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4424535 No.4424535[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: novels, short stories, with interesting aliens.

>First Contact
>colonising us
>colonised by us
>studied by us
>studying us

>> No.4424550

I'm especially interested in mysterious aliens (at first) and all that stuff. Basically, New World sort of mood. An author trained in anthropology and such would be appreciated.

>> No.4424562
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my friend i think you are in need of some...

Arthur C. Clarke.

all his works but keeping in line with this threads main focus.

you want

Childhoods End.

not only is it the inspiration for Neon Genesis Evangelion.

it is my favorite book


Without warning, giant silver ships from deep space appear in the skies above every major city on Earth. Manned by the Overlords, in fifty years, they eliminate ignorance, disease, and poverty. Then this golden age ends...and then the age of Mankind begins....

>> No.4424564


>inspiration for Evangelion


I love Evangelion and tried to read everything that seemed related, like Ender's Game.

What about the Rama stuff, that's Clarke too right?

>> No.4424568
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come to think of it childhoods end meets all of what you are asking.

and Arthur C. Clarke is incredibly inteligent able to debate even steven hawking himself

>> No.4424571
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im actually about to start reading the 3rd rama book (great so far)

do yourself a favor and but his collection of short stories hardcover edition. it is frickin huge and every story in it is a fucking joy to read.

>> No.4424572



Sounds like a winner! Thanks!

>> No.4424574


I read one, The 5 Billion Names of God, or something alike. It was badass.

>> No.4424575

His prose is painfully mediocre though.

>> No.4424584
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i cant be the only person contributing here?

if anyone else has some more great suggestions lets hear em!

>> No.4424585


I guess that's a matter of taste. Very few authors have a prose that irk me. Minimalists, maximalists, I generally don't mind as long as it's coherent with what they do. Pynchon or Hemingway, both style fit what they're doing, so both are perfectly adjusted. The rest is taste.

>> No.4424587


We are alone, friend.

Any edition you recommend for Childhood's End? I'm very excited, about to order it right now.

Here are my "alien books" so far:

>Ender's Game
>Starship Trooper
>The Forever War

>> No.4424591
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>> No.4424598
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i tried getting a gold hardcover edition signed by clarke himself...

someone beat my 800$ bid...

the mass produced edition is fine though.

you would only want to get something more durable if you realty liked it like i did

>> No.4424605



How about this?

>> No.4424607
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also keep in mind childhoods end is more on the logical/somber aspect of alien contact.

you wont find mass war like you did in those you already read.

>> No.4424610


>somber aspect of alien contact

I'm in. I'm so in.


>> No.4424612
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sure looks good.

i enjoy the fact that you like to actually hold a book in your hands too.

you get a lot of digital now (which is perfectly fine great even!) but there is a certain pleasure in holding the actual book in your hands

>> No.4424613

Maybe the reason no one is posting is we already have a thread about this.


>> No.4424616
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I love books. If you've ever held a Library of America book in your hands, you know what I mean:

>acidfree white as snow paper
>sewn, not glued, holds open on a table if left alone
>smells good
>golden ration proportions
>sweet ass hardcover
>ribbon to mark your page
>sweet ass dust jacket

I have two PKD volumes in this edition, each has 4 or 5 novels. Pricewise, you pay way less for one volume of LOA than you'd pay to get them individually.

>> No.4424617


Shit, I thought that thread had died... it was off my list... Sorry!

>> No.4424618

I prefer Everyman's Library, it has all the benefits you listed except it doesn't use that super-thin semi-translucent paper, but real paper (still acid free, naturally).

>> No.4424626
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this thread is already larger though.

also let me post some of the best short stories ive seen from 4chans own community.

ill start it with this amazing quote/lecture/speech

>> No.4424627
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the star by arthur c clarke. is great aswell.

>> No.4424631


I like that edition too, but sadly, they glue pages like it's a paperback. Massive drawback.

LOA's paper isn't transparent at all. It's not that thin.

>> No.4424632
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the taking by dean koonts also a great read

>> No.4424638


Sweet fucking post, reading.

>> No.4424639
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dune is quite good but massive

>> No.4424644
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>tfw you realize sci-fi is just technology cult mixed with social darwinism ("superior alien beings").

>> No.4424645
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a mote in gods eye is another good choice

>> No.4424649

Everyman's Library volumes are almost entirely sewn, not glued.

>> No.4424648


10/10 post. Who the fuck is this anon? He needs to post more.

>> No.4424647
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Imagine how dangerous humanity will be to other races once we achieve a higher tech standing.

>> No.4424653


Every book I have of them is glued, not sewn. The hell?

>> No.4424655
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this is the last one i have.

>> No.4424657

Shorter volumes are glued, I believe, but over 350 or so pages (which is the majority of what they publish) is sewn.

>> No.4424664

Looking at some of my under-350 page volumes, they are sewn as well, so actually I shouldn't pretend I know the rule they go by.

>> No.4424665



>> No.4424668


Do they hold open on their own? I doubt any of my Everyman books can do that, and that generally means glued, as mine are. Even my big Ray Bradbury shorts are is glued.

I'll double check to be sure...

>> No.4424673
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lets try and keep this thread alive i would love to hear more suggestions from fellow anons.

>> No.4424676
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some of these can be found on the creepypasta site. space/science section i think...

these however i collected from various 4chan boards.

>> No.4424677

The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros

>> No.4424681

I've never heard of holding open on their own as a sign of glued or sewn bindings. In answer to your question, I found that a larger volume with sewn binding stays open on its own and a smaller glued binding does not, but also a smaller sewn binding does not stay open either. I don't think the holding open thing tests binding type, I think it's more related to the tightness of the binding (with larger books being heavier and therefore able to weigh down even tight binding).

>> No.4424682


Are you kidding? This is fucking GOOD!

>> No.4424689



Some Everyman books are indeed glued, not sewn.

All the ones I have are glued, shame.

>> No.4424704

Bullshit, if prose is shit, so is the book, that is how you critic a book, by its very essence

>> No.4424714


"Shit" depends on a number of things. Different styles exist, and they have different aims. What is shit to you is excellence to another, especially if you are unaware of the style's purpose.

It has nothing to do with a book's "essence". Hemingway's style is perfect for what he was doing; Pynchon's perfect too, though at a polar opposite.

What is "shit"? Tell me.

>> No.4424720
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>written in 1917

>> No.4424721

>muh subjectiveness

/r/-ing pictures of subjectivness in literature

>> No.4424727
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i thought the movie was good.

>> No.4424733
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bro dont even start this is not a criticize thread its a recommendation thread.

if you want to criticize a book/author by all means make another thread and discuss away.

>> No.4424734

Except its not a citique thread

those claims are outrageously wrong

Even the classiscs in Sci-Fi have shit prose, but people suck their cock over the decades because everything past them is generic shit

>> No.4424754

Just wanted to say that whoever wants to read Childhoods End should prepare for feels.

>> No.4424779



>> No.4424785

fucking pic
hate it

>> No.4424885
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Chanur series by c j cherryh is a very fun read with aliens pov and only one human.

>> No.4424904

Downbelow station was a good book of hers

>> No.4424921
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Dan Simmons Hyperion.
The Shrike freaked me out. A lot of thought went into this book. Good fun physics too.

>> No.4424926

Too bad the storyline became so stupid after the first book, although I admit the age-gap, quasi-pedophilic romance through Endymion/Rise of Endymion was immensely titillating for me.

>> No.4425214


>> No.4428031

Bump, awesome thread.