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/lit/ - Literature

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4477322 No.4477322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We describe books poorly and try to guess their titles.I'll start with something easy.
>very privileged college student
>complains about his life

>> No.4477330

Black Swan Green? This one is hard
>Adenoids, adenoids everywhere.

>> No.4477331

The catcher and the rye

Here's mine

>Hosts bitching parties all the time
>Gets all the ladies and is very handsome and very rich
>Is so romantic he wants particular lady
>Can't have
>*trite over used theme of american society being obsessed with money*

>> No.4477338

That's an easy one, [spoilers] old sport [/spoilers]

>> No.4477339

You just described The Great Gatsby accurately; that's not how you're supposed to do it.

>> No.4477342

>naive fuck ruins his life by fucking a chick
>travels around the world and learns how shitty it is and how shitty his friends are
>accepts his fate and tells his bros to do the same

>> No.4477345

The further he travelled, the lonelier the little royalty felt.

>> No.4477352

>some kid
>some fat guy, he might have been a barrister or a notary public or some other relation to the legal profession, can't remember exactly.
>a band of merry men, passionate about hair
>There's sunsets and mesas and shit, I guess

>> No.4477357

>google chat

Oh wait, I described it perfectly. Guess I fucked up.

>> No.4477372

OP, you have no idea how to properly start and sustain a thread on /lit/. You have to strategically samefag for at least the first 10-20 posts. At the very least you respond to every post. You can even shitpost if you like.

>> No.4477377
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>The essence of Being is contained in the dialectic of logical Being as a necessary contraction of non-Being into Being; in other words, the essence of Being is nothing but The Real from which the parallax of Being proceeds as a logical necessity bound to our immediate comprehension of Being in the context of The Real as it is understood in a fourfold way, namely...

>> No.4477380

>it was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside

>> No.4477395
File: 32 KB, 506x405, greeneggsandham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy offers food
>guy rejects food
>guy finally tries food

>> No.4477396

The fuck is this shit?

>> No.4477399


every Lancan book ever

>> No.4477406

blood merid

some tao lin novel?


>> No.4477409


>> No.4477415

what is every single work of art created by the beat generation, Alex?

>delusional beta-faggot falls in love with someone out of league
>takes shit too seriously
>tries to kill himself
>can't even do that right

>> No.4477418

>Dude gets sick of city life
>Moves to the country
>Shoots birds and tries to ingratiate himself with the peasants
>Minor love story on the side

>> No.4477420
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>> No.4477426

>too many characters ponce around for fucking ages
>also tennis
>and mental illness

>> No.4477429


>> No.4477440

>absentee father figure ineffectually and sporadically tries to get his kids to stop being dicks

>> No.4477442


Every Wes Anderson movie ever

>> No.4477468


>> No.4477473

>wow I'm so deep and brooding and fucking poor
>This drunk guy's life is fucking horrible and he's fucking horrible and I'm fucking horrible also marmelade
>kill 2 ugly ladies
>fuck I'm crazy

>> No.4477474


but he's a high school student dumbass

>> No.4477475

Sorrows of young Werther

>> No.4477477

>be me 10/10 white master race and wealthy
>tfw just trying to fit in
>tfw can't connect with anyone
>tfw going through life just acting
>tfw kill everyone i love and also people i don't love
>tfw nobody even notices me

>> No.4477479

Crime and Punishment

>> No.4477501

Very good. Now to up the difficulty.

>lol me and my girlfran are rad in europe
>wow that asshole kicked a dog
>fuck we dance with fire and shit
>that guy made himself a dress lel
>godamn we're punk as fuck and pretty grimy
>hitchikin' and squattin'
>fuck we're so liberal

>> No.4477502

Infinite Jest

>> No.4477503


>college student

>> No.4477504

A closet faggot likes a non-faggot and is being smart in dinners

>> No.4477515

Easiest American Psycho ever.

>pigs are other people

>> No.4477523

Portrait of Dorian Grey?

>> No.4477524

Gay men solve crimes.

>> No.4477527

Social Network.

>> No.4477530


>> No.4477537


A tour of American shrubberies with my over-loving father

>> No.4477541

>fucking architects
>queue rape scene
>blow that fucking building up

>> No.4477544

Pillars of the Earth.

>be kitchen wrench
>set out to get a qt1.34 gf
>beat up anyone that matters to prove I'm awesome

>> No.4477546


>> No.4477550

>impregnate a bitch
>want to marry her somehow
>the other bitch writes a letter on how shit the dude is
>get pissed
>go into church and shoot the hoe
>fails and get thrown into jail

>> No.4477556

> Just got out of mental institution
> Falls in love with psycho-bitch
> Tries to save psycho-bitch from the darkness
> Tfw everyone thinks I'm a naive retard
> Bitch gets sucked into the darkness

>> No.4477568

>be born into rich family
>nobody takes me seriously
>Father always busy, doesn't give a shit
>I joke around, people like me, seem like a normalfag, but feel detached all the time
>finally finish school, go to uni
>finally find a friend, okay dude, nothing special
>linger around, don't get shit done, do hookers and booze
>fall in love with cougar
>have crazy night, but cougar dies, my fault, but police don't give a shit
>have some more affairs
>father stops sending me money
>I'm fucked
>Before I can drink myself to a relieving death my fam shoves me into a sanitarium
>some fag finds my diaries and writes about how fucking handsome I were in my youth

>> No.4477570

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime

>> No.4477574

That book gave me cancer

>> No.4477631

Did you solve your cancer with math?

>> No.4477656

My guess'd be GR but there aren't that many adenoids.

>> No.4477671

>a hideously deformed teenager establishes a meaningful relationship with his mother on account of him being too ugly for her to molest
Name It, Guys

>> No.4477693
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>a racist guy is actually a bisexual musician is actually a female journalist is actually an unfortunate man who turns out to be a character in a movie who is actually a clone from the future is actually a tribal nigger from post-apocalyptic Hawaii

>> No.4477696


The Little Prince

>> No.4477705

Teens get really wild, fuck things up, both figuratively and literally. Main character is then betrayed and sent to jail, where he is forced to see the error of his ways. Upon release decides to kill himself, fails, meets an old friend and is at peace.

>> No.4477710

>A trio of particular gentlemen and a mutt make a river bound journey
>laughter ensues

>> No.4477743

why the jpg? i liked cloud atlas

>> No.4477760

>talking animals
>pigs are fat assholes
>a horse dies

>> No.4477763


the beast barnyard?

>> No.4477765

Animal Farm

>> No.4477768

"My tribe were an innocent people. We would send people on their way, and help them, giving them items. Until the Dark Times. The Machine Gun Men gunned them down, and killed me. Now I must have my revenge, and find my tribe. We did nothing to nobody."

>> No.4477867

that fucking tent story ahhh shit

>> No.4478054


>> No.4478056

I assume he loves some of the old Ludwig van, oh my brother?

>> No.4478076


What is the name of that photo, and identity of that man? I never knew. Good photo, though, captures history well.

>> No.4478086

>some stupid empire waging war
>gods feel left out so the meddle with puny mortals
>some stupid world of warcraft naxxramas rip off
>some beta ass faggot thief in some city called irakistan/iranistan (lol i forgot)

>> No.4478108
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>stupid hoover company makes robot toasters
>there's a magic frog somewhere
>robot on human erotica
pic not related

>> No.4478123


I feel like I have read this ages ago but I can't remember it. PLEASE give me the title I need to know, and probably reread it.

>> No.4478163



>> No.4478188

OP's cannot be The Catcher in the Rye unless he fucked up with the 'College' thing.

The Red and the Black?

The Idiot.

>> No.4478193

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.4478210

pls name it (i'll give you a clue; he's not only hideously, but improbably, deformed)

>> No.4478212

Three Men in a Boat

>be stray dog
>follow a wealthy doctor to his home
>nefarious experiments occur
>become doctor's worst nightmare

>> No.4478214

OP's is definitely Catcher in the Rye, there's no other reason for including 'phonies'.

So yeah, just an idiot.

>> No.4478220

ding ding ding

>> No.4478231


Baron in the trees?

>> No.4478235

This.. sounds like Faust but I know that can't be right with the experiments thing.

>> No.4478238

Heart of a dog ?

>> No.4478246

>be a guy
>friend kills himself
>imma just fuck his gf ok
>oh fuck she's now in an asylum and totally insane lol
>when she comes out we'll live happily ever after

>> No.4478263

We have a bingo!

>> No.4478267

>he's the best writer of this specific matter ever ever
>I'm the nonparalled expert on his works, even compared to him
>every other writer in history is a pleb

>> No.4478276
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God tier:

>gay teenagers
>lots of violence, lots of drugs
>many books in the series

>> No.4478278

>oh m8, i can't fucking stop fapping to this trap
>m8, that was my trap!

>> No.4478295

Asimov? Bukowski?

>> No.4478309

That pic is so great, Frenchman crying when Hitler invaded Paris.

>> No.4478318

>be wise, rich, respected
>my kids are fuckin' up, though
>it's cool though, I'm making amends for their dickassery
>apparently I too was fucking up; poor now
>wife literally telling me to go die
>friends telling me I deserve all this shit
>tfw you don't curse god and die
>tfw your friends get told by god
>tfw you get told you were proud, and afraid, apparently that's not cool
>get all my wealth back
>new kids, too

>> No.4478324

>wife gets kid
>holy fuck what the hell is wrong with this kid better take it away from my wife
>i'll just find a doctor to put that child out of its misery
>oh wait it's actually not that badly deformed and will turn out alright
>so that's that I guess

>> No.4478336

The Fountainhead

>> No.4478342

The Silent Cry

>> No.4478351

Not that one but you got Kenzaburo Oe right.

>> No.4478367

Oh, right, I always mix those 2 up, I don't know why (A Personal Matter is the correct answer), .

It's probably because I picture a deformed retarded baby's "silent cry"; and on the other hand, a guy dealing with his brother and wife' story about a place where his family played a big part (thus, "a personal matter").

>> No.4478375

>a nerd gets to the ship
>later leaves it as a semi-nerd

>> No.4478378

The Red and the Black it is. Sorel is probably my favorite character ever.

>> No.4478380

>shit nigga i want to eat, damn

>> No.4478389

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Hamsun

>> No.4478391

hey bb wanna c my 8 inch dik ;)

>> No.4478393

Dr. Seuss

>> No.4478394


>> No.4478406


Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human

>> No.4478408

>some guy marries a childhood friend of his
>have a son
>the son resemble his best friend
>suspicious intensifies

>> No.4478420

I'd say no. But I don't remember everything of No Longer Human. These 2 last lines didn't fit my memory of the book.

>>Before I can drink myself to a relieving death my fam shoves me into a sanitarium
>>some fag finds my diaries and writes about how fucking handsome I were in my youth

The diaries stuff specially.

>> No.4478422

Candide ou l'Optimisme

>> No.4478433

>>4478406 is me, and I wrote >>4477568

it is like this. He repeatedly claims that he will stop drinking, but never does. His family and flatfish save him then by putting him in the sanitarium.

His diaries are kept by this one barmaid, and later on the writer of the pro- and epilogue finds them - he describes the three pictures of yozo at the beginning.

>> No.4478434

>some guy
>unhappy with life, but likes his job
>falls in love with a chick, they have to keep it secret
>eventually they're found out
>both are sent to a "rehab"
>in the end they betray each other


>> No.4478461

Anna Karenina

>> No.4478466


>> No.4478469


We have a winner!

>> No.4478477

>le quirky marine biologist with a love for beethoven (or other classical vinyls)
>le rough and tumble stupid gangsta but heart of gold
>le pimp who donates her girls for 'charity'
>le ching chong jewy grocer market clerk

>> No.4478478

You got it babydoll.

>> No.4478490

>An alpha is born
>Mother weeps over his tiny baby face all fraught with edginess
>Alpha grows up, loves his mommy (really loves his mommy) but wants to get laid
>Meets one chick but she doesn't want to fuck
>Meets another who does but doesn't want to get married (because she's already married)
>Fucks marriage-prude then he ex-husband kicks the shit out of him
>Alpha spends 400 pages freaking out about women and flowers and making friends with his fuck buddy's ex-husband
>Mommy dies, he cries and tongues mommy's corpse
>Life goes on, Alpha becomes a man

>> No.4478500

>u a dumbass white nigga
>haha white niggers
>we free now
>muh mom
>muh house
>muh psycho
>oo look pretty flowers and pretty trees, so hot
>fuckin crackers ruinin everythin
>muh intertexuality

>> No.4478505

>Holy fuck! We've been in a book this whole time!

>> No.4478522

>some guy
>regularly does all kinds of crazy shit at night with his buddies
>one night shit gets wrong and gets betrayed by his buddies
>gets sent to prison
>in the joint becomes a guinea pig for an experimental technique
>technique is a success and he's released
>his parents got a new "son" in the meantime
>gets beaten the shit out of him by two cops, one of which was his friend
>finds shelter in some writer's house
>writer wants to use him as an anti-government scapegoat
>guy tries to commit suicide
>guy is now real mature and shit
>has a pregnant gf
>worries if his son wouldn't become the same bastard as he was

>> No.4478528


Lol, I can't wait which book this is, the plot sounds pretty lulzy.

>> No.4478529

clockwork orange

>> No.4478537

>Twelve guys
>The first two guys were cool
>The third one was mean
>The forth was a degenerate
>The fifth was dumb
>The sixth was a singer
>The seventh came from Spain
>The eight killed himself
>The ninth came from Germany
>The tenth came from Israel
>The eleventh was the first son
>The twelfth was the Master and God

It's pretty easy

>> No.4478539

A Clockwork Orange.

>> No.4478540

My one:
>Man has three sons
>His servant raises them
>Rapes a retarded woman
>Produces fourth son who is illegitimate so not acknowledged as his son
>Falls in love with the same woman as his eldest son
>Illegitimate retard spawn kills father
>Eldest son gets the blame
>The end

>> No.4478543



>> No.4478550

>war is shitty
>all my friends are dead
>now I'm dead
>in the end it doesn't even matter

>> No.4478553

Sons and Lovers. Oedipus trash at its finest.

>> No.4478554

Brothers Karamazov

couldn't you at least think of a non-russian book?

>> No.4478556

All Quiet on the Western Front

>> No.4478567

Close, Lupin.

>> No.4478579

I read it pretty recently so it was the first thing that came to mind

>> No.4478586

>journalist sets out on adventure with paleontologist because he wants to get laid
>ends up fighting ape-man army
>doesn't get laid

>> No.4478597

>guy gets trapped
>son looks for him
>guy gets freed
>tells some people his story
>they help him home
>gets home and kills people

>> No.4478598
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this is easy

>the life of an author and a painter
>people trying to find him but ending up having sex
>überkills in south america

>> No.4478603

brothers gaymazov

>> No.4478611

That book must've been really good.

>> No.4478644

it was

>> No.4478666

>retard wants to fuck his sister

>> No.4478692


>> No.4478697


>> No.4478725

Interested in these 2.

>> No.4478820

The Sound and the Fury?

>> No.4478825

>le edgy fedoras talk about how God isn't real
>satan comes and fucks shit up
>holy shit i'm so lonely i'm just a little girl
>satan gives lover back
>satan kills everyone

>> No.4478830

I'm tempted to say The Master and Margarita

>> No.4478870

Right you are!

>> No.4478893

>why people don't praise me more for my callygraphy?
>oh man, you guys are teasing me about my new jacket?
>it's /fa/ as fuck, you plebs don't understand anything
>gets mugged, loses jacket, police won't do anything
>I'll get the flu and die without my jacket, please help me
>boo hooo hooo, why didn't you help me!! I'm going to steal your blazers now

>> No.4478904


>> No.4478903

the idiot?

>> No.4478964


Serious spoiler here:
One Hundred Years of Solitude?

>> No.4478977

The Book of Job?

>> No.4478989

>Wow I like Author
>Wow people like other Author
>Wow Author is interesting and important
>Wow friends and a hot chick
>Goes to mexico to find author with hot chick
>Hot and one friend who fucks other chicks like me
>everything becomes an ambiguous dream and there are over 200 dead bitches

>> No.4478993


Unceasing Kidding-Around

>> No.4478997

Perpetual Comedic-gesture

>> No.4479003


Comedy Without Terminus

>> No.4479007

>Leibniz is a huge nigger

>> No.4479019

Incessant Sally

>> No.4479026


Immortal Unseriousness

>> No.4479030


(1÷0) Jocoseness

>> No.4479033

>turn of century to 1930
>different story lines
>"suck you for a shilling"

>> No.4479039


1/0 APPROACHES infinity u dummy

In any case:
Permanently-Occurring Silliness

>> No.4479042

>urinary tract is "a narrow, winding road."

>> No.4479044

sophie´s world

>> No.4479049


go2bed derrida

>> No.4479050

>guy sits in front of a gate
>gate closes

>> No.4479054

The Inferno.

>> No.4479058

>"holy shit this life sucks"
>random war flashbacks
>"what am I doing here anyways"
>drinks 24/7
>gets into random conflicts every time
>antisocial because of war

>in the end everything still sucks, as there are no miracles

>> No.4479061

The life of Ernest Hemingway

>> No.4479075

Illimitable Tomfoolery

>> No.4479087

yes! good work.

>> No.4479089

Unbounded Witticism

>> No.4479090


>> No.4479099

>A man desperately tries to provide for his family
>Everybody tells him he can't because he's hideous
>He dies because he cared too much

>> No.4479115

>be me
>mom dies, whatevs
>get friend
>write b8 to his gf
>he beats the bitch
>go to the beach
>muh sun in my eyes
>accidentally shot a nigger
>everybody hates me for some reason
>muh euphoria

>> No.4479129

you're doing it wrong.
>muh apathy
>mothafukers tryna start shit
>muh sunshine

>> No.4479148

The author's ability wasn't enough to quite properly handle something so experimental, and he only ended up really properly conveying some of the most trite and overused themes effectively.
An ok read, but nothing special.

>> No.4479152


>> No.4479161
File: 65 KB, 483x700, 1387151367900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cloud Atlas
>nothing special

>> No.4479162

>Have good government job
>Wife doesn't care about me
>talk to some weird ass girl
>start hoarding shit
>talk to crazy ass old man
>leave everything behind

>> No.4479165

>i'm fucking 2 girls
>wow such feelings
>also here's some words from other languages that don't exist in this language

>> No.4479169

That's not even really a spoiler, given that most people read it because Oprah told them, and didn't get that at all.
It becomes pretty obvious about half way through.

>> No.4479181

>be me
>what's with this stupid professor
>and all his friends are so dumb and petty
>why do they even call him sensei?
>why no love for me?
>fall into pond
>meow x_x

>> No.4479185

>Fat guy always wearing the same thing
>Deluded preeminent genius
>Has the weird chick locked down
>Lives with drunken mother
>Rallies people with his speech
>Idiots don't understand his genius
>Farts and belches
>Escapes his tormented life
>Weird chick is all over his fat ass

>> No.4479186

>Le edgy fedoras
I peed a little

>> No.4479194

Tales of a fat bastard around New Orleans

>> No.4479197

This is gold

>> No.4479364

>A young boy chat with whores
>He steals an old man
>They travel
>They spin

Good luck finding this.

>> No.4479366

>unconventional teacher
>older student
>death by sniffles

>> No.4479373

that one story by Kafka

>> No.4479376

It's about fucking time

>> No.4479390


Hey Der Girl's "Beaners with Thyme"

>> No.4479398


oh fuck it's Hey Girl's "Plunder Anal Jizz of the Spaz"

>> No.4479405


Magister Ludi?

>> No.4479406

>austrian empire
>cultural campaign
>wealthy prussian industrialist

>> No.4479415


Nope, how about if I say it involves a primate?

>> No.4479428

>failed academic makes love to a bike

>> No.4479440

>some old fucker
>can't remember anything wow
>incest ewww
>oh my god how long does this go on

>> No.4479467

I haven't even read that book yet.Well, fuck.

That's one of the two answers I had in mind.

>> No.4479475

>germans and japs all over the place
>in the end, it was all a book

>> No.4479516

The Man Without Qualities

I am shocked anyone else has read this book

>> No.4479518


The Man in White Castle

>> No.4479593

Two buddies in a magical land that starts with an L, fight with swords and gets laid in every story.

>> No.4479598

> Be in unpopular group at school
> A turtle is god
> Fellatio seals a pact

>> No.4479615


Why did you read it if opera recommended it? Dosent she endorse pleb lit?

>> No.4479619


>> No.4479626


Roger that.

>> No.4479644

To Kill a Mockingbird?

>> No.4479689

>guy just wants to read a book
>no one will let him read the god damn book
>eventually reads book

>> No.4480540


Universal Monkey Business

>> No.4480698


>> No.4480702

>two guys
>they're gay and are on a mountain

>> No.4480733
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>> No.4480740


More like the Swiss amirite

>> No.4481140
File: 29 KB, 457x356, 138288006129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2666 - Bolano

>the protagonist is a pussy who doesn't know how to react to danger
>ghost appears: i'll teach you the way
>weird things on the way
>stars in the end

>> No.4481219


The Idiot is Korrekt

>> No.4481222

Hamlet/Star Wars.

>> No.4481269

Just read it. That fucking ending man ;_;

>> No.4481279

Breaking Bad

>> No.4481281

That's a good one m8
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.4481687

Green text and ham.

>> No.4481707

The Never-Ending Story or whatever that's called in English.

>> No.4481711

>beer, jazz bar and some strange rat guy
>Holy fuck, I need to find this one pinball machine because muh memories

>> No.4481719

>a bunch of punk ass bitches accuse me of "harming the youth"
>I expertly defend myself and point out the evilness of my accusers
>could've just left the town beforehand, could still escape if I wanted to, decide to stay on principle
>holy shit they're dumb enough to kill me
>warn them killing smart people is a bad idea
>be ultimately ok with the verdict
>all that's left of me are fictional accounts by my students that are more mouthpieces for their own ideas

>> No.4481737

Yep. I know your feels.

>> No.4481742


>> No.4481761

>Wake up with no recent memory and a tattoo.
>There's fucking blood everyweah in my car!
>Mfw idk what's going on

>> No.4481769

>holy shit it's fucking cold
>my new threads are pretty sweet
>time to haunt niggas

>> No.4481777

Pinball 1973

>> No.4481783

777 points for you.

>> No.4481790

>World of ashes
>Just keep walking son

>> No.4481791

that's every YA novel ever.

>> No.4481792

The Street


>> No.4481794

>Got fucked up in WWI
>Damn u so fine nursey!
>Let's escape to Switzerland!
Btw (Dat ending ;_;)

>> No.4481803

A Farewell to Arms and I haven't even read it

>> No.4481806

Come on /lit/, no one?

>> No.4481809


Another one:

>Tha fuck is going on in this fucked up house in the middle of nowhere
>No way I'm killin' a bud
>lel, we have bad clons everywea!

>> No.4481813

>holy shit why is this nigga throwing apples at me
>oh shit I'm dead

>> No.4481815

>My nigga thinks laissez-faire gardening will work
>He's dumb as shit son
>Savages seem fucked up until you really look at them
>Tfw not a hunter-gatherer
>I guess my chateau is nice though

>> No.4481821

The Bug That Lived in One of Our Rooms Without Paying Any Rent But Liked the Violin Play of Our Daughter or "Fuck, Why Is Our Son Not a Human Anymore?"

>> No.4481829

>goddamn why is this biker nigga in here
>goddammit dude what have they done to you
>nooo i need to escape

>> No.4481832


>> No.4481836



>> No.4481839


You know it bruv.

>> No.4481840

That's similar to the plot of megaman

>> No.4481849

The first ten seconds of Mega Man X2.

>> No.4481850


Nah that isn't it. Perhaps I made this one a little too hard. Lemme give another couple hints: the "biker nigga" is Irish. Also lack people ruinin muh day.

>> No.4481855

>White angst from non-white living in cess pit known as New York City.
>stole a shirt
>got busted
>drunk guy calls him jackie chan
>loses his job at the uni library because he didn't turn up, because he was in the holding cell
>meets friends and has a few drinks.
>does some g-chat with NOT NOAH CICERO./

>> No.4481858


black people*

>> No.4481873

Nigga I argue this:

>> No.4481882

>goddamn why is my nephew such a little bitch
>conflicted feelings about my grandma. On the one hand she's a manipulative, condescending bitch, but on the other hand, she IS my grandma
>I don't even want this fucking job


Well okay you can "argue" it but it doesn't make it right.

>> No.4481893

in america, college and university are synonymous

>> No.4481907

There's a specific, meaningful, well-regulated distinction between those two terms in America.

>> No.4481912

>being wrong

do you into colloquialism?

>A "college" in the US formally denotes a constituent part of a university, but in popular usage, the word "college" is the generic term for any post-secondary undergraduate education. Americans go to "college" after high school, regardless of whether the specific institution is formally a college or a university.

>> No.4481913

>us we us we
>hey look at this cool box thing
>I me I me

>> No.4481933

So what you're saying is that they're not actually synonyms, and you're wrong.

>> No.4481936

>>A kid is trained by his mother to be a member of this exclusive order, and also trained by his father to take over the family business.
>>His father has to move his business, so the kid and mother have to go along.
>>Kid is pretty good at interacting with the locals.
>>Hostile takeover happens. Dad loses business and is killed. Kid has to flee from the house with his mother.
>>Locals like the kid and his mother so they take him in.
>>Kid ends up leading the locals and his mother tells them the secrets of her exclusive order to help everything along.
>>Kid starts hostile takeover against the people who did the same to his father.
>>Kid lures his enemy's boss into the fight and hostile-takeovers the boss's business too.

>> No.4481941

some dumb fantasy bullshit that you're trying to disguise by talking about it in business terms

>> No.4481943


it's Dune dumbass

>> No.4481946

i claim victory

>> No.4481953

>Be in shit family
>Run away
>Work for guy
>Weird business m8
>He is businessman
>I become businessman

>> No.4481963


The Groin Cat-Alibi.

>> No.4481966

Hint: It's a children's book (like YA, maybe 7th grade level for ana verage person)

>> No.4481972


As I said, it's the Superb Gatling-Abbey.

>> No.4481973

Incorrect. See my hint above.

>> No.4481980

Oh boy, still wrong.

Hint: Thw word "black" is in the title

>> No.4481982

Bible Black

>> No.4481984


The Black Gatsby.

>> No.4481987

Oh shit niggahs.


>> No.4481992


I still say it's The Outstanding Flatsmy.

>> No.4481997

The Black Man and the Sea

>> No.4482047

The Master and Black

>> No.4482057
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It would not end well.


>> No.4482155
File: 1.39 MB, 180x149, 1388551823319.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A young man is attending his brother's wedding
>His brother doesnt show up, and the bride's family wants to know why
>Young man gets in a taxi with some of bride's family. It is very, very hot in New York
>Ice cubes and cigarettes

>> No.4482328

>dude helps to create government alpha from boring nobody
>dude ends up working for said alpha
>dude reminisces forever about childhood girlfriend
>alpha ends up fucking the dude's past girlfriend
>dude runs away to California to wallow in angst
>ends up creating nihilistic edgy outlook

>> No.4482357

Raise high the roofbeams, carpenters.

>> No.4482922

>dead guy

>> No.4482940


>> No.4482949

Don Quixote

ok here's another:
>god why am i middle class
>holy shit that fucking faggot just puked infront of my window
>faggot invites me why
>faggot is kind of qt
>faggot is also rich
>i want to be rich and high in social standing too
>ersatz homosexies ensues
>why does his sister look like him
>dang maybe I do want pussy
>faggot becomes alcoholic
>sister marries and commits adultery with me
>become soldier and nostalgic

>> No.4482952

House of Leaves, should have tried something harder
>New Metal Alloy
>Capitalism, Capitalism everywhere

>> No.4482965


It's a photo of a French man crying as German army parades into Paris in 1940

idk what its called

>> No.4482967

Farenheit 451

>> No.4483000

>Be some shitskin
>Mom leaves dad for the neighbour
>Dad makes a living off of never being able to shut the fuck up
>Dad gets depressed and finally shuts the fuck up but loses his job
>Transport to another planet
>There's a war or some shit
>Dad gets his job back through magic
>Also mom comes back too

>> No.4483039

atlas shrugged

>> No.4483056

We got a bingo
>Demons vs witches
>Demons win
>Trapped in an endless cycle because demons bored

>> No.4483071

sounds interesting, what's the book?

>> No.4483196

>guy and his wife living da good life, pretty chill
>the wife has this one friend always trying to get her to rebel/break rules etc
>wife finally gives in
>her dad finds out, gets really pissed
>later on, the dad finds the wife's friend and beats the shit out of him

>> No.4483229

>nothing happens

>> No.4483262

>cancer children
>cancer children have sex in a foreign country and fall in love
>one cancer child dies

>> No.4483321

Fault in Our Stars.

>> No.4483375

Being and Nothingness

>> No.4483405

Haven't read it but I'm guessing "A Fault in our Stars". John Green

>> No.4483411

Two days late, but I had the get the Pale Fire reference.

>> No.4483412

>bitch kills family horse
>pays it off by working for family rest of eternity
>raped by autistic son of the family
>doesn't do a good job hiding pregnancies
>runs away to milk cows
>loves an arrogant, self-righteous ponce
>arrogant, self-righteous ponce marries her and runs away to the other america
>bitch thinks husband forgot about her. goes back and marries her rapist for no god damn reason
>Ponce feels kinda bad. Goes back to scotland of whatever
>reunites with dumb bitch
>bitch says she killed the autistic fuck
>ponce wut.jpg
>Da popo surround house. Take bitch to jail
>execute dumb bitch, Ponce walks off holding the hand of bitches best friend.

>> No.4483444

>mother dead
>sister knocked up
>they fucking put concrete in my brother's broken leg
>burn down barn
>suddenly crazy
>father gives a full-toothed smile at the end

>> No.4483448

As I lay dying

>> No.4483463


>some dude says that bad guys always win
>try to prove him wrong
>end up talking about politics

>> No.4483486

>guy found dead floating in a river
>old guy has yellow fever
>guy found dead floating in a river

>> No.4483489

dom casmurro

>> No.4483494

>missing some potatos
>brilliant boy but struggling to grow up
>catholic school
>fucks prostitute
>turns back to god
>rejects god
>writes some good shit
>tells dad to fuck off
>leaves country

>> No.4483553

> young adult fiction
> edgy future teenager
> has assburgers
> finds out he has multi-dimensional powers
> him in a room with a few people talking
> negotiating their death
> all the pain and suffering they caused him
> it's kind of like a mix of starwars and catcher in the rye
> tarantinoesque universe
> back stories
> alien invasions
> ugandan uprising
> 007's predecessor 008
> mountain fortress sieges
> assassins creed style time travel
> space black hole battles
> universal desteruction
> mind blowing

>> No.4483574

I don't know what this is but I want to read it.

>> No.4483602


poor tit of a young man

joyce carol oates

>> No.4484003

that gogol short

>> No.4484016


>> No.4484030

>be trapeze artist
>be the best fucking trapeze artist ever
>living in the trapeze, always practicing
>I only use one trapeze and not two

>> No.4484035

>wife left me
>shit sucks
>follow loony across the country a few times
>fuck a Mexican chick along the way
>I think of said loony sometimes

great book

>> No.4484047
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>farmer become professor
>everything he does turn into shit
>in the end cancer

>> No.4484048

The overcoat?

>> No.4484049

ah yes that one

>> No.4484053

on the road

>> No.4484060

>some niggers kill this guy
>I'm his replacement
>gotta go all the way up this fucking river
>fuck, europeans are cunts

i love the smell of napalm in the morning

>> No.4484063

>my dad is such a cunt
>the kids at school are such cunts
>the people at highschool are such cunts, at least i have beers
>the people at university are such cunts, at least i have cigarettes
>the asians i lived with were such cunts, at least they kicked me out for beating up that sailor
>ah shit america is at war again
>fuck you i'm polish not german

>> No.4484068


Heart of Darkness

>> No.4484069


>> No.4484074


>> No.4484087

ham on rye

>> No.4484090

easy one

>shittiest 30 year birthday ever
> the nurse of my asshole lawyer wanted my dick
>not quite sure about whether or not painter is bro
>sure is hard to talk to someone who knows what's going on around here

>> No.4484092

no one?

>> No.4484100

>eats 8 scoops a day
>leaves humanity behind

>> No.4484364

The Trial

>> No.4484421


Seriously, what is this?

>> No.4484545

>genius girl falls in love with tutor
>muh entropy
>muh limited human intelligence
>genius girl dies in a fire

>> No.4484620

something something mutant mass

>> No.4484747

Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleur du Coran?

>being born in a stinky place
>kills woman
>everyone has sex


>> No.4484826

>car in the cold

>> No.4484893


>> No.4486173

420Alldayerr'day the book
Also know as Stoner

>> No.4486350


>> No.4486380


>Have childhood friend
>Move away and don't met her again until a lot of years have passed and you've married
>After a few months of flirting, finally get to fuck her
>Next day she's magically gone
>Whatever, life continues as usual