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4436599 No.4436599[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are we living in a simulation?

>> No.4436600

god is a programmer

>> No.4436609

It's possible. Scientists have found some spooky shit that back up the theory.

>> No.4436613


>> No.4436612

what pop science article have you read now anon? cracked?

>> No.4436617

Why shouldn't we be?

>> No.4436620

(s)he's been programmed that way

>> No.4436616

Why so hostile

>> No.4436623

Provide some citations or stop throwing around weasel words

>> No.4436627

Silas Beane

>> No.4436630 [DELETED] 

You sound like a Reddit user

I mean that in the most unflattering sense

I'm not even the "spooky evidence" guy.

But you should seriously fuck off because I can tell you will not contribute to this thread at all

>> No.4436633 [DELETED] 

Contain that autism please

>> No.4436636 [DELETED] 

i stimulated you're waifu last night

>> No.4436638 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4436641

please make a trip so I can filter you

>> No.4436643 [DELETED] 


>> No.4436640

No, that's moral absolutism in America. Everything has once face and only the face they have most often.
You cannot even talk sense into these types of people who see morality in black and white.

>> No.4436649
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>You sound like a Reddit user
>I mean that in the most unflattering sense

You are fukin crazy cunt lol this level of rage is insane calm down for real.

>> No.4436662

Is it shitpost Friday or something

First the McCarthy thread and now this

>> No.4436666 [DELETED] 

Fuck off nerd

>> No.4436675 [DELETED] 

Sweet quads

>> No.4436677 [DELETED] 


>> No.4436695

Phenomenologically, simulation is a defective mode of actuality, and only attains its intelligibility through its appresentational synthesis the all-ambracing harmonious nexus of possible verification that is by definition the Objective world.

So no OP.

>> No.4436696
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>I mean that in the most unflattering sense

Such imposing. Very fear.

>> No.4436702 [DELETED] 


You sound like a Reddit user

I mean that in the most unflattering sense

I'm not even the op guy.

But you should seriously fuck off because I can tell you will not contribute to this thread at all

>> No.4436709

>Scientists have found some spooky shit that back up the theory.
No? It's like saying scientists have found proof that there is no god or whatever, shit isn't falsifiable and is well outside the realm of science.
It's also a waste of time to even consider.

>> No.4436714

Oh yeah clever guy?


What now?

>> No.4436718

Not enough for you smart guy?

How about this?

Oh what's that? Did you system get a fatal error?

>> No.4436720 [DELETED] 
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>I mean that in the most unflattering sense

this is a plebbit tier insult are you an insurgent?

>> No.4436727

Wait, I got more


Boom. Case closed

>> No.4436729


You're that guy at parties who gets high and tries to have a "philosophical" discussion about the Matrix and whether the blue I see is different from the blue you see.

>> No.4436730

Did you even check your own sources? Jesus Christ anon, at least try.

>> No.4436731

Does it matter?

>> No.4436733

>he thinks I go to party
Hahahahah oh wow

>> No.4436735

Oh sorry is a a well-respected physics academic not good enough for you? I'll go bring God himself for my anon here

>> No.4436739
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Hold your horses there. While we would have to think either side of the limits of the Objective when it's potentially infinite, to discern a simulation we only need to work out the limits its complexity, and Joyce and Derrida have already happened, along with most of our universal forces becoming pretty sketchy, so we're probably not even as high in the subsimulation chain as we'd like to think. http://www.simulation-argument.com/simulation.html

>> No.4436744

How could you tell if, all you sense is simulated?


>> No.4436748
File: 184 KB, 800x901, baudrillard_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth—it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true

>> No.4436755

Russian speakers see more blues than non-Russian speakers because of their linguistic differentiation of tones. This causes more blue cones to develop in their eye as their linguistic centres interpret the incoming signals differently. Likewise, London black cab drivers have larger spatial thinking centres in their brains with better intra and inter connection to linguistics because of the nature of their training and examination.
tl;dr- you'd have a bigger brain if you became a cabbie and scientists scanned people to prove it

>> No.4436766
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>Are we living in a simulation?

idk lol

>> No.4436778

>i go to parties and look down on people

nice self esteem

>> No.4436780

What's that guy got stuck in his swimsuit that has giant floating translucent face so surprised?

>> No.4436787

his dick

>> No.4436788

Only if you spend all your time on 4chan instead of going outside and meeting people.

>> No.4436793


>> No.4436796

The question here is: if we are in the matrix, what can we do to live optimally? If we know we are in the matrix, what can we do about it?

What if we never reach an answer?

>> No.4436800

We can have gay sex

>> No.4436806


Do what ever you want.

>> No.4436809

Point is, if we do find out we're in the matrix, what, all of a sudden we're buddhas?

>> No.4436810

Cogito ergo sum. Who cares if we're in the Matrix. If we can imagine, think and feel for ourselves, then we exist in some capacity and we can find our motivations. And if our thoughts are merely illusions hiding mental slavery to some program, does it even matter?
When this thread dies we'll continue on with our lives, having our thoughts or thinking that we are, which means nothing either way except the state of things we cannot control.

>> No.4436808

Can I punch your stupid face?

>> No.4436813

You can try but I'll fuck you up

>> No.4436823


You read a couple articles and now you understand the complexities of our being.

>> No.4436842
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Life is mostly a simulation in the sense that contemporary life is more about dealing with representations and concepts than with actual things.

>> No.4436868

Who cares? How does that make reality any less real if we personify its source? In either case we're here and we have no way to truly recognize the source, and thus no ability to take action in response to it.

>> No.4436875


>> No.4436881


There has been a recent breakthrough that would suggest that we are.

>> No.4436915

Nice picture for your point, OP. Eery looking painting.

>> No.4436926

What is up with this goddamn topic? It keeps popping up on /x/ every day for the last two weeks as well. How can someone care this much? It's such a pointless thought experiment for how much attention it's been getting. It's the same as

>Hey guys, what if solipsism
>Hey guys, what if we have different visual qualia?

Etc. It's interesting but ultimately meanigless so I don't understad the recent popularity.


>> No.4436929

>Etc. It's interesting but ultimately meanigless so I don't understad the recent popularity.
the history of falesefy by berty rustles

>> No.4436984

>it's interesting
>I don't understand the popularity

>> No.4436985

It doesn't matter, because regardless of the answer to the question it wouldn't change how we live our lives.

>> No.4436991

Are we living?

>> No.4437076

Interesting like "prove I exist, maaaan" is 'interesting'. I still don't understand why it's been everwhere recently, for the reason already stated.

>> No.4437263

are those ideas wrong

>> No.4437272

dude have you ever like, watched the matrix? pass that shit btw

>> No.4437275

you guys look down on these ideas but you're tackling equally irrelevant ideas through literature. how is "to be or not to be" a more valuable idea than this?

>> No.4437276

Are we?

>> No.4438566

It doesn't make a difference

>> No.4438574

Descarte's evil genius concept is basically the simulation hypothesis

>> No.4438876

that's how i interpret immaterialism

>> No.4438893

Of course we're living in a simulation. We are spiritual beings inside physical bodies, sometimes I myself feel weirded out by the fact none of this reality makes sense to me, it's like a video game. There's people which know how to play the system, they can rise from nothing to great material success. I understand not these things, I'm like a child, often lost in the wonder of the world but at all times feel disconnected, there's a huge gulf between myself and the world around me.
I believe the spiritual self, my true self, is lost from me, I know it's there but instead I'm trapped inside these dumb humanoid body, how can I return the physical realm? Death, perhaps? But I'm not willing to risk it.
It is no wonder people turn to religion as it seeks to find the truth beyond this disassociation.

>> No.4438897

>21st century
>ontological dualism

>> No.4438918
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plot twist

>> No.4438932
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but wait, there is more

>> No.4438940
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>> No.4438971

This, I don't understand how we aren't programs. How would we know, were only programmed to know and believe certain values. Changes come as updates to this world. Almost game like for something bigger. There is almost to much coincidental fitting stuff in the world and too little theories to solve them all or maybe we will never fathom anything above or beyond space. Our minds and eyes could be shaping everything only to a certain point, and anything like God could be to divine to a point we will never be able to fathom or interpret in our minds for that was the way we were created ?

>> No.4438976

>people not realizing that the subject of discussion is Baudrillard's theories
y'all look silly

>> No.4438983

well this is my theory

Their are so many questions, such little time. their is a concept that we are nothing but machines that push forward time, we are energy fragments of time. I want some deep discussion and any books that question subjects similar to mine in literature ?

>> No.4439002

They have found a pixel limit to our reality, the theory of reality being a simulation is actually feasible.

>> No.4439009
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Must find a hack for our simulator. There has to be one.

>> No.4439010


>> No.4439019

How is it free ?
We could be told were free to think, but look at most americans they have no freedom of speech.

>> No.4439032

as simulation

>> No.4439033

I'm >>4436739. Y'all likeable motherfuckers and for that I give you the fact of our universe that the potential # permutations of neuron interactions in a single human brain is to the order of 10^70,000,000,000,000 while the # atoms in the observable universe is something close to 10^80. Ergo, there are more things to be dreamt of in your philosophy than are in Heaven and Earth. /Horatio

>> No.4439844

Basic maths says it's more likely than not.

>> No.4439874

>observable universe

but have you observed every single one of those atoms?

>> No.4439880

Why would we have death, pain and shit in a simulation? Why would the simulation even try to trick us into believing we were in one? Why is there so much empty space? Why are we so puny?

These design decisions seem so arbitrary and inhuman.

>> No.4439949

are we living in 3 simulations?
a simulation in a simulation in a simulation?

This is the real question. People only thinking about 1 simulation are really close minded.