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/lit/ - Literature

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4428628 No.4428628[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting the impression, that there are a good amount of Portuguese lurkers, here on /lit/, but they aren't the average Portuguese lurker - which communicates through a memetic English dialect and can't barely string a sentence together without having to use buzzwords -, thus it puzzles me. Where are you from, compatriots? Why do you lurk this board? Are you studying literature? Maybe Arts? If you want to know: I'm doing a master's degree in Financial and Economical Law/Sciences.

>> No.4428847

I'm getting the impression, that there are a small amount of Portuguese lurkers, here on /lit/, but they aren't the average non-existing Portuguese lurker - which communicates through a memetic English dialect and does does string a sentence together without having to use buzzwords -, thus it puzzles me. Where are you Portuguese lurkers from, Portugal? Why don't you lurk this board, to study literature? Maybe Arts? I want you to know: I'm doing a master's degree in Financial and Economical Law and also the Sciences.

>> No.4428857
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native english speaker masterrace reporting in

>> No.4428863

Not everyone who can't form proper sentences are from Portugal.

>> No.4428881

Então é um fio da lusofonia?

>> No.4428900

Oi! De onde você é?

>> No.4428949

That's a nice bait, m8.
I've seen Brits and Americans shit on their native language. I'm not impressed.
But those who lurk /lit/ while having have an extensive knowledge on Portuguese Literature and speak Portuguese from Portugal would be decent suspects, wouldn't they?
Évora, Portugal

>> No.4429205

Brasileiro aqui.

Atualmente estou cursando engenharia em uma universidade federal. Me arrendo diariamente de não ter feito economia, mas se possível quero começar outra faculdade depois de formado.

Me sinto meio culpado pela minha falta de familiaridade com a literatura brasileira e portuguesa. O pouco contato que tive na escola me deixou cauteloso. A Cidade e as Serras é um dos livros mais chatos que li na minha vida.

>> No.4429838

Brazilian who grew up in England here. Was bilingual at a younger age but kind of lost it. I can still understand written and spoken, and speak a little, but overall am not very good at it. I've been browsing online for some program to help me relearn it, but haven't found much which doesn't start and have a large amount of time devoted to the very basics.

I kind of want to stay a while in Lisbon or Oporto and take a course to pick it up - I've found that being amongst only portuguese speaking people really helps me relearn.

Any suggestions?

>> No.4431151

Porto, Portugal.

>> No.4431556

A literatura brasileira, pelo que sei, é excelente nos tempos românticos e modernos da primeira parte do séc. XX, mas, hoje em dia, tornou-se muito "pop" e.g. Paulo Coelho. Aliás, quem diz literatura brasileira diz literatura portuguesa, porque sinceramente a literatura de Portugal hoje em dia é pop até dizer chega.
Drop BR-PT and join the Iberian side of the force.
De famílias?

>> No.4431571 [DELETED] 

Portugal, traz aí o bagaço para começarmos a mesa redonda.

I'm from Lisbon. I'm a veterinarian, which has nothing to do with literature. Also read a lot of brazilian lit (double nationality, so I got a lot of exposure).

Stay with us for a few months and it should help. Take a sabbatic year for exploring if you have money.

>> No.4431618

>/ while having have an extensive knowledge
pls stop portugal

>> No.4431624

El portugués es una bastardización del español.

>> No.4431626

BR here. I like /lit/ because it's the one place I can discuss Pratchett's work without people feeling too sorry about his health issue to see that lately it's been objectively shit. I work with music and write bad books as a hobby, too.

>> No.4431642

E se fosses para o apanhar no cu, como te fez a padeira de aljubarrota, ó sua cara de caralho

>> No.4431758

Why? What are you implying that?
Não. O Português provém do Galaico! Nem havia espanhol(nem isso existe, quanto mais) naquela altura! Tinhas várias línguas/dialectos bastante parecidos uns aos outros, tal como na Itália contemporânea. Sendo breve, terei de passar à frente das grandes influências dos povos suevos, visigóticos e muçulmanos, mas no fundo, a Ibéria tinha vários dialectos do Latim - Leonês, Castelhano, Catalão, Galaico e Aragonês -e, esses dialectos eram bastante parecidos uns com os outros, embora isso não queira dizer que fossem filhos de uns dos outros. Aliás, o Espanhol devia-se chamar Castelhano e não Espanhol, porque Leonês e Aragonês já quase não existem.
And where are you from in Brazil? South or North?

>> No.4431769

Não me acalmo, dizer palavrões é giro. Português é a língua com os palavrões mais bonitos.

Btw, Lisbon here

>> No.4431775

German guy here.
I have always been interested in literature and when I first discovered /lit/ I found a lot of good recommendations and I guess that is why I stick around.
And I haven't found a german equivalent to this board.

>> No.4431780

How about krautchan?

>> No.4431782


Krautchan is a cesspit. Not the guy you're replying to. Its most famous board is a good mix of pol and r9k

>> No.4431783

I visted it but the literature board on there is extremely slow, way slower than /lit/ I had the impression.
Also the whole translating memes into german and calling each other Bernd instead of anonymous is just strange and often sounds retarded.

>> No.4431787

Nah, that's Krautchan's /int/. Or is it? Is the whole chan that shitty?

>> No.4431798

South. São Paulo, to be more precise.

>> No.4431801

Fuck, I'm glad I left that sinking ship. /int/ really turned into some unholy abomination.
Ylilauta's /int/ is superior in pretty much every single way.

>> No.4431812
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Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, a lot better. Kc's /int/ is shit, but better than Memelauta.