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/lit/ - Literature

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4403851 No.4403851[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which literary characters can be said to best exemplify Nietzsche's ideal person, the "Free Spirit", "Philosopher of the future", Ubermensch, etc?

Also best novels with Nietzschean themes?

Now that I think about about, what about historical characters as well? I know Nietzsche often mentioned people like Goethe, Napoleon and Beethoven. What does /lit/ think?

>> No.4403854

better reread Nietzsche, I don't think you understood what he was saying.

>> No.4403866

well I'm reading the Genealogy right now, but I'm not sure what you mean. I didn't actually state any opinion about what I think Nietzsche meant in his works...

>> No.4403872
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>> No.4403883

And Thus Spake Zarathustra.

>> No.4403896

coming here asking which literary characters best demonstrate Nietzsche's ubermensch is like asking "which book has the best recipe for a philosopher's stone?" or "is there a map that shows me where the rainbow ends?"

It's not an actual set of traits or skills or a Myers Briggs personality type, it's a hypothetical holy grail that doesn't exist and never will exist.

>> No.4403907


In reality, maybe. But can it not manifest as a purely fictional character?

>> No.4403928

I don't think you've understood Nietzsche yourself bud

You can exemplify characteristics of Nietzsche's ideal without being some sort of unreachable superbeing. Nietzsche himself often points to historical figures to do this.

>> No.4403941

You do know that Nietzsche hated anti-semites and German nationalists right? That he saw anti-semitism as arising out of an extreme sense of weakness and ressentiment?

>> No.4403965

Pick one.

>> No.4404564
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>> No.4405651



>> No.4405669

Unless your shtick is being utterly ironic at all times, I can't see why anyone sticks up for you.

>> No.4405689

no such thing since he had no original thought what so ever

>> No.4405729

Tyler Durden.

>> No.4405739
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>> No.4405741

You'll have to explain what you mean by original thought.

>> No.4405784

Atlas Shrugged embodies those concepts well.

>> No.4405789
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>> No.4405795

Howard Roark.
Hates altruism, does whatever he needs to do to get what he wants, blows up shit if he doesn't agree with it, rapes bitches because he knows she wants him, stands buttnaked on cliffs just chillin and is hated because of his futuristic style that rises above everything that is currently availible and praised when it comes to architecture.

>> No.4405820
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This man.

>> No.4405822
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>> No.4405826

Rand was pretty heavily influenced by Nietzsche. Makes sense that her heroes would embody the uebermensch.

>> No.4405835

let me explain why I picked him.

The Übermensch is human; he is born and thus thrown in this world just like us.He affirms all his existence, not just the cool fuck everyone parts.

Learn to live.

>> No.4405839

blowing up shit you don't agree with and rape is not very nietzsche....

>> No.4405861

He's an übermensch in the sense that everyone that gets it (can hear the music) praises him as a God. The fact that he does whatever it takes to establish his work. Also, blowing stuff up is not like randomly blowing shit up, but if I dig deep into my memory, he's designed something that gets altered by someone and carries his mark, so he blows it up because it isn't his. (could be wrong on details there, been a while since I've read it) And it's sort of not rape, the girl sort of wants it but sort of doesn't, I've read in a different thread that that's something Rand does more often. It's more about him just doing what he wants without altruistic motives and without much concern for others in a world that praises mediocrity and where only a few understand the greatness of Roark.

>> No.4405876

Rand despised Nietzsche

>> No.4405883

because she knew he got there first, and did it all better

>> No.4405977

Watch any American high school cartoon.

The ESTP (MBTI) quarterback bullying nerds and forcing them to do his homework while banging hot cheerleaders is pretty close ti it.

>> No.4406007


Chill out, Nitch, it's not like everyman can be an ubermench.

God, what an unfavourable character, spent a life PREACHING - what did he actually do for himself but preach? Did he hold himself as an example for the things he preached, or did he just enjoy drugs and playing with semantics?

It's the same as Hutchens - man enjoyed to preach against the choir, yet such an angry man, an alcoholic he was - and he deemed his words and opinions to be trusted? He joined the paper mill, he was branded; his edgy books sold so he repeated the process over and over like Nitchz and his imaginary Superman.

>> No.4406206


isn't Zoroaster an Übermensch? At least he knows what an Übermensch is.

I always thought about the Übermensch as an unreachable ideal, because of passages as "ever repeating overcoming of the human" From my point of view the historical figures Nietzsche points to are humans becomming Übermenschen.

>> No.4406213

>Did he hold himself as an example for the things he preached, or did he just enjoy drugs and playing with semantics?

He did indeed. He thought that his work some day would be relevant even if nobody coud care less at his time. No money, love or health and he still wake up early every morning to keep working giving us a fine example of hard work and sacrifice.
I believe that the way Nietzsche lived himself give us an example of some central points of his philisophy.

tl;dr: he spent his life only preaching?. nope

>> No.4406227

Galt not so much. Rand had got far from Nietzsche by the time she was writing Atlas Shrugged. Galt distinctly rejects the Nietzschean overman ideal and is a character bound by the rules of the universe. It is just that he excels at them.

Roark, yes. No matter how much Rand denied it.

>> No.4406697

he had all sorts of diseases and shit and he still spent all his time writing (even when he could barely see or move his hands) and hiking the countryside.

Nietzsche was a badass

>> No.4406713



>> No.4406736

Sounds like a description of how some virus works.

>> No.4406743
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i can feel the nietzche drone tears

>> No.4406783
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>implying National Socialists aren't the most pathetic herd sheep next to Christfags
>die for the fatherland, die for your ethnic group
>blame the jews for your failures in war, not yourselves for losing the war
>dat ressentiment
>dat bad conscience

/pol/ pls go

>> No.4406817

I like this quote actually

Also, I'm pretty sure Nietzsche namedrops Wagner and a bunch of other people (Napoleon?) as examples of at least the "higher man", perhaps not ubermensch

>> No.4406833 [SPOILER] 
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>got anywhere first
kiddo PUHlease

>> No.4406842

The captain in Sea Wolf is a decent example of a nietzschean ubermensch.

>> No.4406904

He was influenced and loved Wagner when he started writing but as time went on, he grew to dislike him. Always had a boner for Schopenhauer.

Does that make either the over man? No.

If your asking what I think the overman would be here's a picture.

The overman would pretty much have to be a god emperor on earth smashing world religions and dissenting thought with his intellect and force. Basically a physical embodiment of virtu. He would instill a new moral code based on struggle, making altutism and things of that like subject to public scorn.

Basically the person who posted Griffith was right he could be seen as the overman with Gutz representing the old ways of the world even though he is just the product of rage and hate