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/lit/ - Literature

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440372 No.440372 [Reply] [Original]

Sup my fellow e/lit/ists

So I'm bored out of my face, lit lecture got cancelled so we're supposed to be doing some intellectually challenging independant work. Naturally I came straight on /lit/.
So instead of me reading some dusty tome for an hour or two, I thought I'd [try] to get some discussion going. Despite /lit/ being dead at this time, I wonder if there's anyone out there.

Angela Carter
Dr Faustus

Gothic literature as a whole.

>> No.440379

I promise a better use of your time is to actually read something. Anything. Even People magazine. That said...

Dr. Faustus was a hero. Marlowe's adaptation of the story gave me goosebumps. Goethe's was pretty fucking cool too.

>> No.440376
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>Dr Faustus
>Gothic literature

>> No.440386

i like thomas mann's doctor faustus because essays about late beethoven and detailed descriptions of the harmonic breakdown of fictional music

>> No.440389

There's something missing here...a verb maybe

>> No.440413

You're a moron

People magazine wrote about books? O.o you're shitting me.

>> No.440419
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>call Dr Faustus gothic lit
>call someone else a moron

>> No.440431

Fucking love Angela Carter

>> No.440436
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>Deny Faustus is gothic
>Maintain you are right
>Call me a moron

>> No.440442

Do you see her as a feminist writer?

>> No.440454
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>> No.440466
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>>>Dr Faustus
>>Gothic literature as a whole.

>> No.440472

What makes gothic literature hmm? Please enlighten me.

>> No.440473

No, I see her on the end of my dick

>> No.440479
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>> No.440480

I see wat you did thar.

>> No.440485

Best be trollin'

>> No.440509

That's a good 20 minutes used up. Anything moar?

>> No.440519

>make huge literary gaffe
>continue to argue your point
>realise you're posting with a trip

>> No.440535


>> No.440543
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>> No.440559
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abandon thread

>> No.440597

Out of the three, I've only read Dracula so far.
However, Dr. Faustus is a central theme for this one sci fi book I read called "Camp Concentration", and it was very different from what I thought it would be (not Faustus but the scifi book).
As for Dracula, I thought it was amazing. It's not about horror imo, it's about redemption and sacrifice. Good writing from Mr. Stoker.

>> No.440604

Good plot. Amateurish writing in places.
Quincy and the old seaman's written accents are either meant to be humorous or sadly, serious.
And Dracula's "death" is pitifully short.

>> No.440613

From what I've encountered of her work she's mostly magic realism, but there are definitely plenty of feminist messages. I don't like calling someone a feminist writer (even though I definitely consider myself a feminist) in such a context, because it reduces the work to nothing but its ideology; this is okay for a writer like Rand, for example, but I think Angela Carter has a leeeetle bit more subtlety than Rand.

>> No.440624

I agree completely. Too many people label her as a feminist purely because she writes strong self sufficient women, but that dosn't make a feminist writer. Studying The Bloody Chamber. Shit is cash when it's not weird for the sake of weird.

>> No.440655

I've no doubt that she was a feminist, and it pretty clearly comes across in her work. However, I think the term "feminist writer" refers more to someone who writes purely about the ideology in almost a manual-style rather than someone who writes stories about women who experience the kind of issues that feminism addresses. She's just taking real-world issues that affect women and putting them in fantasy worlds. And everything is vaginas.

Which could be what you meant, but I figured I should clarify.

>> No.440665

>Everything is vaginas
>Bloody Chamber

She always denied she was a feminist writer and I'm not entirely certain myself that she was a feminist. Perhaps she addressed the issues but whether or not she adopted them herself wholehearedly I can't say.


>> No.440765

Hmmm, perhaps it's just another example of there being a false dichotomy between feminists and reasonable people who believe women's issues should be addressed. I find it fantastically disappointing that the strawman feminist has come to represent actual feminism in the public eye. Angela Carter's works absolutely deal with feminism (and some may even see it fit to call her a feminist writer; I personally just have hangups about reducing any writer solely to their ideologies); I'd suggest to anyone who disagreed that their perception of feminism is not bound up in what feminism actually is.

>> No.440768


>> No.440780

I've always been so incredibly frustrated that the Passion of New Eve, which is an absolutely blistering attack on the extremist reaches of the feminist movement, keeps being cited as proof that she was part of said movement. Can these fuckers not read?