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4454789 No.4454789 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody recommend me a book by a black person that doesn't have race as a major theme? I'm not trying to be prejudiced or whatever but racism/social criticism kind of bores me; I don't relate to it at all. Are there any black existentialists or something?

>> No.4454794


Theres a reason why theres only a single nigger that has won a respectable nobel prize, its because they have ape brains and belong in the wilderness.

>> No.4454799

whoa you are really racist huh

>> No.4454808

James Baldwin usually works, try Giovanni's Room - one of my favorites.

>> No.4454826

Not him but most nigger writers are hugely asspained about race.

>> No.4454847

Race is a major theme in all those white books you like to read. You know, the ones where they're constantly marveling at the richness of their completely dead and staid inner lives.

>> No.4454856

I don't understand what you are trying to say with this comment. White people are boring?

>> No.4454858

lol what?

>> No.4454872

>implying marveling at the richness of their completely dead and staid inner lives is exclusive to white people
Most nigger novels are strictly about that only with DATS RACIZ covering everything.

>> No.4454881

Thinly veiled /pol/thread

>> No.4454883

They're subjected to hundreds of years of captivity, degradation, dehumanization, and social stigma and you're surprised this is a prevalent theme in the works most praised for their commentary on the human condition?

>> No.4454884

Malcolm X

>> No.4454888

Yes, they should stop whining about it.

>> No.4454891 [DELETED] 


Why? The Jews sure haven't.

>> No.4454894

This, why is it so wrong to get a little educated on the black struggle in America?

>> No.4454898


Because it doesnt matter, they are animals, its like reading an autobiography of a cow living on a farm only to be slaughtered when it reaches 2 years of age.

>> No.4454900


Because Obama won the election and signed a bill ending Racism forever.

>> No.4454903
File: 121 KB, 720x540, machado-de-assis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Machado de Assis.

Try Dom Casmurro, Quincas Borba and Epitaph of a Small Winner.

>> No.4454906

Why isn't every Russian book about class and serfdom?

>> No.4454908

>you're surprised this is a prevalent theme in the works most praised for their commentary on the human condition?

Did I say I was surprised? I said I didn't relate to it, not that I didn't understand why it's such a prevalent theme. In the future you should avoid intentionally misinterpreting other people's comments, especially on race, which is a touchy subject already.

>> No.4454912

What matters instead?

>> No.4454916

Pushkin, Dumas, the list goes on...

>> No.4454921

>everyone can be president now!

>> No.4454920

A lot of them were?

>> No.4454918

>Dom Casmurro

The plot summary on Wikipedia seemed very promising, I will probably end up ordering this

>> No.4455332


those things have happened to every race

>> No.4455340

>this guy

>> No.4455344
File: 86 KB, 630x561, Martin Luther King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These, really.

>> No.4455351

>Things Fall Apart

>> No.4455350


>thinking every race hasn't been enslaved at some point?

we just going to ignore history now?

>> No.4455367

has the majority of the world's entire black/african population had their ancestors enslaved/conquered/exploited at some point in relatively recent history and are they still suffering from the consequences? check

does the same apply to whites (god, what an idiotic category)? no

don't be stupid on purpose

>> No.4455385

Anything from Amos Tutuola.

>> No.4455400

Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.4455413

The Three Musketeers.

>> No.4455419

Didn't the greeks (non-whites) enslaved all of the tribes that grew up into what we know today as white?

>> No.4455427


Just so you know Africa is enormous, I doubt even a 5th of their population was ever enslaved.

>> No.4455438

i did say exploited or conquered; the whole of africa was colonised at the end of the 19th century, and, in a sense, this colonialism continues to the present day in form of economical imperialism. also, america is a different in this respect

>> No.4455441

>inb4 ethiopia

>> No.4455442

Simultaneously, I don't think so, although it got really close to it during the colonization era.

>> No.4455467

Wright's Outsider

>> No.4455483

Frantz Fanon is a black existentialist but his writings are ALL about race. Just applying Sartrean existentialism to the issue of race.

>> No.4455509
File: 39 KB, 334x450, MarcFerrez_MachadodeAssis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Machado ain't black. Afrocentrist faggotry

>> No.4455547

Why do you need to read books written by black people?
Just read good books written by people you racist.

>> No.4455552

I'm not racist. Some of my best friends were written by black people.

>> No.4455577

Machado de Assis.

>> No.4455587

Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler.

>> No.4455592

The Famished Road by Ben Okri

>> No.4455605

he was a quarter black and married a white woman, only americans would call the dude black

>> No.4455612

I wonder why

>> No.4455619


wow, its funny that you speaking about ape brains since you clearly have one.


Also, Baldwin is totally the shit. You should check out Samuel R. Delany if you like sci-fi or fantasy at all.

>> No.4455620

Greeks are white

>> No.4455647


3/10 and that cow's story would be interesting you fucking idiot

No reason to say that to OP, he's just making a request not even making any commentary on race or anything. No need to get easily offended, but it's a good point for >>4454826
>>4454872 these idiots.

OP, what about Alexandre Dumas? Guy who wrote Three Musketeers? He's mixed but the Brazilian guy someone else posted was only a fourth black.

And why are you looking for a book that meets such specific criteria? It's just a strange request

>> No.4455658

Well they're sole losers in the game of life.
Much like feminists.
If you were born for example a woman and unable to achieve as greatly as other people, you'd feel grief for not having the capacity to achieve.
Instead of looking up to these people who do better than you, you'd demand they be thrown down.
I've observed that some women who succeeded professionally, for example by building a business or leading it, have a tendency to laugh at the ideas of feminists. They want their efforts to be recognized as such, not to be thought of as by-products of governmental involvement.

>> No.4455689

Well I'd say we're all sore losers here, seems we could sympathize .

I mean you're either a racist or pretending to be trying to elicit a reaction from total strangers

And I am replying to you

>> No.4455723
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Thomas Sowell.

Daily reminder that "white" just means "civilised", and blacks can be "white" just as much as any caucasian person can be.

Though of course plenty of good material has been written by blacks on the issues of their race and their oppression by others, it's just that the good stuff is a minority, and every single black artist or entertainer immediately resorts to race issues even if they have no talent or nothing worthwhile to say, so there's a lot of chaff.

>> No.4455731

>Greeks are white

>> No.4455738

>I've observed that some women who succeeded professionally, for example by building a business or leading it, have a tendency to laugh at the ideas of feminists.
That's because today, feminist ideas are from sheltered babbies to sheltered babbies.

>> No.4455752

I'm trying not to be racist.
I've just noticed blacks usually don't achieve as high as westerners and asians.
Same goes with women, there are less high-achievers among women than among men. That's dependent on a socially-constructed definition of high-achiever of course.

In those cases you can either consider that the lesser-achieving group is less capable or that there is some kind of abuse from the upper-achieving group.
Feminists jump straight to the conclusion of abuse, I suppose those blacks who complain about westerners do the same.

I don't deny that sore losers are sometimes right. Not all blacks are sore losers either.

>> No.4455755
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It's true.

>> No.4455818

You could also say that rich people aren't high achievers since most great art comes from the upper middle class. I don't think it's fair or even reasonable to try to determine a universal standard of achievement with something as broad as race.

Successful people often look down on people who want to change the system, but this isn't anything new. Rosa Bonheur had this attitude before feminism was even a coherent movement.

>> No.4455832


>Rosa Bonheur had this attitude before feminism was even a coherent movement.
When has feminism been a coherent anything?

>> No.4455890

Yes achievement and success are arbitrary.
It even seems that the definition of intelligence depends on society's rulings.
If women were in charge, intelligence would be defined as the capacity to understand others, empathy, nurturing, traits that women are more likely to excel at.

I'm not saying we should determine an universal standard of achievement. It just seems that if you apply western standards of success to blacks or women, then they're underachievers.
It's not a bad thing necessarily. Only feminists and racists want to fix things like that.
Only racists care if the rulers are systematically non-blacks and only sexists care if there are more men than women in some position.

>> No.4456001
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>> No.4456027

There's probably some good books by real Africans somewhere but I have a hard time believing Africans of the American variety have or will write anything worthwhile, ever.

>> No.4456031

I have honestly never seen this argument so aptly and concisely put.

>> No.4456036
File: 1.08 MB, 1458x2592, wtfamireading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Aliens Land In The Ghetto by Douglas Green

>> No.4456039

I know!

They act as if people are still out there being racist, comparing them to apes and degrading them.

Oh wait...

>> No.4456066

Aren't eastern standards for success the same in essence than the western standards for success anyways?

>> No.4456095

moar like white people get rich and realize their just animals in more expensive wilderness.

>> No.4456096

says the guy with nothing but racist slurs on every post

>> No.4456097


>> No.4456107

According to western scientific methods, eastern IQ is closer to that of westerners than blacks' IQ.

>> No.4456124

Traversée de la Mangrove by Maryse Condé. It's also available in English: Crossing the Mangrove.

Race doesn't play a huge part in the storyline, really. It's a pretty good read too- I really enjoyed it.

>> No.4456127

>Locusts= White men.
You dun goofed

>> No.4456140

I've known of millionaires that are unable to pass a fucking PISA test; I wasn't talking about IQs, I was talking about what defines a person as successful.
Hell, a lot of people here have high IQs and are still fucking losers.