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/lit/ - Literature

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4414918 No.4414918 [Reply] [Original]

> female friend asks for a book recommendation
> thought she wasn't that stupid so i recommended her Lolita
> asked her how her reading was going and she told me she stopped reading because she couldn't stand the book being about paedophilia and couldn't image Humbert as a handsome man
> mfw

>> No.4414923

She's just jelly because she never got molested by the perfect cultured English gentleman

>> No.4414930

How old are you and how old is you "friend?"

>> No.4414931


Humbert probably isn't nearly as handsome as he describes himself. He tends to have an over-inflated sense of himself.

Also, it's a perfectly valid reason for not being able to continue the book, Humbert is a vile human being and spending ~300 pages in his head is trying.

>> No.4414941

what does it matter? older than 18 younger than 21

>> No.4414949

Give it to her younger sister instead if she has one. And then set fire to her loins.

>> No.4415029
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>give her the scepter of your passion

>> No.4415083
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>> No.4415115

>thought she wasn't that stupid

Both sexes excel in pretending to be smart, but be aware that women more often feel pressured to put on this pretense than men do.

A dumb guy is just a dumb guy. A stupid woman is a stereotype.

>> No.4415713

How convincingly can a stupid person pretend to be smart?

>> No.4415750

Very much so. Look at all of the communists.

>> No.4415751
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i know what that slut needs to read next

>> No.4415817

All you had to do was recommend a book she would like, instead you recommended something controversial for some reason. She isn't the stupid one.

>> No.4415825

Lolita isn't controversial. It's universally acknowledged (and accurately so!) as one of the greatest novels ever.

>> No.4415829 [DELETED] 

Are you op?

>> No.4415831

>some creepy dead white male's pedo rape fantasies
>universally regarded as one of the best novels ever

Yeah, no.

>> No.4415846

>Muh dead white men

Oh shut up you delicate flower. Enjoy the english language and 4chan on the internet on your computer.

That said I don't give a shit about Lolita.

>> No.4415849

>whore classmate mentions to me she started reading a book out of her own volition
>mfw its lolita

>> No.4415897

Fuck you.

>> No.4415901

This, ya blew it OP
>"what will a girl like?"
>a novel about rape

>> No.4415903

Um, wasn't the ultimate theme of Lolita anti-pedophilia?

>> No.4415956

shut your mouth

>> No.4416000

do you guys have regular lolita threads? i always wanted to discuss the book but never have any time

>> No.4416047

Lolita is kind of the boku no pico of /lit/

>> No.4416057

(but it's actually good)

>> No.4416062
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i don't watch anime

>> No.4416066

boku no pico's just messed up pornography
Lolita's the good one

>> No.4416231


chicks fucking love lolita tho

>> No.4416292

Lolita is plain porn. Overrated, it was hardcandy before onions.

Lolita literature? Platonic love?
/lit/ is full of retards

>> No.4416297
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Just pretending to be retarded, bro?

Somehow seems outdated.

>> No.4416303

Lolita is about narcissism, dingus

>> No.4416360

what's funny is women actually have a much stronger social pressure to act dumber than they really are. and they do do this. like if you take a group of people and one of them says something that's blatantly incorrect, women are much less likely to call that person out. women are also much more likely to downplay their strengths than men; one of the most common examples i've seen, is you can take a women who writes the most beautiful, florid prose, but you talk to her in real life and she'll intentionally, like, talk, like, this, like.

from what i can tell, they do all of the above for two main reasons. firstly, women are more likely to try to keep social harmony, so they'll let affronts or incorrect statements go if it's not seen as too important (the exact opposite of this being autists who picks at every single minor issue and don't realise doing so makes them look really oblivious (that's only said with half derision, as i actually am a dude with asperger's and will often commit the same error)). secondly, and in part because of the first reason, women who are overly overt in their opinions or achievements come across as kind of masculine.

and yes there are women who will go the complete opposite way, where they're not intelligent at all but they put up the facade so as to ingratiate themselves in with academic culture. and yes there are also men who find themselves drawn to strong women who will point out their own idiocy. but in my experience, both of those groups are a minority.

>> No.4416364

oh and to add on, because i will admit it's quite possible my experience differs from general population trends (although i don't think it does in this case). i am in academia, and most men and women i deal with are the same.