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443646 No.443646 [Reply] [Original]

Just read 1984.

I enjoyed it, but it wasn't mind blowing...
Can someone tell me what is so special about this book?

>> No.443648
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>> No.443650

for the sake of /lit/. I hope you`re a troll

>> No.443653


Not trolling..

>> No.443657
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shit was boring, dont watch teh movie it's so fucking long and boring

>> No.443664

Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
a) Did you read it for school?
b) How many books did you read in 2009 for pleasure?
c) Can you explain Darwin's theory of natural selection? (If yes, please do so.)
d) How did World War 2 begin?

Answer those questions quickly and honestly, and I will engage with you in a dialogue with you about 1984.

>> No.443670

It wasn't mind-blowing because it's been present in popular culture for so long you've most likely already got the gist of it through osmosis

Anyway, read Brave New World next, I feel it was more prophetic

>> No.443686

Yeah it's not bad...not as great as everyone says.

It almost seems like a Young Adult Fiction these days... Animal Farm was a fuckin kid's book >.>

>> No.443695


This. When a message has been around so long, it looses power.


Related link.

>> No.443700

a few
survival of the fittest
german agression

>> No.443721

>tv tropes


>> No.443727


I don't go near that site after 9pm.

>> No.443731


Very well.

a No
b Under 20
c Those who adapt, survive. Survival of the fittest.
d How? It began with the invasion of Poland. Why? long story short, Hitler felt the people of Germany were threatened / wants to make a better place for them and many more reasons. [awaits WWII history nazis to attack]

I do understand the themes in this book, but I don't see how it will blow your mind unless your as 'dumb' as a party member.

>> No.443740

>Hitler felt the people of Germany were threatened

well, that's one way of putting it I suppose

>> No.443747

>I don't see how it will blow your mind unless your as 'dumb'
>unless your as dumb

Okay. Troll detected. Move along folks, nothing to see here.

>> No.443745
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>Hitler wants to make a better place for them

>> No.443750

Nothing. It's pedestrian writing with a message as didactic as the ones it rails against.

>> No.443764


>> No.443773

/lit/ has nothing good to say about this book.

>> No.443784

WW2 started because of WW1.

Honestly, it should be less WW1 & WW2 and more like WW1 and WW1: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.443794


Agreed. WW2 was just WW1 after halftime.

>> No.443797

it's not the best book ever, but that is no reason to hate it.

>> No.443798


Hitler started WW2.
Hitler came to power because of the widespread depression and general despondency present in Germany which made it easy pray for an ungodly charismatic man.
The Economic Depression came about because Germany was forced to make reparations to other countries for WW1.
To do this, they grossly devalued their currency, which destroyed their economy. They literally just printed the money.
At one point, the Mark was worth more as heating fuel than as currency.

>> No.443799


And WWI started because of European imperialism which became volatile due to trade tarrifs. If only Ayn Rand was around in the 1880s to set those fools straight, then everything would've been a-ok.

>> No.443800


WW1 started because of the Alliance system.

>> No.443802

WW1 happened when the Jewish controlled Entente Powers invaded Poland.

>> No.443811

ww1 happened because people were playing risk with their toy empires.

>> No.443818


If you look at the bigger picture you would see the alliance system was just an inevitable response to paranoia and tensions that arose due to increasing imperial competition from the 1880s onwards.

I would say that imperialism powered by industrialisation caused WWI.

>> No.443816

Party A assassinates Guy B. Guy B is Important to Party C. Party C declares War on Party A. Parties D, E, and F, allies of Party A, declare war on Party C. Parties G, H, I, and J, allies of party C, declare war on Parties A, D, E, and F.

Spanish Flu!

>> No.443827


But what caused that? :P

>> No.443832

I'm on the last chapter of 1984
and enjoying it thoroughly.
I see where your coming from OP, I feel that way about books all the time but not this one.

>> No.443835

Actually, WWII was mostly caused by the division of nations laid out by the Treaty of St. Germain-en-Laye, which left a lot of German minorities outside of Germany when it recognized the independence of former Austro-Hungarian countries. Which then led to Germany having an excuse to take over the Sudetenland and invade Poland.

And a couple of other things too.

>> No.443844
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This thread.

>> No.443847

I generally think it falls into the same category as Stranger in a Strange Land and The Call of Cthulhu--highly influential at time of publishing, generic to new readers due to saturation of spinoff material in modern pop culture

>> No.443853
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>implying that Hitler wasn't an imperialistic bastard
You all suck at history, just so you know.

>> No.443855

I see what u did there

>> No.443856


>> No.443857
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>> No.443861

>implying that Hitler wasn't an imperialistic bastard

>And a couple of other things too.

>> No.443863

well, it is true that wwii in actuality was accelerated by the postwar german conditions. but whether a significant war would have happened anyway is an open question. all of the imperialist stuff still remains, and european nations were pretty unabashedly nationalistic as well. it wouldn't be surprising to see another big war break out over there eventually.

one thing of particular interest would be how the ussr would have turned out without wwii being the way it was.

>> No.443866


>> No.443874

America started WWII. I'm not kidding.

Depression hit after WWI, America calls in all their loans that they gave to Britain and France. Britain and France ramp up the war reparations on Germany causing their already crap economy to die. Society is on the brink of collapse, people are frustrated and angry, they turn to Hitler who 1) gives them all a minority to blame everything on and 2) tell Britain and France to go fuck themseles and their reparations.

Hitler never would have got into power if the social factors weren't there to accept his madness

Why do you think America sent so much effort helping Japan after WWII?

>> No.443878

4chan is sooo mainstream

>> No.443886

Wall Street supported Hitler before and DURING WW2, including after 1942
Standard Oil provided the indispensable oil for the german blitzkrieg
the Opel factories were never bombed by the allies because they were basically american
They were manned by slaves from concentration camps
The american elites loved hitler, he solved both their most pressing issues : economic depression and civil unrest
Behind Wall Street there is obviously european banks. WW2 was a great con, like WW1. As soon as you give all power to the bankers, that's what happens : wars everywhere to keep the business going.
When you can print money out of nothing, that's what happens : wars.
The Rothschild are basically behind every side of every war of the last two centuries.
History is a pathetic show for pre schoolers, bought by educated fools.
We're in 2010 ion 4chan and 95% contributions are made by fools mesmerized by official History, whereas conspiracy related resources are legion.
that's impressive lol
the power of 1984 is right here right now, in your "educated" heads.

>> No.443897

wow, your tin-foil hat must have an impressive size!

>> No.443904

i think it's important to recognize the context of the times the book was written, yes it a book that has many ideas that transcend those times, hence why it is so popular to this day, but they where so much more strongly felt when it was written.

>> No.443908

very sorry you've been taught bullshit in school
time to wake up though

>> No.443916

Sutton got a little whacky because the conservative establishment canned him for not hating everything that threatens them (everything red).
He is, however, wrong on many instances after he was dumped. Not about everything, but he overexagerates the importance of a lot of stuff.
And you, who believes his shit, condemn others because for believing different shit.
Have you read the sources he quotes first hand? No? Wow, you are a sheep that follows blind. (See how ridiculous that argument is?)
I am a german historian btw, and the WWII is more contingent than you would think.

>> No.443918

ehhh, he actually quotes verifiable facts there - your 'tinfoil lol' seems reactionary in comparison.

>> No.443920


>> No.443923


Please. Only idiots still believe that.

It was the super secret shadow organization that was working behind the scenes and used the terrorists as a scapegoat.

>> No.443925

why bring up 9/11? Is it easier than arguing against the documented facts that were related to WW2?

Yes, it is isn't it?

>> No.443926

derp different factions exist within a country and even within its "elites"

>> No.443928

It's classic, that explains it - the ideas posed there are in now our culture, nothing new and should be treated as such.

>> No.443945
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My god /lit/ is easy to troll.

You deserve the posts you respond to.