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/lit/ - Literature

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4395722 No.4395722 [Reply] [Original]

So how was your semester guys? Where do you go? What do you study? How much do you have left? Best readings you did this past semester?

Any qt3.14s you got close to, eyed from afar? Favorite moments? Regrets?

>> No.4395728

failed two courses and got arrested

that's life

>> No.4395737

Don't you have friends with whom you can discuss this silly minutiae?

>> No.4395740

but what about COMMUNITY and BOARD CULTURE?

>> No.4395744

Post about a book or fuck off.

>> No.4395747

write about it. seriously. at the very least you can try to turn the shitty things in life into some semblance of art.

what were you arrested for

>> No.4395752

I really discovered i don't give a shit about college and don't want to be a part of the machine

So I've probably failed on my classes and am waiting to see what's going to happen next

>> No.4395757

College is a scam. Enjoy your crippling debt

>> No.4395760

>write about it

This semester I lost my first long term gf in a godawful, drawn out way and pined over a girl I got close with/hooked up with who I learned this week gave up on me sexually/romantically once it was pretty obvious I was still hung up on my ex (I pined over her for a full month of awkwardness and lack of communication after she had given up).

This semester was also the first semester in which I wrote a few short stories and several poems.

Regrets and heartaches and bad days and worse nights make for good material.

>> No.4395762

pretty sure i'm the only person at my college who checked out a book from the library for recreational reading this year

>> No.4395768


seriously though, how does one meet /lit/ peeps if you arent even in a lit-related major (im CS)

>> No.4395771

>Regrets and heartaches and bad days and worse nights make for good material.
see, there you go. don't ever want to dull that misery because it's what defines you and fuels your lust to create beautiful things in this world.

also what were you arrested for, is it something lame like missing a court date or is it actually story-worthy

>> No.4395774

Failure to appear is no laughing matter.

>> No.4395781

i guess you could say my gf is pretty serious then

>> No.4395782

Try /lit/ magazines and journals. I went to one this semester and it was filled with awful, awful people who had no business critiquing literature but it was worth a shot. If you're into niche lit, try a smaller uni mag (my uni has a slavic lit mag and some other ones I'm probably unaware of).

Otherwise, I've only met a handful of people into literature in my almost 4 years here and I go to a pretty "prestigious" uni (Berkeley).

One dude was into russian lit and existentialism and the other three were women (one into typical fem-lit (plath, sexton, dickinson), one mentally unbalanced one into 19th century euro philosophy, and my ex who liked american poetry, second wave fem stuff, and some classic american novels).

>> No.4395799

yeah i go to some mid-tier public uni so we dont have like any lit-related clubs AT ALL

i guess ill just have to deal with it. the main reasons i always reconsider my major or wish i went to a more prestigious university (though the one im currently at is pgud for my major) was because most of the people here arent really into art things since its a STEM-centric school.

>> No.4395883

Lost my gf, lost a girl I was interested in, and my best friend left to study abroad next semester.

I did write and read more though. Discovering Heidegger, Benjamin, and poetry were /lit/ highlights this year.

>> No.4395885

This entire year of 2013 was complete shit.

>> No.4395903

Got straight A's (compsci major). Did a first draft of a story idae I had floating around, became a novella/novel. Made some changes. Got dissatisfied. Deleted it.

>> No.4395907

Failed nearly all courses.
Got a girlfriend that studies medicine, which is quite smexy.
I didn't read shit.
Engineer's life.

>> No.4395913

Not failed my exams yet, but give me a week or so. Dropping out and leaving Communism behind after that!

>> No.4395925

Historyfag, got 5 A+s, would be 6 if the 6th class weren't an F! That was fun to log into. 99% sure it's a bureaucratic error.. if not then my professor REALLY hates me.

Semester was a living hell though. Entire personal life collapsed and I had to do absolutely everything, everything at the last minute, and usually way over deadline. It was excruciating. I'm doing everything I can to be better prepared for this coming semester.

I checked out like 100+ books over the year, about half for research and half for casual reading (though I barely got to half of the casual reading stuff). University libraries are amazing if you can click your mind out of "THIS IS FOR WRITING PAPERS" mode and into "holy fuck all these free books bro" mode.

>> No.4395938

tfw no gf T.T

>> No.4395953 [DELETED] 

Severe depression. Spent the entire semester in my bed. The only minor success was a 100% on a philosophy paper, which I ended up getting a 50% overall because I didn't submit peer reviews.

Probably failed several of my exams. Just met my ex (been a year, leaving her wasn't the reason) to say goodbye before break. I almost broke down crying... for no reason. I apologized for being so boring.

Learned that my mother--who is never home, always working--has been hiding her family's history of severe depression (her grandma got EST) from me. Dad is also mega depressed... failed engineer of 52 who has been out of work for almost 10 years. He sleeps on the couch outside of my room all day long, coming up to eat, or do minimal errands (groceries/driving siblings around) always making sure to hurl caustic insults at us and mom for ruining his life.

Little sister suffers from severe depression. Little brother is about as animate as granite.

Anhedonia's meant I can't read, or listen to music, or enjoy anything anymore.

The end is near. Hahahaha

>> No.4395954 [DELETED] 
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>assumes we're all so poor we need to take loans to go to college

I have a college fun but my parents decided to pay for my education so I'll have over $30,000 to do whatever I want with when I graduate. People who can't afford college shouldn't go to college but don't get angry at the higher education system just because you can't afford it.

>> No.4395960
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>assumes we're all so poor we need to take loans to go to college

I have a college fund but my parents decided to pay for my education so I'll have over $30,000 to do whatever I want with when I graduate. People who can't afford college shouldn't go to college but don't get angry at the higher education system just because you can't afford it.

>> No.4395964

>People who can't afford college shouldn't go to college

What's your major, out of curiosity?

>> No.4395967

What kind of shit country are you from? In America a 95-100% is an A and in college you can't go higher.

>> No.4395973
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Berkeley? Berkeley is like that too?

Fuck man, say it aint so.

>> No.4395975
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I'm a biology major but being STEM I still need to take at least a year of chemistry and physics for my degree.

>> No.4395976

UofT. A/A+ are amalgamated at 85%+, both being 4.0. A- is 80-85, 3.7.

Was at a far far easier institution prior to this that had 90-100 = 4.0, 80-90 = 3.7. It's actually easier to get 4.0 at UofT, because most profs just psychologically refuse to give grades in the 90 range. I'd rather work hard for 86s and 88s at UofT than try to !!~WOW~!! every prof for a 90+ average elsewhere, even if the work is technically "easier".

>> No.4395985

well it started out pretty well and then i started hearing voices and skipping a lot of classes. i did get a lot of reading done though

highlights: my logic professor telling me that he had never seen a student get such a high grade on one of his tests after missing so many classes. damn that made me feel proud, though i think he may have been hinting that he thought i had cheated.

lowlights: failing my logic class after missing too many classes. that was pretty embarrassing

agreed 100%, i found myself trapped in the upstairs floor of the library after I discovered an entire bookcase of biographies and criticism of ingmar bergman

>> No.4395986

Right, and Texas is the paradigm of educated people in America.

>> No.4395989

uoft = uni of toronto

>> No.4395993

Most people I know took logic online and had a hard time with it. I made sure to take a lecture and I went to every class. I managed an 85% which was the highest grade in the class and the prof curved it so I had an A. Honestly formal logic is the most useless thing I've ever learned in my life.

>> No.4395997

Lol because Canada is that much better.

>> No.4395999

>i started hearing voices

Did you get help? I've been under crazy stress and gone a little nutty before but never that bad.

>> No.4396019

nope but i'll probably see a university counselor next semester probably not though

>> No.4396022

I suicidal a couple quarters ago and I was constantly going over if I should see a counselor or not.

Shits weird.

>> No.4396036

I expected to fail my algebra class yet somehow managed to get a B. My confidence level is so high right now that I'm considering doing a STEM degree. I'm not saying that to start shit. It's just that I come from a poor family and a STEM degree offers me the best chance of pulling myself up out of this mess.

>> No.4396049

Just turned in my groups semester project last week. 280 pages analyzing Middle Eastern Regionalism.

During this semester I've managed to be the happiest I've been in a long time. Then I got homeless, my girfriend left me, my credit card got cancelled and my dad got run over and has smashed his face something fierce. Can't even recognize him anymore.

But at least I didn't fail this semester

>> No.4396059
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>People who can't afford college shouldn't go to college

I'm sure glad I didn't listen to people like you, you entitled little prick. I'm about to graduate summa cum laude in chemical engineering and I wouldn't have been able to go to college if not for student loans and scholarships. I managed to accomplish this while working, doing undergrad research, and supporting disabled parents, all while prissy little preps like you sat around smoking pot and figuring out how many classes they could get D's in and still not get expelled. I even found time to read some pretty sweet /lit/ too.

Course, all the hard work is worth it for knowing that I'm going to be your boss one day.

>> No.4396062
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>> No.4396063

Lowest grade I got was a B. Started dating a girl the day before semester began in August, still with her. Her family is nice.

Read a few book too I guess.

>> No.4396067

I started a new job (I finished my masters degree last spring). My job has nothing to do with writing, but since there's not much to do around here I use my time working on new short stories.

I love this job, though.

>> No.4396068

tl;dr: found out I'm aspie and adhd. looking forward to reading bigger books, but how do i into love?

School's been OK. I'm doing my master's at the moment. I've got about 5 or 8 analyses that I've run so far and completed, each worth of a thesis on its own, but I've been unable to write any of them up because, as per usual, I can't really ever concentrate without some huge form of pressure (deadlines for me, aren't for another 6 months). (To give a scope of how much I've been procrastinating: in the mean time, I written a novella and half of another--neither of which were a significant amount of the time). I was getting bored with having to wait another 4 months to do something productive career-wise, so I thought I'd go to the doctor to see if they had anything to say. Well as it turns out, I have both ADHD and Asperger's. I'm still waiting to start meds for the former, so we'll see how that ends up (I'm looking forward to revisiting Ulysses and Nabokov with my new found attention).

But what's really got me concerned right now, is how the Asperger's has and probably will continue to affect my writing. The oddity of it all I'll probably never get beyond that and that's fine, but some things I'm a bit sad about. Mostly, I realised the Asperger's probably explains why I've always found sex and intimacy in both media and real life quite boring; and this sort of bleeds into my writing too, I tend to just leave that shit implied. Personally I had just attributed this missing area previously to a case of nerves, and was hoping maybe after I had slept with a few more women--I'm really not that experienced--I'd loosen up and start to see what all the fuss is about. (Right now, when I fuck it just feels like really really slow masturbation.). Post-diagnoses though, I have a feeling my situation is probably not going to change. Which sort of sucks, because it means I'll have to settle for copying the way other people write about sex and love, if I want to sound realistic when talking about normal characters. (or, I stick to accounts of my failed Aspie 'love').

>> No.4396071
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>> No.4396075

Now now, don't be too hard on him. His punishment will come in the form of rampant stress from working overtime to ward off foreclosure on the needlessly large house he went into debt to buy without learning the value of a dollar all because he felt entitled to it.

>> No.4396078

And just to add on, in case someone else with Asperger's chimes in that they enjoy sex and relationships completely fine. Well maybe I don't know. I do however know that asexuality/sociopathy are both co-morbid with the condition, so if you want to attribute what I just said to those things instead, then that's fine.

>> No.4396080


This post couldn't be more american if was written on a hummer that ran on cheeseburgers.

>> No.4396086

where do you go and what's your major?

>> No.4396130

diagnosed ADHD when I was 3
diagnosed Aspie when I was 16.

I am 33 right now, and have not had a gf in over 10 years.

But I do enjoy reading, so there is that. and my cat thinks I am pretty cool.

good luck friend!

>> No.4396150

I got dumped by a girl I'm still in love with, which caused me to almost fail two classes. It's fine, though, since the first semester of freshman year is pass/fail where I go (Swarthmore College in PA). I did some good reading, like the new book of translated Sebald poems, a collection of Holderlin, Zona, and Triton, by Delany. My classes were all quantitative, though, since I'm on that Physics major shit.
The thing with the girl is pretty terrible, though. I really do still love her, but she's moved on and clearly wants nothing to do with me. The right thing to do is to stop talking to her, and I've done just that for the past month or so, but she fucking leaves the country for five months on christmas morning and that shit terrifies me. I'm hurt by her, and I feel I've been wronged, but I don't really want or need her to admit that she was the one who made mistakes. I just want to say *something*, especially since I never even told her I loved her. It's actually sort of the source of a lot of anxiety for me these days, and I find myself getting panic attacks, which has never happened before. I don't know what I need to do, but it's fucking something.

Any ideas, guys?

>> No.4396152

First semester back in school
Took 6 units, micro and macro econ, while working 40 hours/week

Passed both classes with an A

Next semester I'm taking creative writing and linux admin, sent in applications to universities last month.

>> No.4396155

I'm doing this, but it's unhelpful as balls.
My instability manifests as mania, which is pretty much unstoppable without some pretty intense medication. I'm self-medicating with illegally-obtained vicodin and klonopin I trade a buddy for weed, but when I don't have anything to put in my body I always come very close to offing myself. Hell, one of these times it'll probably fucking happen.

>> No.4396157

Pwetty pwease I'm down in the dumps getting hammered alone at 3 AM

>> No.4396158

>Afraid about owing money 24/7

Basically right yeah.

>> No.4396165

Dunno dude

>> No.4396166

good marks, won 2 university wide essay competitions and a small scholarship to study in japan, but still no /lit/ gf

>> No.4396171

A /lit/ gf would be wack.
She'd have horrible taste.

>> No.4396200
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What you need to do is send her a text/call her/meet her in person, and lay everything down. You go into the situation understanding that she already has rejected you. There is no hope to bring the situation back. This is for you, and only for you. You are burying the relationship, not trying to bring it back.

Try giving her a call. If she picks up, tell her everything, and tell her you plan not to talk to her again since that would be best for both for you, and hang up. Something like that. If she doesnt pick up, wait a bit, and if she doesnt call back, leave a message.

Normally id tell you just to forget it and to give yourself closure, but it seems your looking for some concrete closure you can point to.

Honestly dude, if you arent completely stupid, youll keep progressing as a person, and youll look back at this relationship as stupid as fuck.

>> No.4396262
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>go study art despite all the opposition telling me its fruitless and so on
>the course is free, but parents are paying my rent
>4 years later
>get shit grades for not handling papers
>only half of the course done because of how much I failed
>every year promised myself to be more dedicated, but nothing changed
>end of this semester
>no more opportunities to even try, I failed the course and am forced to drop out
>time to tell parents and think about what to do next

I don't know what to do with my life. I could enter the same course once again if I do well on the test, I could study something else entirely, or I could continue working with art without a college degree (it's probably the field in which the degree matters the less for getting jobs).

I admire people like you.

>> No.4396365

>I admire people like you.

Stop admiring and start being more like him. I mean failing out of art school, holy shit anon, come the fuck on

>> No.4396487

Went to lots of dates with a qt for 3 months, she even introduced me to her parents, but she only wants me as a friend. I stopped talking to her. Might be a bit childish but I have enough friends, I don't need her as just another friend. Don't know why but I didn't feel nearly as miserable when I broke with my two ex's as I do now. Worst thing is she's in all of my classes and I see her p much every day. Fuck me.

Other than that great grades and that's what important, right?

I'd rate this Semester a 9/10. Learned a lot about myself, even though I've been feeling like worthless shit since I stopped talking to qt.

>> No.4396502

>but she fucking leaves the country for five months on christmas morning and that shit terrifies me.

It's a good thing. Gives you enough distance to get over her. I wish my girl >>4396487 would leave University, so I don't have to see her anymore and be reminded day for day that even my best was not good enough for her.

>> No.4396513

Don't even think of school as "I'm this major" or "My major will get me this" "People think my major is that"

College is about responsibility. At the end of the day all students, STEM to Genderstudies, gotta buck up and turn their work in. DIdn't get your work done? Then why even be there? Wanna stay? Get an extension and



>> No.4396514
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>my cunt when my bion of borystenes gets up every day to say nay nay, willnae work today
>my cunt when 12 doses of government money injection a year, more than enough to crunk the spinal web
>my cunt when finding eternal quietude in the noise of the workaday city street on a scummy winter afternoon
>my cunt when post-education damaged mobi files are the viral badly formatted source of my learning

>> No.4396524

Also, take pride in your work. Have the same confidence that told you to do what you wanted, against everyone's opinion. Then learn how to sell that. Make it your thing that you have and now you're going to show other people what you mean.
It's responsibilty and its confidence.
I don't mean like shyster car salesman confidence or phony motivational speaker stuff. I mean that you should take charge of what you're doing. Make it yours. It'll give it an internal worth that's only yours, but that you will want to share it whether it's at the dinner table with family or sitting in a job interview. People will see that you're at least serious about what you do and that you take pride.

>> No.4396527


Your face is a cunt and I'm gonna fuck it like one you dirty whore.

>> No.4396532

I'll tolerate it unwillingly to show that you can perform contrary actions at the same time, in one single, fresh breath; I am against action; as for continual contradiction, and affirmation too, I am neither for nor against them, and I won't explain myself because I hate common sense.

>> No.4396534

I know, bro, I know.

I don't mind what people say about this or that field. I really don't get those battles at all, so I'm unharmed on that matter.

Yeah, getting shit done is the hardest for me, at least for school. When I was in highschool and midschool, I was still a bad student, I never did any homework (seriously, maybe 5 times at best), but got good grades because I did well on tests. Early this year I got a job and I was surprised to see how professional I could be, doing more than required and getting a good response from it. I just need to take this active approach into studying.

This is good advice, I lack that confidence.


>> No.4396536

uh I don't know what you just said but I'm gonna nut in your throat bitch

>> No.4396544


Classic Fortenberry.

>> No.4396555

>chemical engineering

lol no, that's going to be the humanities majors from Ivy's, dude.

> if not for student loans and scholarships. I managed to accomplish this while working, doing undergrad research

that means you could afford college, so being mad makes no sense.

also, you got a massive chip on your shoulder. I mean, a lot of the kids I know who put themselves through college do, but come on I would've thought that caring fro your parents and what not would've sobered your chippyness

>> No.4396565
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>mfw these are the kind of vile cunts that are paying for my welfare

>> No.4396567

>Get an extension

It scares me that this is a thing at other universities. At mine, you either get it done on time or you fail, no "extension" hand-holding babby nonsense

>> No.4396580

>that means you could afford college

So even though someone has to take out massive student loans, they can "afford college"? Nice goalpoast moving, bro.

>> No.4396588

Worked my ass off but got 2 B's and 3 A's boosting my gpa from 3.65 to a whopping 3.66. I'm a medical lab science major. Got news that I was accepted to the most competitive internship hospital my college offers which is a 10 minute drive from my house, which is nice.

No qt's. I've given up on actively trying to find one for now. I live with my parents, I'm 5'7, I am a full-time student, and don't have a ton of money. I have nothing to really offer till I get a real job.

>> No.4396597

>semester ending in december
i still have a month
shitload to do
need to finish my paper
need to apply for master
so far only failed 2 exams which i can retake
best reading were the pynchon novels i read
qts?there's no girls in the natural sciences.
regrets?fav moments? none.
once i have my degree i will slow down and try to live a little. past years been stressful yet bland.

>> No.4396614


Just because someone calls you out for being a retarded trust fund baby, doesn't mean he has a chip on his shoulder. I think you're in for a rude awakening when you can't leech off your parents anymore.

>> No.4396740

Oh well, that's nice. The post was more on the subject of having responsibility in general than proposing students make further excuses for their bullshit. Congrats on your no-nonsense lumberjack policy having school. It's bound to build good ol' protestant work ethic values and rugged indvidualism, eh?

>> No.4396741

I've been to your school to play your rugby team. They weren't very good

>> No.4396799

I'm studying electrical engineering and just finished the first half of the second year (2.5 years in), my grades were decent but certainly not enough (3.12). Trying to get atleast 3.5 overall before graduating

>> No.4396816

Is it appropriate to say that 60% of /lit study philosophy, 20% literature, 10% something else, and 10% are NEETS?

>> No.4396830
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>tfw you do extremely well on every assignment and exam in the class but the final just crushed you

Is there a phrase for failing what you should have succeeded in?

>> No.4396831

No, because you took those numbers out of your ass.

I see a lot of STEM shits, some English majors, a lot of History., etc. No way 60% studies philosophy. There are also a bunch of kids who are in highschool still pretending to be undergrads in their field of interest.

>> No.4396846

yeah im STEM mainly for the same reason

damn dude, thats intense as fuck. i dont even think i could've dealt with that, i hope things get better for you

>> No.4396856

Is that for undergrad? If so that's insane my senior thesis was only 25 pages

>> No.4396876
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>doing something with your life


>> No.4396908


>What did you say to me you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in chemical engineering...

>> No.4396911
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>go to community college because my grades in high school sucked from lack of motivation
>my first semester, ended up only taking two classes for financial reasons
>everyone's kinda stupid, the teachers don't know anything, but it's tolerable
>don't work, live with my parents
>so much leisure time to myself
>no friends
>long walks through neighborhoods and forests
>read deeply into philosophy after freeing myself from the nihilism that plagued me all of last year
>write poetry and record music but always hate it in the end
>long nights spent contemplating my lonely soul

>> No.4396913


>> No.4396914

I made no friends this semester. >tfw kissless virgin

>> No.4396939


>> No.4397075
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I was doing pretty well in the beginning, but my motivation dropped in December, though. I still have some assignments to sort out until January and I hope I’ll manage them all. Despite acquiring a gf and improving my life in general, I still feel like crap most of the time. I can’t believe she tolerates me.

(I now feel dirty for participating in an off-topic thread and not even adding to the debate, ugh)

>> No.4397090

>term grades still haven't been posted
>still not sure whether I've failed out of college or not

>> No.4397225

It was my first semester in college. I got a 3.66 and almost all of my classmates liked me. My writing professor asked for a copy of one of my class essays to keep. All in all, it went pretty well.

>> No.4397301
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Just finished my third semester of college. My suspicions about being depressed were confirmed when I saw my good GPA and just laid down in my bed. Didn't give a fuck even though I worked very hard and still don't. I have nothing to look forward to, hate my life, etc.

>> No.4397310

Pulling a 3.8 in a 19 credit semester is nothing to balk at. Sleep, you've earned it. And chin up.

>> No.4397324

kill yourself

>> No.4397325

Just open yourself to the gentle indifference of the world, m8. Feel the nihil coursing through your veins.

>> No.4397334

First semester on my year off. Pissed around America crashing at other colleges for a while, and am now sunning myself in the southern hemisphere. Read a ton of books. I really miss the qt I left behind, but itfeelsogooooodman