>> No.4490034

How was it 'fucking retarded'?

What kind of tactics would you expect to work?

>> No.4490041

One would argue that all wars are idiotic

>> No.4490062

Go on, try your best.

>> No.4490063

On Killing, Dave Grossman

>> No.4490064

Muskets weren't accurate enough for guerrila warfare to be any fucking use. Pretty much the only way they could expect to actually hit something was if they all lined up and shot in the same direction.

What else would you advocate?

>> No.4490065

Wars are shit. To quote that black guy, "War, UH, what is it good foh? Absolutely nothing."

Case closed.

>> No.4490066

Which wars were not idiotic?

>> No.4490071

The War of Jenkins' Ear

>> No.4490072

Nice try.

I hope that's not your best.

>> No.4490074

He hasn't made any assertion, you haven't argued anything

>> No.4490079

Napoleonic wars weren't nearly as suicidal as WWI. The accurate rifles, artillery, machine guns, poison gas, tanks caused way more deaths, in Napoleonic regiments would fire and simply retreat to a safe distance since muskets have no range

>> No.4490078

>Muskets weren't accurate enough for guerrila warfare to be any fucking use.



>> No.4490087

But what about cavalry and artillery?

>> No.4490120
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>mass suicide
>Napoleonic warfare

>> No.4490138

Kinda goes without saying buddy...

Wars are stupid. That is simply a fact. Each and everyone one of them has, was or will be a fuckfest of idiocy, if only because they amount of human life wasted could have been put to a better use.

That said, they are spectacularly useful tools for those intelligent enough to cause a war and clever enough to avoid dying in it.

>> No.4490200

well the whole problem with muskets was that they actually worked but only if you were close as shit so if you actually attempted melee combat without reverting to swords n shields you'd lose a free chunk of your dudes before even clashing
so formal warfare stood at a range because in basic combat, that's the only thing that really made sense. You'd take (a lot of) free losses trying to actually stab people from the get-go

and of course there's the whole psychology behind the entrance of guns like seriously what the fuck are guns they completely rewrite combat structure even when you're using shitty muskets and the ease of use and relatively cheap production of those things meant that countries would have to switch into it simply to keep up, they couldn't actually go around sword and shielding

I mean really I don't think there was anything terribly moronic about how they went about musket fighting if you look at it from their perspective

>> No.4490206

Wars to defend from Muslims raping your country?

>> No.4490210

How's that working out ALL OF EUROPE

>> No.4490215

I knew you'd say that, but I meant the Crusades and wars on the Balkans against fucking Turks. Those were more than justified.

>> No.4490222

This was pretty much the case in all warfare before the 20th century.

>> No.4490232

War is an integral part of nature. Creatures of every kind have to compete with each other for limited resources. Sometimes through guile other times through violence. If you do not fight, then others will take what is yours. True, we may use morality to create some resemblance of peace within our society. But in the end, might triumphs over morality.

>> No.4490254

>Specious crap.
Fuck off back to >>>C17th.

>> No.4490259

How so?

>> No.4490289
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>> No.4490291

You're anthropomorphising animals by attributing uniquely human social processes, such as War which is a deeply contextualised act, to uncontextualised non-lingual animal processes like dolphins violently fucking dolphins.

>> No.4490302

Oh.. My.. God.. You are even more delusional than Sarah Palin after three hours of oxygen deprivation.

Muslims were SO much more advanced than anything any European could've dreamed of during the times of the muslim invasion in Europe.

The crusades? justified?
Yeah, murder of thousands of your own people with a false promise (go and you shall recieve a place in the kingdom of heaven, all your sins will be cleared) against the murder of thousands of others who were just living their lives is justified because the pope said so!

This is one of the most short sighted, most cultural pessimistic, most racist and most rediculous things I've ever read on this board.
Never post again.

>> No.4490306

But isn't religion, honor, and justice, simply justification we use to acquire material and power? Even the crusades itself were also propelled by greed and the Vatican's desire to weaken the warring kings.

>> No.4490361

Fuck me you're an illiterate cunt.

>> No.4490697

OP is a grade A moron. He actually thinks theres such a thing as non-retarded warfare. He is clearly a naive individual with no understanding of what war actually is.

captcha: victories nahiays

>> No.4493102


In reality, not all that great. It was a B rate empire at its best.

Europe has produced more empires than any other continent. Empires that lasted.

Whats the status on the Islamic Ummah? Last time I checked the Arab world was reeling and writhing in violence after the Brits, French, Russians, and Americans tried to deal with the destabilization of an entire region after The Ottoman Empire fell.

Btw the only good country in that god-forsaken region are Turkey. And you can thank Based Abu Bakr for that.

>> No.4493138
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>historical materialism

>> No.4493143
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>_a_ B rate empire_

>Europe has produced the most empires
>Empires that lasted

>Euros ruin the Mid-east
>Hur it's the mozlems fault


>> No.4493165

uhhhhh... it WAS the regions fault. I'm not blaming Muslims or any religion but the Caliphate's ineffective government.

And pro-tip, westernize or face economic imperialism

>> No.4493182

not all wars m8y


>> No.4493183

How did Euros ruin Middle-East?

>> No.4493214


>> No.4493243

The fucking Muslims started it by fucking with the Byzantines and the Levant. The First Crusade was reactionary. Then the following jihads and crusades were reactionary to war prior to it. BUT it all started with the Muslims (the fucking ARABS, you would have a case if you said the then Zoroastrian Persians) invading a country they has no right to step foot in.

>only good country in that god-forsaken region are Turkey
You're wrong. Fuck Turkey. Remove kebab.

>> No.4493244

what's a good book on the french revolution and napolean?

>> No.4493249

Napoleon : A history of the art of war, from the beginning of the peninsular war to the end of the Russian campaign, with a detailed account of the Napoleonic Wars by Theodore Dodge

>> No.4493262

>Remove Kebab
only works for uncivilized kebab. Lets not forget who dismantled the religious caliphate.

>> No.4493266

Counterpoint: Tupac is living in Serbia