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/lit/ - Literature

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4362960 No.4362960[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4362976

i guess I'd keep Rembrandt and Bach there... And maybe Ulysses if I was 15 still.
But seriously, this is the least funny joke I have seen for a while.

>> No.4362995

>for 15 yearsold

>> No.4362999

Get this fucking shit out of here. Troll bait on so many levels.

>> No.4363005


>> No.4363008

>implying flcl isnt the greatest example of both a coming of age story and magical realism
it was done perfectly

>> No.4363012

>the graduate
Complete shit
complete shit
>kingdom hearts
top kek

>> No.4363011

>A supermajority of the greatest artistic achievements in the history of literature were written in English during the 1920s

Yeah okay

>> No.4363021

lol anime has its own category

>> No.4363024

I'm pretty sure that's final fantasy but w/e

>> No.4363027

Video games is highlighted in red for some reason. Anime is a category.

>that literature section
>that music section

Someone actually took the time to make this.

>> No.4363032

It's a troll chart.

>> No.4363034

How is it trolling if it's so blatantly obvious?

>> No.4363043

the worst thing is though, individually, they are all decent examples of their medium [can't comment on vg or anime and I will say that the music section is total shite.. So ignoring those] yet slapping the label "greatest artistic achievements onto them just takes it full reddit mode

>> No.4363045

The only blatantly obvious inclusions were Queen, Naruto, and the entire video game section.

If it weren't for those it could probably pass as a legit chart made by some pretentious college freshman or something.

>> No.4363047

there's nothing right with that picture

>> No.4363054
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>great artistic achievement

>> No.4363055


>> No.4363061

I'm not saying the chart would be correct I'm just saying it would be a far more subtle troll.

>> No.4363065


>> No.4363068

diamond dogs

i woulda added 500 days of summer to it, and got rid of the anime/video games to make it a lil more subtle and infuriating

>> No.4363070


>> No.4363076
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whatever you say man

>> No.4363079

that's a man drowning, holding up his arms over the waves, pleading.

>> No.4363080

the fuck is flcl

>> No.4363081

The Final Fantasy scene to give some credit was pretty good, and emotional, for still portraying a death of someone with horse hands. It was pretty unexpected as a piece of writing as well as for the genre.

I dunno why Minecraft is on here, I guess because it appeals to a casual audience by some common share of liking to stack and design things as an individual?

The whole image seems like troll bait though.

>> No.4363083

>gone home

>so much ideological shit
>so little gameplay to stuff it into

>> No.4363086


>> No.4363091

great artistic achievements

>in art

>> No.4363095
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>> No.4363097

I agree, but it's not the pinnacle of the medium. I must congratulate OP on this b8 though.

>> No.4363099

stay gold ponyboy

>> No.4363102

At least it has There Will be Blood. I would put that film up there with some of the greatest ever made

>> No.4363110
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>hasn't seen flcl

do you live under a rock?

>> No.4363129

lel nvm

>> No.4363132

Myst is not on the videogames list. This alone invalidates everything.

>> No.4363799



check my 16

>> No.4363869
File: 112 KB, 840x651, 8Aqp78r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets make a better list, /lit/, help me out

Art: (really not my speciality)
>Michelangelo's David
>The Last Supper
>Venus de Milo
>Starry Night
>Creation of Adam
>The ecstasy of St Teresa

Literature: (Already pretty good)
>Don Quixote
>The Sound and the Fury
>Brothers Karamazov

Film (This one tends to have a modern bias, fine film is not my forte)
>Citizen Kane
>Bicycle thieves

Anime (Should this even be included?)
>Grave of the fireflies
>Spirited Away
>Ghost in the Shell
>Cowboy Bebop

Video Games
>Shadow of the Colossus
>The Last of Us

Music (Some are pictures, some albumns, I'll just name people)
[feels wrong to include some of these in comparison to others]
>Bob Dylan
>Rolling stones

Edit as you please

>> No.4363943

Op I sincerely hope that you are trolling.

I have to point out that Anime is actually to some extent grerat art. I learned a lot of interesting values and feelings from Anime as a child. I haven't watched much or am not a big fan for many years now, but looking back recently, anime is filled with really adult themes and morality.

>> No.4363955

> falling for this subtle trolling.

>> No.4363969
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>Great works of literature
>No mention of the greatest work of literature

>> No.4363986

Lin Tai Tao Pei

>> No.4363989

>Count of Monte Cristo
>David Bowie
>Pink Floyd
>greatest artistic anything

Fuck this shit.

>> No.4363993


>> No.4364003

anyone else think this was boring

>> No.4364016

Replace Bioshock with Persona 4, replace the Stones with the Velvet Underground, add King Crimson and Loveless and I'll be okay with that list.

I might add War and Peace to literature though.

>> No.4364078
File: 270 KB, 373x503, trash why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no don quijote de la mancha

>> No.4364090


but it's right there

>> No.4364117

b8 for every art board.

>> No.4364126
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>Being anywhere near as good as the original series
This makes me madder than anything else for some reason.

>> No.4364132

Why did people like drawing Max Stirner so much?

>> No.4364136
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>> No.4364139

You're missing the funnier point in the picture.

>> No.4364140

better than the real thing?

>> No.4364155

Yes, I know, I'm just asking

>> No.4364166
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>Persona 4
>artistic achievement

It was just a fun rip-off of Diamond is Unbreakable though

>> No.4364352

Monte Christ, no.

>> No.4364366
File: 388 KB, 927x354, calle borjesson nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shit gets posted on /v/
>deleted in under 30 posts
>posted on /lit/
>80 replies and climbing

>> No.4364380

>they don't realize all that is still in the process of being completed

>> No.4366083

that is insulting OP

>> No.4366091

To film add:
>Tokyo Story
>8 1/2
>Battleship Potemkin

>> No.4366108

What's wrong with monte cristo/

>> No.4366121

>greatest anime
gr8 b8 m8

>> No.4366122

>No Shakespeare
How about you check my repeating digits instead, pleblord?

>> No.4366130

What is that movie with alpacino next to the grill?

>> No.4366149

>The Tree of Life

Funny story, when this 'film' premiered in the Czech Republic, the audience was in stitches because they thought it was so ridiculous. They were all either falling out of their chairs laughing or getting up to leave the cinema by the time the dinosaurs came around.

>> No.4366150

It's Dustin Hoffman. "The Graduate". Very last scene of the movie.

>> No.4366152

>Doesn't recognize movie
Please kill yourself.

>> No.4366153

>Kayne West
>Best music

> No Citizen Kane or Kurbick movies in film

This list a shit

>> No.4366154

Ah, right. Thanks, my friend.
I thought the graduate was the one in which they rob a bank, but that's another one.
What's the album with the banana and the one under it? (last question-honest)

>> No.4366160


>> No.4366165

>kill self
I thought about it, but I don't want to do it. I guess I'm not suicidal.

>> No.4366170

Sigh. It's The Velvet Underground & Nico.

What have you been doing with your lives, /lit/?

>> No.4366175

Basically masturbating over Joyce's writing and the few pictures of Pynchon.
I also wanted the one under the banana with the half lady half horse. Please, my friend, I am in need.

>> No.4366177

>and the one under it?

bowie's diamond dogs

you can even read "diamond dogs" in the photo

>> No.4366185


>> No.4366184

>bowie's diamond dogs
Thank you, my friend.
I only read ROC and bow. I thought it were some sort of a death metal album about horses, redhead, rocks and bows and such. Sorry for the trouble, and thanks again, my friend.

>> No.4366196

It's subtle with the exception of video-games and film which ain't slightly subtle.

>> No.4366221


>> No.4366226

Naruto in the anime section and Queen and Diamond Dogs in the music section aren't subtle either.

>> No.4366230


I would keep:

>Da Vinci (although I don’t like the Last Supper that much);
>Cowboy Bebop;
>The Godfather.

Out with the rest.

>> No.4366237

not that guy, but I hated all kubrick movies. Didn;t enjoy at all.
Also didn't enjoy citizene kane and the rest of the movies by that man.

>> No.4366241


Akira is also great (but not as profound as some people want it to be – that end is way to pretentious in my opinion).

>> No.4366279


The only worthwhile films Kubrick has ever created were Barry Lyndon and 2001. As a visual director he's one of the best, but as a storyteller he's mediocre at best.

>> No.4366287



>> No.4366321
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>> No.4366367

Tin Pao Lai Lei

>> No.4366388


>> No.4366389

Are we talking the manga or the anime. Because bro, the manga is fucking balls to the walls insane.

>> No.4366401


I’ll need to make a serious pleb confession now: I never read the manga, just watched the anime (which is funny, because I always like to read the manga – it gives me more time to think about the material, and you can go back if you sense you did not understand something properly).

>> No.4366404

>The Graduate
>The Tree of Life
>The Last of Us
>Kanye West
>Bioshock Infinite

I hate to ask OP, but were you born yesterday?

>> No.4366414


Also, since you like manga too: did you ever read Vagabond? Man, I love this one! It gives me strength to continue in the path of writing when I am down or when I am dissatisfied with myself and my own imperfections. It’s a very powerful portrait of a man desperately and obsessively in search of aesthetic perfection in his main field of activity (in the case sword fighting and swordsmanship): his inner struggles and his enormous amount of work in order to grow as an artist is something deeply inspiring to my thought.

>> No.4366415


I thought Akira's art and immersion was pretty magnificent.

But the story is shit isn't it?

>> No.4366417
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>anime section but no manga section

>> No.4366420

Only in the anime since they cut a lot out and only animated like the first half of the manga.

>> No.4366429
File: 29 KB, 549x362, now you know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shifted into maximum over ruse

Trolling 101: How to Use the List Format for Maximum Butthurt.
>list multiple serious candidates (i.e., Ulysses, Don Quixote) to disguise obvious trolling candidates (i.e., Minecraft, The Beatles)
>reap butthurt as people fight over whether these qualify as legitimate "greatest artistic achievements" or not and get upset because they're in the list at all
>they won't realize the list is obviously a joke or a troll because it contains multiple "serious" entries

>> No.4366434

>Citizen Kane


>> No.4366436

>*le edgy film reactionary face*

>> No.4368146

Needs comics:
Cerebus the Aardvark
The Fourth World

>> No.4368156

Also: A Contract With God
The Incal
Today is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life
Daytripper (Maybe? I'd argue it)

>> No.4368174

That's where that chart belongs

>> No.4368175

>Video games: Ikaruga, Killer 7, Silent Hill 2, Metal Gear Solid, Abe's Odyssey, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Super Mario World, Morrowind, Mega Man X

>Literature: Mason & Dixon, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, The Odyssey, Steps, The Trial, The Plague, Demons, Oblivion, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Moby-Dick.

>> No.4368197

>video game category
>fucking anime category
>painting and sculpture in the same category labelled "art"

Not even going to touch the godawful choices for each category.

>> No.4368231

Music should have only classical and jazz artists. As much as I love Dylan I just don't think his works have had the influence of these genres.

Also Wagner, Mozart, Chopin could be replaced by more more nuanced artists. Tchaikovsky I haven't heard enough of to comment.

>> No.4368260

Mozart and Wagner definitely deserve to be considered top masters in their fields. Chopin and Tchaikovsky are great but I'm not sure deserve to be considered the top of the top.

I would say Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, and maybe Schubert for composers.

Jazz is fantastic but I'd really only include Davis, Mingus, and maybe Coltrane.

>> No.4368283

>The Beatles
Queen is obviously trolling, but you don't seriously think the Beatles are, do you?

>> No.4368290

>>The Last of Us

>> No.4368365

>As much as I love Dylan I just don't think his works have had the influence of these genres.
Nigger what. Dylan has had the biggest influence of any popular music artist except maybe the Beatles, and hey, do you know why it's called "popular" music? Because it has had a far larger reach to the people as a whole than any previous style. I know classical is still regarded as the most sophisticated, "patrician" music, but every form of art crosses over into mass appeal at some point and I think Dylan embodies that more than any other single artist. I'd put him alongside Bach or Beethoven in terms of artistic (and cultural) importance any day.

>> No.4368396
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>> No.4368454

battleship potemkin, man with movie camera, metropolis, 2001

>> No.4368461

Shadow of the Colossus.
Planescape: Torment.

>> No.4368470


I will help with the areas I feel most comfortable with

The Iliad
Moby Dick
War and Peace
The Brothers Karamazov

Seven Samurai
The Searchers
Citizen Kane
Passion of Joan of Arc

Video Games:
Shadow of The Colossus
Metroid Prime
Ocarina of Time
Super Mario 64

>> No.4368576

is this a 'trole'?

>> No.4368602

Not that guy, but what is wrong with Casablanca?

>> No.4368611

>no one put The Divine Comedy in literature achevements


>> No.4368695

The first two volume of Cerebus were great, but it became insufferably bad after that. I dropped it midway through the fourth volume (Church&State II?)

>> No.4368719

Hey, guys, what's that movie called, in which a guy with long light brown hair is the main character who has sex with lots of women and then he settles down with one, but she is of a some sort of royal family and her father won't accept if he knew that he was 'X' forgot his name, so he sort of hides himself. He was new to the city or that village, but he was so good looking. It's not a very old one (not in black and white) but the time set is in the past and I think they talked in an elegant way.

I am not sure, but I think there's a book with a title as his name, but I'm not sure. It is several volumes and it's very old. Haven't slept in 3 days, please help me.

>> No.4368749 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1500x1000, candycane_loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forget about that, anon. Come over here and taste this delicious candycane.

>> No.4368765

Stick to /b/, friend.
Help me, /lit/. I remembered it when I read 'Casablanca' so maybe the name is similar or something. I watched it a long while ago (around 7-10 years)

>> No.4368797


>> No.4368801

I just opened this thread to say that I found it.
Ah yes!
You don't understand how much I'm happy now. Thanks anyway, my friend.

>> No.4369041

>Separating out "anime" from "film"
>art category includes sculpture and painting together

You know how I know you're terrible?

>> No.4369053

Look, I know earnestness is considered part of /lit/ "board culture," but there's a time and place, ya know? Let this thread die already.

>> No.4369084 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4369087

the tree of life was a bad film i didn't like it

>> No.4369091 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 754x287, calle borjesson islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know in /v/ this sort of shit gets deleted in minutes

in /lit/? Sticks around for days.

how's it feel being worse than /b 2.0/?

>> No.4369095
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>> No.4369142

why the fuck is world of warcraft not on that list?
Even if you hate the ever loving balls out of that game and think there are other games in the genre that are way better, you cant deny that it is one of the greatest achievements in the gaming industry.

>> No.4369188
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A lot of that, I'd just call pretentious, but fucking Naruto gave it away.
8/10, slightly rustled, then slightly chuckled.

>> No.4369223

>greatest artistic achievements
>starry night

modern art and everything that's come after it is shit.

>> No.4369256

this is really embarrassing

>> No.4369263

also, arguable more embarrassing