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4398424 No.4398424[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who here has read the most influential piece of political piece of satire in the world's history?

>> No.4398429

god dammit.

>> No.4398438

That's the prince by Niccolo Machiavelli.

>> No.4398443

did the prince cause the extermination of 7,000,000 jews?

>> No.4398444


>piece of political piece of satire

Not the brightest bulb in the box, are we?

>> No.4398448

No, but neither did Mein Kampf.

>> No.4398450


>> No.4398451

it keeps going up.

>> No.4398457


>I read a cracked article that said it was satire so it must be!!!!

He wrote it to get into Lorenzo de' Medici's good books and to show off his intellect. It being a satire would make no sense.

>> No.4398463

No but it's been the motivation behind the decision of just how many inches your owners fist is up your ass.

Even though Machiavelli was just doing the original "I sure hope you guys don't do this"

>> No.4398464
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Hey OP.

The thing is: how many of us have really suffered the consequences of the "crypt-keeper" failure of governing that was the Habsburg dynasty in the early 20th century?

>> No.4398472

Why did he write it in Italian and not Latin then? It wasn't written for the patricians.

>> No.4398475

I'm sorry, I got distracted while typing and didn't realize I did that. My apologies.

It caused the the second rise of the Reich, leading to justification of the masses. It made people believe that a race caused most of the world's problems. Hitler's rhetoric was so convincing that a man conquering countries was named Person of the Year. I think that's pretty incredible.

>> No.4398493

It was Rousseau that claimed it was satire. he said it was such bad advice that it was meant to cause the reader's downfall. One argument for this was how the book stated it was best for the prince to live in the city he conquered when he knew de Medici's newly conquered cities hated him and the advice would only facilitate a revolution.

>> No.4398507

>leading to justification of the masses

which masses?

> It made people believe that a race caused most of the world's problems

most of Germany's problems, which it did

>> No.4398527

>second rise of the Reich


>> No.4399380

You know absolutely nothing of Hitler's rise to power. Read I.Kershaw - Hitler 1889-1936. Part one of his two part Hitler biography to realise Hitler was pretty insignificant in a lot of ways regarding actual politics. In fact, once he consolidated his power after ''the night of the long knives'' and the following election where the NSDAP was the only party there was Hitler basically secluded himself from politics, while the entire bureaucratic system turned to shit and everyone just did whatever they saw fit under the motto ''working towards the Führer'' (that's actually an article of Kershaw in case you're interested, where he compares an actual leader, in this case Stalin, to someone who became a God but didn't really do anything, in this case Hitler)

>> No.4399390

ps: anti-semitism was wide spread throughout Europe for centuries. An Austrian names Schönerer also called for a systematic extermination of the jews before the first world war even started.
Although Hitler does get the role of enabler labeled to him, he did obviously preach heavily against marxists (which were intertwined with judaism, the biggest enemie of the NSDAP was definitely the communists/bolsjewiks/marxists who were also Jewish according to Hitler) but he was very weary of openly condoning the racist murders and violence that took place during the 1930's, these were just bored SA troops or people that figured Hitler would like them to commit assaults on jews and from about 1934 also gays, cripples etc.

Mein kampf by the way, was only sold a lot once Hitler already aquired the position of chancellor and was on his way to consolidate absolute power, if anything Goebbels can be held responsible for everything you claim Hitler did, the party had been nothing more than propaganda. Hitler held a lot of speeches when the party was meaningless, but this drastically changed once they achieved some power. He'd have about 12 speeches a year during some years of the 1930s, for the rest he remained very isolated because he needed to keep his personality cult in tact, which you can't do if you appear everywhere, making everyday mistakes and such. He needed to be mysterious.

Honestly mate, just read the book, 90% of things that people claim about Hitler is absolute bollocks. And I don't know if you were the one saying caused the death of 7.000.000 jews, it's 6.000.000 and they were 6 out of the 13.000.000 holocaust victims, but I guess nobody cares about gypsies, cripples and homoseksuals.

>> No.4399405

>6 million, not one more not one less
Please, I'm sorry I have to get pol-tard about this, but that's not even a real toll. We don't even have an exact number for soliders killed, and the government didn't burn all files on the number of soliders to remove evidence.

Initial estimates (for the jew total alone that is) ranged from 2.8 million to 5.7 million and the highest end was rounded up and stuck with for propaganda purposes. Now adays we know that cremation wasn't that popular because of how slow it was, so its more so the 3 million range when going off mass grave count rather than exaggerated burning

>> No.4399411

Fair enough, wasn't really the point of my post, but I guess it's my fault for mentioning it.

>> No.4399418


>> No.4402233
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why not read the real deal?

>> No.4402240

A+ post friend

>> No.4402242
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Awesome post, anon

>> No.4402278


I don't think that's accurate.

>> No.4402504

>tfw you find your fist shaking at the name Hapsburg

>> No.4402507

Wrong Reich bruh,

>> No.4402518
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>tfw nationalist chauvinism ruining glorious Austria

>> No.4402524
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>> No.4402535

You fail to realize that the downfall of civilization is to do with the laughing matter that the left has made of non left politics. You can't even be taken seriously as a moderate anymore. Im mainstream west culture, you are either stupid, apolitical, or into social justice and socialism. I don't disagree with socialism, but the new young leftist are disastrous in terms of politics. Send them to war or something, make their retardation stop. They have nothing to do and it is cording politics.

Boredom is the enemy of man.

>> No.4402543
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>> No.4402539
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Left politics now *are* moderate. Buncha pussies flinch at the idea of ever having to get their hands dirty.

>> No.4402568

Well yeah, true liberalism has been crushed by delusional children and opininated adults who didn't educate themselves. The move from pure education at universities is reflective of the glaring mistakes and opinions of a bunch of valueless academic degrees.

You can be a stupid doctor. If that isn't evident by enormous rate of malpractice in the U.S, I don't know what is.

>> No.4402570


>> No.4402672

Thank fucking god. Now let all the retarded trots/sparts/maoists die and maybe the Left will move on and achieve something.

>> No.4402679

What are you even talking about?

>> No.4402711

>You can be a stupid doctor. If that isn't evident by enormous rate of malpractice in the U.S, I don't know what is.

You fail to take into account the runaway litigious excess of the United States. How many small claims court TV shows are there, now? Between People's Court, Judge Judy, Judge Alex, and whoever else, it seems like they'd run out of dockets. Not so, of course.

P.S. Small claims cases usually cannot exceed 2k to 3k, depending on the state. A nugatory amount, even for most lower-middle class people, nowadays.

>> No.4402716

He was named person of the year BECAUSE he was conquering countries

>> No.4402825

That made sense though.....

>> No.4402827

The End of History by Francis Fukuyama is retroactively political satire, right?

>> No.4402975
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I'm going to partly copy a post I made in another thread that fits here. I don't necessarily aggree with the guy you're reacting to, although I am a first year uni student and the value we attach to opinions of others is far greater than the value we attach to our own opinion on the actual documents/sources.

John Lewis Gaddis recieved the following prizes:
2012 – Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography
2012 – American History Book Prize
2011 – National Book Critics Circle Award, Biography
2006 – Harry S. Truman Book Award
2005 – National Humanities Medal
2000 – Eastman Professor at the University of Oxford
1996 – Fulbright Scholar to Poland[29]
1995 – Fellowship of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
1995 – Wilson Center Fellowship
1992 – Harmsworth Professor of American History at the University of Oxford
1992 – Presidency of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
1986 – Guggenheim Fellowship
1983 – Distinguished Professor of Ohio University
1980 – Fulbright Scholar to Finland
1973 – Bancroft Prize
1973 – National Historical Society Prize
1973 – Stuart L. Bernath Prize

And he claims that Sovjets raped more women during and after WWII because they're from an authoritarian regime, whereas the allies didn't rape much because they were raised democrats. that America built an empire with states who wanted to belong to their empire and did so willingly (see pic), that history doesn't really need to be ''correct'' anyways and much much more bullshit where that came from. So really, the most famed ''historians'' are just as full of shit as the average /pol/ visitor.
With this comes also the problem of nationalism. We seem to hate nationalism so much, yet we live in an incredibly nationalistic world, a prime example is America. And it is widely understood amongst historians and other social scientists alike, that the truth destroys nationalism, because you need to lie in order to be proud of your country.

He was named man of the year in 1938, the only thing the Germans had managed by then was the anschlüss (annexation of Austria and Sudetenland) he didn't exactly conquer anything.
>1: To defeat or subdue by force, especially by force of arms.
>2: . to overcome (an enemy, army, etc.); defeat
>3: to acquire by force of arms; win in war: to conquer a foreign land.
The actual conquering started in 1939, with the invasion of Poland. But guess who took man of the year in 1939? None other than Iosef Stalin.

I actually have to read an article from this book for school, I'll read it later so I can actually say something usefull about it.