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File: 188 KB, 640x450, heidegger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4483026 No.4483026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will reading this man cure my nihilism?

>> No.4483035

>my nihilism

>> No.4483041

As far as I know, Heidegger never payed out a system of ethics. So if you're bent towards nihilism for some reason, he will probably only reinforce your presuppositions.

>> No.4483186

Epicurus helps me.

>> No.4483188

Isn't he quite the nihilist?

>> No.4483191

Okay, here's how you cure nihilism:

1. stop staying up late
2. wake up in the morning and eat a healthy breakfast
3. work out, if you're male lift heavy weights (deadlifts)
4. work on making yourself attractive
5. meet women and have sexual interactions with them

the cure to being nihilistic is filling your life with things that make humans satisfied.

>> No.4483198

This. You don't really give a shit about the intrinsic lack of value in everything your brain is just using this as a scapegoat for your unhappiness. In reality your unhappiness stems from pretty simple and material shortcomings in your life.

>> No.4483204
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You either accept nihilism or you try to delude yourself with some theological purpose. Living life to its fullest and enjoying oneself, along with any other self assigned purpose, is all you need.

>> No.4483214

well, people really are ignorant and they confuse angst with profundity. no one likes to think that the answers to their problems are simple, but they are

>> No.4483222

what if all this doesn't work for a person/

>> No.4483231

Okay. Where do I start with epicruism; keep in mind I have never read anything about philosophy so if there any prerequisites, please do recommend them as well.

ur vry attractive btw

>> No.4483234

Oh dear, this amount of plebeianism in one post.

>> No.4483239
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listen in that order

>> No.4483242

Is that a he or a she?

>> No.4483247
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that's our qt grill janny m8

>> No.4483254

then you've done it wrong. i'm hesitant to say this but it's possible you have an actual brain disorder like depression; however, never fucking excuse yourself.

also take a hearty dose of time to learn what you can about nutrition and diet - learn what's in the foods you eat, how many calories, etc, and start noticing how what you eat effects you. you may think "oh yeah i know all that" well, you're full of shit, because diet and nutrition are complex and vary between people - you can spend 5 years perfecting a diet/sleep/exercise routine and never perfect it.

Also, start interacting socially. Look up Harry Harlow and The Pit of Despair if you want to see what happens when primates don't interact - learn how to be friendly, strike up conversations, and interact in a way that doesn't encourage "using" people - once you start caring about the lives of other people, you start caring about your own life.

>> No.4483258

>hur hur i'm so patrician because i sit at home and read all day
>i'm smarter than everyone because i hate interacting with people
>maybe one day if i keep trying i'll be talented and worth something!!!!

>> No.4483263

>tfw you realize you really are a psychopath like your mother recently suggested

>> No.4483264

Nihilism is retarded and you're retarded. You wouldn't understand him, because you're retarded.

>> No.4483271


What exactly do you think his ramblings about how terrible mechanization are if not a system of ethics, however vague?

>> No.4483273

thank you very much. You also included a picture of qt butterfly; I love you

>> No.4483316


By the way, there's no reason for Heidegger to cure you of your "nihilism" (an impossible cognitive state, by the way, and merely a way to make oneself feel unique and profound) than any other thinker that posits something besides "nihilism".

>> No.4483322
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No, but reading this one will.

>> No.4483337

i agree

>> No.4483359

>an impossible cognitive state
how is it an impossible cognitive state? as long as you avoid acknowledging your belief system it should be possible. Just never try to tell someone that you are a nihilist because then it will no longer be true.

>> No.4483371

I think the problem with existential nihilism, the idea that life has no meaning or whatever, isn't the idea: yeah, life has no meaning. we are biological machines. Our machinations are designed to work a certain way; when you increase the health of your mind and body, your view of life won't change, but it won't seem negative. We are programmed to feel happy when we are with other people and are useful to them and society at large. Does this mean that you have a "purpose"? No, and thinking of life in such terms is nonsensical.

>> No.4483437
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No, but this man will.

>> No.4483462

>theological purpose

>> No.4483473


There are always certain implicit beliefs. It is impossible to simply abstain from believing. It's like abstaining from eating, or from thinking.

>> No.4483496

/fit/ don't you have squats to be doing and feels of no gf to be feeling?

>> No.4483503

>not the biggest joke ever

>> No.4483504

>implying exercise isn't critical to being mentally healthy

>> No.4483506

You shoul read Nietzsche if you want ato overcome nihilism.
You could also read the Bible, but it is more of a placebo than a cure.

>> No.4483509


>> No.4483511

>implying I was implying

>> No.4483516

I can abstain from both of those things at least temporarily.

>> No.4483525


these posts are awful pop-psychology tripe latent with logical fallacies

>> No.4483564

>Is afraid of the void and death
>Life on earth is just an anteroom where you wait for your true life, in eternal prostration before a sky-king in the clouds. IE, your purpose.

>> No.4483571

This. The key to happiness is a lot of sex with a lot of different women. Good luck, OP. *tips fedora*

>> No.4483579

>retarded straw mans

Yeah um, no. If one woman suits you, then have sex with her. Sex is just good for mental health

>> No.4483586

Oh really, which fallacies and what pop science?

>> No.4483592

>religion is shit but still believe in it
>mock others who don't because you have no proof

>> No.4483604
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>> No.4483627

>implying that Nietzsche was a total basement-dwelling, hikkomori NEET neckbeard
Yeah, because look what the non-nihilistic nazis did.

>> No.4483661

> recommending reading Nietzsche or the bible

>> No.4483723

>the cure to nihilism is hedonism

>> No.4483743

>thought is a substitute for experience


>> No.4483885

all experience is experience in as much as it is mediated by thought

>> No.4483897

>patrician culture of the silver and gold age of roman literature
I'd ask you to kill yourself, but it's an honour reserved the upper classes. Please get enslaved without an antirape resale clause.

>> No.4483903

>cure my nihilism
sounds like you've already abandoned it, but sure, read some heidegger so you can have an "internet addiction" to go with that "nihilism"

>> No.4483908

The cure for nihilism is dying happy, being finally satisfied with even the small amount of time we were granted existence by the universe, after having lived a long and fulfilling life.

>> No.4484033

You cure your nihilism by accepting that things do mean things to you, and allowing this meaning to emerge organically.
The belief that you're a nihilist or have nihilism is more delusional than acknowledging that you already find things meaningful and surrendering to that process of meaning.

>> No.4484079
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>> No.4484083
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>>cure my nihilism
>sounds like you've already abandoned it

This. If you were truly nihilistic you wouldn't even consider the possibility of a cure.

A lot of posters on this board think they're nihilistic but in reality they're just young and unsure about their path in life yet. It will pass.

Just try to be a good person and do good works and your understanding of life and your place within it will deepen as the years pass.

>> No.4484189

nietzsche a good shout the over coming of nihilism with you accepting yourself even though it is determinist.

>> No.4484227

Yes he will. Even though there's nothing to 'cure'.

>If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life - and only then will I be free to become myself.

>Anyone can achieve their fullest potential, who we are might be predetermined, but the path we follow is always of our own choosing. We should never allow our fears or the expectations of others to set the frontiers of our destiny. Your destiny can't be changed but, it can be challenged. Every man is born as many men and dies as a single one.

Also he will strengthen your understanding of phenomenology and hermeneutics if you're an academic.

>> No.4484237

I've already tried this, it only works for chumps. Some men can't be satisfied, use it as a strength, it's your drive to achieve your potential. Social recognition is worth shit, if you're like me.

>> No.4484540

I don't know about Heidegger, but reading Ayn Rand flung me out of a nihilistic spell. Read 'Atlas Shrugged', or 'Objectivism' by Leonard Peikoff if you want to formally study her philosophy.

>> No.4484583

What sort of nihilism are you talking about? it's more of a family of beliefs, it's not one specific belief

>> No.4484586
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>> No.4484592
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are you tying to me make me ayn hero m8?

>> No.4484595

>plastic sunglasses
>that hair
>pierced ears


>> No.4484598

I really hope this is bait.

>> No.4484599
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das it mane

>> No.4484628
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Reality is a pretty good inoculation against nihilism. In fiction, you can create a slanted, spun, skewed world where everything seems a certain way. The real world if full of joy, anger, sorrow, sex, fun, etc.

Keep fiction where it belongs, entertainment and education (in that order).

>> No.4484645

ITT: People who don't know what the experience of actual "nihilism" would be like if it punched them in the fucking face.

ITT: People who think choosing a "way of life" is like SHOPPING IN A FUCKING MARKETPLACE. "Oh I'll just choose epicurianism or live life to the fullest". A meaningful "way of life" is HARD AS FUCK to achieve, you have to suffer and overcome many challenges.

Fucking cracka ass muthafuckas.

>> No.4484651


So rather than reproduce an idiotic mode of "production" (shopping), you actually have to participate in the base raw material acquisition of experiences which give sense and judgment to your neurology to create new evaluations.

It sucks but you might actually have to go through challenges, suffer, be content with the brief periods of contentment, and suffer the tectonics of your unconscious processing.

>> No.4484658


Thought is mediated by innumerable bodily cybernetics. Experience isn't "mediated" by thought, thought is just a SINGLE COMPONENT OF A VAST REGULATORY AND HOMEODYNAMIC SYSTEM in which experience plays a multiple variety of roles.

>> No.4485852
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getting laid 'cured my nihilism' which was really depression

There are basic human needs and if those needs are not being fulfilled, you will feel like shit. Don't chalk it up to some philosophical bullshit, its probably more basic and animalistic, you might be socially or sexually unfulfilled, physically sick or weak, etc.

Real Nihilism is not a shitty feeling to be cured, it is a philosophical position on ethics, metaphysics or epistemology. The problem is that people tend to associate one with the other.

Anyways, work out, eat well, sleep well, meet more people, go outside, have sex, have meaningful relationships with other humans, get a job or a better one, work on improving yourself, etc etc

>> No.4485863
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>> No.4485878

despite the aspergers virgins ITT, this is true. If this still doesn't work, I suggest psychotherapy and/or a psychiatric evaluation.

>> No.4485889

That's not true. That prescription is shallow as fuck and will only fill the void of basic people content with the fulfilling of the basics. Some of us crave more. I don't know what OP is though.

>> No.4485890


>> No.4485939

its shallow, out of profundity, as Nietzsche says of the Greeks

The sexual imperative is the most powerful drive of our species, and of all animals. We are first and foremost social animals. Our minds is nothing but the function of the physical. Change the physical and social conditions and you'll change all this depressive nihilism crap, which is just an intellectualization of your depression.

Not like you can't have other goals in life of course.

>> No.4485941

Actually you don't. You're the shallow one because you're too weak and lack the moral fiber to stick through with anything and improve yourself. You, in your incomplete, shitty state, have confounded with great indignation that all activities you are too scared or weak to do are inferior to shield your pathetic, flimsy ego. P-R-E-T-E-N-T-I-O-U-S.

You are literally on-tier with fedora, nice-guy friend zone neckbeards.

>> No.4485960

Yup. Anyone who rejects casual sex and being social as cures to depression/nihilism needs to read these two articles:

It's a patent fact that humans absolutely need healthy social contact to be healthy. The people who reject being social, especially with strangers, are simply too afraid to develop one of the most critical brain faculties.

>> No.4485965

>Actually you don't. You're the shallow one because you're too weak and lack the moral fiber to stick through with anything and improve yourself.

Nice armchair psycho-analysis you got going there. You don't know shit and think everyone seeks just to achieve mediocrity like yourself. All my bases are covered mate and I seek the sublime.

Learn something from this guy right here >>4485939

>> No.4485979

That guy is agreeing with my message, so, you're retarded

>> No.4486003

He doesn't make unfounded guesses on my motivations or state of mind or person, can't you read?

>> No.4486011

Those things are great, apart from having sex with many different women, but they aren't the end-all be-all solution to nihilism.

Nihilism exists because people feel there should be more, and there is. Read Ecclesiastes.

I have never been nihilistic, and I think that's due to my strong religious upbringing (Jehovah's Witness)

I'm not here to preach, I'm just saying it might help.

>> No.4486018

>things came from nothing
>pretending to be over death

>> No.4486019

I don't have to know you personally to identify the cop out of an anti-intellectual.

>> No.4486022

Well I wasn't trying to imply you had to have sex with LOTS of women to be happy, just have sex. It can be with one girl, as long as you do it. I wanted that point to be open to the reader based on how they feel

>> No.4486023

No. I'm one of the least nihilistic people alive, and I'm a stout atheist. I simply understand the mechanics of happiness.

>> No.4486030

>I mean, just fuck some bitches, man

I said I got my bases covered, I seek the sublime. You don't seem to 'get' it. Lay off that marijuana it makes you dumb.

>> No.4486034

It must be nice to have such a deep understanding. I'm sure you would be able to cure someone with clinical depression, the types of people who kill themselves over how they badly they feel.

>> No.4486040

Depression is a hard-cut rut in a persons brain chemistry and behavioral patterns; it takes serious time and non-general life changes to fix. You're oversimplifying the five steps.

Then you need to investigate your brain chemistry from another angle. Try meditation, learn what parts of life bother you and work on solving them one at a time, sleep more, eat different, etc.

Your brain is enormously complex, I've only stated some of the basics. Get cracking on tinkering consciousness, but accept that there is no quick fix.

>> No.4486041
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1. The infinity of time and space are as weird as life itself, but to assume our ancient forefathers, let alone ourselves, can simply imagine a creator for our origins is wildly improbable. A god or gods now exist only on the thinest of possibilities. And we have no way of knowing how to be worshipful to it.
2. I do indeed wish for an unreasonably long life with perfect health till the bitter end, but rest your little head, I am indeed over my eventual end.

>> No.4486044

shut up

>> No.4486045

>The infinity of time and space are as weird as life itself
Space and time are not infinite

>> No.4486049
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>> No.4486050

What's on the other side of the fence of either?

>> No.4486052

I'm thinking about going into some Buddhist teachings, I'm thinking about ordering Tao of the Pooh and Te of the Piglet right now. It seems like a sensible path of annihilating excess want.

>> No.4486053

I don't know.

>> No.4486056

I would be wary of Buddhism, there is irrational metaphysics thrown in. I've tried being skeptical about meditation but I feel meditation has something to it.

>> No.4486059

But religions like Christianity end up being more nihilistic than non religious nihilism, because of the ascetic ideal. They would much rather "will nothingness, than not will"

Remember to read your Nietzsche kids

>> No.4486060

>things came from nothing
This is the most fucking retarded argument in favour of God, because God being the uncaused cause means he simply exists, i.e he 'came from nothing'.

It is infinitely more likely that the universe exists causally than it is that something exists that would be complex enough and powerful enough to will it into existence.

The former at least has evidence to support it.

>> No.4486061

>irrational metaphysics thrown in

So what? I'm not building space rockets here.

>> No.4486065

Buddhism and Zen has a lot of great stuff, particularly their meditative praxis.

However be weary of their metaphysics and their unnatural soteriological goals (ending all natural human desire).

This is from an ex Buddhist btw

>> No.4486066

Well yeah, I mean, with Christianity you're bound to eternal worship or eternal suffering. There is no option besides to be moral. It literally robs every part of being moral

>> No.4486067

It's probably more space and time. Empty? Warmer? Faster? Looped back to the beginning? Hell if I know.

>> No.4486074

You aren't bound to eternal suffering, "hell" is essentially a mistranslation.

Read what we have to say on hell, it's very short:


catpcha: First godite

>> No.4486075

How is you 'ex' Buddhist by not practicing or by finding something entirely different to believe in?

>> No.4486078

I don't think wondering about it really makes sense. It's like spending hours trying to remember before you were born. You can try and try but you will never make progress

>> No.4486079

>“If we leave aside the ascetic ideal, then man, the animal man, has had no meaning up to this point. His existence on earth has had no purpose. “Why man at all?” was a question without an answer. The will for man and earth was missing. Behind every great human destiny echoes as refrain an even greater “in vain!” That’s just what the ascetic ideal means: that something is missing, that a huge hole surrounds man—he did not know how to justify himself to himself, to explain, to affirm; he suffered from the problem of his meaning. He also suffered in other ways as well: he was for the most part a pathological animal, but the suffering itself was not his problem, rather the fact that he lacked an answer to the question he screamed out, “Why this suffering?” Man, the bravest animal, the one most accustomed to suffering, does not deny suffering in itself; he desires it; he seeks it out in person, provided that people show him a meaning for it, a purpose of suffering. The curse that earlier spread itself over men was not suffering, but the senselessness of suffering—and the ascetic ideal offered him a meaning! The ascetic ideal has been the only meaning offered up to this point. Any meaning is better than no meaning at all; however one looks at it, the ascetic ideal has so far been the “faute de mieux” [for lack of something better] par excellence. In it suffering was interpreted, the huge hole appeared filled in, the door shut against all suicidal nihilism. The interpretation undoubtedly brought new suffering with it—more profound, more inner, more poisonous, and more life-gnawing suffering; it brought all suffering under the perspective of guilt. . . . But nevertheless—with it man was saved. He had a meaning; from that point on he was no longer like a leaf in the wind, a toy ball of nonsense, of “without sense”; he could now will something—at first it didn’t matter where, why, or how he willed: the will itself was saved. We simply cannot conceal from ourselves what is really expressed by that total will which received its direction from the ascetic ideal: this hate against what is human, even more against animality, even more against material things—this abhorrence of the senses, of reason itself, this fear of happiness and beauty, this longing for the beyond away from all appearance, change, becoming, death, desire, even longing itself—all this means, let’s have the courage to understand this, a will to nothingness, an aversion to life, a revolt against the most fundamental preconditions of life—but it is and remains a will! . . . And to finish up by repeating what I said at the beginning: man will sooner will nothingness than not will . . .”

>> No.4486083

I still meditate, but I do not hold to the worldview, philosophy or goal of Buddhism (Nibbana, the blowing out of craving - tanha).

>> No.4486086

So I label it infinite.

>> No.4486093

Our contemporary view of the universe is that it is finite and expanding, but from us to the edge of the observable universe is around 46 billion light years away(4.3×10 to the 26th power in meters), so we can't exactly go check and see whats at the edge.

>> No.4486099

Yeah well, I'm still not sold entirely on meditation because I think it's not impossible for the psychological effects to be obtained in other ways. But meditation isn't a bad route, I just don't think it is as grand as its made to be

>> No.4486101

It's also inapplicable with modern society isn't it? There's no monastery to go to anymore if you feel like opting out for a while like you can in Buddhist societies.

>> No.4486106

Science disagrees though. First, it's not "time and space", it's time space because the two are casually linked. Second, there's fairly good evidence that time space had an origin "big bang" which suggest that neither are infinite. Creationists assume this means God has to exist, namely the cosmological argument, but really supposing what was "before" the Big Bang is impossible at our current understanding. I put "before" in quotes because iirc time doesn't make sense in that sense

>> No.4486107

Well that's because America is intrinsically a forced consumerist society

>> No.4486108
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That's the universal explosion of galaxies from the big bang and its light. I can see that as a fence of sorts, but for me, there has to be more space. Empty or pressing up against another universe or whatever, I and no one else knows.
Just my view of things.

>> No.4486110


>> No.4486113

I believe we non-experience the other side of the fence when we die. Not that it really matters since it's non-experience.

>> No.4486117


>> No.4486119

I have little doubt that if a successful commune were to form, the government would want to take it down. Walmart does need better profits next quarter, after all.

>> No.4486129

How ghastly it would be if Walmart didn't experience growth, they are employing the elderly so they don't starve or eat cat-food.

>> No.4486132

But that's the problem with every fucking nihilism thread on this board, is it not? Is is a metaphysical nihilism we are talking and/or an ethical? Do you negate a universal meaning of life (in form or only in content?), a history formed by reason (and therefore the possibility of changing the world according to ideals) or the possibility of truth?
The mere fact that most of the nihilist posters (which I assume are ethical nihilists or meaning of life nihilists) are still alive indicates to me that these guys are extremely inconsequential, if you acknowledge them as what they introduce themselves. The only person that sees no value any longer is a person that readies him- or herself for suicide. Pretty much all of these threads seem to me like a gathering of people try to promote their (sometimes edgy) lifestyle

>> No.4486137

I think it's a subject that many people give a lot of thought to, especially today where we are almost all educated and knows what's up.

>> No.4486142

this. also i'm pretty sure he's not saying go fuck sluts, he's saying romance some quality women

>> No.4486165

Well I think part of the problem is these people are conflating depression or feelings of emptiness with nihilism. Nihilism doesn't care what you feel. I am an existential nihilist and often border on absurdism: life has absolutely no greater meaning, and even asking that question makes no sense. In fact, I feel the mark of a true intellectual isn't how they answer these rhetorical questions, it's how they go about thinking of the question. Not to toot my own horn too loudly but I seriously pondered the meaning of life in high school, it's just a question that doesn't pertain, like what color greed is or how apathetic is mathematics. Life is just forced slavery, you are a biological machine, and happiness is the result of chemicals and physical brain structure. It's possible to control these and doing so is important to making your slavery tolerable.

>> No.4486174

all women are hypergamous sluts you just need to draw it out of them

>> No.4486181

Women are no different from men

>> No.4486182

by following this lifestyle wouldn't this imply the same thing about males as well

>> No.4486193

Also, I think most of the pseudo-nihilists in this thread are making one key error. They're assuming that their logical understanding of nihilism is the cause of their depression, most likely they only understand their depression through a false understanding of nihilism. Depression and happiness are basic for most brains (I take every instance of 'depression' and 'Im so special my brain is just broken and its impossible to fix' explanations extremely skeptically). In any case, they are the result of controllable physical events.

>> No.4486197

How do you mean? I mean, in totality that's wrong, but I think you're talking about certain characteristics where men and women are practically indistinguishable. Which characteristic is that?

>> No.4486222

I know you, I know you. You're the only serious person in the room, aren't you, the only one who understands, and you can prove it by the fact that you've never finished a single thing in your life. You're the only well-educated person, because you never went to college, and you resent education, you resent social ease, you resent good manners, you resent success, you resent any kind of success, you resent God, you resent Christ, you resent thousand-dollar bills, you resent Christmas, by God, you resent happiness, you resent happiness itself, because none of that's real. What is real, then? Nothing's real to you that isn't part of your own past, real life, a swamp of failures, of social, sexual, financial, personal...spiritual failure. Real life. You poor bastard. You don't know what real life is, you've never been near it. All you have is a thousand intellectualized ideas about life. But life? Have you ever measured yourself against anything but your own lousy past? Have you ever faced anything outside yourself? Life! You poor bastard

>> No.4486224

>Which characteristic is that?
The one I was responding to.
Though I don't generalize like that anon. "All women" Drrrrrr.

>> No.4486245
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>denying biology

now you've gone full retard

Female and Male sexual strategies are markedly different, educate yourself

>> No.4486261

Well, there are ways in which you can sort of generalize. Like, "all women don't have dicks psychologically," right, so either they don't have dicks or their brain wasn't created to accept that they do. And for classic, non genderqueer people, your brain and hormones are different. The question is what sort of impact this has, most people completely overstate the impact these can have on the person. But wishing away the effect homones can have on behavior isn't changing the fact that men and women probably have different biological incentives.

But yeah, the whole idea of "woman logic" or that "women are emotional and irrational" is just misogyny

>> No.4486267


>> No.4486270

Well, yeah, I think the people who insist there's no difference between the sexes are being presumptuous. There's shaky evidence for or against either, but given history and.. well, sentience, it's not hard to see that men and women have noticeable patterns in which they act different. Now, some will say that the roles are the result of society, right, that it's all artificial.. but I'm disinclined to accept this; society is the natural result of our biology, and so (in the Marxian sense) I think it is often structured around the material conditions and our biology versus dictating how we act. There are certain memes which can have potent effects, but they are rare

>> No.4486274

There's no one here that's not capable of understanding or thinking like me, nor are my opinions original or profound

>> No.4486281

>All this projection

Damn nigga.

>> No.4486291

excellent argument, only partially better than a Jezebel rant I'm afraid

>> No.4486303

See now. I'd never do that. Shoo.

>> No.4486308

So which /r/TheRedPill user are you?

>> No.4486328

Do you not have an opinion, or was I offensive?

>> No.4486330

eh, that's a pretty shitty sub, not because its wrong but because its just filled but pretty useless posts

just read books like The Red Queen and Sperm Wars

>> No.4486357


look up what hypergamous means.

it was a forehead smacking moment for me too, dont worry.

>> No.4486377

This yours? -> >>4486261

[Stepped out]

>> No.4486381

I hope you actually understood why that anon put it in that manner

The point is women will marry rich "provider" types, but make no mistake, they will still desire the "bad boy" sexually attractive alpha types, especially in certain points in their cycle.

This was an evolved trait, if a woman could get the best of both worlds (a provider for her children, and the best genes for her children) why would she settle for less? Cuckolding is a sexual strategy, just like polygamy.

>> No.4486387


read the quote chain.

>> No.4486404



>> No.4486409

yeah, that was mine.

>> No.4486445
File: 73 KB, 374x750, 1388046066332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People who don't know what depression actually is. It's not the 'not getting laid' blues, it's a symptom of mental disorder. I've been suffering from chronic depression from years and despite having a weak sex drive I've had plenty of casual and romantic sex and it hasn't done anything for how I'm feeling.

>> No.4486452

'depression' is different from 'clinical depression'.

i've used both terms interchangeably in this thread, much to my post-analysis chagrin

>> No.4486455

>'depression' is different from 'clinical depression'.

Sadly, most don't know the difference. Then they get pissed off when saying "just cheer up" to a person with a mental disorder doesn't work.

>> No.4486463

Well, I insist that 'clinical depression' is much more rare as a physical brain fault. More often it's a person who is depressed because they live a shitty life, and can't figure out how to break the cycle. I'm not opposed to a person being on anti-depressants, but I think too many people like to make themselves excuses and dope up to avoid having to make some real, hard, changes in their life.

>> No.4486507

yes, what I meant in >>4485852 by depression was more along the lines of sadness, melancholy, etc than actual Clinical Depression.

>> No.4486572
File: 15 KB, 618x407, facepalm_227785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people confuse nihilism with pessimism. not the same thing at all. you can very well be a voluntarist, and still deny meaning, values or purpose.

>> No.4486748

I really wanted to get into Evola Traditionalism, but you just can't accept any of it if you're not religious and/or "spiritual".

>> No.4487121

>I really wanted to get into Evola


>> No.4487163

He told the boy that although he was huérfano still he must cease his wanderings and make for himself some place in the world because to wander in this way would become for him a passion and by this passion he would become estranged from men and so ultimately from himself. He said that the world could only be known as it existed in men's hearts. For while it seemed a place which contained men it was in reality a place contained within them and therefore to know it one must look there and come to know those hearts and to do this one must live with men and not simply pass among them. He said that while the huérfano might feel that he no longer belonged among men he must set this feeling aside for he contained within him a largeness of spirit which men could see and that men would wish to know him and that the world would need him even as he needed the world for they were one. Lastly he said that while this itself was a good thing like all good things it was also a danger. Then he removed his hands from the boy's saddle and stepped away and stood. The boy thanked him for his words but he said that he was in fact not an orphan and then he thanked the women standing there and turned the horse and rode out. They stood watching him go. As he passed the last of the brush wickiups he turned and looked back and as he did so the old man called out to him. Eres, he said. Eres huérfano.