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448064 No.448064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not sure if this should go here, but it's related to writing, so here goes. I'm writing a fictional story, and I need some ideas.

There's this ninja academy in the middle of the jungle, where kids are taught ninja stuff. This intermediate class has almost finished their training to move to the next highest step. The part I'm missing is the actual test, which involves the class heading outside of the jungle, and is split up into 3 trials: Wisdom, courage, and strength(triforce similarities purely coincidental kthx)... basically, I can't think of what those 3 trials would be.

Could /lit/ possibly give me some suggestions?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.448071

>ninja academy
>kids taught ninja stuff

wow, do go on

>> No.448074

can you introduce aliens? or mutants? i could hel pyou there

>> No.448077

S'cuse the redundancy. I stayed up all night trying to think of something for it.

Aliens, no. Maybe mutants, but it really depends.

>> No.448080

Wisdom- Booby Trapped pathway, using mind skills to get through it.
Courage- the power to gives ones life for the others is courage, maybe some test that does this?

>> No.448084

how about instead of the cliche for trials you make it a cliche for them to all fight each other to death battle royale style

>> No.448085

wisdom- overwhelming odds, do they know they ought to sneak away rather than fight
courage- will they rescue a fallen comrade or some bullshit

even though this will be shitty story, i want copy

>> No.448086


>> No.448091

That wouldn't yield many mooks at one's disposal, now would it?

I'll think about them. They're simple, but sometimes simple works.

>> No.448096

All signs on the strength trial being a rock monster boss battle. I guess that'll work.

>> No.448097

these are all lame and seemingly have no relation to any work a ninja would actually do

>> No.448104

As long as the ninjas aren't wearing orange jumpsuits, I'll consider them as options.

>> No.448101 [DELETED] 

As long as they're not wearing orange jumpsuits, I'll consider them as options.

>> No.448102


fuck yes it would. no ninja would ever risk his ass for a "comrade", he'd peace the fuck out

>> No.448109

they're fuckin' kids
think shogun ninjas then, it makes sense that way

>> No.448110

kids could understand that shit, arya stark did

>> No.448111


>> No.448155

bitch had to grow up fast, these kids are probably pampered or something..givem a break

>> No.448167

heRE 15 +He M3ntalLy Il1 lyIng psY{HopAth thI3f [hR|SToPHeR PooL3 in aC+1On (Turn It InTO Low3r-{as3 @s{I1): h+tP://wwW.aNOntAlk.C0m/dumP/MOoTaRD.Txt

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>> No.448171 [DELETED] 

Well they're not 100% cold-blooded killers, they do have a sense of camaraderie. But I do want them to be trained to make decisions based on what's better for the mission.

>> No.448173

Well they're not 100% cold-blooded killers, they do have a sense of camaraderie. But I do want them to be trained to make decisions based on what's better for the mission at hand.

>> No.448177


these are ninjas man. give me an example of "ninja camaraderie"