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/lit/ - Literature

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4469382 No.4469382[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I read "Industrial Society and Its Future" by Kaczynski and while I disaagre with it as a whole, I enjoyed entertaining some of his thoughts without accepting them. I admit I liked the left bashing in it too.

So I'm looking for extremist manifestos/books and/or objective critiques on left/socialism/communism.

>> No.4469385 [DELETED] 


>> No.4469386

Why? I didn't say I was a Nazi, right-wing or blamed my problems on the "Jew".

>> No.4469391

No offense, but this thread is taylor made to bring all of that here.

But what's sacred. Have a nice day.

>> No.4469404

Shut the fuck up, you annoying shitposter.

>> No.4469412

Eh, I guess I'll take my chance and go to /pol/.

>> No.4469420
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>taylor made

Every day butterfly gets shittier and shittier.

>> No.4469426

Thank you. Is there a left-wing version of this too?

>> No.4469427

Anyone read something by ernst Jünger?
I´m kind of interested.

>> No.4469428

>Implying that actually is butterfly

>> No.4469436

You are aware that the whole point of the left bashing on Unabomber's manifesto was because today's leftists aren't radical and violent enough, right?

>> No.4469445

You should read Stirner, he does away with liberalism, socialism etc. The catch is that he also destroys your right wing ideology.

>> No.4469448

Eh, some of that stuff is hardly "right-wing" though.

>> No.4469451

>Confessions of a Mask
That's ABSOLUTELY retarded. Not only it has nothing at all to do with fascism, it's all full of detailed homosexual fantasies. Fascists hate fags.

>> No.4469452

Oh, and it's on the "Fiction" section.

>> No.4469455

critical theory seems to be its own best critique, though that's also part of why it's so useful.

>> No.4469458

No. Only rightwingers are trying to build a ideological hugbox community here.

>> No.4469464

Start with Marx, he wrote a fuckload of shit, you won't finish it all (his manuscripts are pretty good). Then you can read people like Lenin, the Frankfurt School, Lukacs, Negri or Zizek.

>> No.4469465

I don't want a hugbox. Please, tell me your views on Marxism, so I can laugh at them and remind you that you've been proven wrong by 150 years of continuous failure.

>> No.4469467
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>> No.4469475

Anonymous Wed Nov 27 2013 07:58:02 No.17414891 Report
Multiculturalism is just an excuse for capitalism to continue to rumble onward in its exploitation of the poorer and less well off, and a great scapegoat for rightwing idiots who are squeamish around Marx and Engels and don't want to acknowledge class contradiction as the real driving force of all that violence and crime in their societies (see this thread). World socialism will see the end of it.

>case closed

>> No.4469484


>> No.4469487

If literature selfidentities as left/right, it's shit (bar initiating works such as manifestos)

>> No.4469773

They actually listed that? I can see most of his books, but even Venus in Furs had more fascist overtones than Confessions.

From what I've seen the right 5Evola, Junger) has done a lot more to build off his work than the left has. Kind of interesting that the ideological spook doctor side of the spectrum has adopted his stuff more than most social democrats seem to have.

>> No.4469784

World socialism isn't going to happen in my lifetime (ie the only period of time in history that matters to me in the slightest), but fighting immigration could at least give the proletarient a chance to relate under a common bond (or at least be able to speak the same language) and allow state communism/socialism/fascism to happen.

Checkmate commy

>People with obscure interests that an't be discussed elsewhere discuss their interests in the one place they can be discussed

>> No.4469906

No, he disagreed with "leftists" because their aim is to "socialize" everyone, making them subservient and technology-reliant. There is nothing that he agrees with them about (unless you were to classify the environmental movement as "leftist"). Did you even read the manifesto?

>> No.4469916
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Try Candide.
Voltaire is basically the original Capitalist.

>> No.4469965

why is storm of steel under fiction?

>> No.4470169

You're forgetting the popo bombing futuro-dandy anarchist heritage m8

>> No.4470203

You are aware that no one who had actually read the Unabomber manifesto could possibly think that's what he was saying in his critique of leftism.

>> No.4471392

2083: A European Declaration of Independence

>> No.4471402

I think the guy who made it admitted that it wasn't a fantastic chart (although I could very well be thinking of some other chart).

Either way, this discussion (about how Confessions of a Mask being under 'fascist' is bizarre) has happened at least twice before. I think the way it probably got there was a thought process something like "Let's find fascist authors and list their most important works," which lead to the least fascist of all Mishima books ending up on the chart.

>> No.4471489 [DELETED] 

>Confessions of a Mask

Mishima was a fascist.

>> No.4471516
File: 319 KB, 1202x1600, 0.mishima-tamostu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's ABSOLUTELY retarded. Not only it has nothing at all to do with fascism, it's all full of detailed homosexual fantasies. Fascists hate fags.

Well, fascism is pretty homoerotic.

>> No.4472262
File: 40 KB, 200x300, valerie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the S.C.U.M manifesto by Valerie Solanas. Fucking entertaining shit, mate.

>> No.4472266

Marxists were very much into it. Now they're trying to spin into something the capitalism made them do or something? No, fuck off.

>> No.4472281

'Marxist' is a very broad term, anon.

>> No.4472292

Mishima isn't exemplary of Japanese Fascism. At all.

>> No.4472322


Examples? Every Marxist I've read seems to be fairly critical about multiculturalism. On the other hand, classic Liberalism has always praised it (Lord Acton for instance)

>> No.4472458

have you ever been at a left-wing demonstration?

>> No.4472473

You're confusing "general leftism" and "Marxists".

>> No.4472607

>tfw all modern fascist movements are shitty neo-nazis complaining about immigration and gay crap like that

Why cant modern politics be as cool as modernist politics?

>> No.4472610

>same things as marxists