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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 400x436, 0-2LQ7sY2hw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4405968 No.4405968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>hi anon! you have so many books, please could you land me some?

>> No.4405984

no, i don't lend books, they always come back messed up

>> No.4405987

arent you the girl from that album cover
also I only ebooks

>> No.4405995

Yes, because I don't need them anymore since I have my Kindle

*tips fedora*

>> No.4406002



>> No.4406004

You know the rule.

One book, one blowjob.

>> No.4406228

no fuck off

>> No.4406251

You know, the last time I lent people book they never returned it. One returned a book, however, and it came back with the front cover bent like a fucking whore.

Especially those fuckers that don't seem like they could appreciate classics and modernist books.

>> No.4406256
File: 148 KB, 1280x853, Beatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"H-hey Anon, it's getting cold out here. W-wanna come back to my house and read a book out loud together?"

>> No.4406260

Sorry, babe, you're not my type.

>> No.4406261

>y-y-yeah, do you like john green? haha..

>> No.4406265
File: 633 KB, 2560x1702, jordanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh, o-okay, sorry I'm not g-good enough, you're a r-real nice guy Anon, you m-mean a lot to me"

>> No.4406267
File: 26 KB, 267x400, 1388069053464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like you enjoy the intellectual cancer that is subvocalization

>> No.4406276

qt :3

but i dont land books

i can land my penis on your vagina tho

>> No.4406280

She looks like a massive slut.

>> No.4406282
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Reading out loud? What the hell is wrong with you!

>> No.4406292
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>"Oh Anon, I love how you tease me. Now come on, it's your turn to read! 'Augustus half smiled...'"

>> No.4406296

Who's this girl?

>> No.4406299

>i hate grapes

>> No.4406302
File: 161 KB, 1280x853, Claudia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Who's this boy asking huh? You're silly Anon, but I love you"

>> No.4406303

No, I quite like grapes actually.
Nothing against sluts either, the easier they are the better.

>> No.4406307

some russian girl nobody actually

>> No.4406313

but she looks asian

>> No.4406318


>> No.4406319

Are you enjoying this "ironic" RP session, you closet tranny?

>> No.4406323

i was saying she looks asian

>> No.4406324


>> No.4406326

Yes I am, thanks dude

>> No.4406331


>> No.4406332

D-do you like v-vonnegut?

>> No.4406333

i have this girls nudes but i dont wanna post cus id get banned

>> No.4406334

i like that one vonnegut novel where the narrator is a browbeaten pushover that makes a passing remark at the end of every paragraph


*tips deerstalker while loading rifle*

>> No.4406336

that massive expanse of sternum

rip boner

>> No.4406338

Is that really her? Kinda disappointed.

>> No.4406345

Not her. Girl you posted is from /soc/

>> No.4406347

Ok, but first promise you won't crack the cover of muh paperbacks.

>> No.4406349

any more of her?

>> No.4406393
File: 107 KB, 800x900, 1363151710837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnit OP, you gave me the feels.

pls post more

>> No.4406405
File: 101 KB, 700x675, 1356543688036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this, my dear friend: http://daitepak.com/displayimage.php?album=561&pid=6197#top_display_media

>> No.4406421

>Participate in an online bookclub based off lending books
>All of them have returned home so far
>Except for one
>My father gave it to me and it's special to me
>Why did I even lend it?

>> No.4406427

Yeah man, totally! what do you read? this one is by Heinrich Boll, it's called 'The Clown', I think you'd like it a lot.

>all the bitterness in this thread
I always lend out books, sometimes they don't get returned, sometimes they get damaged a bit, but whatever, it's just a book. I can always buy another one, and most people are pretty good about borrowing books

>> No.4406428

because you are retarded and join retarded clubs

>> No.4406436


Some weeaboo russian.

>> No.4406440

Here have some free classic literature...
I'm reasonably certain you not photographed girl but wtf ever I blow my free knowledge load all over your face...man





ahhh take it and love it
sincerely your friend CERVIXpounder

>> No.4406455
File: 432 KB, 960x854, Perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon-Kun shut up. You're going to stay there on all fours like a dog until I'm done reading this chapter. And don't you dare remove that plug!"

>> No.4406461


Th-thank you.

>> No.4406790


>> No.4406832


stop pretending to be a girl that likes me, it hurts too much

>> No.4406844
File: 1.84 MB, 400x300, Clarissa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"H-hey Anon, I'm on the last few pages of Eeeee Eee Eeeee, w-wanna read it after me. M-maybe you could come over my place and we could t-talk about it, a-and stuff?"

>> No.4406860

I thought she was Ukrainian.

>> No.4406863
File: 6 KB, 210x251, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4406879
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, SGYDqz5A6Zc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Her name is Katya Lischina and she lives in St. Petersburg.

Born October 19, 1993
http://vk.com/mad_minami (private)
Skype: minami-nyan

>> No.4406915

Of course not. I lend One Hundred Years of Solitude to a girl like 7 years ago and she still keeps it. She surely doesn't even know where the fuck my book is. I take it as a life lesson.

>> No.4406920

>read a book out loud
Holy shit, do people really do this outside of class? Come on, niggers, stop being pretentious.

>> No.4406926

It's pretty disgusting and creepy to obsess over some random person you've never even met and post her pictures and contact info everywhere.

>> No.4406927

The point is: sluts have no feelings, she lies when she says you mean a lot to her.

>> No.4406929

You're probably thinking of Mirukawa.

>> No.4406930


There was a time when reading out loud was the norm, and to read in silence was considered strange.

>> No.4406931

lol you're obsessed with this whore

>> No.4406933

Too bad :3

>> No.4406934


It's like an European version of Hayley Williams. I still remember when her tits leaked... I hadn't been so disappointed since I found out Santa didn't exist.

>> No.4406943

>Diddy being the incarnated archetype of the fat-ass neckbeard.
I'm ok with this.

>> No.4406955

She's not even that special, I just have a big stalking folder and she happened to be in it. I also check the student census of my university every year to find more about each girl. I can't help it, stalking is just too much fun.

>> No.4406958

it's because you're lonely

>> No.4406961
File: 41 KB, 341x263, 254216_166656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's reading Story of the Eye.

>> No.4406964

fuck off, get your own books

>> No.4406966

she looks more like into submission than dominance

>> No.4406970

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.4406972

No shit, but it's still fun.

It's even funner when you have to think of new strategies to get a girl's name and so on. Recently (October-ish) I found a girl's home number (student shared home) and phoned them saying I was from the council, asked for all their names, looked them all up online, found my girl, and went from there.

>> No.4406976

Nice projection, fagmaster. I felt lonely when I was 17-18, but now at 24 I've reached the point where I don't even care or think about it anymore. I read people lamenting over tfw no gf and just wonder why are they feeling bad.

>> No.4406977

good, you got used to being a hopeless virgin

>> No.4406980


Same situation except that I'm 29, felt that way for several years. It feels great actually, you can just concentrate on your own stuff and live a happy life.

>> No.4406985

It's better than being a whiny bitch about it and claiming yourself to be the victim of a cruel society.

>> No.4406987


That's what the media wants to tell you. Look up MGTOW, only after then you're truly free.

>> No.4406989

maybe, but it's better when you actually fuck girls

>> No.4406991

lol is this the raging beta manifesto

>> No.4406999
File: 15 KB, 500x375, brophilosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4407000

Most disappointing wank i ever had.

>> No.4407002

>proceeds to blame society

>> No.4407007


Says guy who is shackled by women. How does it feel that women control everything in your life, just so you get some of that overpriced pussy? Don't be a slave.

>> No.4407020

Yeah, and even better when you are a millionaire, have the talent of Shakespeare and the IQ of Einstein.

>> No.4407021

you're clueless

>> No.4407022

>How does it feel that women control everything in your life, just so you get some of that overpriced pussy?

Seems you are more controlled by pussy than anyone else, since you need to define yourself against it.

>> No.4407024

'comments from married men':

"I’ve found (at least with my wife) that anything I say to her in a logical way will be
reprocessed thru her head to mean something other than what I’ve actually meant to say.
I think that she does this on purpose to maipulate me.
What the young hens of today don’t realize is that “popular culture” systematically poisons
them against appreciating all the stuff that men do…
Society expects my to waste my life by serving others as a worker-drone in organised gene replication unit.
Thanks, but no thanks. I will spend my life doing things that are good for me, because I am worth it.
For me the ownage is year round. She doesn’t work. I pay for everything. No matter how much
money I make she rachets up the spending so we’re still living paycheck to paycheck.
I never knew how happy I was until I got married, then it was too late.
How can my wife tell me that she’s “in love” with me and still leave me without sex for five
years? How can I cope with this without resorting to divorce, affairs, or castration!!!
Marriage is society’s way to harness a male to provide shelter and nice surroundings for the
offspring and their mother. It is not meant for the well-being of the man."

how can they complain that women are like teenagers with comments like this

>> No.4407035
File: 499 KB, 500x385, don't be mad sis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you do that to your eyebrows? pls stop

>> No.4407061

This movie was so good.
And boner-inducing

>> No.4407123

I didn't know the title and wanted to find out.
thanks anon.

>> No.4407256

How so? Quite the contrary actually.

>> No.4407261

>Read a book out loud together
How does this work anyway? Sounds tedious.

>> No.4407265

still a good looking girl don't get me wrong, just not into the waifish thing.

not fat, don't have a neckbeard. you're evidently not familiar my dossier

>> No.4407330

>men going their own way

I laughed so fucking hard after reading their little intro. fucking losers

seriously, how come everyone that lashes out against society is a fucking clown?

>> No.4407336
File: 21 KB, 624x352, bscap0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how come anticonformists are so different from the conformity?

>> No.4407340
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>> No.4407346

>seriously, how come everyone that lashes out against society is a fucking clown?

you don't read a lot, don't you?.

>> No.4407360
File: 47 KB, 274x321, ahn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw being dominated by a sub

>> No.4407364

All my books include preteen asian waifu.

>> No.4407372


Implying reading out load, or orating as I call it because I'm not an absolute pleb, isn't the way it's supposed to be done.

>> No.4407394


>tfw you grow content with loneliness over the years and then some girl turns up and you realise how your retreat into the acceptance of loneliness has damaged your ability to relate to the opposite sex in a healthy reciprocating manner.

It's an intimidating and complex feel

>> No.4407399
File: 34 KB, 460x276, heilhitlegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Training vanilla/sub girls to use me as a sub is myfetish.jpg

>that instant when it finally clicks in their head that they can use me however they want and completely disregard my opinions on the matter
>that first time they get mean and taunting and learn to enjoy cruelty in the heat of the moment
>that first time a sub girl grits her teeth and threatens to hurt you if you stop or slow down
>that first time they say dommy stuff to initiate sex entirely for their pleasure because they've now introjected the attitude completely

>> No.4407547

>reading out load
yeah I can see where "orating" has brought you.

>> No.4407556

But all my books are on my Kindle, I'm not some autistic tryhard who still gets physical copies because "he loves the smell of books" or any kind of nonsense like that.

I can link you some torrents if you want, though.

>> No.4407565
File: 207 KB, 561x471, 1381335320437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people like physical copies because it feels better or they like having a collection to show off because materialism. And yes, some people do like the smell of books.

Torrents please.

>> No.4407914

I like the smell of books AND the smell of torrents.

>> No.4407914,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you so much, now I have her on my new russian facebook account. She's the cutest thing I ever did see

>> No.4407914,2 [INTERNAL] 

First time I see your face, I couldn't say anything. Tears came out I couldn't hold it. My chest hurt because I know I am not worthy for you and maybe I'm not in your league or maybe you already had a boyfriend. If by chance, I meet you out there, can I ask for one hug just that. nothing more. If only by chance God give I could meet you out there