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4389411 No.4389411[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the last time they spoke as friends, Wittgenstein in the dark, Hitler in the light

>> No.4389425

God damn, Witty already looks mental. I bet he bullied the shit out of Hitler and was part of the reason he was so fucked up.

>> No.4389427

The Wiki page you took this from even mentions that this is conjecture and nobody's really certain that the kids labeled are the kids labeled.

>> No.4389434

>Gets to high school
>Hitler tries to grow a moustache
>Witty and his gang of logicians see him
>'Hey Adolf, nice facial fluff!'
>Hitler runs off crying
>That night he is shaving it off, choking back tears
>Witty runs in and pushes him to the ground
>Snaps all his razors and throws them out the window
>Runs off
>Adolf gets up and looks in the mirror
>Wipes off the shaving cream
>All that is left is a thin strip on his upper lip
>Something inside him has snapped
>'Yes,' he says to himself. 'Yes.'

Young Witty never bullied Adolf again, not after what Adolf did to him the next day at breakfast.

>> No.4389435

But in the end,
does it even really matter?

>> No.4389462



>> No.4389485

>that r/breakingbad reference
what the fuck

>> No.4389688

crawwwling in my skin

>> No.4389717

Like Anakin and Obi-Wan.

>> No.4389718

Wittgenstein was one of my professor's professor's professor's professor's professors

So I'm like his great-great-great grand student.

>> No.4389750 [DELETED] 


Actually Hitler was older than him at the time and there is speculation that he picked on Witty quite a bit

>> No.4389752

Totally baseless garbage speculation.

But I mean, sure, whatever, write whatever you want in your Hitler / Wittgenstein fanfiction.

>> No.4389877

that is straight-up Hitler, however the other kid looks nothing like Wittgenstein

>> No.4389887

sounds like I've got a new pet project

>> No.4389900


Ludwig sat at his desk in the back corner, reading. It was mid-afternoon and no one else was around. An autumn sun hung low in the sky, bathing the spartan village classroom in brilliant amber light.

Adolf walked in and headed straight for Ludwig's desk. He peered over the top of his book. It was a hefty volume that seemed taller than either boy and Adolf had to stand on his tiptoes to see his rival's pinched-looking face. Adolf waited several minutes for him to notice his presence, but Ludwig was totally engrossed in the book.

"What are you reading now?" Adolf finally snapped. "More of that Jew venom, I imagine."

"I'm reading some of Hegel's dialectics," Ludwig replied coolly, not looking up from the page.

"Just what I thought," Adolf said. "Zionist claptrap!"

"You always seem so interested in what I'm reading," Ludwig said. He still didn't look up. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had a crush on me."

"W-what?" Adolf sputtered. He took a step back and felt his face flush. "What are you saying? Me, have a crush on a filthy Jew like you? S-stupid Ludwig.. I just want to keep an eye on the degeneracy you're getting into so you don't go spreading it around... i-it's not like I like you or anything!"

>> No.4389904

>Adolf, If I am to know you, though I need not
know... your external properties, I must know all
your internal properties.

>> No.4389907


Baka Ludwig... even if you say that-- you're still a gross zionist!

W-what are you doing? D-don't touch me there, Ludwig....!

das kimochiiiii~

>> No.4389909

*takes Adolf's coat off*

>> No.4389912

This thread was so interesting that I missed my metro stop.

>> No.4389911


[x] touch fluffy mustache

>> No.4389914


It's a /tv/ meme you piece of shit.

>> No.4389917

*explains to Hitler the unknowability of pure language and the symbolist roots of communication both written and verbal*

>> No.4390024

It's like pottery.

>implying there's any real difference between /tv/ and reddit
That's why /tv/ is so paranoid about things coming from reddit. They're pretty much the same and it scares them.

>> No.4390027

It's like poetry; it rhymes.

>> No.4390030

>That's why /tv/ is so paranoid about things coming from reddit. They're pretty much the same and it scares them.

Nah, reddit has those awful, gigantic blue link eyesores everywhere, a convoluted comment system and that awful groupthink karma system. 4chan has a simple UI. They are never the same.

>> No.4390049

>not "all of 4chan"

>> No.4390088

Believe it or not, my old man actually wrote that book. The logic behind the two knowing each other is fairly sound:

1) Hitler yelled "Saujud" (Pig jew) at a Jewish boy who didn't know he was Jewish.

2) The only Jewish boy at the school who was not enrolled as Jewish was Ludwig Wittgenstein.

If you take issue with that chain of logic I'd be happy to discuss it.

Oh, and I've tried to convince him to write homoerotic Hitler-Wittgenstein fiction. So far, he's refused to cave.

>> No.4390093


>> No.4390248




>> No.4390681

....little Hitler is actually pretty cute. He's so serious looking.

>> No.4390692
File: 12 KB, 300x424, Himmler7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He looks like a little dork

Himmler also looked like a massive dweeb when he was young

>> No.4390706

All those guys looked like they could be heavily into D&D as kids...just think of it, if they were kids now, they'd probably be into minecraft and sonic.

>> No.4390714

>the kid looks like Hitler, therefore the kid is Hitler.

Not too many scientific minds on /lit/ I see.

>> No.4390715

Hitler would probably be one of those kids who spend all their time skimming Wikipedia articles on history.

>> No.4390718 [DELETED] 

Why do people assume Wittgenstein was Jewish? His mother wasn't Jewish, his father converted to Protestantism. Wittgenstein read the New Testament deeply, loved Dostoevsky and Tolstoy.

Not only is he not a Jew according to Jewish tradition, but he was basically a Christian mystic.

>> No.4390717


>All those guys looked like they could be heavily into D&D as kids

Not at all the impression I get. More like this >>4390715. I get the impression they were the kind of kids who kissed teacher's asses and said what they thought their elders wanted to hear.

>> No.4390728

He was a Jew according to Nazi tradition

>> No.4390733

He was a racial Jew.

>> No.4390736


Young Hitler looks like the kid from The Middle who is obsessed with books.

>> No.4390739

What do you make of his ties with the Thule Society?...its like he is a mix between /x/, /ic/ and /pol/

What about Himmler's ridiculous belief of his reincarnation as Heinrich I

>> No.4390742

Ill dispute your logic: Nothing supports that that happened

>> No.4390743
File: 1.97 MB, 615x413, 1368036108152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

i didnt know i needed tsundere hitler, but i did

>> No.4390748

/pol/ is becoming a mixture of /pol/ and /x/ these days.

>> No.4390757

God, Hitler looks so miserable. You can just imagine that he was heavily abused as a child.

>> No.4390763

>Hitler yelled "Saujud" (Pig jew) at a Jewish boy who didn't know he was Jewish

Source needed. You also need to prove that the Jewish boy didn't know he was Jewish.

>> No.4390777 [DELETED] 

>Hitler yelled "Saujud"
>my face when I google this

>> No.4390780 [DELETED] 

Nope, the mother wasn't jewish

>> No.4390790

I wonder if any of the other kids in the picture grew up to be anything of importance and if not did they look on this picture towards the end of their life and lement on the fact that their classmates were philosophers and brutal dictators and they just bake strudels for a living or something

>> No.4390795

>no chin
>turns into a monster

>strong handsome chin
>greatest philosopher of all time


>> No.4390801


Monk estimates they were both at the school during the 1904–1905 school year, but says there is no evidence they had anything to do with each other. Several commentators have argued that a school photograph of Hitler may show Wittgenstein in the lower left corner, but Hamann says the photograph stems from 1900 or 1901, before Wittgenstein's time.

>> No.4390804 [DELETED] 

>Several commentators have argued that a school photograph of Hitler may show Wittgenstein in the lower left corner,[53] but Hamann says the photograph stems from 1900 or 1901, before Wittgenstein's time.[54]

>> No.4390808

That's how it always is. They grow up jaded and unhappy so they have an existential crisis where they decide they'll help others find happiness since they can never be happy, but the only solution to problems they were shown while growing up was violence - and they can't help but to lash out at the cause of what they see as there's, and to them the worlds as well, problems

>> No.4390826


Enough with your trashy pop psychology and baseless speculation.

>> No.4390832

>Trashy pop psychology and baseless speculation
>pointing out how miserable he looks in this picture
Jesus Christ, who pissed in your cornflakes?

>> No.4390838

I'll have you know I got an A+ in my high school psychology course, and my teacher said I had real "potential".

>> No.4390841

the jewish conspiracy

>> No.4390842

Well go shout at /pol/ then, Jesus Christ, that's where all the jews hang out on 4chan.

>> No.4390862

>faggot who didn't like da cock
>is a monster

>bro and liked da cock
>#rekt every single philosopher's bum

>> No.4391070

It wasn't considered abuse back then, just typical German upbringing.

>> No.4391288


Idk, I guess he could fit the stereotype of a creepy kid looking for an escape in fantasy but I don't really see it.

Besides, a few of my friends play DnD and they're some of the more normal, well adjusted people I hang out with.

>> No.4392923


You're telling me Hitler wouldn't have at least known about the homosexual Jewish son of one of the richest men in the country, who spoke with an upper class accent and insisted people call him the equivalent of "Mr Wittgenstein?" The Realschule had approximately 300 students. Any kid like that would be known to everyone, at the very least by reputation.


The first sixteen names on the list below were provided by the current Principal of the Fadingerstrasse Bundesrealgymnasium in Linz, the re-titled name of the Realschule that Hitler and Wittgenstein both attended. It turns out that the names and religious affiliations of the students have survived. Here then, is a list of ALL students at the Linz Realschule in 1903/4 who were halachically Jewish (that is, Jewish under Jewish religious law):

1. Friedmann Paul DOB: 18.08.1886
2. Groag Wilhelm DOB: 07.01.1892
3. Grün Oskar DOB: 08.09.1892
4. Klein Oswald DOB: 23.03.1889
5. Ludwig Robert DOB: 18.06.1886
6. May Heinrich DOB: 15.05.1890
7. Peschek Oskar DOB: 07.11.1890
8. Pisinger Fritz DOB: 08.08.1892
9. Piskaty Erwin DOB: 13.06.1890
10. Pisker Johann DOB: 07.09.1887
11. Rosenblum Emil DOB: 28.03.1891
12. Rübinstein Ernst DOB: 31.01.1890
13. Taussig Bruno DOB: 24.04.1890
14. Taussig Erwin DOB: 04.12.1890
15. Taussig Victor DOB: 09.03.1887
16. Vogelfänger Gustav DOB: 03.01.1892
17. Wittgenstein Ludwig DOB: 26.04.1889

continued in next panel

Alone of the 17 students in this list, Wittgenstein was enrolled as a Roman Catholic. To the schoolboys, however, he appeared Jewish and was indisputably "of Jewish descent". His halachic Jewishness is established not by the fact that he later "confessed" to being Jewish at Cambridge or claimed that his thought was "100 percent Hebraic" and that he was the greatest of Jewish thinkers, but because his three Jewish grand-parents and Jewish mother make him Jewish under Jewish religious law. Though halachically Jewish, Wittgenstein, unlike the others, was enrolled as a Catholic. All the others listed were registered as Jews and therefore knew they were Jews.

Now here is the very earliest record of Hitler making an anti-Semitic remark: It was reported by Franz Keplinger. Keplinger, interestingly was not in Hitler's class, but in Wittgenstein's. (This data also provided by the Bundesrealgymnasium.) He knew and visited Hitler later in Munich. Keplinger recounted to Dr Franz Jetzinger: "Once Adolf shouted at another boy, 'Du Saujud!'. The boy concerned was staggered; he knew nothing of his Jewish ancestry at the time and only discovered it years later ... " (Jetzinger, Franz. Hitlers Jugend, Vienna 1956, translated as Hitler's Youth, by Lawrence Wilson, Greenwood Press, Connecticut, p.71.)

>> No.4392951


>gets violent during what ought to be a civilized philosophical discussion with a fellow renowned philosopher

>> No.4392993
File: 213 KB, 636x916, Map7Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a rare pic of hitler in lederhosen

>> No.4393009

Sit in on their game for a week. Your illusion will shatter like a million crystal Miley statuettes before the wrecking ball of reality.

>> No.4393057


>> No.4393070

Ooh la la, I'm burning up like a Jew over here.

>> No.4393558

what an ugly little cunt young hitler was

>> No.4393585


>Hey mädchen, want to see mein pantzerbarrel?

>> No.4393626
File: 7 KB, 186x271, himmler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>master race

>> No.4393700

fuck you, he was beautiful