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/lit/ - Literature

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4409742 No.4409742[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Richest board:
Most intelligent board:
Most knowledgeable in its own topic:
Least knowledgeable in its own topic:

>> No.4409751

what do you mean by rich
>most intelligent
>most knowledgeable in its own topic
>least knowledgeable in its own topic

>> No.4409761

>Richest board:
>Most intelligent board:
/sci/ (they go to the best universities anyway)
>Most knowledgeable in its own topic:
I'd like to say /lit/ but I'll be lying to myself. Idk
>Least knowledgeable in its own topic:
/tv/ by far

>> No.4409766

/o/ probably
>most intelligent
>most knowledgable
/ck/, /k/, maybe even /mu/ if you forgive the rampant shitposting
>least knowledgeable
/sci/ by far

>> No.4409769

Most of the posters on /sci/ are either in high schools or community college

>> No.4409774

Maybe if you are clueless

>> No.4409778

did someone say your favorite nu-metal band is shit? :(

>> No.4409779

/mu/ is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to obscure popular music. Even /classical/ threads are occasionally well-informed.

>> No.4409781

No, I've just been browsing it enough to know better

>> No.4409783

hahaha holy shit people actually believe this
as a STEM major I know exactly what kind of cunts inhabit this shithole of a board: people who brag because they know undergrad math, fedora raging atheists, losers who boast about their IQ (for lack of any notable achievement), autists, pedants, fucking pedants everywhere holy shit. Imagine what would happen if Randall Munroe had dozens of clones and made them compulsively shitpost on /sci/, this is what it looks like.

/mu/ doesn't think much of classical, that's akin to /lit/ not thinking much of the western canon. Laughable.

>> No.4409787

>Richest board:
no idea

>Most intelligent board:
honestly? /lit/.

>Most knowledgeable in its own topic:

>Least knowledgeable in its own topic:

>> No.4409789

Richest board: /out/
Most intelligent board: Hard one. /g/ maybe.
Most knowledgeable in its own topic: /o/
Least knowledgeable in its own topic: /mu/

>> No.4409794

Richest board: what?
Most intelligent board: we're all utter morons
Most knowledgeable in its own topic: /mu/ or /lit/
Least knowledgeable in its own topic: /x/ since the topic is based on meaninglessness and people basing their lives on that time they saw a white mist in their doorway once when they were 5

>> No.4409800

>obscure popular music
wat? I'd agree there is a bit of knowledge thrown around on /mu/ about good obscure music (which is why I go back there) but it's drowned out by the discussion of p4k-core shit (Which is why I leave disappointed)

>> No.4409802


>> No.4409805

/mu/tant here. if you ask about certain genres it might take a while but there are experts in pretty much every (western) music genre. i usually frequent jazz, noise and punk threads and i've gotten great tips.

also, there are awesome share threads with hard to find music. I honestly think /mu/ is more knowledgeable in its own topic than /lit/.

>> No.4409808

Share threads are invariably shit, and krautrock/post-rock threads always revolve around the same 20 artists. Fuck /mu/

>> No.4409830

who cares, every board is full of utter faggots and to linger here you must be a faggot yourself or have the combination of a godlike filter for extracting value from retarded bullshit and excessive amounts of freetime

>> No.4409832

But that's wrong.

/mu/ in general is just a 'scene' (/mu/core reposts, etc) of tryhard idiots.

The same threads are shitposted, and not ironically as on /tv/ or /lit/, but because that's all a lot of people there know and are willing to learn about.

Like women, who rarely if ever like and research music for the sake of personal development, /mu/ is inhabited by /b/-esque teens who just want to be music defeners.

The 'obscure' music posted there is mostly bullshit like Daniel Johnson and the like. Yes there are threads where actually cool and rare music is posted, but more often than not they die quickly

>> No.4409835

lol no

>> No.4409851

We have pretty technical threads about DAWs and the like.

>> No.4409853

>music for the sake of personal development
maybe you're the woman here, m9

It makes sense that someone with such shit opinions would want their worth to be based on cultural products rather than the content of their character.

>> No.4409854

>Least knowledgeable in its own topic
/tv/ without a doubt

>> No.4409855
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>> No.4409857

The content of one's character includes their interests, and their knowledge and individual passion for said interests.

Women have little passion or knowlesge for music beyond the scope prescribed to them in order for them to appear "indie" or "hip" or whatever. Their interest in music is superficial at best.

>> No.4409860

I'm sorry all the women you've met are like that.

>> No.4409861

>Least knowledgeable in its own topic:

It's definitely /pol/. They sum up the complexities of the world by blaming minorities for all of the world's problems.

>> No.4409862

>The content of one's character includes their interests

>> No.4409874

what's your top three bands so I can know whether your opinions are worth listening to

my favorite are top three Josquin Desprez, Pharmakon, pretty much anything on the radio

>> No.4409879

int is not that bad

>> No.4409895

Primarily one particular minority.

>> No.4409897
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>because such accusations are 0% grounded in reality

>> No.4409899

Richest board: /lit/
Most intelligent board: /lit/ and /int/
Most knowledgeable in its own topic: /tv/
Least knowledgeable in its own topic /pol/, /sci/ and /g/

>> No.4409900

>Richest board:
>Most intelligent board:
>Most knowledgeable in its own topic:
>Least knowledgeable in its own topic:

>> No.4409901

>would you kill your parents for fun
>do you punch yourself in the face occasionally
>half of /int/ fawns over one ugly french tripwhore, some of them requesting her to shit in their mouth
>people fantasying about Maisie Williams
>bawww I'm Lithuanian and I'm so subhuman what do
>/pol/tards, /pol/tards everywhere
What the fuck is wrong with people on this board.

>> No.4409903

>Richest board:
Contenders: /o/, /out/, maybe /fa/. To be honest, I think 4channers are reasonably wealthy kids in general. I feel poor here sometimes.
>Most intelligent board:
/lit/, but that's not saying much. We are the least retarded of the bunch, truly not something to be proud in any way. The worst is that people are obsessed with this word "intelligence".
>Most knowledgeable in its own topic:
Anything that is very specific. Probably /vp/ and /mlp/. Useless information, but they know it all.
>Least knowledgeable in its own topic:
/tv/ and /ic/. /tv/ only talks about mainstream cinema and in a quite vague way, filled with epic may-mays and so on. /ic/ doesn't know shit about art, they just know about Loomis and illustration. They don't read or go to museums or even practice with different media and themes that much.

>> No.4409904

>Richest board:
>Most intelligent board:
>Most knowledgeable in its own topic:
night /k/
>Least knowledgeable in its own topic:
day /k/

>> No.4409907

>still doesn't understand how timezones wok
american, right?

>> No.4409912

You forgot Riley Sticka.

>> No.4409918

Richest board: As in people have a lot of money? Probably /k/ or /o/.
Most intelligent board: /lit/ or /diy/
Most knowledgeable in its own topic: /mu/, /k/ and /tg/
Least knowledgeable in its own topic: /lit/, /tv/ and /lgbt/

/mu/ is alright, there is a decent amount of thread about a lot of different genres. I've found plenty of music that I now enjoy thanks to the sharethreads and recommendations from /mu/. Once you stay there for a while you start noticing other thing than the silly /mu/core.

>> No.4409921

He was most certainly an /sp/ autist more than an /int/ autist.

>> No.4409922

Once you stay there for a while more, you'll start noticing that you're wrong

>> No.4409923
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Fuck /sci/ - they make /lit/ look modest.

>> No.4409926

What is that pic supposed to show?

>> No.4409939

Richest board: most of /fa/ tries really hard to appear that way (expensive designer shit and whatnot, although they don't seem to spend money on anything else)
Most intelligent board: /lit/ is okay, probably the best of the bunch, but considering most channers are retarded and extremely immature, that's not really something to be proud of
Most knowledgeable in its own topic: /k/
Least knowledgeable in its own topic: /fa/, most of /mu/ excepting a certain core of sharers/posters, /tv/

>> No.4409956

An obsession with IQ scores, an obsession with being 'smarter' than others. You rarely see anything like that on /lit/, only feels and spooks.

>> No.4409952

I don't really care about this

I just want to slam on /mu/ for being awful and not having good opinions / knowledge about music (or if they do know it only having super spergy knowledge about extremely small subgenres)

>> No.4409961

that they're a bunch of self conscious wannabe geniuses

>> No.4409963

>only feels and spooks

this is going to be the name of my novel btw

copyright anon, december 27 2013, do not steal

>> No.4409969

In fairness, spooks are funny. I get your point though. At the same time, I think all 4chan boards have a bit of an intellectual/ideological insecurity with regard to their topics.

/pol/ are all scared of being liberals because they've turned it into a pejorative term meaning pussy.
/lit/ is scared of being philistine plebs who aren't well read or well up on the Western Canon
/mu/ are self conscious little girls who take the most arbitrary, indistinguishable things and assign them huge values relative to each other, then fight about it


>> No.4409970

mad as shit britfag detected

>> No.4409992

I agree, but I think there is a different between wanting to appear knowledgeable about the topic at hand, and just wanting to appear smarter.
The topic of /sci/ is science and math as far as I'm aware, yet it seems like they not only want to appear knowledgeable about that, but also their intelligence itself.

>> No.4410013

Most intelligent board: /sci/. Most people there are retards, by all means, but they're still more intelligent than the retards on the other boards.
Most knowledgeable in its own topic: /v/
Least knowledgeable in its own topic: /a/, because anyone who watches anime should just kill themselves. If you haven't done that then chances are you don't know shit about anime :/

>> No.4410017

>because anyone who watches anime should just kill themselves. If you haven't done that then chances are you don't know shit about anime :/
cant argue with this

>> No.4410023

/sci/ can barely into highschool math
>mfw 3*(0.333.....) != 1 debate threads with 200+ replies

Seriously, /sci/ is one of the worst boards. It's full of pop science and pseudo philosophy.

>> No.4410026

>pop science
lol because you'd know about "real" science

>> No.4410031

>having a masters in chemistry
>not knowing what real science is

Do you actually claim that there is anything more than pseudo philosophical drivel and pop science there?

>> No.4410032
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>Most intelligent board: /sci/. Most people there are retards, by all means, but they're still more intelligent than the retards on the other boards.
No, they're not. It used to be though. There used to be some kind of board culture (gay engineer jokes, troll physics, putnam problems, etc.) but autistic pedants and /pol/tards have killed it. Instead we have IQ threads. All the quality posters have left, you won't find anyone with more than undergrad math knowledge. And fuck, there are so many pedants. Exactly the kind you'd expect to be on a place where all annoying nerds in real life would feel at home.

>> No.4410033

>Richest board:
/fa/ or /sci/

>Most intelligent board:

>Most knowledgeable in its own topic:
/jp/, /u/, /vp/

>Least knowledgeable in its own topic:
/tv/, /lgbt/

>> No.4410036

Are you arguing that faggots don't know anything about being gay?

>> No.4410039
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Lol what a fucking moron

>> No.4410042

/lgbt/ is for the discussion of LGBT culture, a topic about which /lgbt/ is woefully uninformed. Half the board is MtF threads where people shitpost and give each other tips about keeping your skin clear.

No, everything I said is true.

>> No.4410044

Why is 4chan filled with guys wanting to be girls
I have never met one in real life and I have to deal with them on this site, why the fuck don't they go away or cut their dick off or something.

>> No.4410054

you did meet but you didnt know

>> No.4410056

I also wish I could become a girl. Too bad I'm way past the age when hormone therapy and surgery would produce anything but an ugly walking abortion. I really envy people who started transitioning in their early teens.

>> No.4410057

I like to think of gender confused "people" as weak.

The change seems to occur most in "people" between the age of 8 and 20, when the human body is most into it's stage of growth, when hormones are surging and the mind is most unstable.

The desire to switch gender usually comes from the idea that the grass is greener on the other side, for the majority it is that they wish to become a woman, so they never have to grow up, so that they can remain childish and mothered by other people - so that they never have to go through adulthood. Lazy, selfish. I find most traps are incredibly narcissistic too, victims of their own complex now that they have designed, in a way, their dream girl, having given up looking for her, they become her, then wear her like a corpse over their real identity, and act as her, fooling others.

Having others see you as what you want is manipulation, it does not matter how you put it, and traps are sly, damaged "people" who live through manipulation of themselves and their surroundings.

Even on the Internet they try their best to be feminine through their misguided view of women (":3" spam, etc).

You are a failed male.
You will not escape this in the eyes of people who don't sympathize with your immaturity and failure

>> No.4410062

>saving this low quality post

>> No.4410063

Woah, this was edgy as fuck but also quite cutting in parts.

>then wear her like a corpse over their real identity


>> No.4410069

I'm not confused, I know I would rather be a girl. Science just hasn't come far enough to allow me to make this a reality yet, so I muddle through as best I can. It's not a terrible life.

>> No.4410072

It's too bad that you're calling people who've found a community for themselves "failed" while you spew hate and half-baked social theories on an anonymous internet forum, alone. I wonder who you're talking to? Did you ever grow up?

>> No.4410071

What's the difference, except for the dick part?

>> No.4410074

>replying to copypasta that gets reposted almost everyday since fucking 2011
shigging the diggus is not enough for you

>> No.4410075


It's /b/ for people who've figured out there's more countries out there than their own.

>> No.4410078

No, it's really a lot of fun. Just get into the spirit of things. Spend some time shitposting in whiter-than-thou threads, or bragging about your Celtic heritage and laughing at all the plebs who can't even speak a Gaelic language.

>> No.4410083

Another question:

What is the board that is least knowledgeable about all other subjects besides its own?

I'd say /sci/. They are actually proud to ignore anything that isn't science.

>> No.4410086


>Even /classical/ threads are occasionally well-informed.

Last time I read one of those classical music threads it was full of attention-whore tripfags, making memes out of themselves and composers. I don't really care if the people there aren't experts about the music but the atmosphere there was horrible.


>/mu/ doesn't think much of classical, that's akin to /lit/ not thinking much of the western canon. Laughable.

Exactly, but that has more to do with (classical) music being the most ignored and misinterpreted of arts today by the general public, maybe because it's one of the hardest to understand.

It's kind of ironic since the board is called "Music" but it ignores all the centuries of music creation (western at least).

>> No.4410087

science encompasses pretty much all the universe though

are you a lit baby crying that their fiction is ignored by any chance?

>> No.4410088

Do you think that the person who copied it doesn't share the same opinion? This is "I was only trolling XD" on a more intellectually impoverished level.

>> No.4410092

>science encompasses pretty much all the universe though
but that's not true

>> No.4410093

>It's kind of ironic since the board is called "Music" but it ignores all the centuries of music creation (western at least).
but they don't
search for clt and have a dicussion about whatever century of western music you want

>> No.4410094

>they think /sci/ is about science
lel, if you're an undergrad maybe you'd be fooled

>> No.4410096
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>implying a history of science mustn't begin with a history of history

>> No.4410104

No, you just can't say you like chocolate icecream without being forced to mention a peer reviewed study showing how endorphine is derived from the contact of sugar and cocoa with your tongue and etc. /sci/ is pretty much ignorant about all of humanities, they can't appreciate a film without going on about scientific accuracy, they pretty much don't know anything else.

>science encompasses pretty much all the universe though
This is exactly the nonsense they believe.

Funny, I regreted not posting "science" with quotation marks. What they think science is. /sci/ is about IQ tests, technocratic utopias and other non-science bullshit.

>> No.4410110

I just went to /mu/ and ctrl+F'ed "classical" in the archive. There's one thread about some sort 'classical-Jazz rivalry' with 2 replies, one thread about learning to play 'classical' guitar, and one thread about the 'decline of British classical music' which has 60 replies consisting almost entirely of shitposts.

>> No.4410111

I doubt there's a person with a wide enough range of interests to judge all boards.

That said I agree that /diy/ and /lit/ (when isn't circlejerking about theology) are pretty good. I visit /int/ just for the language threads, I know there is /lang/ but text boards are extremely slow, I wish moot tested an image board just for languages.

/ic/ does focus too much on concept art and illustration, also some people there have a severe case of crab complex but it's overall a good board, especially if you are getting started.

I would visit /mu/ if it were more focused on music theory and production or if I could post vocaloid threads without getting directed to /jp/

>> No.4410116

Richest board: /o/
Most intelligent board: /lit/
Most knowledgeable in its own topic:/o/, /ck/
Least knowledgeable in its own topic:/sci/

>> No.4410123

Some random fairly recent threads:


They might not be all good quality, but there's enough posters with a decent knowledge

>> No.4410128

> Richest board
> Most intelligent board
/ck/ or /diy/
> Most knowledgeable
> Least knowledgeable
/int/, /pol/
> Funniest
> Nicest

>> No.4410129

Changes day to day I suppose, I've seen loads of classical threads on /mu/, never really read them though.

>> No.4410130

> /vp/
> bigger cesspool than /vg/

>> No.4410131
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>> No.4410132
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>> No.4410135
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>> No.4410138

i liked better the one with
Confirmation bias
Inductive fallacy
Ad hominem

>> No.4410140

But all of those people also
> Have job
> Get interest from media
> Own pants
> Own a cellphone
> Are pro gun control
Why do you think that one particular factor here (Ethnicity) is more important than other unifying factor (Ownership of pants)

>> No.4410145

>Richest board: /k/
>Most intelligent board: /b/
>Most knowledgeable in its own topic: /m/
>Least knowledgeable in its own topic: /x/

>> No.4410151

Are Beethoven's symphonies regarded as "pleb" or something? Am I living a lie?

>> No.4410152

What does the average /pol/tard know about owning pants

>> No.4410153

Maybe it's because I've grown accustomed to inside jokes or something, but /lit/ to me is mainly a comedy board with some relevance to literature/philosophy.

Not in a negative way at all.

>> No.4410155
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>> No.4410157

Because anyone can appreciate classical as beautiful, Beethoven is seen as "entry-level" and thus pleb.

>> No.4410159


>> No.4410179

Richest board: /g/ or /sci/?
Most intelligent board: Probably /lit/
Most knowledgeable in its own topic: /v/ They hate everything but they know vidya
Least knowledgeable in its own topic: /tv/ by a mile

>> No.4410191 [DELETED] 

>Richest board
>Most intelligent board
>Most knowledgeable in its own topic
>Least knowledgeable in its own topic

>> No.4410203

>>Most intelligent board
>all this delusion

>> No.4410206

Tchaikovsky IS better than Mozart.

>> No.4410211

>Tchaikovsky IS better than Mozart.

I just vomited all over my shoes.

>> No.4410213


Don't listen to them. It's just that it's a trendy thing to hate any composer before the 20th century, or that wasn't a radical modernist.

Just look at Boulez, it's the perfect example of how these people think, writing articles about how everyone's music except his was shit, and also that quote where he says that composers who don't use serialism are worthless.