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/lit/ - Literature

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4483224 No.4483224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4483228

Who is this faggot and why should we care?

>> No.4483232

He's one of the greatest artistic giants of all time. He is to 21st century art as Duchamp is to 20th century art.

>> No.4483233

NYC bum who claims to be god with a cult following

>> No.4483235

"I like to get information from doing stuff like actually talking to people and living real life."

Another part of the quote.

>> No.4483238

>one of the greatest artistic giants of all time...
Get off /lit/ Kanye.

>> No.4483252


Try Chicago, you uneducated swine.

>> No.4483259


He's right. Most novels should be rewritten to 72pt font sentences (one per page) full of glib, knee-jerk and even cliché sayings.

>> No.4483261

He never said this il/lit/erate faggot.

>> No.4483265
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Sitcom idea: Tao Lin and Kanye West get an apartment on the upper east side. Every week they learn a new life lesson.

With special guest appearances from Shia LaBeouf as himself in a recurring role.

>> No.4483270

lives in ny doe

>> No.4483275

throw james franco in the mix and i'm in

>> No.4483276



>> No.4483277

True, but he generally reps Chicago. Like, if Nas lived in Miami, you'd still associate him with New York.

But I reckon it doesn't matter in the end.

>> No.4483278

It's always amazing when I talk to normal people and they claim to listen to this guy and call him an artist.

He definitely has talent ... obviously these celebrity types take acting classes and stuff. But I think he'd be better described as a performer than an artist. I doubt he even writes his own material.

As for why people listen to him and other mainstream pop stars, I do not know. I personally only really listen to musical numbers. Everything else is very bland.

His contempt of literature can be explained. People do not like things they do not understand. He has probably either never tried much to read, or he is illiterate. Either way he has never gotten anything out of books, and the fact that other people have confounds him and causes him cognitive dissonance. That is why he said the thing above. I say the same thing about his music, as well as other music, as I do not understand why other people like it.

>> No.4483284

I almost pitched James Franco as the recurring guest star. He can come along, too.

I'm picturing an episode where Kanye mistakenly believes Tao and James are a gay couple. Like, he overhears a snippet of conversation out of context and misconstrues in typical sitcom fashio. So he starts having homophobic outbursts at them they can't understand, until they finally figure it out and explain, but at the end Kanye learns an important lesson about tolerance.

>> No.4483287

>I doubt he even writes his own material.

He absolutely does. In fact he's infamous amongst the other artists he collaborates with because he keeps demanding they rewrite their lines and offering them suggestions and shit, and won't take anything but the very best.

>> No.4483291

keef is the only true chiraq dri repper

>> No.4483292

Actually, he did.


>West's derision of books comes despite the fact that his late mother, Donda West, was a university English professor before she retired to manage his music career.

She did a hell of a job.

>> No.4483296

I feel like he's musically fairly average, but artistically he's a genius on par with Merzbow, Duchamp, Tao Lin, etc.

>> No.4483297

Nobody has ever claimed that Kanye is a lyrical genius (except for maybe Kanye). He's a producer first, a performer second and a writer lastly. I think a lot of people simply feel threatened by how strong his personality is and make assumptions based on TMZ reports without ever really listening to his music.

>> No.4483302

>West, a college dropout, said being a non-reader was helpful when he wrote his book because it gave him "a childlike purity."

what the fuck

>> No.4483305

The abstract expressionists take the same approach to visual art.

>> No.4483308


A lot of people like Kanye because he is represents the "tortured artist" persona to the letter. Take a stroll through /mu/ sometime and you'll see people admitting that they are aware that he is a mediocre rapper, an OK lyricist and a decent producer. What makes him "interesting" are his antics and fuck da police attitude. That's why people pay attention to him. They don't really care about the music so much anymore

Personally I think its half "fake" and half truth. You have to remember, his mother, maybe the only person he has ever truly loved in his life, died during a surgery he most likely paid for. I honestly fear for his mental health. If you watch his interviews you'll see that he is completely delusional, and rambles on and on about...nothing. Honestly. He routinely argues against himself. Or doesn't pay attention to what is being talked about.

PS: I still think he is a giant ashole

>> No.4483317

Why anyone cares about him or what he has to say, I don't know. I've heard some of his songs and I guess I just don't "get it". Do people like him ironically? I can't imagine people actually liking his music. And then whenever he's quoted he says silly things like this. This is something I would have said in middle school to convince my mom that reading wasn't worth my time because I didn't want to do my homework.

>> No.4483334

I always felt he lacked chromosomes; maybe it's the trauma he had to endure when losing his mother. In any case, I listen to a lot of Kanye. Yes, his rap isn't really all that good (though his first two albums are arguably miles better than anything past Late Registration in terms of lyrics), but his production has a certain touch of familiarity and spontaneity for me. It's like the first time I heard Madvillain. Unexpected, fun, engaging and addicting.
And when you listen to his music (and even watch his music videos), how competent he is at it, you realize that he really does care for his art and puts a lot of effort into it, he isn't just your typical pop star by any means. But you also start to wonder just how is it possible that whatever he says in interviews, it just doesn't make logical sense. Even though his music is so well-layered, his brain seems to be a complete scatter of chaos and uncertainty of self-identity. And I guess that is what makes him the kind of artist that /mu/ adheres so much.

>> No.4483350

>tfw you get a lot of inspiration for your books by listening to Kanye

And Jay-Z, and MF Doom, and lots of rap in general.

I think it's because rap is so thoroughly an expression of desire. Rap is about wanting things: wanting respect, wanting freedom, wanting your manhood, wanting money and fame, etc.. I mean, all music is wanting things, but it really comes through in rap because of the way the lyrics are spoken, just hammered at you like percussive strikes.

And of course all good characters are defined by their wants and their yearnings.

>> No.4483355
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can we please not even mention this fucker. every time we do he gets a little more famous.

>> No.4483358

>I mean, all music is wanting things, but it really comes through in rap because of the way the lyrics are spoken, just hammered at you like percussive strikes.

youre view of music is childish and rudimentary to say the least. rap is the final step in the decay of the music industry, the most simplistic and basic of all forms of music. to find any of it valuable at all indicates a very childish mentality.

>> No.4483361

You come across as a very narrow-minded individual.

>> No.4483365

To think that rap in general is childish and rudimentary is childish and rudimentary. Funny how that works.

>> No.4483368


How is rap non childish? Look at the OP's image for Chrissake, that moron is basically proud of being a moron. He is basically a black Sarah Palin

>> No.4483370

>You come across as a very narrow-minded individual.
this is the same bullshit thrown around by psuedo-intellectuals who cant defend their argument or their art.
if you want me to think otherwise youll have to offer a better argument than that.

and YOU sound like a very uneducated individual. my understanding of music is amateurish at best, but assuredly it is far superior to yours, if you find merit in rap. try taking some music courses, if within the first month you cant explain to me why rap is bad there is no hope for you.

>> No.4483372

You're /lit/'s equivalent of a dadrocker. Calm down, gramps. I bet you think calling someone "talentless" is an objectively bad thing when great art can be produced with minimal talent.

>> No.4483373

Are you at all a fan of hip-hop? It is understandable to not like his, at times, ridiculous lyrics but you can still appreciate his production. After all, it is one of his main strengths as an artist. It is also important to note that the message of his current work is different from his previous albums. Perhaps give his older shit a chance?

>> No.4483376

>To think that rap in general is childish and rudimentary is childish and rudimentary. Funny how that works.
have you read their books? they are by far some of the most arrogant and stupid individuals to ever have the fortune to put their thoughts on paper. just some of the quotes in this thread alone should make you shy away from that "genre"

>> No.4483378

>Perhaps give his older shit a chance?
yes right, give the most arrogant man in the universe more money. i really dont understand why you fuckers dont just avoid his shit out of principle.

>> No.4483379

To pile on, I bet you think art should require impressive or at least noticeable skill or talent. I bet you think the hardest thing to create is necessarily or even most often the best thing. I bet you think Chopin is half the artist Merzbow is. I bet you think a greater literary movement than greentext has emerged in the last century.

>> No.4483380

And Dostoevsky looks like a typical, homeless, alcoholic Russian bum.
And Socrates also probably looked like an unkempt piece of shit.

>> No.4483381

>more money
What year is it where listening to someone's music involves even indirectly supplying them with money?

>> No.4483382

>when great art can be produced with minimal talent.
you just contradicted yourself you fucking hack. please provide examples where great art has been produced by talentless individuals.
>inb4 you fucking cant because its not great art

>> No.4483384

Are you implying that your pebble brain hasn't thought or discovered the fact that one can (and often does) listen to music without paying a cent for it?

>> No.4483387


wait what? Are you for real? For the record I like some rap (no I don't own a backpack and I don't listen to Immortal Technique) but honestly, what the fuck are you trying to say? How the fuck is "elitism" to mock an idiot who basically is telling us that authors "be so wordy" and therefore he is going to stay an idiot because his self-inflated ego cannot accept the fact that there might be people out there smarter than him? And then he goes into radio shows and rambles about "THE HOUSE OF MEDICI U AINT GOT DA ANSWERS WE DA SLAVES" without even making an actual argument??

lel Kanye is both the best and worst thing that happened to rap. And his fans are the scum of the Earth. He is like that faggot kid I knew in college who never read, bought a copy of The Art of War and would quote a few lines when he wanted to appear smart. Kanye isn't fooling anyone, except gullible morons like yourself

>> No.4483388
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>> No.4483389

>What year is it where listening to someone's music involves even indirectly supplying them with money?
in case you haven't notice they benefit from notoriety. its not necessarily about purchasing his stuff outright.

>> No.4483390

>you can only appreciate music if you take classes on it

Are you listening to yourself?

>what is sampling
>what is beat making
>what is storytelling
>what is expanding on established concepts of music

He may not be a composer or an improvisational jazz player, but he's certainly an artist that is helping push music forward, you faggot.

>> No.4483391

I just popped my knuckles. It was art. Brilliant art, at that. But almost everyone can do that.

>> No.4483392


The fuck is your point? Some of my favourite artists were vagrant bums. What the fuck are you trying to say? This is not judging a person by his appearance, this is a judgement made out of many years of listening to an egotistical moron listening to his own pseudo-intellectual drivel, fed back to him and regurgitated ad infinitum.

Are you honestly comparing Kanye to Socrates and Dostioffsky?

>> No.4483393

But if you are hellbent on not supporting him, does it add to his notoriety if you, in your own self-contained personal bubble, listen to one or two albums?

>> No.4483394

Oh my god, who the fuck cares

>> No.4483395

>rap is the final step in the decay of the music industry, the most simplistic and basic of all forms of music.

Once I was also sixteen years old, digging through my dad's collection of Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and all the other REAL artists. Fuck Justin Gaybear and Lil Gayne!

>> No.4483396

Pssh, he's far better than them. Really only Duchamp is on Kanye's level. Maybe Shakespeare.

>> No.4483397

>this is a judgement made out of many years of listening to an egotistical moron
It took you that long to realize that you shouldn't listen to his music because he's an egotistical moron?

>> No.4483406

>I just popped my knuckles. It was art. Brilliant art, at that. But almost everyone can do that.
what...........alright, well that was incredibly stupid. your view of art is so broad then, that anything could be considered art. youre probably under the "hurr hurr if i want it to be art then its art" well ok then but you have to fucking understand that if everything is art, then nothing is; that is, the category is pointless

>Are you listening to yourself?
>you can only appreciate music if you take classes on it
no but it helps you to understand the reasoning behind the masters and why the did what they did. and why they are considered the best.
now if you compare something like chopin or bach to kanye, i could hardly consider kanye to be art.
the thing is you cant seem to understand why kanye is so bad, so i was recommending classes to you to compensate for a lack of critical thinking.
>what is story telling
im not sure what your saying here, its completely nonsensical
>what is beat making
you mean like a 5 year old with pots and pans? i dont think you know what youre talking about
>what is expanding on established concepts of music
kanye is expanding on what has already been expanded upon, your lack of musical knowledge is astounding and you should be embarrassed

>> No.4483409

>But if you are hellbent on not supporting him, does it add to his notoriety if you, in your own self-contained personal bubble, listen to one or two albums?
yes perhaps, as long as you never so much as whisper his fucking name again to anyone. but when the views on his videos goes up that does something to, so no not entirely. maybe if you borrowed them from a friend.

>> No.4483413

So people enjoy his music. So what? Stop acting like some sort of a Crusader that wishes to save music industry by making other people think that they shouldn't mention Kanye's name anywhere, because it might potentially make them look his video up. Who fucking cares? Worry about your own life and stick to the artists you enjoy. Music and art will move forward, maybe not on the popular scene but perhaps on that little hipster blog that you follow.

>> No.4483414

>you mean like a 5 year old with pots and pans?

I'm willing to bet that I'm a more adept musician than you. Nobody worth their salt in music would reduce modern music production to "banging on pots and pans."

>yfw even the masters were only expanding on existing notions of beauty, war, etc.
>yfw any piece of art that has ever been created was only a (lacking) reproduction of nature

>> No.4483417

>you mean like a 5 year old with pots and pans?
Because that is totally what someone who is very educated musically thinks of beats and sampling. You ever hear of Madlib? DJ Shadow? Kanye West?

>> No.4483419

>He's one of the greatest artistic giants of all time. He is to 21st century art as Duchamp is to 20th century art.

>So people enjoy his music. So what? Stop acting like some sort of a Crusader that wishes to save music industry by making other people think that they shouldn't mention Kanye's name anywhere, because it might potentially make them look his video up. Who fucking cares?

>> No.4483420
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>I bet you think a greater literary movement than greentext has emerged in the last century.
Kanye West is an idiot and his fans are worse

>> No.4483421


I am not judging Kanye's music, I am judging his so called intelligence and ego. His artistic output, I don't like but I recognize he is talented, or at least used to be before he got into the habit of hiring a team of producers to produce mediocre rap

I don't think you'll find anyone praising Kanye's rapping abilities. His lyricism is even worse (Eatin' Asian pussy, all I need was sweet and sour sauce, REALLY?) and his productions skills have stopped being relevant 2-3 albums ago. So all we have left is an obnoxious, pseudo-intellectual moron fishing for attention and controversies all the while thinking he was born a modern day Da Vinci. If Kanye was a pudgy fat kid we all would be tipping out fedoras to him (IMA GENIUS)


>>what is sampling

Kanye's sampling, even on his prime, was lazy at best. While other producers would sample 1-2 bars and fill the rest with their own sounds, Kanye used to ride an entire bassline, add a beat, maybe speed up/slow down a bit and call it a song. That is plain lazy

>>what is beat making

Kanye's only forte, which now is almost irrelevant because he has a team that does it for him

>>what is storytelling

You meant "what is bragadoccio"

>>what is expanding on established concepts of music

Kanye West has always been a trendriding faggot and only people with short attention spans forget that. He has claimed a lot of thing. He claims he popularized the "nerdy black guy image". Which is wrong, said image was becoming popular among alt rappers before he became popular. He then rode the Autotune wave, made by T Pain. And now is the "industrial" wave, started by Death Grips.

>> No.4483438

>I'm willing to bet that I'm a more adept musician than you. Nobody worth their salt in music would reduce modern music production to "banging on pots and pans."
>>yfw even the masters were only expanding on existing notions of beauty, war, etc.
>yfw any piece of art that has ever been created was only a (lacking) reproduction of nature
your posts are sort of incoherent and are often poor interpretations of what ive posted
i was not saying thats what modern music is like. i was saying "whats your point" as in yes what about beat making that makes this interesting. they have done that for hundreds of years but somehow kanye is revolutionary?

also, you failed to explain how kanye wasnt just adding on to what has already been added on to. instead you talked about how the masters derived things from nature
congratulations you shithead everything comes from nature.

unless you can come up with something a little better than a third graders writting level, i think were done here

>> No.4483439

I'm not the biggest current fan of him. I think he did rip off Death Grips, though there's no way in hell that they could have made their sound accessible the way that Ye did. College Dropout through 808's was his golden age. He may have not have invented autotune, but neither did T. Pain. Kanye perfected it.

Kanye is full of shit, but he makes some fucking cool music.

>> No.4483442

All this Kanye hate is giving me feels. I hope you all choke on fish dicks.

With regards,

>> No.4483447

another idiot who missed my point see >>4483438
and his "beats" (by the way anyone who uses the term "beats" to describe his rhythm is about as educated as a fucking brick, in music anyway) are really really nothing special just the usual 4 beat syncopation as with a lot of rap.

>> No.4483453

>With regards,
>implying /mu/ isnt garbage anyway

>> No.4483454

The former post was made four minutes before the latter post. How could the former post miss the point of the latter, if it wasn't even made yet?

>> No.4483457
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>Kanye is full of shit, but he makes some fucking cool music.


Anyone who doesn't think he's one of the greatest talents in it still knows precisely fuck all about producing.

>> No.4483460

>you failed to explain how kanye wasnt just adding on to what has already been added on to

What do you mean by this? Everything has progressed until this very moment from the beginning. The hip-hop that Kanye produces was derived form r&b, was derived from blues, was derived from jazz, was derived from classical music. If you were a laterally-thinking human being you would've understood what I meant.

You've yet to demonstrate how your (assuredly) basic understanding of the masters somehow voids Kanye's position as a music maker.

>> No.4483461


>Kanye is full of shit, but he makes some fucking cool music.

I have never denied this. As I said on my post, while I am not a fan of his music I recognize his talent at creating an atmosphere on his albums. And of course, him being the most famous rapper atm, he certainly has an influence in the overall scene.

What I have issue is self-proclaimed rap experts proclaiming that Kanye was some sort of genius that changed the entire rap game. Which is completely overblown. He just happened to see in which direction rap was headed towards and he rode it like a 2 cent whore. And he is good at it. But a game changer? hardly

He also claimed to have invented leather jogging pants

>> No.4483464

>The former post was made four minutes before the latter post. How could the former post miss the point of the latter, if it wasn't even made yet?
yes you missed the point of the first one

>> No.4483467

>What do you mean by this? Everything has progressed until this very moment from the beginning
you seem to think that because kanyes music occured later in time, that automatically means its a progression of music.
this makes no fucking sense and is fundamentally wrong
if i said i derived my banging on pots and pans from mozart does that mean its a progression
fuck you are absolutely retarded

>> No.4483468

Kanye lives in his own world. this is why he says amazing shit like this. He has nothing but people around him that say yes to everything.

>> No.4483469

>thinking that progression is objectively positive.

>> No.4483470
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>/lit/ discussing music
Good God, every time.

>> No.4483479

You're belligerent. I can't believe that somebody so incredibly thick exists on this planet.

I hope to god I'm getting trolled. I hate to think that people actually have to deal with you regularly irl.

>> No.4483482

>thinking that progression is objectively positive.
so now what youre saying that hes bad? well talk about being hypocritical. and id think that my use and your use of progression would denote some sort of positive advancement, since this whole fucking time you were telling me how good kanye is.

>> No.4483484

>ITT: Autists argue over Kanye

>> No.4483485

>You're belligerent. I can't believe that somebody so incredibly thick exists on this planet.
>I hope to god I'm getting trolled. I hate to think that people actually have to deal with you regularly irl.
>y-yea youre so-o-o thick h-ha
nice damage control kid try again

>> No.4483487


>He just happened to see in which direction rap was headed towards and he rode it like a 2 cent whore. And he is good at it. But a game changer? hardly

And to expand on this, do you want to know who had a bigger impact on the rap scene? even bigger than Kanye himself? Soulja Boy

Soulja Boy came at a time when "old rap" fans where, well getting older. Suddenly, you had high school kids trying to listen to rap but all they were listening to was boring, bragadoccio rap made by businessmen who already made it (Jay Z, Kanye, etc) about subjects that were so out of touch of their own suburban, quiet lives. Enter Soulja Boy. He made a silly song, simply about having a good time, and suddenly every acned-ridden high school kid could listen to rap without looking like a tryhard wigger.

Now what happened after is what is interesting: "meme rap" became a thing. Acts that were influenced directly by Soulja Boy (Lil B, OF, the Wolf Pack), kids making rap out of their bedrooms, with no labels, no businessmen, no Escalades and Bling, just constant myspace/twitter presence. They became big, they were born and raised in the internet, and now you have an entire business model that is completely different from the model used by "old rap". Lil B. Trinidad James. Yung Lean. A$ap Rocky. They all owe it to Soulja Boy

Ergo, Soulja Boy is more influential than Kanye

>> No.4483498

*tips fedora*

>> No.4483501

*returns tip*

>> No.4483512
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I bet you're a regular vag destroyer at a party, m8.

>> No.4483514
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>rap is the final step in the decay of the music industry, the most simplistic and basic of all forms of music

Jesus christ it's like I'm actually in the youtube comments of a led zeppelin video

captcha: west liesven

>> No.4483519

I love how one post link leads to either samefagging, or other geese to do the same.

>> No.4483520

But I didn't even see the first one when I posted mine because I hadn't scrolled through the entire thread yet. nice assumption though

>> No.4483522

when you guys can actually generate an argument let me kow

>> No.4483523

you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.4483526
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>you don't know what you're talking about
thats what i thought

>> No.4483527

Where is yours? It's hard to argue against baseless assertions. I don't even know where to start because you haven't provided a single reason as to why it is childish or rudimentary.

>> No.4483528

Do you though? Have you listened to Kanye's discography? Are you familiar with hip hop and it's history? The history of R&B, Soul, sampling?
Genuine question.

>> No.4483529

I'd like for you to explain in detailed, technical terms what you think constitutes "acceptable music." I want you then explain, in detail, how rap is the "final step in the decay of the music industry." I want you to convince me that that isn't a contrived, uneducated statement based purely on bias.

>> No.4483530

If you actually think simplicity in music is inherently bad then you're extremely narrow-minded and avoiding a lot of good art. With that said, Kanye is a lot more experimental and less simplistic than most other hip hop artists.

>decay of the music industry
lel, because back in the day it was all about the music and all music was good

>> No.4483531

and none of you have provided one as to why it is
its vary basic its just chants to a drum beat
>inb4 hurr hurr good beats
yea thats nice, others have done better, and their prose sucks its like for people who lack the ability to sing or come up with anything deep or insightful

>> No.4483535

>If you actually think simplicity in music is inherently bad then you're extremely narrow-minded and avoiding a lot of good art.
or maybe youre too broad in your view of art
if simplicity is art than anything can be

>> No.4483537

>I want you then explain, in detail, how rap is the "final step in the decay of the music industry."
that was an exageration, i apologize, its not the final but it cetainly is a new low

>> No.4483541

You know, you've spent this whole thread avoiding doing any real arguing.

>> No.4483542 [DELETED] 
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You don't have an argument.

You think that if you can pontificate on a subject that you don't know with enough blowhard bravado it'll distract from the fact that you're simply being insecure.

And one can always tell an insecure post because it reads as though the poster were subconsciously trying to convince himself that his misgivings are sound, as opposed to engaging in legitimate discussion with others.

But this is all a very circuitous way of saying that you are basic as fuck.

>> No.4483545
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>its like for people who lack the ability to sing or come up with anything deep or insightful

>> No.4483546


>> No.4483547

Kanye MADE a few good songs (through the wire was great) early into his career as a rapper (I'm not privvy to his producer career). They were catchy, witty, and had thoughtful lyrics that weren't just the same regurgitated garbage that rap has turned into these days (ALTHOUGH there are a few rap artists that still made extremely good music, like Kendrick Lamar and Asap Rocky).

Kanye is basically a person who let fame get to his head and turned into a complete dumbass that think's he's the king of the world, and it shows in his music.

>> No.4483548
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You don't have an argument.

You think that if you can pontificate on a subject that you don't know with enough blowhard bravado it'll distract from the fact that you're simply being insecure.

And one can always tell an insecure post because it reads as though the poster were subconsciously trying to convince himself that his misgivings are sound, as opposed to engaging in legitimate discussion with others.

But this is all a very circuitous way of saying that you are basic as fuck.

>> No.4483549

>You know, you've spent this whole thread avoiding doing any real arguing.
you cant tell me you havent though
its like i have nothing to argue against i dont see why the burden of proof is on me when youre claiming kanye is deep, experimental insightful or interesting.
please tell me why this is so
can any of you tell me why kanye is so good?

>> No.4483552
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itt: shitposting in progress

>> No.4483554

>can any of you tell me why kanye is so good?

The simple fact that he makes music that people enjoy listening to makes him better than you or me or anybody else ITT. I've defended my point ad nauseam. Reread the thread and come up with an argument.

>> No.4483557

That's actually quite interesting. But I'm afraid that it is based on wrong assumptions. And excuse my lower count of syllables and vocabularic variety, let alone my disastrous grammar; English never came easy to me.
But if I may say something:
I have initiated into being a post that assumed a certain serendipity (a-ha, a five syllable word, take that!) between posts rather than involving my post in a discussion for the very primal reason that I was already involved in the discussion, and simple wanted to point out my keen sense of eyesight as an individual that is, as they say, "in the know".

>> No.4483569

>The simple fact that he makes music that people enjoy listening to makes him better than you or me or anybody else ITT
WHAAT. ha, so youre saying just because its popular that makes it good ? are you fucking serious, i believe thats an argument from authority.
see this is exactly what im fucking talking about. all of you refuse to tell me why hes good, accuse me of avoiding arguements when you yourselves are using circular logic.
face it, you have no argument

>> No.4483572

>implying it's possible to enjoy kanye's "music"

>> No.4483575
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>I have initiated into being a post that assumed a certain serendipity

You were right when you said that English never came easy to you.

This syntax is fucking laughable.

Just stop, you witless failure.

>> No.4483580

>than most other hip hop artists.
Hip hop is predominantly garbage.

>> No.4483584

>actually believing this guy

>> No.4483589

This post indirectly made me really depressed about how difficult it is to truly understand history

>> No.4483598

>The simple fact that he makes music that people enjoy listening to makes him better than you or me or anybody else ITT.

People that listen to rap are usually young, stupid and very impressionable so the negative effect of glorifying crime and ignorance probably outweighs any positive aspect of his career.

>> No.4483686

>Not realizing YEEZY says stuppid shit to get a rise out of people

Do you really think the son of an english professor who happens to write poetry for a living really never reads?

>> No.4483720

>beat making

I'm rustled.

>> No.4483744
File: 514 KB, 900x878, frank-zappa-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4483767

Oh, god. This is some pretty good bait. 4/10