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/lit/ - Literature

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4479178 No.4479178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did /lit/ come to terms with the fact that you will never write an enduring literary masterpiece?

>> No.4479189

The same way 99.999999999999999% of humanity deals with it

>> No.4479200

if it's a hard pill for you to swallow you can always just try and see what comes of it.

>> No.4479203

Yes, but you haven't taken into account the people aren't interesting in writing one.

>> No.4479204

I don't care about that any way.

>> No.4479208

What do you care about?

>> No.4479211

I read a bunch of Pessoa, specifically the Book of Disquiet and a collection of his poetry. Here's an example poem I copied from wikipedia:

"I am nothing.
I will never be anything.
I cannot wish to be anything.
Bar that, I have in me all the dreams of the world."

>> No.4479217

i haven't

>> No.4479221

Philosophical knowledge.
My "Sache" which is drawing, reading philosophy, playing a rhythm game, keeping up with college work etc.
I want to have an acquaintance that I care about.

>> No.4479227

By accepting that someone needs to read that enduring literary masterpiece.
My goal, in this time when everyone seems to want to be a writer, is to just become a good reader.

>> No.4479232

Everything fades eventually. Someday, the Earth will be consumed by the desperate tendrils of the dying sun. "Enduring" is a relative term.

>> No.4479337

But I will.

>> No.4479357

Me too. See you on the other side.

>> No.4479370

By reading Borges.

>> No.4479375
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I'm gonna write a fucking epic poem. I'll even do it in dactylic hexameter.

We haven't had an epic poem in, what, 600 years? That's too fucking long. It's time for another one.

>> No.4479387


I hope so. How do you think you'll feel if your life's work (your enduring masterpiece) is unappreciated in its time? I think one part of my desire to write is for recognition, as well as for the joy of writing in itself.

>> No.4479392

>We haven't had an epic poem in, what, 600 years?
People have written epic poems in verse even in the 21st century.

>> No.4479397

I like you guys

>> No.4479401

>liking people who are all talk but have little to nothing to back it up

>> No.4479404

>>Being an irrelevant faggot

>> No.4479407

>Thinking you're cool because you sit on /lit/ and shit on people
>mfw you're a "genius"
>mfw you have three fantasy novels written and they all involve fucking dragons

>> No.4479411


>> No.4479412


>I will never achieve anything in my pitiful existence, so why should anyone else?

Ambition isn't a dirty word anon.

Ha! This. So much this.

>> No.4479413

Well done of the perfect descriptions of yourselves, you know yourself best after all

>> No.4479416
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>mfw you use a 'I'm rubber and you're glue' argument

>> No.4479418

At least you actually posted a face this time

Ambition is worthless when you having nothing anywhere near accomplishing it

>> No.4479419

>ITT: weak people concede that they can never create great work and pretend that saying this is a strength

>> No.4479420
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>mfw I can tell you're butt hurt
>Muh ambition
>You're all faggots

>> No.4479426

>ITT: people are so arrogant they think their worthless ambition means anything without results

b-b-b-but at least i'm strong by remaining delusional!

>> No.4479427


>How did /lit/ come to terms with the fact that you will never write an enduring literary masterpiece?

I know I don't have the natural talent, plus those who have in the past have always led incredibly isolated and troubled lives.

Given the opportunity I would be very happy with the prospect of simply being a family man - as much as I appreciate the labour of the genius and what their sacrifices can teach me, it's still a sad reality that the life of a genius rarely has a pleasant third act.

>> No.4479430
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>mfw I really AM rubber
>yfw you really ARE glue

>> No.4479445


You poor, sad, pessimistic little people. Just because you've resigned yourselves to lives of mediocrity, never even attempting to write something worth reading doesn't mean that everyone has. So you sit there and shitpost while trying to drag others into your little pit of hopelessness and depression, the rest of us are busy writing enduring masterpieces.

>> No.4479444

I'm not even him

>> No.4479447

Doesn't matter he'll see it one way or the other...or not.

>> No.4479450


>So you sit there and shitpost while trying to drag others into your little pit of hopelessness and depression

Work on your bait game, kid.
The lack of subtlety smacks of desperation.

>> No.4479451
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Thank God I'm not you

>> No.4479452

>Shit posting on /lit/
>Writing an enduring literary masterpiece
Which are you doing exactly?

>> No.4479453
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>So you sit there and shitpost

remind you of anyone?

>> No.4479461

but I will though

>> No.4479463

>I will

you will all try. it's about how hard you try

>> No.4479473

book of disquiet, it is pretty long, is it worth it?

>> No.4479476

I'm almost done with it myself, it's worth it but I wouldn't recommend reading it if you're already feeling depressed.

>> No.4479484

But no Epic Epic poems.

>> No.4479498

so ill wait for summer and give it a try, ty anon

>> No.4479506

You're on /lit/, you're not writing a masterpiece

>> No.4479508

Fuckign hell ,It's easy

>> No.4479512

delusion is helpful

>> No.4479536

Yes It is very helpful

There was a Native American story about Delusion and getting things done But I have forgotten It now

It was really good though

>> No.4479564

But I'm still writing it. I may have realized I can't write it right away but I will not give up. I will get better and then, when I have written some good stuff, I will tackle the great masterpiece again. It will be glorious. Also, it will be another final boss of literature once it's done.

>> No.4479811

I'm sort of in the same bucket as this guy. I want to write something magnificent, and there was a time that I tried to. I got a few chapters into it and abandoned it.

Several years have gone by and I realized that I wasn't capable of sufficiently capturing the magnitude of the story. It wasn't as 'great' as it needed to be, if that makes sense. So I'm writing other things. I'm getting out into the world and seeing new sights, meeting new people. As well, I'm reading new things.

Some day I'll return to that story idea and I'll be able to do it justice. Some day I'll be ready. But not yet.

>> No.4479813

Because if I keep trying and improving I might eventually do so, and if not I'll know that I did my best.

>> No.4479840

It's quite impossible to gauge, preemptively, if a work will become "an enduring literary masterpiece".

To answer the question, however: slowly but surely.

>> No.4479860

Who cares? When I'm dead my legacy won't mean shit.

>> No.4479871


>Who cares? When I'm dead my legacy won't mean shit.

It will to others.

In fact this whole board is almost exclusively devoted to venerating the legacies of men who have come before us.

>> No.4479876


Do they care that they're revered?

>> No.4479903


Did they not create in order to impart?

>> No.4479923


>> No.4479925
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'One of the nice things about writing or any art, is if the thing's real, it kinda lives. All the success over it or the rejection never really matters because in the end, the thing will survive, or not survive, on its merits. Immortality via art is no big deal. François Truffaut died. His films live on. But that's not much help to François Truffaut. As I've said many times, rather than live in the hearts and minds of my fellow man, I would rather live on in my apartment.'

>> No.4479930

I've already written it. I'll be dead by the time it's enduring.

>> No.4479936

That's cool.

>> No.4480037


Well I've never encountered that quote before.

How completely novel and convincing of you.

>> No.4481065

I think the idea of "living on" is arousing to a writers' fantasy, though.
And perhaps fulfilling your fantasy is more important than... not?

>> No.4481081
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I decided to write something that will sell instead.

>> No.4481128

counting stacks