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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 260x401, 9781593081515_p0_v1_s260x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4448899 No.4448899 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/ currently reading? pic related

>> No.4448903


>> No.4448911

Moby Dick

>> No.4448912

For Whom the Bell Tolls

It's alright. I'm not really enjoying it all that much to be honest but I'm halfway through it so I figured I might as well finish it.

>> No.4448914

Ubik. Gonna finish it later tonight.

>> No.4448916

Between Parentheses -- Roberto Bolano

>> No.4448928

Norwegian Wood - Murakami
Quite enjoying it

>> No.4448937
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Faust part 2
I also had much displeasure in reading the preface, which I stumbled through haphazardly and in doing so ruined the upcoming events. Fuck sake.

>> No.4448938


It picks up.

I just finished The Brother's Karamazov last night and haven't started anything new yet, I was thinking "A Farewell to Arms" just for something lighter, or I might pick up "The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea"

>> No.4448940

Night on the Milky Way Railway - Miyazawa Kenji

>> No.4448946

Reading that currently too. I'm kind of regretting it.

>> No.4448947

I hope so. I was pretty underwhelmed until the sequence where Pilar tells the story of Pablo taking out the fascists in his village, which I thought was the absolute best part of the book so far It seems like it's really building up to something so I have hope it will get better.

>> No.4448960


The imagery and narrative were pretty great in my opinion, and I think the ending was pretty enjoyable. It's not amazing by any means, but it was simple and just nice I guess.

>> No.4448965


At the beginning parts of 2666. Not seeing the sublime yet but I like it.

>> No.4448970

I finished Demons last night myself. BK still my favourite.

>> No.4448974
File: 48 KB, 320x475, thesignofthefour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sign Of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle.

I read the first Sherlock Holmes book and i loved it.

Also finished Animal Farm yesterday.

>> No.4449031

A posthumously arranged collection of little prose pieces by Robert Walser (I guess "Microscripts" is the English edition).

>> No.4449083
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/lit/ recommended. Thanks!

>> No.4449094

Are you liking it?

>> No.4449100

Malady by Sardre but i think i will stop reading it. I read half of it so far and i heard that nothing interesting is going to happen so i really dont see the point. It's just a guy fucking the waitress of the restaurant he regularly goes to, a guy who walks around and thinks about stuff but it's not going anywhere.

>> No.4449119

Bloody Frankenstein, 19th Century gothic horror game is one point

>> No.4449122

no, it's really slow

>> No.4449134

Yes I'm only about 100 pages in but I want to just devour it, I'm trying to pace myself though. I hear it slows down after the Prologues, but haven't noticed that at all.

>> No.4449137



and kierkegaard's collected works

>> No.4449158

The Brothers Karamazov

I'm not really impressed with Dostoevsky's defense of theology, I'm 400 or so pages in and he hasn't even tried to refute Ivan.

He really does dialogue well, though, and his characters are all fantastic, he either based them off real people or has an absurd amount of insight or intuition with regards to how people work (probably both).

>> No.4449173
File: 361 KB, 644x1024, I Robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, Robot, Isaac Asimov. Nice little book. Clever stories, humorous, although light on some of the characterisation and the author's imagination is more impressive than his writing (though it's not bad by any means). My first Asimov.

The language of the Night, essays by Ursula K Le Guin. Just read 'From Elfland to Poughkeepsie' and really liked it.

Early Modern Europe, 1450-1789 (for uni but reading it cover to cover)

A Little History of Philosophy, Nigel Warburton

>> No.4449182
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Pretty sweet book. Chernow really knows how to write a biography.

>> No.4449188

I warned you about prefaces bro

I told you man!

>> No.4449196

I almost picked this up the last time I was at the bookstore and completely forgot about it until now. Thanks

>> No.4449215

Taking a break from The Silmarilion every now and then to read Ferenc Karinthy's Metropole. Not bad so far pretty interesting book also my first taste of Hungarian literature.

>> No.4449223

Currently reading The Road. The grammar is making me feel weird.

>> No.4449225
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A whaling textbook.

>> No.4449230

A lot of Harry Potter fan-fiction. Most recently,
Great ideas, poor execution (continuity errors galore).

>> No.4449239


it's ok.

>> No.4449250

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

It seems like a pretty great philosophy to take on personally, but is pretty bonkers when applied to society. I just wanna give Nietzsche a hug.

>> No.4449251

In the last two days I blasted through Dubliners and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Trying to figure out what to hit up next. I'm torn between To the Lighthouse, King Lear, and the Castle.


>> No.4449255


Also going on holiday in a couple days do I take with me Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrel or Infinite Jest for my 8 hours plane journey?

>> No.4449258

You'll get more out of Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. IJ is garbage

>> No.4449260


Is it good?

>> No.4449263


I didn't think A Supposedly Fun Thing I Will Never Do Again wasn't that bad, really enjoyed the David Lynch section. Looks like i'll take Johnathan Strange with me.

>> No.4449280

Im 450 or so pages into The Brothers Karamazov. Loving it loving it loving it

>> No.4449304


just finished.

>dat 1850's humor
>all kinds of awesome shit

>> No.4449305
File: 291 KB, 936x1416, Ilium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so fucking good

>> No.4449308

>Clever stories, humorous, although light on some of the characterisation and the author's imagination is more impressive than his writing (though it's not bad by any means). My first Asimov.
that is pretty much asimov in a nutshell, although he's not always too humorous

>> No.4449330
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>I was thinking "A Farewell to Arms" just for something lighter
>just for something lighter

>> No.4449336
File: 35 KB, 294x450, the shitty & the shitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this actually, it was the second chance I gave Mieville after Perdido Street Station which bored me to fucking death. I don't think I will give him a third chance really.

>Hey guys there's a city somewhere in eastern Europe which is located on some dimensional interstice or something and is simultaneously an American-backed post-Christian European city and a post-Soviet oriental city with its own nutbar religion, and also maybe a magical third city inhabited by the shifter illuminati and people from one city are trained to ignore the people from and architecture of the other and if they fuck up the illuminati come to take them away
>now forget about all that bullshit and let's focus on this deadly-boring Chandleresque police procedural I have cooked up, complete with utterly unremarkable sarcastic toughman protagonist and dead naked girl found unidentified in a slum

>the city and the city of China Mieville

>> No.4449342
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i told you about the MTAs bro

>> No.4449344

>Reading an abridged version
>any year

Get it together, OP

>> No.4449348


lighter in the sense that it's not a 700 page Russian novel.

>> No.4449375


>A Farewell To Arms

Finished it last month. Still dealing with those feels.

>> No.4449381

Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections. I like it very much. I don't know how I'd feel about any of his other works. I might look into it eventually.

>> No.4449383
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It's wonderful.

>> No.4449398
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>> No.4449402

are you rich yet

>> No.4449409

Income is going up about 8x next year, will be able to save about 5-6k for investing outside of 401k/503b contributions a month next year, and I do not want to be in the hands of some mutual fund investor. The book is good, and strongly recommends both investing in the S&P Unmanaged Index as well as doing the math out on undervalued stocks ala buffet.

Its the first of about 5 books on personal finance i want to get too. Next up is "The Millionaire Next Door"

>> No.4449414
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it's confusing

>> No.4449435
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I'm glad I'm almost done with it

>> No.4449466

bout to finish re-reading inherent vice

hope PTA nails it better than pynchy

>> No.4449474

Just started reading Walden by Henry David Thoreau yesterday. Gonna continue with it in a couple of minutes. Absolutely loving it so far.

>> No.4449488

Finished it a year and a half ago and I'm still dealing with those feels.

>> No.4449554
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>> No.4449561

I would have agreed. I think it's a little dated nowadays, unless you grew up in an ultra-religious family. Other Baldwin is much better, especially his essays. I think he's more of an intellectual than an artist.

>> No.4449567
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Surprisingly readable so far (just on chapter 6 though).

Also reading Franny and Zooey but I have to find a new epub copy of it because the Zooey section of mine is fucked.

>> No.4449578
File: 53 KB, 332x500, Walden-First_Edition-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walden, again. I love this book. Thoreau had a beautiful way with words.

>> No.4449579
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jonathan littell - les bénévoles

>> No.4449648

Just got done reading it a few weeks ago. The worst/best is yet to come, so if you can weather a few of the more excessive technical chapters (looking at you, whale typology) you will be glad for it. Remembering fleece's sermon to the sharks still makes me smile.
Oh, and I'm reading A Farewell to Arms.

>> No.4449657

melville has a way of getting you hyped about his talk of whale innards, i'll tell you

nice post number

>> No.4449661
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>> No.4449665
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pic related to blow my mind. The Myth of Sisyphus because it looked like it was my kind of shit. and it is.

>> No.4449667

Sophie's World. Awesome book. Got the rec here.

>> No.4449683

The hobbit. I'm almost done but I'm not a compulsive reader so it will be another day I think. Still an easy, fun read though. There isn't much in the way of literary merit, but I can just pick it up and immediately be in the zone and read away. It's been a while since I read a simple story that isn't exhausting on the brain. I enjoy books that keep me thinking sharp but this is a nice rest.

>> No.4449698

It's kind of funny to see that posted here. I read it in seventh grade and loved it an now I see it posted here and think that I probably didn't really understand any of it.

>> No.4449708

it was originally intended for children
but it's still great

>> No.4449729

Currently reading The Sun Also Rises. I'm maybe 40% of the way through. I'm enjoying it so far. I like the prose but I don't necessarily see the enormous praise Hemingway's prose gets. He doesn't always seem minimalistic. Some of his descriptions are quite vivid. I'm enjoying his writing quite a lot.

I find, though, that my attention wanders if I'm just in the mood to read casually. More of a flaw on my part than a flaw on the part of the book. I'm hoping for some serious character development soon, though.

>> No.4449747

the Jest. I'm at Interdependence Day and it's pretty slow going. I think Wallace jerked it to Pemulis at night.

>> No.4449770

Actually, he considered him on of the book's "antichrists."

>> No.4449777

Part of the reason I enjoy Hemingway is that his descriptions are vivid but just vague enough to make your own unique image in your head. He'll write about the landscape and what's where, but leaves you to fill in the details.

>> No.4449848 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4449859

He's pretty minimal in terms of actual storytelling. Very much an A, then B, then C, and so on kind of writer.

>> No.4449880

Crime and Punishment, first dostoevsky novel, I'm in the middle of Part 5. So good

>> No.4449902
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>> No.4449907
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about halfway through. I can't even.

>> No.4449911

I remember we had to read parts of it in high school, but I read the whole thing anyways. so great.

>> No.4449942
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just finished this about 20 mins ago.

>> No.4449973
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It's a clusterfuck and I hate the anon who recommended it.

>> No.4449980

Im about to start reading Machiavelli the Prince.

I'm a big 2pac fan so hopefully the book is just as good.

>> No.4449991
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Your verdict?

>> No.4450007
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Prince is a bro.

>> No.4450027
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>> No.4450033
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as a lifelong henson fan, i knew the basic story already, but this was very well done and informative without being lost in too many inconsequential details.

>i shed a tear at the end....

>> No.4450037
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This book was so fucking weird.

Only because it's so easy to think about a dystopia as in being oppressive with "NO FUN ALLOWED" signs everywhere, yet this one exemplifies "FUN" to the point of dismantling anything that could even begin to cultivate un-fun things or feelings.

>> No.4450338


Walker Percy - Love in the Ruins.

Enjoying it so far.

>> No.4450376
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Who thought it was a good idea to change the wiki?
It looks like shit. I know it's been this way for a while, but I feel I needed to express that.

>> No.4450381
File: 139 KB, 1920x1080, moag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memoirs of a Geisha

>> No.4450384


>> No.4450394

oh, please fuck, say you are not actually going there unironically

>> No.4450396

speedboat by renata adler
three chapters in and I'm on the brink of burning it and starting the tropic of cancer instead
anyone read it? does it get better?

>> No.4450397

- The world as representation and will
- The Unique and his Property
- Schopenhauer as educator

>2014 + 7*24+12 hours
>Not reading more than one book at once

>> No.4450400

beat me man
I got about 20 pages in and gave up, that was a few years ago when I first started reading properly.. might be able to dissect it a little better now but yet to dare

>> No.4450417
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>> No.4450421

you should read all of those books at once

>> No.4450426

Pick up The End of Eternity, brilliant book.
I read The Complete Robot, The End of Eternity and The Caves of Steel so far, incredible, at
right now.
Got all the Foundation Novels waiting for me as well (and the Empire novels as well if amazon would actually send them to me), can't wait.

>> No.4450433

the end of eternity was incredible, not even a sci fi lit fan
bought the first in the foundation series but yet to get around to it

>> No.4450436
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>> No.4450439
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pic related

>> No.4450444
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It's pretty great. Almost like War And Peace, centered around the battle of Stalingrad.

>> No.4450456
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pic related

>> No.4450477
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Fucking hell this book is awesome.
Seriously, it's got everything I could ever possibly want in a book.

>> No.4450513
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>> No.4450525

The Myth of Sisyphus.

>> No.4450589
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Feels bad, man.

>> No.4450594
File: 41 KB, 457x681, Wind-up_Bird_Chronicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one.

>> No.4450602

This is my favorite series ever. Loooved it

>> No.4450625
File: 17 KB, 259x399, Demons_(Fyodor_Dostoyevsky).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished The Idiot last month, it was great. Reading Demons currently.

>> No.4450627

Catcher in the rye, first time reading it.

>> No.4450646
File: 35 KB, 322x450, OneFlewOverTheCuckoosNest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and it's really boring.

>> No.4450666
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Go ahead with the comments, but this is a lot of fun. No, I'm not looking for any depth here, just entertainment this time. I'll get back to depth when I'm in the mood but now it's all bizarro fun.

>> No.4450696

How do you like it? I've been thinking of getting into Walser myself.

>> No.4450720

Lucky you - that's a powerful read! I never see it discussed here, unfortunately.

>> No.4450730

Okay Antichrist but it's kinda weird you are reading about your bro's daughter getting knocked up.

>> No.4450736

Do you even have the ability to experience emotions? You should see a neuro-psychologist.

>> No.4450754


Since I just recently started going in this board, I decided to read the recommended literature that I was missing. Fortunately, I am not missing much (just two or three titles)

>> No.4450753

it's a rom-com, and we're all happy for the lovely couple.

>> No.4450781

Three Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque

>> No.4451181

nice get
at least it's not written by a woman

>> No.4451184

>at least it's not written by a woman
top juj

>> No.4451189
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>> No.4451226

Foundation and Empire by Asimov
Some of the most intelligent dialogues I have ever read came from Foundation, by the way.

>> No.4451234

>...and it's really boring.
Fuck you, it's an awesome book since page one, when the Amerindian war veteran is telling how the black nurses are waiting in the aisle to commit sexual crimes.

>> No.4451249
File: 120 KB, 654x519, CM3note1005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hooked before it even started.

>> No.4451265

Compare Asimov's psychohistory with Tolstoy's views on the field of history on War and Peace when you get the chance. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

>> No.4451272
File: 548 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite living in California my whole life I'm just now picking up The Grapes of Wrath . 120 pages in and I really like it, not as much as I liked East of Eden though.

>> No.4451274

my nigga

Reading Infinite Jest right now, I know you guys hate it.

>> No.4451282

where does he state that? i always thought of pemulis as a sympathetic character.

>> No.4451288

3/4 through Pale Fire. Last thing I read was Norweigan Wood, tugged the ol heartstrings a little.

>> No.4451428

>mfw I never read War and Peace
I am ashamed to admit it, but once I'm done with Second Foundation, I am getting the best edition of War and Peace I can afford.

>> No.4451456


You're reading the endnotes too, right?

>> No.4451479

something to look forward to on both accounts then

>> No.4451480
File: 120 KB, 307x475, Publication_1994-02_main[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of you anons actually recommended me this book. Not dissapointed so far

>> No.4451485

The Bell Jar.

I think it's pretty much a Catcher in the Rye for girls, though I'm enjoying it a bit more so far.

>> No.4451486

The only shame in life is dying before living life to the fullest. You are still alive and can still read until you die. What would life be like without goals?

>> No.4451489

tropic of cancer

>> No.4451497

Ah yes sex can cure crazy bitches afterall!

>> No.4451549
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>tfw Tlön is going to desintegrate the world and then there will be no English nor Spanish.

I reccomend his essay on the classics. I had just read it last night.

>> No.4451587
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Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex inspired me to read this.

Also, it's my grandpa's first edition copy. I love old books.

>> No.4451591

Just finished TSOP, dont know what I should read next.

>> No.4451594
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guess what book this is

>> No.4451614

*insert Bukowski title here*

>> No.4451649

I dinnae ken.

>> No.4451656


Please tell us. I might pick that up by mistake.

>> No.4451680
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>> No.4451688

sounds like irvine welsh

>> No.4451697
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>> No.4451710

Are you reading that exact book? Pretty sure that's the abridged version. Buy the modern library full version.

>> No.4451865

is it fun?

>> No.4451897

it's so weird. a friend just told me to read it and not look it up, so I did.

>> No.4453115
File: 10 KB, 176x287, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished The Time Machine about an hour ago, and I'm going to read The Invisible Man later tomorrow.

>> No.4453236

the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

>> No.4453247

oh boy, i did enjoy the Time Machine

>> No.4453372
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>> No.4453392

Same, 90 or so pages left.

>> No.4453397
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Just started it.

>> No.4453444

it is hilarious.

I'm starting the year off with some theatre before I get into any larger projects. finished macbeth quickly and am now working through some early Harold Pinter.

>> No.4453453

Assloads of RA Lafferty. Found a pile of old paperbacks of his in a used bookstore and obviously bought them all. Just finished Fourth Mansions and Past Master. Probably doing Annals of Klepsis next but not decided yet.

>> No.4453457

I just got to the last part today. Page 633 or something. It's pretty good overall, and there are moments of brilliance that will keep you from quitting. I'm hoping to finish it up by the weekend.

>> No.4453487
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Got this from the library before Christmas and trying to wrap it up.

Noticed for the first time that there's an abundance of long, gray hairs jutting out of the back of the book last night. I'm guessing it's from a cat but an old man scratching his head while reading is possible as well.

Sending it to the lab tomorrow.

>> No.4453492

Who here has read and enjoyed As I Lay Dying?

>> No.4453525

Just finished Buddhas Little Finger by Pelevin few minutes ago, the end is really weird, the book is pretty good overall though is mindfucking

>> No.4453536

I liked it.. The ending was kinda meh though, but it hit me on a personal level. I had problems with it, but in the end I liked it.

>> No.4453557

I absolutely love the book, and I thought the ending was good because if you think about it the people who end up screwing over Darl are the ones that get the shit end of the stick while Darl gets peace from his redneck as fuck family.

They really need to make a movie adaption, and the Coen's need to direct it as the whole book reads like a Coen film. Everything from the narrative style to the absurd characters that vicariously play off one another. Only problem is not a lot of "exciting" things happen in the novel other than Cash and his leg getting fucked.

>> No.4453569

They did. It came out last year. It's on Netflix. James Franco plays Darl. It's actually not bad, except Anse is incomprehensible because they made his teeth so fucked up.

I just watched it earlier today. Also did you think the thing with Darl kinda happened out of nowhere? I understand they wanted him to come off as a little unhinged, but what happens to him and what he does seemed to come out of left field.

>> No.4453579

also Danny McBride plays Tull which was a really weird choice to me, but Franco directed it and they're friends.

>> No.4453583

Oh fuck seriously, they made a film about it? That makes me both happy and sad as it kind of rules out a Coen brothers adaptation but I'll still see it.

I think Darl was always played off as not necessarily unhinged, but as a sagacious person and the only one in touch with the reality of the trip, it being selfish and absurd. Him burning the farm wasn't necessarily a random mental breakdown, but through his mental process he assumed by burning the barn he'd accomplish both giving his mother proper rest and exposing the selfish nature of the trip. He just didn't count on Jewel saving his mom and the fact that he was being played by Dewey.

Darl being apprehended and locked away was more of an "Oh shit didn't expect that" moment than him burning down the barn. Kind of made me mad too at first, as he was the character I felt I could trust the most while everyone else was burdened by something else. Dewey had her mind on getting an abortion, Anse his teeth, Cash goes too much with the flow and can't offer any insight on the situation past "That's how it is", Vardaman is a confused and helpless kid, and Jewel has one part.

>> No.4453598

The Collected Works of Voltaire.

>> No.4453629

>Last: Notes from the Underground
>Current: A Tragic Sense of Life (Unamuno)
>Next: Probably more Dostoyevsky

>> No.4453632
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Florida has the highest rate of mutilation murders in the US. They reckon its because its easier to spend hours chopping up a body when in a warmer climate.

>> No.4453848


You might say it's hitlerarious.

>> No.4453857

Naomi by Junichiro Tanizaki.

I live in Japan now (call me weaboo if you like), so I decided I would go on a modern Japanese literature kick and am reading major books in order from Natsume Soseki onwards. It's great reading, plus Japanese bitches will get their panties wet when I show off how intellectual I am.

>> No.4455764

Does anyone have as much vitriolic hatred for Ethan Frome as I did.

One of the worst attempts at trying to make me sympathize with someone.

>> No.4455774


American gods

>> No.4455903
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I like it so far.

>> No.4455980
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easily the worst book I've read in over a year

the only thing worse than a novel centered on whiny navel-gazing by an oversexed trust fund baby is when you combine that with a boilerplate dystopia

>> No.4456436

What should I read next? I'm thinking of tackling a big one:
> Don Quixote
> Anna Karenina
> Atlas Shrugged
> War and Peace
> The Brothers Karamazov

Keep in mind I've read none of the Russians except for Nabokov. plz help

>> No.4456468

Brothers. Hands down.

War and Peace helps if you know French. Atlas Shrugged sucks and is preachy and filled with far too much description of everything. Can't speak to Anna or Don. But I'd tackle Karamazov. Much easier and lighter than Crime and Punishment.

>> No.4456469

Just so you don't embarrass yourself later in life if you're trying to talk to a grill or something, Nabokov generally isn't considered a Russian author.

>> No.4456479
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I've been on a Biography kick lately.

>> No.4456490

>Atlas Shrugged sucks
I enjoy Rand's works as novels, the preachiness doesn't bother me too much as I can just skim over it. But thanks for the recommendation I'll see if I can find a copy of Brothers Karamazov lying around

I don't know why I made that error, I knew that already. But thanks for the correction

>> No.4456521

A feast for crows (page 610, just want to get it over with)
Requiem for a dream (~40 pages in)
The man in the high castle (25 pages in)
Can someone tell me of dance is better than feast or should I take a break from asoiaf?

>> No.4456542

Financial Accounting Standards Board 'Concepts Standards No. "Recognition and Measurement in Financial Statements of Business Enterprises"'

Fuck my life

>> No.4456577

this guy again
holy shit I'm a few more chapters in and this is one of the worst books I've ever read
how the hell did it get published?
it's not terribly written I suppose but the whole sporadic jumping from one story to the next in each paragraph and sometimes even each sentence takes you completely out of any sort of immersion.
what I get for reading a woman's work

>> No.4456581

how many hours of reading will it take you before you realize that it's OK to put a book down and never come back to it. I've probably thrown more books away after the first chapter than most people have read. there exist only two reasons to read: for learning or for pleasure

>> No.4456582
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I spent a week sick in bed marathoning the show and decided that I wasn't going to wait for season 4. Starting from the beginning, of course. About a 130 pages in.

>> No.4456583

yep I decided to stop and move on
most of the time I like to finish or at least attempt to finish a book because I often buy them online and thus don't want to feel like I wasted my money
in this case, I did
can't win em all
think I'll raed either 'tropic of cancer' or 'the sun also rises'

>> No.4456595

I was reading Catch-22, but came across Steppenwolf when I was cleaning and felt like hanging with Haller for a little while.

>> No.4456619

plz help guise. I'm going on a long journey tomorrow and I will need a good book

>> No.4456620
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gonna be so sad when I finish book 6 ;_;

this series is so good

>> No.4456637

I got this recommended to me from my cool-ass esoteric cousin who thought he was a ninja when I was younger. I idolized him back then so of course I bought it but honestly I never got very far into it. Will have to pick it back up.

My current read is Hyperion by Dan Simmons. I just recently started it but I like it so far.

>> No.4456643

>first edition of Catcher in the Rye
So, hows it feel to hole a book someone would pay thousands for?

>> No.4456661
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I didn't think he could too The First Law trilogy, but this is something else. I'm a third of the way through and it's already shaping up to be fantastic.

> the "Casualties" chapter
> that violence
> that terror
> that smile on my face.

>> No.4456668

I just finished nineteen eighty-four. I'm on Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens now

>> No.4456687

I've never read JA. Would this be a good intro for someone new to him?

>> No.4456693
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and after this I'm reading Nietzschie's Ecce Homo

>> No.4456699
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Good stuff.

>> No.4456705


not him


First Law Trilogy
then all the other standalone books that are set after the trilogy in the same universe like the heroes, red country, etc.

He's a one trick pony though and I don't care to read the heroes or red country, maybe when I'm really bored, because I know exactly how its going to be

>> No.4456709


No way. You have to read First law trilogy first (the blade itself, before they are hanged and the last argument of kings)

All his books are set in the same universe so reading one of his later ones will ruin the earlier ones.

Just get the damn books!

>> No.4456715

Just finished The Count of Monte Cristo (the unabridged version) today, as well as Dubliners right after!
Amazing books, feels good to be done with Monte Cristo and The Dead left me in awe.
Right now contemplating what to read next.

>> No.4456716


> Knowing exactly how they'll be
> haven't read them

U wot m8. And you have a rough idea of what sex is gonna be like. You still fucking do it though!

>> No.4456724

This. I expected more from this book. I have about 5 chapters left before I finish it and it seems like Dostoevsky could have written a bit more in order to make the story a bit more "complete", in a sense.

It's almost as tedious as War and Peace. I need a break from Russian lit after this.

>> No.4456728
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Forgot the image.

>> No.4456730
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>> No.4456733

I laughed more than I should have.

>> No.4456736
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I'm a pleb, so i'm just going through the entry level stuff, but this has been enjoyable so far.

>> No.4457036

Dude you just got in college, stop pretending like you're something.

>> No.4457040

Booo get off the stage.

>> No.4457543
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rite know im reedin dis storey. is madddd gud. luv da anamorphs

>> No.4457641
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finished >>4450666 now onto this
short stories

>> No.4457857
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>> No.4457866

This is the equivalent of the Invader Zim show in book form

Fuck yourself.

>> No.4457906
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The Haunter on Hill Hill it was about spoopy ghoats and lesbians

>> No.4457909
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Quite enjoying this

>> No.4457912

is that supposed to be bad

>> No.4457933
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>> No.4457943

No it isn't. But I don't know what Invader Zim is. Go back to your rut, please.
>judging a book by its cover

>> No.4457946

>It isn't what you say it is
>I don't know what you're referencing

>> No.4457947
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>about satan

>> No.4457964

Well, I think one is a TV show, and one is a book, for starters. In what way is this like the TV show Invader Zim? When you read this book why did you think that?
Or any other way you can explain your opinion is fine.

>> No.4458425

They may be too low tier for you, but I know when I'm really depressed I appreciate trashy literature like this. The last thing I want to do when I'm in the dumps is read shit like Notes from the Underground.

>> No.4458438
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I like it.

>> No.4458499
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>> No.4458510

The only war biography I've read is on Manstein 'Lost Victories', and was going to follow up on reading a bit about Chuikov, great for a Hoi III player.

>> No.4458514

just finished blood meridian, what's next

>> No.4458528


The border trilogy, its a bit of a slog in my opinion, but its worth it for the little bites of philosophy scattered throughout it.

if you've not read child of god, thats my favourite McCarthy book.

>> No.4458540
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You nailed it. It's exactly what I'm looking for now. Also, I'm actually liking this Mellick guy. What he writes in one of his forewards about how proud he is to have written such a short book. It makes sense because its some of the tightest writing I've ever read, I get the feeling he's only telling me what I need to know and not rambling on about crap.

>> No.4458543
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i read all the pretty horses and liked that but haven't moved on in the trilogy, i'll probably do child of god next ty you for recommendation anon

>> No.4458571

Part of the praise comes because he writes in reaction to the more flowery writers that came before him. Hemingway realized that "big emotions [don't] come from big words." I find The Sun Also Rises, for example, really affecting in part because the prose is so bare, it really hits home harder and feels real. Not to say I don't also like Faulkner and the rest...

>> No.4458641


the crossing is the next one and its my fav of the three, dont want to piss on your bonfire but I thought cities of the plain was a bit dull

>> No.4458811

This. Put it down a year ago after getting through the first third of the book. I'm torn between continuing from where I left off or just restarting.

>> No.4458888

Cities of The Red Night by William s Burroughs

So far pretty funny and weird

>> No.4458920

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt

Pretty good so far.

>> No.4458979
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>Not reading several books literally at once, simultaneously.

>> No.4458980

I shouldn't be laughing, but I do.

>> No.4458995

A Clockwork Orange. Great book, but the Nadsat can be overwhelming at times.

>> No.4459085

Wallacefag. I picked up Wittgenstein's Mistress with the same collection of essays that contains the former's afterword. I proceed to fap out a Kafkaesque stream of consciousness, where
if the narrator stops thinking of the bear, it will eat him. A fridge-worthy piece

>> No.4459268

Just finished Yukio Mishima's Sea of Fertility tetrology a couple of hours ago. I read it piece-meal over the last few years. In the end it was lovely, and I think it's one of my favourite works so far. I found his philosophizing a bit boring (a lot of manipulation of false predicates), and the translation (maybe the original?) was needlessly purple at times, but in the grand-sum I think it was well worth it when it all came together in the end. It borders on the line of magical realism, but not quite.

Undecided on what to read next. I'm balancing between something modern, vs starting another 'epic.' I don't think I'll read another Japanese novel for a year (I've already read most of the lit-core Japanese books now anyway).

>> No.4459328
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Surprisingly good.jpg

for some reason I thought I'd hate it but so far it's very good

>> No.4459341

Are you twelve? How have you never read Ender's Game?

>> No.4459348

you'd be surprised at what I haven't read

>> No.4459363

Probably not, actually. Still, it' a decent read.

>> No.4459457

Just finished For Whom the Bell tolls and I rather enjoyed it. I thought the ending was going to be completely different than what actually happened and I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome.

>> No.4459537

what did you expect to happen? i mean i saw it coming myself, but i read it last of hemingway's major books.

>> No.4460218

Moby Cock

>> No.4460836

I expected EVERYBODY to die.