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/lit/ - Literature

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4373855 No.4373855 [Reply] [Original]

In reference to: >>>/sci/6228644

>> No.4373859

It's true, and I am currently a liberal arts student with no real sense of job placement or career direction.

>> No.4373865

>go to thread
>general, light-hearted, ironic agreement
Lol. Don't expect much here, OP. This board is slow as molasses.

Personally, I think the difference in fucks had between libarts and STEM students isn't so enormous, especially when you cross reference that against 4chan. This tribal bullshit is completely unprofitable.

>> No.4373867

I guess it takes liberal arts to understand that economic potential isn't the only valid assessment of value.

>> No.4373868

The liberal arts are for the children of the wealthy, not middle and lower class peasants.

>> No.4373870

That's not so easy to say when:
>pay rent
>pay utilties
>buy food

>> No.4373871

Change your major before it's too late.

>> No.4373872


>> No.4373876

a science degree these days isn't going to land you a high paying job, science graduates are only a small step above arts grads

>> No.4373877

You only need one of those, man. Food. Live on the street and spend the other portion on drugs to expand your perception.

>> No.4373883

Did a mod delete that other thread, or was it just old? Is there really something dangerous about lighthearted joshing?

>> No.4373886

The thread was deleted 5 minutes ago.

>> No.4373887

It is dangerous. It could lead to doubting thomasing.

>> No.4373895

>technology making "life better"

It's 2013. Why are people still falling into the trap of the Enlightenment.

>> No.4373906

If you wanted to really creep us out, you'd show us what the Science and Engineering students spend their money on.

>> No.4373916
File: 71 KB, 320x245, 99321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4373948

What's that OP pic?

>> No.4374017
File: 58 KB, 1011x801, 1387141060778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4374025

As usual /lit/ mods are being kind and makes our choices for us, why would we like to think for ourselves when mod can tell us what threads to write in.

>> No.4374036

>implying i can't just live with my family and spend the extra cash on booze

>> No.4374039

Man that's an autistic image.

>> No.4374041

Even if that were true, I'd choose to be the liberal arts student. His life is so much better than the lives of the other two.

I know, I know.
>taking the bait

>> No.4374044

...you do realize it's the thread on /sci/ that got deleted, right?

>> No.4374045


>> No.4374048

Yeah, his life is of superior quality. The science and engineering students, salaries included, might, if they're lucky, be able to find 6/10 girls that would sleep with them. The liberal arts student, without any difficulty, will find 9s and 10s that would sleep with him. And by sleep with I mean sex.

>> No.4374051

I can confirm this from experience

I can soo confirm this

... hold me, /lit/, the loneliness is killing me

>> No.4374054 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4374062

I'll hold you, anon.
I'm a liberal arts major. And a hand-holdless virgin. Is there anything under the stars more abominable than me?
Even now I court a girl who I know is impossibly beyond me. Into my past runs a succession of countless unrequited loves, and into the future, more still, unto the end of time, at least from my perspective.

>> No.4374069

>The liberal arts student, without any difficulty, will find 9s and 10s that would sleep with him.
True story.

>> No.4374074

>life is gud, i fuk gurls
you truly are a liberal arts student, the depth of your aspirations and goals in life cant even be understood by mere mortals like me

>> No.4374088

>tfw after everyone turned 17 no one wants to just kiss and hug anymore
>tfw you've fucked all your friends and they've all fucked each other but it means nothing

>> No.4374090

enjoy building shitty bridges for shitty people to drive over with their shitty cars (which you designed), who are healthy because of the shitty vaccines which you developed, STEM people, while libart people comment on your general shittiness while painfully oblivious to their own shittiness

>> No.4374096

>meaning in sex