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File: 75 KB, 800x450, fitzcarraldo1-kinski[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4360409 No.4360409 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Beautiful movies

Also, Film Theory general

>> No.4360412

au revoir les enfants

>> No.4360425

I'm always disappointed by how people dismiss Fitzcarraldo as kind of a curio piece only notable for the story behind it, I think it's a wonderful, charming film and one of Herzog's best.

>> No.4360435
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Nights of Cabiria

>> No.4360436

Brazil is great

>> No.4360443
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He's one of my favorites!

>> No.4360477
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The Wind Will Carry Us

>> No.4360507

Louis Malle is fucking great.
Le Feu Follet, man.

>> No.4360516

>pls no hate

>> No.4360522

Chungking Express (beautiful but not too substantive)

Three Colors Trilogy

>> No.4360520

inb4 tartovsky

>> No.4360524

Otto e Mezzo

>> No.4360564

Hey, tarkovsky's good

>> No.4360714

Anyone seen Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring? That's next on my artsy movies queue.

>> No.4360726


Skip it and see 'Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East?'. Attempts the same thing, only better.

>> No.4360751

I recently watched and enjoyed THE RED AND THE WHITE directed by Jansco, great long takes that you won't realize have been uncut for minutes

COME AND SEE which plods through some of the problems with any art about atrocity but is nonetheless a striking film. The sequence of Flyora after he has first become shell shocked is one of cinema's best

IL POSTO directed by Ermanno Olmi is a not quite so Italian Neorealist film. It avoids most of the polemic pitfalls of the genre by depicting a closer to true human experience. The New Years scene manages to be deeply sad and uplifting. Both young actors perform phenomenally.

Don Cherry's ROCK EM' SOCK EM' series is one of sport's best. The eccentric announcer has taken viewers through Hockey's best goals, hits, saves and plays since the late 1980s with the oft-heard exclamation of, "Let's go" put to the tune of a colorful soundtrack. "Boy, I tell you, those London, Ontario boys really know their stuff."

>> No.4360760

City of Lost Children is really great. I am watching Delicatessen with a friend later.

>> No.4360764

Pretty much everything by Kieslowski.

>> No.4360772

Patricia in Godard's BREATHLESS is remarkably similar to the young adult women that desperately want to define themselves as artful, knowledgeable etc. but are painfully pedestrian. She puts up posters of Renoir, she asks Michel if he's read Faulkner, lousy journalists and press pandering film directors impress her. She's an NYU girl being courted by a Brooklyn Community College boy.

>> No.4360773

Alright, thanks anon.

I found Delicatessen to be quite a bit better than Enfants Perdus.

>> No.4360775

The mirror by Andrei T.

Then maybe Persona by Bergman. Any bergman. Anything. Passion of Anna.

So art.

>> No.4360777

Don't listen to the other guy, it's a great movie, watch it.

>> No.4360782


Wow m8 I watched Marienbad with a qt named Coralie like a week ago

>> No.4360783

I was blown away by how plain Wild Strawberries was after watching the rest of his films. It's kind of like, 'here is the story, the story is it' and nothing more.

>> No.4360788
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>tfw can't find La Dolce Vita anywhere
The ending is wonderful.

>> No.4360789

BOB LE FLAMBEUR released years before the "French New Wave" brings up the question, "What was the point of the new wave?" Films better than most of that output were being produced earlier and shot in similar style. Is it just the Hollywood name dropping of the directors that makes it stand out? Would no one else dare say Sam Fuller was an artist?

>> No.4360793

A Moment of Innocence goddamn that movie was beautiful. If anyone wants to recommend some really good Iranian films please do.

>> No.4360796

I too remember my first foreign film

>> No.4360797

"Shame" gave me the same feeling. I think these are the two most powerful movies I've watched, with >>4360788.

>> No.4360801

It's like Hemingway.

Once you know the backstory it is nearly impossible to come to a work without it being in the back of your mind. Unfortunately the way most people find out about Fitzcarraldo and Agguire is through Kinski's bullshit, so everyone comes in pre-loaded with a tonne of background knowledge.

Speaking of, Nosferatu the Vampyre was great too. I HIGHLY recommend Shadow of the Vampyre if you liked Nosferatu, or Dracula.

Another notable mention is Berberian Sound Studio. Very weird, beautiful little flick, and unsettling as balls. Toby Jones is fantastic in everything.

>> No.4360805

Protip: Godard copied Hitchcock

>> No.4360814

Spoiler: Hitchcock isn't that good. I won't say he's the Christopher Nolan of his time, but there are similarities.

>> No.4360825

>Isn't that good

I assume you mean 'isn't as good as he is made out to be' rather than 'not actually a good film maker' because he definitely was. You also can't deny his influence.

All these films are too pretty, /lit/. What about some grimy shit, like Carax or Noe? Ghosts... Of the Civil Dead was dreadful looking too.

>> No.4360828

You've lost any credibility you may have had.

>> No.4360840

Persona and Cries and Whispers are the two best examples of cinematography in film.

Persona being the best in black and white; Cries and Whispers being the best in color.

You know this to be true.

>> No.4360841


Eh, perhaps I was too hard on dismissing it entirely, it is a good film, but Bodhi-Dharma is so much better to my mind that I'd recommend it over that any day.


>If anyone wants to recommend some really good Iranian films please do.

Sohrab Shahid Saless is a great Iranian director worth spending some time on.

>> No.4360842

Hitchcock's best skill was picking out stories worth telling. His technique and innovation as a filmmaker is just icing on the cake.

You look at 99% of the bullshit being made today, the stories are immaterial, the characters don't matter, and nobody really gives a shit what happens next.

Hitchcock made us DREAD what happens next. There's not been a filmmaker since with such consistently good storylines throughout their oeuvre.

>> No.4360845

Currently reading Point Omega by Don Delillo, might interest you OP. Reads pretty fast.

>> No.4360847


>Cries and Whispers

One of the most powerful endings I've ever seen. Who knew levity could be turned into such a brutal veil?

>> No.4360850

Hitchcock removed continuous temporality from cinema, and Godard copied his idea in Breathless.


>> No.4360851
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>doesn't understand the medium of cinema detected

>> No.4360854
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>ITT: Beautiful movies

Bitches don't know about my Angel's Egg.

>> No.4360855

Cries and Whispers is dreadful, even by the standards of later Bergman

>> No.4360861

Zendegi Va Digar Hich
A Separation

>> No.4360862
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>Spoiler: Hitchcock isn't that good.

The fuck outta here with your pleb assertions.

>> No.4360871
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>> No.4360875

Check out The Return (Vozvrashcheniye)

>> No.4360876

You must be kidding. I was only talking about the cinematography, which I dare you to argue as anything other incredible, but in regards to the other aspects of the film it's still incredible.

The acting from all the actresses is phenomenal; the costuming and set design is also phenomenal; and if you don't like the story than that's your issue, I personally was gripped by the story pretty intensely. Have you never had a sick family member you needed to take care of?

>> No.4361007


>> No.4361026

i hope you now can understand the irony of her name

>> No.4361032

Underworld USA is an awful movie

>> No.4361055

It has some of the most beautiful cinematography. Definitely worth watching.

>> No.4361058

My best six hours of the last few months were spent watching this film.

>> No.4361069

American filmmakers ought to watch and study this film. This is how you make a thriller.

>> No.4361070
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>> No.4361080

the animal stuff really upsets me

>> No.4361084

the fuck are you smoking

>> No.4361092
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I found it terribly contrived, fatalistic, pessimistic and just dull. (Oh and sexist, but its Korean so it goes without saying)

>Nosferatu the Vampyre
Dat opening

>> No.4361093

Any ideas on which Béla Tarr movie should I start with?

>> No.4361101


>> No.4361105

If you have 7 and a half hours to spare, watch Satantango all in one day.

>> No.4361121

Have you seen 12 Years a Slave? I thought it was a lot more powerful if less subtle.

>> No.4361127

His movies may not be great overall, but he has most definitely mastered a sense of dread. He turns night life into absolute hell. Few movies have made me feel like I'm in a horrific drug induced hallucination like Enter the Void. If you know of films that do a better job of achieving similar effects, I'd love to hear some recommendations.

>> No.4361130

Brawl League is one of Fincher's best.

>> No.4361135
File: 65 KB, 550x752, the-tree-of-life-movie-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful retelling of the biblical story of Job. Love it, even when I sort-of dispute its portray of martialism – which is obviously derides in favor of religious gnosticism. It might be the only aggressively religious film I enjoy

>> No.4361145

What do you guys think of ShaneCarruth? In all honesty I think the guy's a genius, his creativity is great, upstream Color and Primer both have insane storylines, I think he writes great scores for his movie, and while I think Upstream Color is a little edgy I thought the cinematography in both of his movies was just so well done

>> No.4361148

Absolute tripe. Horrifically, laughably bad,

Actually several people in the cinema did burst into laughter when the dinosaur appeared.

I wasn't laughing, I was incredulous. And simply for the near final act, the interminable white-robed hugging beach scene, I would gladly beat Malik with my fists.

>> No.4361149

I'll just add, as the title is 'beautiful films' much of the central part is beautiful. Incredibly intimate and subtle.

But I cannot forgive the excesses.

>> No.4361150

Is it real animal suffering?

>> No.4361154

Calm down, take a seat. Let the Christian pantheism wash over you. Let Malick, the MIT professor and Rhodes Scholar, give you a lesson on the philosophical distinction between gnosticism and materialism. Let him tell you the story of his childhood. Just chill, man. This modern attachment to irony is killing off all emotional authenticity. You can't even appreciate the transcendental without being laughed at.

>> No.4361155

Totally agree. If you want an actually good crypto-Christian film: >>4360854

That said, Malick's early stuff is decent.

>> No.4361165
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Reassess Malick's work through the lens of the Heideggerian line of thought that he's been interested in and informing his artistic sensibilities with and you might begin to see his work anew.

Or you can maintain all the impetuousness and ironic incredulity of a first year film student, whatever floats your boat m8.

>> No.4361169


Either some samefagging is going on here or the two of your are both drinking from the same crazy fountain.

My feelings about Tree of Life have nothing to do with irony or some school of film criticism, they are the responses of a person who admires art and beauty and honesty but despises heavy-handed, intellectually empty imagery.

Far and away the most successful aspect of that film is its portrayal of youth and family life. I honestly believe it is superb in that respect. The rest is pure dishonest pretentious bullshit.

PS I loved Badlands and was underwhelmed by Thin Red Line.

>> No.4361181


>intellectually empty imagery

Your pontification is so ham-fisted that lines like this border on oxymoron. An image is an image, the intellectual quality of which is discerned through subjective resonance.

>> No.4361182

Malick actually met Heidegger back in the 60s, and translated some of his work into English.

>intellectually empty imagery.
See, but that's where you're wrong. There are various essays detailing the religious and philosophical undertones in just about every scene of that film. Google can help; i'm hopeless when it comes to German existentialism.

Regardless, it's perfectly enjoyable on an aesthetic and emotional level. The cinematography alone justifies its existence.

>> No.4361192

The Wickerman.

Speaking of, Merry Christmas from Christopher Lee!


>> No.4361200

The Fire Within

>> No.4361259
File: 26 KB, 300x429, Hitler-Syberberg-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hans-Jürgen Syberberg

>> No.4361385


Your accusations of pontification are hollow. I have made my point completely clear and without malice. Any misunderstanding is willful.

>An image is an image
You accuse me of ham-fistedness and offer this up?

>subjective resonance.
Define this phrase in a way in which you can differentiate it from 'opinion', I challenge you.

I, the observer, discern the intellectual quality of many of the scenes in The Tree of Life to be lacking. Further:

>you're wrong. There are various essays detailing the religious and philosophical undertones in just about every scene of that film.

AKA "You're too dumb to understand it." Which is bullshit. All of the big themes (beyond the childhood section) are completely vague and non-specific. You can render unto all of the space and afterlife metaphorical crap in that film whatever meaning you want, because they communicate very little of their own and leave everything to the observer. That is what I mean by "empty intellectual imagery".
Instead of vague references to internet documents containing all these secrets why don't you explain them yourself - and how do you explain the inability of the film to successfully communicate them?

>> No.4361407

that movie's been on my queue for years. hoping my gf cops the dvd for my xmas gift.

>> No.4361411

>Cries and Whispers is dreadful

it's pretty brutal in both pacing and subject matter. i need to see it again in a proper format (aka not on my computer).

>> No.4361487
File: 248 KB, 651x895, syberberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga!

Also, watch The Ister if you want to see Syberberg (SO charming) say some wild shit about Heidegger.

It's a delightful Christmas movie, watch it with the whole family!

>> No.4361499

"Mahler", a 1973 movie by director Ken Russell. It singlehandedly made me fall in love with Gustav Mahlers in general, and the 9th especially. Seriously, I'd do him.

Check it out, you wont regret it

>> No.4361522
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Such good taste, if only we could be friends :'(

>> No.4361528

"Dance of the Seven Veils" by Russell was almost 2 flamboyant /pol/ 4 me...I never imagined Strauss like someone out of Donna Barr's "The Desert Peach".

STVN, is that you?

>> No.4361532

why isn't this on /tv/?

>> No.4361536

because tv knows shit about movies

>> No.4361542

which is just fine, since /lit/ knows shit about books.

>> No.4361553
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OH SHI-...Schroeter, have you ever into Ottinger's "Freak Orlando" or Juraj Jakubisko's "The Deserter and the Nomads"?

Also, pic related highest of highest recommendation.

because waifu and sweaty feet.

>> No.4361560
File: 120 KB, 672x368, 4vxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful German film: Kirschblüten - Hanami. Yes it takes a lot from Tokyo Story but it does it so earnestly. Japan through a Teutonic lens is always interesting as well, like in Wenders' Tokyo Ga.

>> No.4361593
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you clearly don't visit /tv/

>> No.4361599
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>go to /tv/
>main page
>only one thread about a movie
>they aren't actually discussing the movie

>> No.4361614

>film theory on /lit/
>not crit theory

>> No.4361628


>>An image is an image
>You accuse me of ham-fistedness and offer this up?

Yes, you see because of blowhard bravado like this -
>>intellectually empty imagery

I need to pander to you as though you were a simple child because you are naive enough to actually try and misappropriate the very same images we intellectually process and comment on as having noumenal meaning independent of onus to subjective human perception.

You negate the entire process of criticism through your bumbling fucking idiocy you witless shitkick.

Just stop.

>> No.4361634
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haven't seen or read, but i like this text

>> No.4361635

Schroeter is one of my favorites, his Rose King I like very much along with the classic 'death of..'., didn't realize that was candy darling in that film until only a few days ago. On the German tip has anyone seen chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach? Been on my watch list for ages but haven't hit it yet, partially because I'm worried it sounds too still.. Can someone here stand by it?

>> No.4361639


>> No.4361654


Don't get your tubes all tied up, princess.

Just accept that you were pontificating lines you couldn't intellectually defend and move on.

>> No.4361678



I think this baitbot is broken, it keeps repeating words without any contextual meaning.

>> No.4361704
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Can't handle that ending.

>> No.4361714
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Whose your waifu /lit/

>> No.4361715


>> No.4361728

Bela Tarr and Abbas Kiarostami have taken narrative cinema as far as it can go.

Film can die now.

Maybe some Koreans will do interesting things with
New Media, but probably not.

>> No.4361744
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uhu mai sersha ~~~

>> No.4361755
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you're a big board

>> No.4361757
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all right people let's do this

>> No.4361766

Choosing your favourite film is just a matter of which Ozu film you saw last.

>> No.4361767
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Podt your wa- i mean favorite actress /lit/

>> No.4361771
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>> No.4361775


>> No.4361777

for you

>> No.4361778
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a masterpiece

>> No.4361780


Late Spring was pretty shit.

>> No.4361781
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>> No.4361783
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>> No.4361787

This board is a little dirty

>> No.4361788

i took a pretty shit on ur mum last night

>> No.4361792
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Anything by this guy.

>> No.4361793
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>> No.4361794
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>> No.4361795


>words without any contextual meaning

>intellectually empty imagery

If you ever muster up enough courage to actually respond to-
you let me know. Until then stay told m8.

>> No.4361796

where do you guys get all these films?

>> No.4361799
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>> No.4361800

u mad?

>> No.4361802


>> No.4361804
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why don't you save /tv/, /lit/?

>> No.4361806


>> No.4361808


>> No.4361810

Hollywood video

>> No.4361812

/tv/ isn't worth saving.

>> No.4361817

the library

>> No.4361818
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>> No.4361819

because /tv/ is for game of thrones, the walking dead, and good movies like fight club and the dark knight. None of this pretentious foreign indie shit.

>> No.4361823


Inherited from Steven Spielberg.

>> No.4361827

whoa bro chill out and eat a dorite

>> No.4361830

Respond to what? There's no question, no challenge, just an inaccurate assertion and a succession of insults that appear to have been composed by some Charlie Brooker fanboy.

If I'm truly at the child-like level you suppose, why do you persist with your philosophy-homework-grade statements believing they have an impact on my opinion?

It's entirely unclear what your argument is, and your attempts to belittle me are only adding to the obscurity.

>> No.4361832
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>> No.4361833

thanks, I'll check it out

>> No.4361839
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because you didn't save it

>> No.4361841


Tokyo Story

Those are the feels /lit/ needs.

>> No.4361846
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>> No.4361851

is 'blue is the warmest color' too mainstream for lit?

>> No.4361852

/tv/ here. Sorry for all the /v/ and /b/ cross-posters shitting up your thread

>> No.4361854

for you

>> No.4361856

boring put you to sleep feels?

>> No.4361861
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What do think about little girl feets /lit/

>> No.4361862
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shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.4361866
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>> No.4361867

is /tv/ a big guy for /lit/?

>> No.4361868

for you

>> No.4361869

lol how do you even waifu on /lit/ do you like fucking read a book about a girl and think she is rly cool and then like imagine her=?

>> No.4361870

.../lit/ here...m....more?

>> No.4361875

waifus are the definitive reason why visual mediums are better than books

>> No.4361876

No, it was a great film. And it isn't any more mainstream than the average Kieślowski or Kiarostami picture.

>> No.4361877
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>> No.4361889


>Respond to what? There's no question, no challenge
>no challenge


The logical malapropism of -
>>intellectually empty imagery
Was a fault so integral that standing by it (and not conceding how honestly foolish it was) like you have continued to do has rendered criticism itself void for you due to your own intellectual conceits.

You both have a subjective opinion on the intellectual merit of images whilst standing by the assertion that images have an objective intellectual quality. This renders your very opinion as pointless. Not in my eyes. In yours.

The fact that you've tripped over yourself posts ago but still can't (or won't) see it makes you a joke. You are a joke.

>> No.4361890
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>> No.4361891

Just here to say this thread was what /tv/ wished it could be
Until about 2/3rds way through anyways, and then /tv/ started coming here/raiding it
You guys should have more film threads

>> No.4361899
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>> No.4361900

/tv/ here. I wish those guys would leave permanently.

>> No.4361907

/lit/ would make /tv/ so much worse with it's pseudo-intellectual wankery

at least right now the few cinephile type posters on /tv/ are friendly with each other for the most part.

if /lit/ came the few good threads on /tv/ would just turn into epeen measuring contests about which philosopher would most agree with their needlessly verbose opinions most

>> No.4361911

I would take that over some of the btards that raided this thread. If more people actually interested in films used /tv/ for film discussion those surprisingly good threads wouldn't be so rare

>> No.4361915
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good thread everybody

>> No.4361933
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>> No.4361939
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>I loved Badlands and was underwhelmed by Thin Red Line
>That said, Malick's early stuff is decent

get a load of this pleb cunt

>> No.4361947

btards invading tv threads....
lol whatever, if it fits your narrative

>> No.4361950


What does this mean? I don't get it.

>> No.4361960

so am i

>> No.4361968
File: 555 KB, 850x480, bigguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool board

btw books are made for heating up my cabin

for you

>> No.4361973

>standing by the assertion that images have an objective intellectual quality

But I have never made such an assertion.

>> No.4361985

I'm not putting the blame on /b/ itself. I'm talking about the ones that already are a part of our the board. Because /tv/ doesn't know how to keep those people out.

It grew more than it should. It's just every other board bathroom now. We harbor the worst people from /pol/, /co/, /sp/, /v/ and even /lit/GoTfags

>> No.4362000

>implying we're not too patrician for stupid threads like this


>> No.4362033

>short thread
>shit thread

Yeah, nah, you're a cunt. Go back to your containment board and fap to feet you fucking philistine.

>> No.4362041
File: 428 KB, 1192x929, tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ main page:
2 actress waifu threads
3 underage Disney/Nick waifu threads
1 "The jews did thid" thread
1 BrBa thread
1 GoT thread
1 "Why don't you ban GoT and waifu" thread
1 "FOR YOU, Where do you think we are? LE FUNNY MAY-MAY REDDIT XD XD XD" thread

>> No.4362042
File: 88 KB, 600x428, thumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 "Why don't you ban GoT and waifu" thread
Wow, I gotta go check that out. Thanks, bro.

>> No.4362044

>stupid topic
>expects replies and intelligent discussion

>> No.4362055

>not using catalog
this is why you hate /tv/

>> No.4362061

Have you seen Melancholia? Similar cosmic imagery and I greatly prefer it.

>> No.4362074
File: 6 KB, 227x222, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily reminder that Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is one of the worst janitor that /lit/'s had in recent memory.

>regularly deletes threads that either a) don't jive with her SJW, radical feminist politics or b) contain posts that criticize her role as janitor
>almost always justifies these deletions based on the spurious claim that they "aren't related to literature"
>suddenly a film thread appears
>Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ not only DOESN'T delete the thread; she enthusiastically contributes

The more people who complain about her toxic influence on this board, the quicker she'll get replaced.

Email admin@4chan.org.

>> No.4362076

/lit/ knows a HUGE amount more about books than /tv/ knows about cinema.

>> No.4362081


Why? See: >>4362074

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is this board's janitor, and she approves. That's all it takes, apparently.

>> No.4362082

Not enough people on /lit/ to save /tv/. Instead it looks like they're here ruining us.

>> No.4362085

Why aren't you rewatching Kiewslowski DECALOGUE this Christmas?

It's because you're from /tv/, isn't it?

>> No.4362089



>> No.4362100

>SJW, radical feminist

Nice scare words there, mate. There has nothing at all to indicate that Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is a "radical feminist", whatever that may be. To be honest, this one-man witch hunt is much more disruptive of this board than any of Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ's actions.

sage because offtopic

>> No.4362103

Hey /lit/,

/v/ here.

Enjoying your crappy outdated false art medium?

>> No.4362108

>one man witch-hunt
>implying Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ isn't the most worthless tripfag on /lit/

every time she comes up most people agree she's awful

>> No.4362110

>more disruptive than any of Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ's actions
>deletes legitimate /lit/ threads that spark political criticism she doesn't like
>allows off topic threads to dominate the board

yeah, okay

>> No.4362113

/lit/ has no animosity towards video games.

Metal Gear Solid is on par with the best of Shakespeare.

Even Thomas Pynchon loves that shit.

>> No.4362123


So obviously written by Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ. The "sage because offtopic" is a dead give-away. She's the only person on /lit/ who does that.

>> No.4362129

lol no. you're not a radical, butterfly, but you do suck as a janitor. why? you delete things according to your personal standards rather than considering what would be good for the board as a whole. topics that relate to literature only tangentially should be WELCOMED.

>> No.4362137

yesterday someone posted the picture of a sfw cute girl along a lit-related topic

the picture was deleted within minutes

then someone else posted a few more pics of cute girls, also with lit-related comments attached

those were deleted, too

then anons started complaining about the pics getting deleted. they complained about the way that Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ deletes anything she doesn't like -- including cute girls, apparently.

within minutes, the entire thread was deleted.

>> No.4362142
File: 10 KB, 126x116, 1384267216974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4362143


Yep, that was the "What is humor?" thread.

Those deletions were absolute bullshit. Just proves that anything's fine on this board -- as long as it doesn't offend the janitor's personal taste.

>> No.4362149


Now come the false-flags.

Soon Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is going to ask the mods to delete the thread because it's "been taken over by /pol/."

>> No.4362153
File: 67 KB, 1358x628, ban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Credible Marxism is open to feminism" - butterfly

She doesn't have a clue of what she's talking about.

She considers herself an Epicurean, the kind that post on 4chan all day, because 4chan is ataraxia, apparently.

Poor soul.

>> No.4362156


>inb4 this thread is deleted

Tends to happen the minute people start criticizing Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.

Should be any minute now.

>> No.4362161

It should be deleted. This thread belongs in /tv/

>> No.4362163

>Email admin@4chan.org.

can't be stressed enough. email, people. keep emailing until it gets through to Moot and the mods.

>> No.4362164
File: 38 KB, 450x674, 1386870635110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no more waifus on /tv/
>tfw no more feels on /tv/
>tfw mods ruined /tv/

>> No.4362165

Dude I saw Fitzcarraldo on the big screen a few weeks back, it was amazing. The audiance was kinda shit though, particularly one woman who wore a sweater with fucking bells on it.

>> No.4362169

/tv/ would shitpost it into oblivion. The way they've done this thread.

>> No.4362170

this is what butterfly looks like, fyi

>> No.4362182


dat beetle brow

>> No.4362192

Wait, Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is the SJW janny? Are you sure about that? Because I like Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.

>> No.4362195


>Controversial thread re feminism = NOT /LIT/-RELATED, OP BANNED

>Film thread = /LIT/ RELATED :3

>"What religion r u?? :DD" thread = /LIT/ RELATED :3

Welcome to the magical world of butterflies!

>> No.4362196

How do you even know Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is a girl? "She" has never posted anything like what you're describing, so you're either exaggerating or creating another boogeyman. Also "she" is one of the best namefags on /lit/, I think.

>> No.4362197

She looks like a cunt.

A good dickin' oughta fix her up real good.

>> No.4362201


She is.

You should reevaluate your opinion. Regardless of whether she's a janitor or not, her posts are generally worthless.

>> No.4362202

Doesn't matter. Slow boards earn the right of having off-topic threads every so often. The majority seem to agree that film threads are better on this board than on /tv/ anyway.

>> No.4362209

tip: if you're going to e-mail, hold off on the /pol/ victimization histrionics and just focus on the fact that she deletes things she doesn't like without any regard for the rest of the board.

>> No.4362217

How do you know she's the one who requested a ban on you?

>> No.4362218

why is /tv/ in here?

>> No.4362219


>How do you even know Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is a girl?

She posted a picture of herself at some point.

See: >>4362170

That said, she claims to be against gender norms and wants to be addressed as a genderless entity.

Not sure whether she prefers to be called "zir" or "xir" or "zim" or "pher" or what.

In addition to regularly deleting feminist posts, this pretty much substantiates different Anons' claims that she's a radical feminist.

>> No.4362222

ask Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ. she's the janitor, apparently.

>> No.4362224
File: 149 KB, 728x409, 2981_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this movie last night. It was so fucking good, dear lord.

This scene in particular, oh God.

>> No.4362227



Also: keep it factual. Include screenshots and links to posts.

Honestly, I don't see this as a /pol/ issue. I'm not from /pol/; I lean pretty left. The fact is that she's an awful janitor whose bringing the quality of this board down by deleting controversial lit-related threads and allowing banal off-topic threads.

>> No.4362232
File: 76 KB, 1024x576, 1386871967370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it made me understand what's with all the hype surrounding Haneke. I still think Amour is the closest thing a movie'll get to a cure for insomnia.

Also, you guys seriously need to watch La grande bellezza.

>> No.4362241

cache is pretty good too. still haven't seen the white ribbon.

>> No.4362263

> Haneke films
> german children are Nazis!
> german adults are stuffy narrow-minded provincials!
> germans molest their children!
> german men like to torture people for fun
> austrian boys are psychopaths who kill people and film it for no reason!
> french women are into femdom


this guy hates germany so much

>> No.4362264

> Cache

You know the solution to the film is that Haneke is sending the tapes to the characters and breaking the fourth wall, right?

>> No.4362268

i thought janitors are supposed to be anonymous

and why the fuck do you believe he's a girl

>> No.4362272

I should mention

> french people are racist against arabs

>> No.4362283

That's certainly one way of looking at it.

>> No.4362325

They are. It seems to be pure speculation that Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is one. Either way, though, I do think the thread deletion is a little excessive, though I understand the need to avoid being /pol/spammed.

>> No.4362354
File: 11 KB, 292x350, ss (2013-12-12 at 06.56.39).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I watch tonight?

>> No.4362355

>i understand the need to avoid dealing with opinions outside of my radical leftist's little echo chamber

>> No.4362357

The Great Silence

>> No.4362359

>mfw not a single post 90s date seen

you're one of those dadrock film equivalents?

>> No.4362363
File: 182 KB, 707x900, 1367179665709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4362381

Great movie, and that's some sick ass poster.

>> No.4362396
File: 19 KB, 448x252, i-love-you-maud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4362454

The protagonist was a real sucker. If I were him, I'd ditch that blonde and move my residency inside Maud's bed for the next week or so.

I get the feeling not many people on lit care to talk about good films.

>> No.4362455

>french women are into femdom

confirmed not knowing a single thing about Haneke...you didn't watch the movie, did you?

because...y'know...it wasn't about femdom at all.

>> No.4362461

Also, The Seventh Continent was REALLY good...but you don't reference that, because you don't know...

>> No.4362480

>>4362224 here, thanks for the recommendation, I'll check this out tomorrow for sure.

>> No.4362484

I didn't really get that out of Cache. If anything you could claim it a metaphor for white guilt, although I think that there's too little evidence to adequately do so.

>> No.4362496


>Actually several people in the cinema did burst into laughter when the dinosaur appeared.

I remember hearing, "I didn't come to see the fucking Land Before Time."