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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 315x500, don-quixote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4484749 No.4484749[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just finished pic related, and I really enjoyed it.

Story was interesting and entertaining all throughout and it was a fun read. Honor, romance, class distinctions, and more classical references that you'll ever find it had everything.

Also, it was better than Brothers Karamozov

>> No.4484762

Great Job OP. It read like flowing honey for me

>> No.4485411

Cervantes was homosexual.

>> No.4485451


I bet you read it in English pleb

>> No.4485452

I am spanish and I never finished it because I found it boring
haters gonna hate

>> No.4485480

chupe mantequilla de mi culo

>> No.4485546
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>chupe mantequilla de mi culo
ill give u a 6/10 because u spell butter right but i can tell your spanish isnt very prodigious keep on reading bro u'll get it someday

>> No.4485740

Extreme spoilers (even if you've already read the book): Don Quixote may not've been a knight-errant and knight-errants may never have existed, but the inchanters did exist and were responsible for Don Quixote's delusion. That's the point of the whole book -- Mark Twain knew this, he made Tom Sawyer in Huckleberry Finn believe in inchanters, ostensibly as a joke, really as a subtle nod for the people who noticed this. That's why Don Quixote had such an amusingly selective insanity, and why he so conveniently regained sanity before his death. Inchanters are real. Believe it.

>> No.4485972
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u fuggit w0t m8

>> No.4485989

any other worthy Spanish literature?

>> No.4485998

Voy a poner mi verga en la boca de tu madre.

>> No.4486017

7/10 for the slang but still too "englished" to be spanish insult

>> No.4486038

You give him a 7/10 just for "verga"? That is some bullshit grade inflation right there.

>> No.4486069

well its clear he knows some slang and that is part of language maybe he didnt displayed his full knowledge of slangs but its clear he knows a few
while its true that might be the only one he knows as far as i know we cant know so ill give him the benefit of the doubt
honestly i think 1 point is a nice but if you want we can change it to a 0.5 increase for a total 6.5

>> No.4486080

Vete a rankear a la puta que te pario

>> No.4486085

¿En que parte de hispanoamerica se usa rankear?

>> No.4486098

En el coño de tu madre

>> No.4486333

lel no. one hit wonder

>> No.4486508

Good book, and I like the Grossman translation as well. Good job OP.

>> No.4487064

no existe rankear que yo sepa

>> No.4487312

...the fuck?

>> No.4487480


Grab yourself a copy of his Exemplary Novels. Maybe also try Rabelais next for something a bit more weird.

>> No.4487493

Quevedo, Antonio Machado, Borges, Cela, Gongora. Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Golden_Age

>> No.4488762

One of the great pieces of literature because no two people walk away taking the same thing from it.

>> No.4488777

lol this guy

>> No.4489263

The Leopard
Or so I've heard

>> No.4489267

I'm reading it right now and so far it seems pretty dull. It's just Don Quixote going from place to place and doing wacky things because he's insane. It was amusing at first but it's growing tiresome. Is there something I'm missing? I think I must not be a very good reader.

>> No.4489322


Every time the ingenious gentleman speaks should be an orgasm for your plebeian ears, he conceives and abandons thoughts more insightful in a second than you'll ever comprehend in your entire life. The inchanters are real and you can suck my dick.

>> No.4489332


>> No.4489335

it gets more structured in the second part, and in the second half of the first part. it's also funny as fuck

but really you're in it for sancho panza. dude is the best character ever and everything he does is hilarious.