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447906 No.447906 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/'s preferred college major?

>> No.447907


>> No.447911
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>> No.447916

fuck being taught how to write, learn how people think so that your characters are real people.

>> No.447917

Do we have to go into this discussion all the time.

It always ends in Science, Engineer or Law degree types, maybe a Commerce or whatever laying into Arts and Humanities types for being useless and not going for a degree that has an obvious end in sight and then it gets progressively more boring from there.

>> No.447918

>then it gets progressively more boring from there.

it's begun.

>> No.447920


OP here...I am actually looking at Sociology. I don't really want to grind for 4 - 10 years doing with Engineering or Science.

>> No.447924

Writing/Media Studies double major baby!

>> No.447929


>> No.447931


If you do that, make sure it's specialized in something, otherwise you're pretty fucked looking for work.

As an example, I'm studying sociology, specialized in HR management, and pretty much everyone who has done it have a job afterwards.

The other people? Not so much.

>> No.447933


a good job?...or a shitty pencil pushing one?..

not trolling....seriously asking..

>> No.447934


You should expect a lot of math. Sociology (and psychology for that matter) involve heavy statistics, which most students aren't really up for.

>> No.447939


still less than I would with other majors.

>> No.447943

microbiology motherfucker, but i wanted to be a history major

>> No.447945


you Pre-Med?

>> No.447948



>> No.447950


What do you plan on doing with a degree in Microbiology?

>> No.447953


i was going to be a doctor, but i hate people. now i think i'll be a plant pathologist. i just want to read books and write criticisms though

>> No.447954


Why not be a Medical Technologist or going into Medical Research?

>> No.447961
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I like plants mpre thant people i think. besides, im egotistical enough to want a dr. in front of my name, ive wanted that my whole life. this quote is pretty much all i really wnt

>> No.447963
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this is my quote, that was my patio. sry, sort of drunk

>> No.447966


part of it is cut off....

>> No.447967

I think it says 'A Garden'

>> No.447969


its "he who has a garden and a library wants for nothing" but we left out the "for", space's sake. but yeah, thats all i want. what more do you need?

>> No.447980

I'm a history major who first wanted to be a biology major. Isn't' that funny

>> No.447983


meh...me personally...

I'm just looking for a major that'll give me a steady/decent income, is enjoyable to study, and allow me to pursue other subjects later if I wanted to.

I've considered Philosophy, Sociology, and many others including hard sciences.

The Sciences lead me to believe that I'm gonna grind the entire time to get decent grades and possibly get a job I hate.

Liberal Arts makes me think I can study something holds a particular interest and will allow me to be more free with how I go about pursuing my life.

>> No.447990


I figured that if i went science, i could retain the ability to get a decent job, and venture out into liberal arts, whereas the opposite may not be true. but i was young then, who knows?

>> No.447991

LOL they go to college.

>> No.447998


Yea...I have no idea...but I do know that studying the Arts in college will allow me to have a life and enjoy what I do. Science is very vast and difficult and the majority of it is to grind to catch up with what is already there.

The way I see the arts is that it clashes with your personality and your responses are basically what the answers are. A little studying and working hard is not a problem, but I am more focused on the quality of the work I do...not the amount.

>> No.448002

understood. i just felt that in a practical sense, science would be more effective as a basic degree. literature may be more fulfilling, but I thoguht that it would be easier to attain a higher paying job with a science degree; knowing that, i could feel more safe delving into the arts

>> No.448011


That's what I naturally think, but any science I go into would purely be for a job only.

I actually considered Medical Technology because you don't deal with a lot of crap, it pays decently, and is in high demand.

That being said it is hard to really go into anything else but medicine with that kind of degree unless you go back for another 2- 4 years.

With Philosophy or Sociology and such, majors like that can get you into a variety of positions if you specialize in something and what not.

I've had VERY shitty school experiences. I think this might be my only chance to actually enjoy life while I can.

>> No.448014

>With Philosophy or Sociology and such, majors like that can get you into a variety of positions if you specialize in something and what not.

would you likfe fries, etc.

>I've had VERY shitty school experiences
do you go to uni? if so, whereat?

>> No.448018


Actually...they get into a variety of Management positions.

I ment entire school life so far. I have been to two different schools so far (Universities). Third this August.....Purdue.

>> No.448021


>I have been to two different schools so far
for one degree?

>variety of Management positions.
no offense, but in my exp, you usually get these for being shitty at what you were hired to do

>> No.448027


Two different kinds...First being Computer Information Technology, second being Radiography.

If it pays well, does it really matter?
I can always pursue a PhD in said subject and teach. The gate is still open for several Master's Degrees.

>> No.448029


radiography, eh?

I'm currently go down (and abadoning) the masters path, imo just go for phd

>> No.448031


Sorry to but in, but there's always graduate school! No matter your major, you can always get into law school (provided your LSAT is high enough, and a few other factors).

I'm finishing up my senior year in high school at the moment and am planning on going the same route as you, essentially.

I want to major in philosophy (I love the subject), but I realize that it isn't all that practical, so I plan to double major in political science and psychology (my second and third most preferred fields). I look at it this way: political science overlaps enough with philosophy (especially on political philosophy) that I could easily get my masters in either analytic philosophy or political philosophy if I don't make enough contacts in college to actually secure myself a job. Outside of this, I know that I can always go to law school afterwords and my parents won't be disappointed (it's not as if I could have went to law school_prior_to college; you have to have a degree first!), and will gladly help me, because they know it will most likely benefit me.

Anyway, don't give up, anon! Do something you'll truly enjoy! Also, even though I haven't went to college yet, this recession has taught me something because of my own, personal misfortunes: don't be limited! Too many people have watched their lives go down the shitter over the last year because they only knew how to do one thing!

>> No.448035


(I didn't include this, but I'm pretty sure with a psychology degree you can work in an HR department provided you had the right specialization...I could be wrong on that though.)

>> No.448036


Yea....I don't have a set field really...I just want to study something I will enjoy and that will keep my options open.

I still need to do some searching, but I believe college life will help me with that.


Yea...I looked at the possibility of Law School....we'll see :P

>> No.448038

I'm a physics major. Because I like physics.

Yes I know this is hard for you Liberal Arts majors to understand but some people out there enjoy math and science and aren't studying them solely for the career opportunities.

>> No.448042


which is why I am not doing it.

I mean...I am honestly very curious about how it all works, but its something I'd rather research/learn myself.....rather than commit to it as a major.

>> No.448043

i think lots of people understand this, liberal arts majors or not

i considered law school, but i don't believe i have the necessary pre-reqs, and the mcat expended all my patience for stnadardized testing

>> No.448045


how did you do on the mcats?

>> No.448046


The cool thing about law school is that you can get accepted no matter your major. It really is a bitch once you get there, but once you get out and pass the bar, w/e, etc., there's a good chance that you'll reap benefits from it.

>> No.448048

I disagree and I feel that too many people pick their areas of study only because of the societal law of "got to college to get good job" that has been ingrained in society.

Plus Liberal Arts majors are dumb so they are the thinking man's punching bag.

>> No.448054

30, but i refuse to study



>> No.448055


Pre-reqs for law school such as...?

>> No.448061

You prove my point and what's more you will prove another point of mine in your response.

>> No.448063


Yea....not all of them are.

I won't be...that's for sure.

>> No.448068


>> No.448073

Thank you.

>> No.448076


i assumed there wrer pre-reqs for law school? or are there not?

>> No.448083

I don't really get the American uni-system, but I'm a first year student of Social History.

>> No.448099

Music, don't judge.

>> No.448103


I don't think physics majors are particularly hard to understand coming from a liberal arts perspective; it's pretty much commonly accepted that you guys have a hard-on for math and science.

...However! I've known more than a few people who have essentially forced themselves through engineering school, and who didn't hold math or science in high esteem. I think liberal arts majors have a harder time understanding why anyone would want to go through four years of hell only to live in hell in a field that they're in -- for the most part -- for the money.

Physics majors -- hard to understand? No. You guys love what you do for the most part.

Engineering majors -- hard to understand? Absolutely. Many of them are forcing themselves through a major that they don't care for so they can work in a field they won't care for.

My Dad's an engineer and he isn't like that, but I know many who are.

>> No.448107
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But what can you do with a music degree?

>> No.448108


None that I'm aware of (I'm in the U.S., so maybe it's different if you don't live here).

>> No.448112

I don't know, teach and make music?

>> No.448115


i live in colorado. i must look into this. what do you know about the LSAT? compared to that MCAT?

>> No.448116


You didn't know? You need a music degree to become a pop star.

>> No.448123


Absolutely nothing, I'm afraid to report. Still, look into it... One of the biggest running jokes of law school is that you can get into it with a degree in basket-weaving, art, or anything that's completely unrelated to the field. Math majors along with economics majors are notorious for being the highest scorers on the LSAT.

You should be able to find information online somewhere that can help you.

>> No.448168


>> No.448522


what school do you go to? i live in colorado as well.

>> No.448526

Electronics Engineering. Yeeeeah.

>> No.448547

uh, i did music, but it turns out that didn't work out so well