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4358821 No.4358821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4358822

Would lick socks

>> No.4358834

Anonymous uses the metaphor of a "captcha", the completion of which enables users to express themselves by posting their comment, to suggest that the inability to express oneself at all despite having something to express, is hell. The idea of eternity here ("ending-ending") implies the hellish nature of the metaphor.

Marxist critics suggest that the "captcha" symbolizes the bureaucratic system, whereby the endless formalities through which an idea must travel in a repressive system before it is expressed, is hellish

>> No.4361214

that grill

>facial aesthetics

>humble as shit

>faithful; good family values and obedient to her husband

15/10, would marry in a heartbeat.

>> No.4361215

>tfw no gf like this
>tfw no women like this in my country
fuck australia man

>> No.4361216

>tfw never will meet a grill who wants to stay at home and raise my kids while i work a STEM job
>tfw never will walk in the door after work to the smell of beef casserole
>tfw never will have a happy, christian, nuclear family who says grace before meals

>> No.4361230

Plenty of Aussie chinkies like that

>> No.4361236


feign interest in a church group, probably plenty of dece girls there.

drop a quote or two by kierkegaard and augustine in conversation and you're in. something like keirk's "love binds the temporal with the infinite" blah blah and those poor impressionable grills will look at your depraved ass like you're actually worth dating.

>> No.4361237

then i would have to go to chretsh
that is a world of no for me then. thx.

>> No.4361245


yeah i know. no matter how much i like the idea of a humble qt church girl i'm afraid a life of easy access to porn has cultivated too many fetishes for this poor anon to be so easily sated

c'est la vie

>> No.4361246

but chinks aren't white women

>> No.4361252
File: 113 KB, 1786x1030, 1385409944953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what we all secretly wish for..
Too bad all women will think that you're a misogynistic loser...

>> No.4361257

I remember a thread on here from a week ago or something about feminism and it had several women in it expressing how they secretly didn't want to have to work and much rather would've preferred to be a stay at home mother rather than living up to the modern-day expectations of women that feminism has imposed.

>> No.4361258
File: 2.78 MB, 267x200, original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just came from /int/ and had to double-check i was on /lit/ after reading your posts

get out

>> No.4361273
File: 124 KB, 960x698, Coming_out_as_Cis_pamphjlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh politically correct slang
>muh politically incorrect euphemism

>> No.4361347

lol no you mangina

>> No.4361434
File: 104 KB, 320x287, boredwinniethepooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have an off-on casual relationship with an intelligent, artistic smokey brunette
>you will come up to her loft and interrupt her painting on the weekends, spending bittery cold winter afternoons shit-talking intellectually about life, art and philosophy
>you will never spoon passionately with her at night
>she will never pass away suddenly, tragically, when you are both in your mid forties
>you will never spend years harboring a deep-set regret that you never suggested a more permanent relationship
>you will never hold a tiny secret shard of bitterness in your heart towards your wife, who was a PhD student under your tuition in her postgrad days, who is cold and calmly rational in both her debates and love towards you, and your two children

>> No.4361439

forgot my trip

>> No.4361468

D&E would never post that gay shit brah

>> No.4361486

no homo

>> No.4361498

If you are the true D&E plays say something cryptic phrased in a matter-of-fact way.

>> No.4361505

i think you're confusing me with onion

>> No.4361511

Hell is the inability to love.

>> No.4362258
File: 649 KB, 2046x1369, 1383009208120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat a qtpi

>> No.4362270


The funny part is that these people are average 4chan scum endowed with vaginas. You shouldn't be surprised to find people on 4chan who are lazy and shiftless and cannot bear the stress of participating in a capitalist system.

>> No.4362277
File: 783 KB, 233x173, whoa lizard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does this even real?

>> No.4362282

that sounds much more pleasant than having the ability but never being loved back

>> No.4362306