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File: 825 KB, 680x1007, perverts-guide-to-ideology[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4388119 No.4388119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/, what's the deal with Slavoj Zizek? Is he just like every other marxist out there? Has he got any decent books out and are there any people who beat his arguments?
Hell, what kind of opposition is there to Slavoj?

>> No.4388127

> Is he just like every other marxist out there?

He is absolutely is, despite his fun clowny act.

>> No.4388134

>Is he just like every other marxist out there?
>implying this question is coming from a place of knowledge and not of generalizations cemented by your time spent on 4chan

>> No.4388137

I've got "The perverts guide to ideology" in my 'queue' for reading/watching. What am I to expect?

>> No.4388140

Probably an entertaining movie. He's entertaining. He's also a liar, as all Marxists are - vipers.

>> No.4388141

I simply asking. I'm new to /lit/ and I'm simply seeking to have my preconceived "generalizations" changed. Now, enlighten me.

>> No.4388145


>> No.4388150

From what I understand he is popular because of his pop culture angle on philosophy. I don't think he has any real original ideas but he's most certainly a genius man knows 6 languages and has cranked out some 50 books apparently with his newest one all about Hegel.

I'm not a Marxist myself although I'm trying to slug through capital since political theory is one of my favorite subjects.

He's a very odd cultural icon considering he's a semi main stream philosopher which isn't really a thing nowadays

>> No.4388166

Marx was a viper. Marxists are the sons of daughters of Marx. The sons and daughters of vipers are themselves vipers, like begets like.

>> No.4388169

> the sons of daughters

>> No.4388171

Okay. Am I to expect this kind of thing in Das Kapital or The communist manifesto?

>> No.4388174

Who wrote those books?

>> No.4388179

No, but if you'd like to read more of that kind of thing you're free to visit www.godhatesfags.com

>> No.4388181

nice dogmatism brah

>> No.4388182


>> No.4388184 [DELETED] 

Marx was a false prophet. He repackaged Jewish kabbalah. His entire philosophy is based on "the inevitable revolution" which is based on the Jewish idea of the inevitable messiah. All Marxists belong to this religion where they see this bloody revolution that overthrows the Bourgeoisie as essentially the coming of the messiah, the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven, the New Jerusalem.
You say that Marxism is more complicated than that and that Marxists have evolved since Marx - yet they still call themselves Marxists, and they cannot get rid of the inner kernel of Marx's thought which is the kabbalism. It's venom.

>> No.4388188

Then those books are the venom of a viper.

>> No.4388192

>He repackaged Jewish kabbalah. His entire philosophy is based on "the inevitable revolution" which is based on the Jewish idea of the inevitable messiah.

That's stupid. A classless society is the exact opposite of the kingdom of god on earth overseen by a single man and privileging a chosen people. You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

>> No.4388193

it's funny

I regard Slavoj highly for his entertainment value

its not like philosophy as any other value anyway

>> No.4388196

If you can explain what every other Marxist is like you might be ready to publish a major monograph series.

>> No.4388199

If you can't spot a bible folk you're fuckrd mate.

>> No.4388202 [DELETED] 

His work is based on Hegel, who is himself a kabbalist/gnostic. It's the idea that History is the manifestation of God, the "Geist", the "Spirit" or "Mind". And so Marx saw the coming "revolution of the proleteriat" as the next step in the evolution of the Geist. Of course, history itself is not God, and it is not "evolving", and it is not becoming more and more close to the truth by virtue of itself, and people are not necessarily becoming more and more liberated as history unfolds itself.

>> No.4388204 [DELETED] 

>and has cranked out some 50 books apparently with his newest one all about Hegel.

The nigga never said anything new and he dares call himself a Marxist while publishing over 9000 identical books.

Oh, he's got a new book about Hegel! Wow! He's never written about Hegel before!

>> No.4388206

Are you being sarcastic? I can't tell.

>> No.4388209

Fuck off to /pol/ or /x/ mate.

>> No.4388215

I'm telling you the truth about Marx. He is a false prophet. I think it is a deplorable crime that academia still gives him any credence, and that they infect young people with his venom.

>> No.4388216

>I've never read Marxs uncomfortable antisemitism in "On the Jewish Question"
Man for someone who claims to understand the entire teleos and ethos of Marx you sure don't know much. Marx is just as hilariously anti-zionism as you are.
Btw, most marxists are, always have been, and still are against zionism.

>> No.4388217


No. Your ideas betray a critical lack of understanding of history, theology, Judaism, and marxist theory. "Vipers" is just a weird way of saying "bad guys" and you have no ability to think beyond such childish terminology.

>> No.4388218

If you read my sentence above I said I don't think he has any original ideas, so we agree. OP asked what his deal is and give a bit of back ground.

I think Wannbe Commies like him because he cracks jokes about sending his peers like beudo or however the fuck you spell his name, to gulags

>> No.4388221

Marx is a zionist. His "classless society" is Zion, utopia.

>> No.4388224

Oh, and I know his pathos too, not just his telos and ethos.

>> No.4388228

Couldn't give a shit about his logos though, it's clear from his telos, pathos and ethos that his logos is false.

>> No.4388230


What about his manos?

>> No.4388233 [DELETED] 

It doesn't really have anything to do with Kabbalah. No one really knows what Kabbalah is about, it's pretty esoteric and mystic shit. Kabbalists believe in reincarnation and stuff.

Marx was more about Jewish Messianism, which is mainstream Judaism. Jews think that when the Messiah arrives everyone will look to the Jews for guidance and there will basically be a one world government. Everyone will have a new ideology and everything will be just and there will be no more death. Jews were basically chosen for this purpose. They will bring the world to God and to morality. Everyone will want to be Jewish when the Messiah comes.

Marxists think that the communist state will be a world revolution and everyone in the world will abandon their old ideologies (religious or otherwise) and see their fulfillment in the state, in their society. There will be a new, global ideology that will arise. Everyone will see Marxism as the truth.

I'm not particularly antisemitic but there are pretty big similarities between the two. Many Zionists are atheist and believe that they have a duty to their people and the Jewish state. In that sense, they're similar to Marxists.


>> No.4388236

No, Marx opposed utopian socialism (read: Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Engels). His theory of history was set in the concrete (in opposition to Hegel) and based on observable political economy, not based on utopian social ideals.

Marx directly opposed Zionism in his own writing. You're either being intentionally misleading or hopelessly delusional if you think you can misinterpret Marx as a utopian, vaguely connect utopianism to Zionism (hint: Zionism is not the only utopian conception) and think this proves Marx is some kind of Zionist when all of his writings suggest otherwise.

>> No.4388242

See, look at all the societies that have put Marxist doctrine to action. Look at how miserable and oppressive they are. How can you honestly look at those rotten fruits and still think that the Marx-tree is healthy?

>> No.4388245

grizzly and fat

>> No.4388247
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>See, look at all the societies that have put Marxist doctrine to action.

Yeah, all those societies, like... uh... err..

>> No.4388252

Don't reply to trolls. Report and ignore.

>> No.4388253

All of these distinctions you are making are superficial and are the deceiving dress of his false idea.

>> No.4388254


negligible affirmative oat eaters.

>> No.4388256

> Is he just like every other marxist out there?
No, he doesn't believe in Marxist Dialectic and is more centered around psychanalysis than historical materialism.

>> No.4388259 [DELETED] 
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They're anti-Zionist because they see Zionism as competition to Marxism.

There's real religious Zionism, where Jews think that by following their commandments, the Messiah will come sooner, and than there's secular Zionism, which is Zionism you keep hearing /pol/ rage about, where Jews just actively try to create a Jewish state, not necessarily following Mitzvot, and not necessarily expecting a Messianic figure to appear. Some do think that by creating the state they are preparing the grounds for the Messiah, but the very religious Jews oppose that notion. Only the Messiah has a right to create a Jewish state, and it must be a religious and not a secular state.

The means are very different, but the end result of both Marxism and Jewish Messianism is similar.

Marxism is also quite close to fascism, as fascism is really Hegelian at its core. If it hadn't have been for the Holocaust, which I follow Hilberg in saying that killing 6 million was never the intention, but just a kind really bad result that was decided upon at the last time, then Fascism would be a lot closer to Marxism.

They're still different in that Fascism wasn't really about classlessness, but they were still pretty socialist and Hegelian.

>> No.4388260

Like the USSR.
It's pretty sad that you guys listen to an old Jewish rabbi from a century ago that has caused countless deaths with his insane ramblings.

>> No.4388263


Are you the reincarnated spirit of Cotton Mather or something?

>> No.4388264

Pervert's guide is a two hour documentary witth three hours of stuff to say. It's absolutely crammed with arguments, strange metaphors, jokes and ideas. Already at the end of the movie I had forgotten some things from its beginnings, such as a long rant about use of some symphony.

>> No.4388266
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>These fucking people mixing religious mumbo jumbo with Hegelian and Marxist philosophy.




What part of historical materialism and dialectics can you fuckers not get?

>> No.4388267

and you do it with weaboo pics that come from a pagan civilization

>> No.4388273
File: 93 KB, 617x533, 1379643314647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Definitely Cotton Mather.

>> No.4388274

Socialism in one state is a weird thing to call an international workers revolution. Even Marx in his lifetime understood that this couldn't happen and only chucklefucks like Stalin thought this was a reasonable pursuit of socialism and didn't realist the massive problems of competing in a capitalist world a socialist state.

That's not a very intrepid argument and unless you can directly address the logical inconsistencies I've pointed at about your relation of Zionism to Marxism I'm going to be quick to dismiss your ideas as intellectually dishonest.

No, their anti zionism for the same reason they are atheist, religious inclinations are a signal of a sick society for Marx.

>> No.4388278

> Hegelian and Marxist philosophy.

That's because Hegelian and Marxist philosophy IS "religious mumbo-jumbo". The reason they call it philosophy is because that's the trendy word in Modern academia. Hegel was more or less a sorcerer hiding behind the Enlightenment term of "philosopher" to disguise his spiritual purpose.

>> No.4388279


if marxists are so materialistic, why dont they believe in evolution?

checkmate atheists.

>> No.4388281


>friday night
>being a troll

Good one

>> No.4388282

>Marxism is also quite close to fascism, as fascism is really Hegelian at its core.

I can't handle all these buzzwords

You totally understand all those things you just said

>> No.4388283
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>I think Wannbe Commies like him because he cracks jokes about sending his peers like beudo or however the fuck you spell his name, to gulags

As a wannabe commie myself I can vouch for this. I like he actually has a sense of humour about his own ideology. I don't agree with everything he says and I wish him and Chompsky would kiss and make up or something, but I enjoy his work and I find what he says interesting and engaging.

>> No.4388280 [DELETED] 

but many zionists are atheist, in fact ben-gurion hated judaism

all the zionists who get shit done are atheists

>> No.4388285

> Like the USSR.
But USSR became wealthier, more relevant in world politics and had higher standard of living than Russia even under their sort of Communism that really wasn't that Marxist.

>> No.4388289

>Hegel was a wizard

Shit, that's fucking awesome. Where do I sign up so I can get some of this commie magic?

>> No.4388293


i know right? and they would have gotten away with it too, if it wernt for those meddling progressives.


>> No.4388296 [DELETED] 

Hegel was literally right about everything except that the self-realisation and evolution of Freedom had concluded with liberal states. He was right about the individual creating the ultimate expression of Freedom and Reason through joining with the State, but he didn't take into account later developments like the Volksgemeinschaft. Fascism is the final evolution of Freedom.

The more you are linked with the state the more free you are. Napoleon was an Emperor, he was more significant than any dissident. That's the whole point of fascism: the führer/duce/caudillo,etc. is the incarnation of the Geist and must guide the volk. He is more important since he is more linked to the state. If you are not linked to the state you are worth nothing.

Listen to Hitler or Mussolini: they don't say they can win, they say they WILL win, since they incarnate the spirit of the volk. They are 100% Hegelian in that aspect.

>> No.4388297

>became wealthier, more relevant in world politics and had higher standard of living

From the brutal slaughter of the Christian Czar and his family, and the slaughter of the Christians in Russia. They killed the spirit in favour of bread. Not a very wise choice. Dostoevsky's entire oeuvre is about this coming Hell. He despised the Jewish populace of Russia because he knew exactly what they were up to. The leaders of the revolution were all Jews, Marx was a Jew. I know I sound like I'm rabid with a frothing mouth with hatred for the Jews, but I'm simply pointing out that they have had worked an unprecedented amount of evil over the past century, and that your sticking to any of their web of lies is both pitiable and agonizing.
It really does get to me how academia still esteems Marx. It really does get to me how my sister shows up for a sociology class and her teacher shows her a video of a lesbian saying, "all men are bastards".

>> No.4388301

So were Heidegger and Nietzsche.

>> No.4388302
File: 23 KB, 499x341, hegel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Legitimate question, do you even read you fagget?

>> No.4388303

You speak the truth about an enormous lie.

>> No.4388305

National socialism took some socialist ideas and elements and appropriated them for nationalism. The clue is in the name. Volkgemeinshaft is the clearest example. The class system isn't destroyed, it's just made irrelevant by the idea of Ein Volk. And economically Fascism is Corporatist. Big private industry profited immensely under the Nazis.

It's also worth keeping in mind that in interwar Germany the working class mostly voted for the Social Democrats or the Communists.

>> No.4388306
File: 85 KB, 640x480, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He was also kawaii as fuck.

>> No.4388307

Substitute "learner" with "Christian" and "scholar" with "Gnostic", and you've opened your third-eye to what Hegel is really saying.

>> No.4388310


berkeley-chan and hume-chan are my waifus.

>> No.4388313

The Mensheviks were actually more othodox Marxist than the Bolsheviks. Fucking Lenin you ruined everything.

>> No.4388315


You know, we get /pol/tards all the time, but it's not often we get a genuine paranoid schizophrenic.

Take a trip and stick around, this is fun.

>> No.4388320 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4388323


its ok, theyre twins.

>> No.4388318

Actually, those substitutions aren't enough.
Here's the full translation of the quote.

"The Christian starts by seeing godlessness in the words of writers (because he knows God and can detect what is not of God). The gnostic sees that God is manifested in the word of every writer".

>> No.4388324

You are being extremely cruel to me, but it's probably because of the way I'm coming across. I know I'm coming across as rabid, it's due to the nature of the issue at hand. I can't stress enough how treacherous Marx and his offspring are.

>> No.4388325 [DELETED] 

I'm not really arguing against you, but Gnosticism is wildly diverse.

Some people claim that it was more Jewish in nature (like Harold Bloom) and others claim that Gnosticism was anti-Jewish.

Basically, we have no real definitive answer because we're dealing with scraps. Early Christianity was extremely rich and diverse, so when you're saying someone or something is Gnostic, you're just talking about one superficial part of Gnosticism. Nothing wrong with that, just Gnosticism is very hard to pin down. We may end up discovering more scraps hidden somewhere in the desert that will clarify or further problematize things.

>> No.4388329


Actually I think he's doing his best Ignatius J. Reilly impression.

>> No.4388330

>he thinks there's a universal timezone

it's saturday morning and i'm hungover as shit, i'll troll all i want

>> No.4388335

I agree with you, but I am using the most basic definition of gnosticism, of what it pertains to. I'm not referring to any specific sect here. It matters not if it is Jewish or Gentile.

>> No.4388341

At least he's civil, which is more than I can say for most of you.

>> No.4388343

> Dostoevsky's entire oeuvre is about this coming Hell.
Ironically it was the Czarist regime that coerned him to write politically correct tales like that after giving him hard time for revolutionary views.

> He despised the Jewish populace of Russia because he knew exactly what they were up to.
I very much doubt that Dostojevsky had very much clue about a revolution coming in fourty years led by a quarter Jew who idenitified as Russian and a Russified son of wealthy jew farmer.
> Marx was a jew
He was also an anti-zionist.
> I know I sound like I'm rabid with a frothing mouth with hatred for the Jews
Yes, that is exacly what you sound like.
> It really does get to me how academia still esteems Marx.
Perhaps it has something to do with Marx as one of the most influential persons not only in the field of 19th century philosophy, but also economics, sociology and political theory? You should read his works or at least skim them even if you so dislike his ethnical background.
> It really does get to me how my sister shows up for a sociology class and her teacher shows her a video of a lesbian saying, "all men are bastards".
And it really does get me when my brother shows up for a philosophy class and his teacher shows him a quote of Schopenhauer saying "all women are vapid whores".

Altho Marx wasn't a feminist so yeh.

>> No.4388346

I'm leaving this thread, not out of spite, just because I've realized I've said as much as I can say on the subject, at least for the time being.
If your heart is attached to Marx there is not much I can do extricate you, is there?
God help you.

>> No.4388353


perhaps 'gnostic' is being used here in the vogelian sense (ie, http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/5081).).

>> No.4388357

you still didn't explain how you connect zionism to marxism adequately. I'm not even a marxist I just understand him better than you do and want you to iron out this inconsistency.
I'm giving you a chance, "enlighten" me.

>> No.4388358

Alright, that's it. To the gulag.

>> No.4388362 [DELETED] 

I'm not a Marxist and /lit/ has generated some pretty intelligent arguments against Marxism. A lot better than anything /pol/ has produced.

Anytime I go to /pol/ I get really stressed out about the world and people keep calling me a kike when I'm actually agreeing with them.

>> No.4388363 [DELETED] 

jews are bad
marx is bad

it's so fucking simple, can't you see it??

>> No.4388365 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the link. Looks good, I'll read it later. Guenon is good stuff.

>> No.4388368 [DELETED] 

"Religion is the opiate of the people, except for Judaism you stupid goys" - Karl Marxstein, known Jew

>> No.4388373 [DELETED] 

Not that guy, but I think I did a better job at comparing the two

> Once he is King, leaders of other nations will look to him for guidance.
> The whole world will worship the One God of Israel
> He will include and attract people from all cultures and nations
> The people of Israel will have direct access to the Torah through their minds and Torah study will become the study of the wisdom of the heart

Sounds to me like the global revolution of the workers and Spirit's complete self-consciousness.

>> No.4388380


Do you think Thomas Moore is a zionist too?

>> No.4388389


>Guenon is good stuff.

i know right? not to be hipster or anything...

ok well definitely to be hipster, hes totally underrated and pretty much all his stuff is a real gem, definitely deserves more exposure (not that i care about that or anything, feh).

>> No.4388399 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying Marx is a Zionist, I'm just saying there's similarities between the supposed end result of Marxism and Jewish Messianism.

I haven't read Utopia, but from the little I've heard about it, there's still class in the utopia, right? And it's not a global state either. Yes?

>> No.4388414

I appreciate your reply. But as I noted, simply having the condition of being international at its core does not make them the same thing. I cannot argue on your conception of zionism, since I have to admit I don't know it very well, but from what you are saying I still have to find it inconsistent with the proletarian revolution of Marx.
I think it's fair to say that both are similar in that they propose a unified society as an end goal with all enlightened. That's about where I think it ends, and I think the other poster was being kind of dishonest in suggesting that the difference of political economy and religious conceptions were irrelevant, and I also think it's ridiculous to not see that Zionism necessitates a ruling class of social superiors which is very specifically what Marx is against. No honest conception of marxism, not even the vanguards party, has made concessions to a ruling class being justified. The unification of all is also kind of a misconceptions about Marx, it's about the destruction of the class relation and the ruling class, and if you ask me I'd imagine that involves a lot of bloodshed and definite political losers, not a sudden realization that Marx was right all along and we can all get along now, as Zionism seems to necessitate.

Let me know if I got anything wrong because I'm learning as I go here.

>> No.4388438

Why do you want to "beat his arguments" when you don't know the first thing about him? You're a pseudo-intellectual and a fraud.

>> No.4388446

>I'm not saying Marx is a Zionist, I'm just saying there's similarities between the supposed end result of Marxism and Jewish Messianism.

>> No.4388452

But what's the point of examining someone's opinions and broaden my horizons when I can just know how to refute him thus giving myself the satisfaction of victory. This is such a healthy intellectual attitude.

>> No.4388456 [DELETED] 

> I think it's fair to say that both are similar in that they propose a unified society as an end goal with all enlightened.

Yeah, I agree with pretty much everything you said. It's the kind of one-world government, everyone sharing the same ideology and justice finally being served that I find similar. But that's pretty much where it ends.

I think the other poster was clearly from /pol/, where they unknowingly build Jews up to be the master race while denigrating whites as stupid and manipulated.

>> No.4388467

I agree with most of what you said, but Marxism isn't about a one-world government in any capacity, in fact the state is only preserved on the community level and only for the purpose of driving off the inevitable counterrevolution of the bourgeoisie. It is eventually shed for no state when people organize collectively.

if nothing else, we at least agree that guy was nuts.

>> No.4388515

You've taken racist schizophrenia to another level, bro.

>> No.4388522


late on the uptake, but i just realised pretty much noone else answered ops question.

which is to say, zizek is definitely not heterodox vis. marxism. if anything, hes basically a theologian using marxist terminology (a development i personally approve of).


>> No.4388830

Funny you call him an theologian. I think it was last year I came across a theologian journal with a whole issue on Zizek.

>> No.4388856

There is this kind of opposition, the most effective kind:

Cut the balls!


>> No.4388959
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this thread, wow lol.

i had a good laugh from the nazi guy, sadly most nazis ive come across are like you, talk about marx without reading marx, make generalizations out of concepts they dont really know... etc. pretty lame. I'm sure my comment doesnt surprise many people here.

anyways, -1 to the troll, go fuck yourself faggot

i feel sorry for whoever thinks youre smart

>> No.4389007 [DELETED] 


Secular Zionists are to Jews what radical feminists are to women.

In both cases it would be very expedient to eradicate the former so as to purify the latter of their influence.

>> No.4389017

what? stop writing now

>> No.4389018

wtf you are crazy. get out of town

>> No.4389022 [DELETED] 

Zizek's comments on the middle east are interesting, since we seem to be on that topic.

His main point is that the West decided to support religious fundamentalists to fight secular leftists and this was a big mistake.


>> No.4389054 [DELETED] 
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Not that guy but there's definitely a tension between Judaism and Zionism.

>> No.4389068

was more referring to his idiotic call to wipe them and feminists out.

>> No.4389125 [DELETED] 

There's no idiocy in that. We live in a post-feminist and a post-zionist world.

>> No.4389126

can any one link to where i can watch this movie?
please & thankyou.

>> No.4389177 [DELETED] 

buy it you fucking commie

>> No.4389186

This was a good thread. Thank you random person finding enormous biblical assertions in minimally tangential topics in Marx's readings, you made me smile a few times.

>> No.4389229

my ass we do

>> No.4389230

last comment was at this

>> No.4389248

I am ze vipaaaa ssssssss cha! gotchu wiz mah venomz.

>> No.4389259

9/10 thread the Christian nut job is hilarious

OP you need to read the sublime object of ideology you lazy goyim.

>> No.4389637

it's mostly /pol/ because anything they don't like is Jewish, therefore anything they imagine to be Jewish is necessarily contained in anything they don't like.

reality and academic consensus never enter into it.

>> No.4389762 [DELETED] 


Zionist shill detected.

I didn't know the JIDF was on this board.

>> No.4389765

Your rights and opinions end where their thoughts on degeneracy begin.

That place used to be somewhat decent now it's just "red pill me on the furry Jew" how the liberal Jewish media is propagating pet dogs to destroy the white race. It's quite a silly place

>> No.4389773

Not that guy but will I be able to understand his first work if I'm not versed in Lacan? I've read some Marx and am currently reading das kapital,

>> No.4389780

This isn't /pol/ you wont get anywhere dismissing people as Jewish or Zionist

>> No.4389779


Seriously, OP from the other Marx board, I tried posting a thread about Marx on /pol/ and they won't even try to have a serious discussion

my Reaganite zombie parents would have a more civil discussion about Marx than /pol/

>> No.4389788

Marx thread*

>> No.4389792

well tbf when you're a crazy person who literally believes that karl marx is part of a long-running, massive, and influential conspiracy to take power over you, oppress you, and ultimately destroy you, it's going to be hard to have a rational conversation about the guy

and that's p much what /pol/ believes

>> No.4389795

He stole his ideas from Russian nationalists and tries to make them palatable to western degenerates.

>> No.4389810

I say we declare class war

>> No.4389843


1-2-3-4 I declare a class war!

>> No.4389851


/pol/, please this is embarrassing

you obviously don't know what class warfare means

>> No.4389852


I was just making a thumb war joke.

>> No.4389872

now you're just calling everyone /pol/
I meant, in an albeit clumsily humorous way, that we should go provoke the /pol/ boards

>> No.4389873

not a good idea, we're massively outnumbered

i mean, /lit/ is basically like 4 dudes

>> No.4389879

haha you make a good point. tho it is a sad day when the neo-nazis outnumber the /lit/s

>> No.4389882

i liked it

>> No.4389885
File: 368 KB, 958x717, THANKS OBAMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4389893

>implying they wouldn't be the first to go in the real fourth reich

>> No.4390505
File: 45 KB, 553x490, 1387645085274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first? Nah.

It took Hitler a good while to get around to liquidating the SA.

>> No.4390522 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't call Slavoj a philosopher, I'd call him more sensationalist with his pop cultural take on everything.

However Marx is a good read for anybody on either side of politics, he influenced politics a whole deal. It's kinda like reading the republic from plato.

>> No.4390579

theodicy is unachievable

>> No.4390634 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 555x555, Norman-Finkelstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> academic consensus never enter into it

That's because it's impossible. Alan Dershowitz will cry crocodile tears and get your tenure removed.

/lit/ has always been critical of Israel's treatment of Palestinians but we don't hate Jews. But we follow Chomsky, Zizkek and Butler in criticizing Israel, not Kevin MacDonald in criticizing Jews.

>> No.4390669

>gets rich by giving talks on an irrelevant subject

toppest of lels

>> No.4390673

Most of /lit/ is too stupid to realize this, but he's not actually a Marxist. His entire persona is a piece of ironic performance art, in the manner of Armond White.

>> No.4390675 [DELETED] 

How many books has he published now?

Zizek and Verso, laughing all the way to the bank on hipster dough.

>> No.4390680 [DELETED] 

Is Armond White a greater performance artist than Kanye West?

>> No.4390686

No, Kanye West is just an idiot. It's not a persona, he's genuinely retarded.

>> No.4390691


>> No.4390870


why are you bringing up kevin macdonald? his analysis of jewish nepotism and particularism as group evolutionary strategies is sound.

>> No.4391570 [DELETED] 


Truth hurts, eh Goyim?