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4353199 No.4353199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Catholicism the most /lit/ religion?

>> No.4353206

aren't most people here commies?

>> No.4353212

I thought most people here are nihilist materialists.

>> No.4353229

idk plato seems pretty big

>> No.4353336

What are the Islam/Buddhist/Taoist/Confucian/Hindu/Wicca equivalents of Augustine and Aquinas?

>> No.4353348

no, that's gnosticism

>> No.4353351

I can't say for the actual most popular, but even Buddhism has more followers than Catholicism on /lit/ .

>> No.4353352
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it's gnosticism/hermeticism

>> No.4353362

>almost 2017-ish years after the birth of our Lord
>not being a liberation theologian

>> No.4353419

heideggerian animism is so underground I think I am not sure if it actually exist

>> No.4353438

>liberation theologian
I can't possibly describe how much I hate those faggots.

>> No.4353483

I think Hinduism is the most literary of religions.

>> No.4353505

Considering that most of the middle ages' mythology is based on passages of the bible and nearly the entire fantasy genre is based on middle ages' mythology, that there are thousands after thousands of actually well-thought and profound treatises by catholic scholars and much of old literature were bible fanfics; yes it is.

>> No.4353746

not really, pleb

>> No.4354188


For Buddhism try reading Nagarjuna.

He's like 26 dimensions above Augustine or Aquinas.

he wrote the Mūlamadhyamaka-kārikā.

summary of him: http://www.iep.utm.edu/nagarjun/

>> No.4354192

Greek Orthodoxy


>> No.4354222

No. Catholocism is entry. Greek, Coptic or Ethiopian monastic mystic Orthodoxy is exit.

Protestantism is for Spinozan Jews who wanted to believe in God and Eat Pork and Murder Anabaptist Peasants.

Military Anabaptistry is the alpha and omega, the transvalued value and the self-constituting self-manifesting apotheosis of the community of believers.


>> No.4354225


Orthodoxy in general is fine.
Catholicism is anathema.

>> No.4355479
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It's actually Twelver Shi'a Islam.

>> No.4355602

Gnosticism is a religion of idiocy like many pagan religions, the people who embrace it in contemporary times are too willing to pat themselves on the back for preferring the obvious to the difficult

>> No.4357532
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>for preferring the obvious to the difficult
The path set up by the gnostic Christians was the more difficult. The orthodox heresy was simply shut up and do as you're told. Quite easy stuff. Though I don't make any excuses for its brand of idiocy, it's nothing like any "pagan" religion. It IS a branch of early Christian.

Ah man. You just cut yourself on that edge.

>> No.4358355

There is no Wiccan equivalent because they've only been around since the 1950's.
As for the others, I'm not sure.

>> No.4358380

Especially since its the religion with the most written works.

>> No.4358381 [SPOILER] 
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Most of /lit/ just seeks the nicest ideas that allow for a hint of romanticism and distinction and intellectualism. Catholicism and Orthodoxy work best for that I think. But some sort of cool approach to calvinism might work as well. Or Kierkegaardian or Tolstoyan Christianity in a pinch. Or Islam or Hinduism (bonus for Vedanta) or Buddhism. It's more the approach to a certain -ism than the -ism itself, but rich traditions allow for it more easily.

Ancient Greek -isms are also popular and dwell on religion's edge. But the most /lit/ thing is of course to abandon spooks and seek enlightened self-enjoyment.

>> No.4358385


>> No.4358387
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>Implying these two are mutually exclusive

Do you even political theology?

>> No.4358391

>that pic

I put forth that the historical Jesus of Nazareth was the son of an alpha and raised by a cuckold, thereby being extremely charismatic yet putting forth a value system of weakness.

>> No.4358399
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>> No.4359290

sudomerique pls geaux