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448166 No.448166 [Reply] [Original]

It was the people who did not care who filled the world with fire and oppression. It was the hands of the indifferent that lit the faggots; it was the hands of the indifferent that turned the rack.

It's true isn't it anon...
This is every single one of us right here and now.

>> No.448172

>It was the hands of the indifferent that lit the faggots; it was the hands of the indifferent that turned the rack.

uh no they were very passionate about witches and jews and shit

>> No.448184


Just because a person is indifferent doesn't mean that they can't ACT passionate.

>> No.448189

anyone could act, the indifferent don't

>> No.448194


>> No.448195


I think my post was as simplified as it could get. anyone can do something but the indifferent do nothing, even if it be apathy, they still retain the choice, just as everyone else does.

>> No.448197

all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing

says it all without the melodrama

>> No.448198

It's not indifference; rather, it is a lack of empathy and understanding which has caused the world to be filled 'with fire and oppression'.

>> No.448200

except for that whole 'good vs. evil' thing

someone who just doesn't care, why would they bother to do anything?

>> No.448208


I don't look at indifference as some one walking around doing nothing or standing still doing nothing. Mostly just the people that don't care what happens, and do whatever they want because they don't care. Because when you don't care there's no reason NOT to do anything & everything.

>> No.448211

This is true.

>> No.448217

>someone who just doesn't care, why would they bother to do anything?

I believe the word you are looking for is 'passivity' - not indifference.

>> No.448218
File: 35 KB, 480x326, vcm_s_kf_repr_480x326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean like the saying 'Nobodies perfect'?
As in if you're nobody/a nobody you are perfect.

Anyone can do something but nobody will.
>nobody will
>nobody will do something.

>> No.448220


Nobody can do whatever he/she wants.

>> No.448221


i have no idea what uoi just said

>> No.448222


Like The Joker in Batman. He doesn't give a shit but does and gets whatever the hell he wants.

>> No.448224


That's ok, maybe you will one day...depending on how much time you have left.

How old are you?

>> No.448226


12 wtf

>> No.448230
File: 10 KB, 126x126, 1265607536926 american psycho lmfao lol face omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Srsly, lol.

>> No.448232

He was 12, he wanted to know what the fuck this was. Sound familiar?

>> No.448249

But indifference is all I've got =(

>> No.448262
File: 13 KB, 280x484, 747421-cloak_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.448313

I'm not indifferent to the suffering of others, I just have my priorities straight.

Yeah, genocidal overlord shithead #67 pisses me off and if I had the chance I'd exterminate anyone related to him. But, it's not within my ability or scope to usher in a grand change that will improve the broken society that allowed the shithead to rule. That's the job of our government and of certain NGOs, and they do it well enough so that I can provide indirect support to them through civic responsibility and financial aid, respectively.

To think I could help on my own would be arrogance and foolishness, and to assign individual culpability to those who do not make it their top priority to directly intervene would be logically and ethically bankrupt.

TL;DR: OP's statement is an illogical appeal to the ego.

>> No.448860

Sad to say, not true. Witness Burma in the last few years.

Our brothers now are dying by inches in their prisons.