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/lit/ - Literature

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4388903 No.4388903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>sci-fi story
>robots being oppressed represents racism
>aliens colonizing earth represents European colonization

>> No.4388931

it's an apt metaphor though

>> No.4388960 [DELETED] 


>ethnic minority being persecuted

seriously, no one cares

>> No.4388980

fucking this.

It's 2013, not 1955, I don't need to hear about the plight of the Negroes yet again.

>> No.4388983

>white people whining about racism
seriously, no one cares

>> No.4388986 [DELETED] 

The idea that liberalism is left-wing needs to get trashed asap.

>> No.4389020

I'm pretty sure that robots being repressed is more a representation of humanity resisting the inevitable transcendence of our own bodies.

I've always found that your interpretation of literature is based on your own ideas of what you think are interesting or important. If you think the meaning of these books is about racism, you probably think it's still a big issue.

Unless of course you're talking about other people thinking this about books, where the obvious intention was not racism. In which case, I agree. It's a very shallow way to think about the usually deep ideas behind most science fiction.

>> No.4389069

So much fucking this.
We get it, you're sorry about colonialism and the KKK. Now get off the collective dick of all minorities that have been persecuted ever.

>> No.4389092

If you see a black man with white hair, he remembers a time when he was a second class citizen. There were certain schools he couldn't go to, certain jobs he couldn't get, even certain bathrooms he couldn't use.
I'm not saying it doesn't annoy me to, I've been hearing about this shit my entire life just like any other american and it does get old, but just think about that. Maybe fifty years from now it wont be a problem anymore, but that time has not come yet.

>> No.4389106
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>the chosen one

>> No.4389111

>black people ever getting old
funny joke

>> No.4389123

>fantasy story
>based in a shitty faux-Europe
>generic not-Tolkien
>except THIS setting has TWO black extras
>Top that, Peter HACKson!

>> No.4389130

>There's a secret world that runs parallel to the real world that nobody can see.

Stop fucking doing this.

>> No.4389135
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>Whedon-esque Reddit tier everyone-is-clever banter-centric approaches to fantasy

>> No.4389151

This times 1,000. I'm tired of people thinking "clever" dialogue and referential humor somehow replaces everything else required to make a decent story.

>> No.4389164

I'm sick of seeing every character being a witty smartass constantly.

>> No.4389167

>aliens colonizing earth represents European colonization

Though, with that in mind, one of my favorite genre stories is Vilcabamba by Turtledove, just because of how wonderfully it illustrates the difference in capabilities between the Europeans and native americans


>> No.4389179

>ITT: Ideas that need to be trashed.


>> No.4389182

Female detected.

>Like, what's the point of hypothetical political and technological parables?? :S We have feminism and iphones now, isn't society complete? *texts for 7 hours, gets B's on all liberal arts exams but still thinks she's smart*

>> No.4389187

>lemme fire up this projection cannon cause I sure am one huge faggot

also, I add fantasy to my original post as an idea to be scrapped

>> No.4389188


I'm enjoying this, but wow it is full of spelling and grammatical errors

>> No.4389189

bitter virgin detected

>> No.4389190

Not that guy but
>if you don't think women are vapid you're a virgin
top kek

>> No.4389193

It was more if you throw a fit because somebody doesn't like sci-fi and accuse them of being a woman who is a vapid feminist is a bitter virgin

>> No.4389195

If you can't tell that >>4389182 was intentionally over the top I'm frightened to think what the MEN VS. WOMEN discourse on the internet has come to.

>> No.4389196

You need to work on your reading comprehension, if anything that's the opposite of the opinion being espoused above. You dumbass cunt.

>> No.4389197

You'd be surprised, especially on 4chan

>> No.4389198

You legitimately seem upset. Are you okay, anon?

>> No.4389199

>over the top
>100% true

>> No.4389203

>free verse
>technology worship, information craze, etc.

>> No.4389204
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>more projection

you just can't seem to do anything right, huh?

>> No.4389234

I think most people in general are "vapid", male and female. At least it seems that way when you don't have much in common with them.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, my friend.

>> No.4389275

>sci-fi story
>obvious political allegories everywhere
>cyborgs = lolcommunism
>robots = omg racism
>aliens = hurrrrcolonialism

Seriously the only thing more embarrassing than adults reading juvenile literature, is adults reading juvenile literature and pretending it's mature.

>if the aliens have a religion they will almost always worship a pagan-esque goddess, because LOL HUMNzzz DON'T RESPECT MOTHER EATH

>> No.4389281

>I'm not racist, I hate all races equally XD

You're a whiny friendless omega who doesn't realize most of those "vapid" people are actually normal people with dreams ambitions and hobbies, just like yo--oh wait.

>> No.4389291 [DELETED] 


>> No.4389299


>you're wrong because things are the opposite of how you see them. Because I say they are

You're just as narcissistic as the guy you're trying to critique.

>> No.4389303


>> No.4389307

Normal people are vapid by definition.

>> No.4389330 [DELETED] 

>>robots being oppressed represents racism
Implying niggers aren't human.
>>aliens colonizing earth represents European colonization
Implying Indians so savage we're like an alien species.

Truisms tick you off or something buddy?

>> No.4389340


>>>/pol/ (although this sort of non-nonsensical blabbering may be unwelcome even in that shithole)

>> No.4389345
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>Hey /lit/, do I fit in yet xD?


>> No.4389348

>american immigrant narrative

Will the family sacrifice its cultural heritage to better assimilate into American society? Will the son's / daughter's infatuation with a member of another culture cause a rift that can't be mended? Will the parents really sacrifice everything to help their kids get into a top-tier university?

If these questions still pique your interest, even after having been exposed to ten thousand identical novels, please consider killing yourself.

>> No.4389357

You guys sure are flinging shit hard today. Usually /lit/ is a pretty tame hug-box.

The trash needs:
-Chosen ones
-Schools or Academies of *blank*
-Vampires and Werewolves as the main whatever

>> No.4389358

That was my point, dumbass. Guess I didn't make it clear...
What I was saying was people seem vapid when you don't have much in common with them. I don't have much in common with most people, so most people seem vapid to me. I acknowledged that and said most people probably arnt, its just when you don't have much in common it SEEMS that way.

Get it?

>>I'm not racist, I hate all races equally XD
shouldn't that be
>I'm not sexist, I hate both genders equally XD

>> No.4389366
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>implying I haven't been here since /lit/ was made
>implying we will let plebs like you invade our board with this "muh dragons" "muh spaceship" fucking garbage

fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of and don't come back until you read actual literature

>> No.4389370

>tfw latin american
>tfw i'm almost forced to shit out this if i want to be published at all in the future
I just want to write about alien NEETs and wacky stuff, why do I have to be concerned about any of that?

Racist faggots.

>> No.4389378


Use a pseudonym.

Or just write your NEET novel, incorporate just enough identity politics bullshit to appease our Jewish publishing overlords, and enjoy the over-hyped blurb you'll get from Junot Diaz.

>> No.4389390


Games Workshop pls

>> No.4389400
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I never even stated I liked either of those things, and if I did I wouldn't care if a bunch of autismal fucks on 4chan thought bad of it.

>> No.4389402

>thinking /lit/ has taste

>> No.4389406
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>Muh Plebs
>Muh Patricians
>Muh Oldfags

>> No.4389438

>Junot Diaz
Ugh, no. I don't even want to be associated with that faggot.

>> No.4389537


Intentional Fallacy is an interesting topic to think about in conjunction with what you're discussing.

Everybody's going to interpret a piece of work in their own way based on major definitive events in their past, so the so does that make the intent of the author fallacious?


>> No.4389541


>so the so

my bad.

captcha : ateams general

>> No.4389554


>> No.4389556

this so hard

>> No.4389559

You don't like the acronym?

>> No.4389985

>lel le you think le all races are le equal you filthy white scum your secretly being le racist i heard this argument on le tumblr

>> No.4390006

referential humor isn't even homur, people laugh when they "get" a reference, because they can feel smart then

>> No.4390008

Oh look, it's /pol/.

Leave soon pls.

>> No.4390106

>if they question my dogmas they must be undercover agents!
oh boy

>> No.4390110


>> No.4391609
File: 82 KB, 499x497, 9f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With words

1 2 3 4!

>> No.4393345


most intelligent people don't need allegory to understand that concept

>> No.4393370


It should be DFFF: dykes, faggots, faggots and faggots.

>> No.4393371

It should be replaced by a grunt of displeasure if that's all you're capable of.

>> No.4393378



>> No.4393381

>complaining about /pol/
>OP post uses a /pol/ created meme

>> No.4393654

Has anyone read return from the stars? That part of the android "slaugther" house is pretty good (and intense) too.

>> No.4393661

Global rules. Keep /pol/ to /pol/. /Int/ is no diferent.