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/lit/ - Literature

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4464313 No.4464313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, /co/mrade here. I was looking for cyberpunk litterature, and I checked out your reccomended page (very well kept btw, kudos on that) but the only thing I found was dystopian sci-fi, which I supposed is sort of similar, but I'm looking for books discussing themes like Ghost In The Shell looks at, and I was wondering if you could reccomend me some good cyberpunk books?

The only one I know about is Neuromancer, is that one any good?

Also, whats the name you use for yourself - i/lit/terates?

>> No.4464318

stephenson's REAMDE is sort of like a michael bay movie with light neo-cyberpunk stuff worked into it. I found it shamelessly entertaining, and would shamelessly recommend it.
Snow Crash was far more hxcore cyberpunk.
Read the Cryptonomicon if you like GEB and stopping the novel to solve cryptographic puzzles or shit.

>> No.4464319

You really should read Neuromancer first, it actually has literary merit

There's a decent audiobook of it on tpb if you're into that kind of thing

>> No.4464352

I actually read most of my books on my pad like a pleb, but I guess I'll get to work on Neuromancer first then

Wonderfull, I'll add those to a list straight away

>> No.4464401

If you haven't read Snow Crash, us a must. It's a bit more light-hearted and comic-booky than Neuromancer. That said, someone else, I'd anti recommend Reamde. It reads like Stephenson tried to write an intelligent thriller, but forgot that he's really good at research but really bad at believable characters. At one point one female lead wonders why everyone is willing to risk their life for her, but the book never answers its own question after hundreds of pages.

Also I highly recommend Neuromancer as well as the other books in the Sprawl trilogy, Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive. They are more "serious"than Neuromancer, as Gibson had really grown as a writer.

>> No.4464464
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Seems Neuromancer is the definite cyberpunk book, no wonder I had heard of it.

>> No.4464478

Neuromancer is the definitive cyber punk book. If you wanted full spectrum here's what I'd say.

Stand on Zanzibar - John Brunner (protocyber punk.)
Neuromancer - William Gibson (Cyberpunk arrives)
Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson (supposedly post-cyber punk)
The Windup Girl - Paolo Bacigalupi (Biopunk, but hey that's probably where computers are headed anyway.)

>> No.4464484

Uhm, I'm not really down with all the literary terms here, what exactly would "post" cyberpunk mean? Cause' I'm hearing postmodern art, and am suddenly feeling sick.

>> No.4464547

I'm kinda lost, which female are you talking about?, Juanita?.

>> No.4464555


>> No.4464751

There's petty much nothing suggesting biological computers as a likely future except "wouldn't it be cool if?"

>> No.4464818

Post merely means 'after'. You'd better start appreciating post-modernism though, you're in it.

>> No.4464825

>implying biology and technology aren't making wedding arrangements as we speak

>> No.4464840

"post cyberpunk" isn't necessarily dystopian, and often re examines common cyberpunk tropes. For example, in neuromancer there is a large underground of hackers (a more sinister and sophisticated version of the subculture of phreakkiddies that existed at the time), but in Snow Crash, the protagonist (aptly named Hiro Protagonist) is "the last freelance hacker" because corporatization has progressed to such a degree that even the Mafia is a corporation.

>> No.4464847

Would it be the end if history if people started liking their current paradigm?

>> No.4464851

braintext me when you have microsofts sticking out from behind your ear and your laptop is grown in a test tube.

>> No.4464890

The protagonist is literally named protagonist?

>> No.4464895


Hiro Protagonist. Get it?

>> No.4464932

Actually no, eh he

>> No.4464935

ere's a lot of tongue in cheek humor like that. The opening paragraphs are brilliant.

>> No.4464943

Actually Im horrible at remembering names, so if all authors would just start naming people "the guy with one eye" or "background character 1" that would really help, thanks

>> No.4464959

I wouldn't consider Snow Crash post-cyberpunk. The Diamond Age is though.

>> No.4464980
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Sorry my cochlear implant can't hear you over the sound of my pacemaker.

>> No.4465101

Hero Protagonist

>> No.4465741

Neither of those inventions are biological, they're purely mechanical. They're the same degree of biopunk as glasses.

>> No.4465841
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For those who enjoy sci-fi would you be interested in a crypto currency called Credits?

Will be released in a week or two, also see /g/

>> No.4465850

Stop advertising you autistic fuck.

>> No.4466216

Oh, thats... stupid. In a cool way. Can't believe this thread is still alive, /lit/ is puurty slow.

>> No.4466411

> Yfw you realize Ben Franklin was the original practicing transhumanist

>> No.4466417

how do you plan to differentiate it from pretty much every other CC available. What a cryptocurrency needs is a) widespread adoption and b) stability. Unfortunately it's difficult to achieve one without the other. BTC was the closest to achieving both, but legislation killed it, and now the whole movement is gonna suffocate under the sheer volume of alternatives trying to take is place.

>> No.4466449

I remember hearing about this on /g/, Supposedly they'll have a shop/market place similar to ebay/etsy. I remember them sounding like they new their shit and people seemed interested that it wasn't another pump and dump