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4351749 No.4351749[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

List 3 traits about yourself and 2 things that you constantly think about.

Get book recommendations

mellow, unconfident, procrastinator

existence (why are we here) and death

>> No.4351753

Funny, outgoing, lazy

I constantly think about being murdered to the point where I can't sleep in fear that somebody will break into my house and kill me, and I also think about what if I had super powers

>> No.4351767

Introverted, left handed, apathetic.

Memories and how much privacy does social media really entail us?

>> No.4351771

Arrogant, entroverted, way too rational

Difference between emotionality and rationality, movement and lack of it, chaos and order, becoming and being. Dionysos and Apoll. Too some extent: female and male.

Materialism. How everything is only matter, and living beings are not different from other chemical processes.

>> No.4351781

Angsty, diagnosed with Asperger's, introverted.

I constantly worry that I'll never be successful in life.

I also worry that if I get married, my partner will become a major bitch, divorce me and bankrupt me.

>> No.4351940

The Holy Bible

Sherlock Holmes


Something something Nietzsche

The Great Gatsby
Optionally: your local phone book.

Come on, guys, give some actual recommendations!

>> No.4351944

>Recommending 1984. to >>4351767

Are you trying to subvert my freedom again?

Don't listen to him
Brave New World is better, closer to the truth and more similar to the stuff you put down.

>> No.4351945

Moody, unsatisfied, procrastination

(The reason for) death and suffering

>> No.4351949

>(The reason for) death and suffering
Oh, you don't need a book recommendation for that! Just visit a biology class!

>> No.4351955

Introverted, self-absorbed, pragmatic

Human behaviour and fairy tales.

>> No.4351956

introverted(by nature)
outgoing(As a child I was a terrible shut in. Learned to control myself and now I'm good at socializing, but don't feel the need. )

How life is short and what does it mean to spend it well etc.

Rascism. I'm not obsessed by the issue. In fact, where I live there are barely any other races, yet there are all kinds of racists, zionists etc. I'm fascinated why. I never found it natural to hate or abhor someone just because, I wonder why they do.

>> No.4353726

outspoken, extroverted, witty

How strange reality is or what reality is or what the "isness" of reality is. Propaganda, in all forms.

Although, to be quiet honest, since leaving my wife I think about her a whole lot.

>> No.4353747

>Blood Meridian

>Blood Meridian

The Man who mistook his wife for a hat

The Ego Tunnel by thomas metzinger

The Tao Te Ching(read by jacob needlemen)

The Black Swan - By Nicolas Taleb

>Blood Meridian

The Dresden Files all 14 of them

The Unbearable lightness of being

>> No.4353763

Outgoing, friendly, doormat at times

I think a lot about people's thoughts and motivations and my partner.Even though I have a very positive personality I constantly think about what will it feel to be nothing once I'm dead. But thats usually when I remember it...

>> No.4353768

Probably the lamest thread I've seen in months.

>> No.4353782


My mind's either in creative projects or the future.

>> No.4353784

Tai Pei by Tao Lin

>> No.4353801
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Sure I will give it a go

Pondering, Optimistic, Adventurous (yearning for it)
Fortune (as in luck/fate), Life (What makes a life successful/worth living)

>> No.4353808

anxiousness, competence, lonliness

why I want what I think I "want" and what I should want to want

>> No.4353813

Idealistic, Confident, Preservering
Future, History

>> No.4353835

peer gynt
the iceman cometh
>tfw nobody on /lit/ reads plays

>> No.4353844

Confident, unimaginative, serious.

For a specific topic, the difference between group psychology and individual.

For an overarching topic, if philosophy is the best form of knowledge that we have, or worthless questions.

>> No.4353847

Funny, confident, care-free

I am absolutely love learning and thinking about dreams and Greek mythology

>> No.4353849

Quiet, indecisive, easy-going
Meaning and morality/ethics in general.

>> No.4353850

The Catcher in the Rye.
The Unnameable.
How to Kill a Mockingbird.
Dante's Inferno.
On the Road.

>> No.4353856


>> No.4353855

Crime and Punishment

Any grammar and style guide, you malapropism prone pleb.

Stumbling on Happiness

The Birthday of the World


Taipei by Tao Lin

>> No.4353859

I've already read enough camus

>> No.4353865

Awkward. Gullible. Curious.

How small businesses manage to stay afloat when you see them with one or two customers an hour who don't buy anything. How the economy manages to function without entire portions of the world collapsing under the weight of others. How we haven't consumed the natural resources of the world up already.
Whether or not I'm faking my depression. Identity. etc.

>> No.4353869

A leader, introvert, thinker.

I'm a fantastic leader. I organize my workers, do big, work hard, and include my team members, as well as incite them all work together.

I just don't have a lot of friends, prefer to be alone with my own hobbies and interest because at the end of the day I am so far ahead of my peers that is embarrassing. My professors are my only peers in the classroom.

Community college is insufferable to people like me. I found myself later in life, and I have reaped its benefits. My professor asked me to a national philosophy conference so I could preform speech with her.

>> No.4353871

Mein Kampf

>> No.4353877

pretty full of yourself for a community college student

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.4353884

loving, solemn, meditative

adventure, the state of reality

>> No.4353905


Already read Brave New World and i've obviously read 1984 too.


That looks interesting anon, I actually studied psychology last year so it definitely has me interested.


Why PKD book would you recommend? So far i've read The Man in the High Castle, Martian Time Slip and Valis.


Any grammar guides that will help me better my prose or should I just keep reading prose writers?

>> No.4353913

Bold, Adventurous, Romantic (as in Romanticism movement)
Glory, Power

>> No.4353914


I Meant >which Philip K Dick book would you recommend?.

I should really proof read more of my posts.

>> No.4353920

intelligent, vitriolic, compassionate
how to improve myself
what the future holds

>> No.4353931

hence my contempt for my classmates.
Unfortunately, I had changed dramatically after I turned 20 and because of that I am surrounded by the lowly students of city Colleges.

My professor offered vouch me a scholarship to Columbia after a single course with her.

>> No.4353936

anime, masturbation, love

how (in what manner) to be afraid of death

>> No.4353938

jesus, can community college teachers even do that?

What exactly did you do to get such high praise?

>> No.4353943

Neurotic, ironic (that's what other people have said), empty.

I think about never being happy in life, nor being anything great. Wanting to loving someone more than myself.

>> No.4353952


pls b in london

>> No.4353956
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hm, let's see

traits: pessimistic, politically anti-moderate, introvert

on my mind: transforming civilization, behind-the-curtain occult societies

>> No.4353958

All of my weekly journals for assignments were over 10 pages, and my final report was practically a dissertation. I just happen to be extremely passionate about my career choice, and knowledge of history, literature, and politics(non shitty linear America mumbojumbo)

I did all this because I knew she was the head of her department and was the president of 2 organizations. She is a leader herself, and she sees herself in me. She tests me in class as well, putting me in charge of some of the worst students so that I can help them.

I do enjoy it, and to be honest, she inspired me. I found a lot of career direction from her. I had it all, but she was my entry, the person who could open doors for me. I saw the opportunity and I seized it.

She is really attractive, but I don't want to risk it. I wouldn't even chance it, not at least until I get into Columbia. Regardless she is a future peer, a friend, and contact for life.

>> No.4353965
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>My professor offered vouch me a scholarship to Columbia after a single course with her
yeah i'm sure thats both a possible thing to do and something that happened to you, bud

>> No.4353969

what happened to you at age 20 that was so life-changing
and what is your career choice

>> No.4354010

Laid-back. Melancholy. Self-loathing.

>How important it is to be good to others, even when you have no reason to.
>How people can meet in the most random of circumstances, and how that can alter the world.

>> No.4354040

My girlfriend left me at 18 and I became a recluse, hating my choice of college career, and after a year of unsuccessful dating I turned to my education. I changed my major despite being 10 credits from associates in administration. After I fell in love with the entry courses because of my political understanding.

Soon I read dozens of books, breezed through my entire textbooks. At 20 I realized that love, my personal desires, friends, all that could be put on hold. I lost 50lbs and got in shape, started a new job and learned a trade, and now here I am, well on my way to where I want to be.

Have you never heard of a teacher recommendation? I'm sorry if being dim witted caused your lack in awareness about the possibility, but it does exist.

>> No.4354054

Apathetic, lazy

When I can go drink

How much work I have left in the day till I can sleep

>> No.4354113

>tfw the guy who gave recommendations left

>> No.4354119

Dostoyevsky (The Idiot maybe the best choice here)
bukowski obv

>> No.4354320

I'd also recomend some Irvine Welsh.

>> No.4354479

extroverted, uncommitted, lazy

How am I going to support the lifestyle I want to and what I can do to leave a mark.

>> No.4354486

every woman on earth detected

>> No.4354580
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>> No.4354591

Idealistic, aloof, emotional

The sentience of the universe and what to do with a life

>> No.4354631


>> No.4354637

Anti-social Lazy Illusions of Grandeur

Space Economy

>> No.4354652

Thanks for asking, OP. I'm:

Results-oriented, Enthusiastic(!), and Reliable, and I just - for the life of me - cannot stop thinking about:

How I can make the most out of every situation; and, How I can make even more situations to make the most out of!

Look forward to hearing back from you! :)


Jesus, G.

>> No.4354655

painfully low attention span, loyal, moralistic

how to fit in the world, ethics
I feel like douche.

>> No.4354666

Read some Dostoevsky brah

>> No.4354667

Someone answer this guy, pl9z

>> No.4354670

didnt you see my first property? I tried, man, I really tried, but I cant sit through the fucking LENGTHS this guy goes through with no consideration for the reader!

>> No.4354672

Just read NFTU, then.

>> No.4354692

Curious, Questioning, quiet

The use of words. for example the word democratic which is overused to such an extend that it doesn't mean anything anymore. Every country wants to call himself democratic since in today's world being democratic is being good. However no one wants to clearly define the word in fear that with a good definition they won't be able to use it anymore.

Preconceptions. Why do we believe what we belief. Why such a great number of people don't question everything around them.

>> No.4354735

Holistic, confident, upholds my own morals.

History and our place in it, quantum mechanics (oddly enough) and their philosophical impact

>> No.4354766

fear fear fear
fear fear fear

>> No.4354775

Lack of shame, confident, constant feeling of guilt.

How I can help/entertain people and whether or not my existence would be worth it.

>> No.4354799

Relaxed, anixious, lazy

Constantly worrying about whether I will amount to anything

I think how I just want to be left alone and going to live somewhere in isolation

>> No.4354808
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isolated, overwhelmed, determined

how can I improve myself, & why am I unable to connect with anyone on any meaningful level

>> No.4354811

Introverted, visionary, edgy.

Ontology, i cant get my mind of establishing how we "create" the World through Language.

How the World Works, contemporary politics and political philosophy. How to 'fix' the world

Both contemplations reveals itself to me in 'vision sessions' that can Best be described as "drinking coffee wile stearing out the window" where all kinds of mental imagery flashes before my eyes induced by the 'theme' of thought I'm currently concerned with

>> No.4354875

anxious, ignorant, introspective

the pursuit of artistic success in modern american civilization (particularly with myself) and the desire humans have to create, how it may be calculated, judged, and compared


i wish i had recommendations for people, unfortunately i am not very well read.

>> No.4354889

Have you read Confederacy of Dunces, though? You talk exactly like Ignatius.

>> No.4354971

genius, patrician, godly

why am i 2deep4everyoneelse
why is life is so easy

>> No.4355001

Calculated, manipulative, ambition
-How can i get what I want from him
-What can i do to escalate my position

>> No.4355043

curious, idle, hedonistic

what would be the best way to live/ars vivendi/lebenskunst

That's really the only thing, I perpetually contemplate the good life.

>> No.4355059

>ars vivendi/lebenskunst
what are these? can't find their english wiki articles

>> No.4355061

The art of living. The part of philosophy that deals with how to live well.

>> No.4355063

oh cool i guess

feels good not to need reading books to understand life

>> No.4355065

>not knowing latin or german

the plebbest of the pleb

>> No.4355070


>can't find their english wiki articles

get out

>> No.4355072

>understand life
>not realising that any understanding is interpretation
>not realising that interpretation is creation

It's like you haven't even located the rabbit hole.

>> No.4355074

yes, it's an interpretation that works. how's this an issue?

>> No.4355083
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skeptical thinker that likes to brood long and hard over everything I plan to do which also leads me to be anxious about all my choices, procrastinator, introverted

The nature of man and what part I want to play in the future of our species.

>> No.4355090

How to tame your Fedora

>> No.4355094

Are you a nice guy too?

>> No.4355115

others may work better

>> No.4355117




I like to think I am. But I don't go out enough to let people know that. Which is my own fault.

>> No.4355125

i'm happy 100% of the time, and got everything i need

there is no "better"

>> No.4355143

nice, depressed, unfocused

Future scenarios and dialogues involving me and my environment. Sentences, words, formulations flicker through my mind and I try to hold them in it till I can write them down.

>> No.4355144

anxious, melancholic, sharp

I spend a lot of time thinking about when my teeth will start to fall out and whether or not it's too late to start brushing them. This also serves as an example for many other things I think about. Thematically, I'm quite caught up in the point of no return as an idea.

I don't think there's much rhyme or reason to our existence, just that we may make our own lives worth living through both deed and attitude.

>> No.4355146

>I don't think there's much rhyme or reason to our existence, just that we may make our own lives worth living through both deed and attitude.

such deep 8>

>> No.4355149

Are you accusing me of being pretentious? I don't think what I said was pretentious at all. It was a simple idea said without much gilding. Would you have preferred a pithy phrase, such as, "life is what you make of it."

>> No.4355150

humorous, creative, fatalistic
cake, rules of acquisition

>> No.4355152

Lazy, timid, and outgoing
The right way to look at things, and how things can progress.

>> No.4355162

To the bitter end - Johannes Mario Simmel

Enjoy feeling trapped.

>> No.4355169

share your secrets m8

>> No.4355174

Do you have a pdf version available? I don't think I'll be able to find it in the library.

>> No.4355181

I´ll try to find one. Normally you can just order it in the library I guess.

>> No.4355186

Nope not even in german...

>> No.4355192

Temperamental, introverted, hyperactive.

I constantly think about children and paranoid ideas.

>> No.4355196

I will try. Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.4355198

The Midwich Cuckoos

>> No.4355205

Seems interesting, thanks.

>> No.4355210

Finnegans Wake.

>> No.4355213

Ecce Homo

>> No.4355219

Nick land

>> No.4355313

Angry, kind, lonely(feeling not state)

Relationships between people, the fear they have of exposing their self.

The illusion of a world in order when the world is made by 7 billions confused human beings.

>> No.4355323

Bit of a controlfreak, determined, empathic.
My duty, purpose in life and what love means.
Many thanks in advance.

>> No.4355341

Read BNW and view it as a utopia.

>> No.4355343

Perfectionist, unmotivated, extremely subsceptible to mood swings.

The uncertainty of our future and (lately) ideologies in the context of hyperreality.

>> No.4355345

self-conscious, honest, lazy
-Unwilling to pass final judgment on anything because my perspective is limited
-Thoughts alone don't change the world, but they will change me

>> No.4355566

narcissistic, self loathing, curious

I think about suicide regularly, and about how others may perceive me or judge me. How people think of me in the street and whether or not they hate me yet.
I think about physical processes a lot. I obsess over machinery and can't move on until I figure out how it works. I know the mechanics and mathematics of every part of a car and often take apart menial devices to feel familiar and comfortable with them.

I am scared of disappointing my father and I fear becoming a failure

>> No.4355603
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Rational, introverted and solitary.

The state of modern day society, and where I will be in the future.

>> No.4355627

the wasp factory


one flew over the cuckoo's nest

catcher in the rye

his dark materials

the knife of never letting go

the picture of dorian grey

my family and other animals


the divine comedy

animal farm

the odyssey

don't know mate

seconding hume

the road

harry potter maybe

treasure island

some sherlock holmes shit I dunno

war and peace


brave new world

the language instinct

whelp I'm done for now

>> No.4355630
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oh yeah, forgot to add:
>plz respond

>> No.4355644

the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime

>> No.4355650

I have read it and did very much enjoy it.
I wouldn't relate to christopher boone personally though.
it was a long time ago so will do again. thanks for the response

>> No.4355653

The Supermale

>> No.4355661

I'll buy it, if I can't find a pdf. thanks for the rec

>> No.4355670

Try Antic Hay.

>> No.4355680

just downloaded it. will read it tomorrow once I've finished dubliners

>> No.4355701

'Mefisto' - John Banville

>> No.4355709

funny, anxious, lazy
death, insignificant daily things

>> No.4355711

Boring, shameless, genuine

Gee why do I have to be such a dipshit, why are people so saddening.

>> No.4355720

Docile, Anxious, Awkward

-How to make myself less boring and more confident

>> No.4355818

Lazy, cold, outgoing, introverted, intuitive, can't count properly
Human nature and human behavior, what things are and how to look and them and how things can develop and progress, and why numbers are confusing, especially '2'.

>> No.4355835

Hawkline Monster

>> No.4355855

Aesthete, curious, anxious.

I'm interested in the portrayal of sociopathy in fiction.

>> No.4355867

relaxed, lazy, inconsistent

I'm constantly thinking about 'The harms of capitalism' and 'Do I really hate capitalism because it's bad or because I'm poor'

>> No.4355920

funny/witty, slightly extroverted, anxious

-How2Alpha and self improvement


>> No.4355926

I think you would definitely like Notes from Underground .

>> No.4355932

I´d like a book suggestion please.

>> No.4355937

Maybe some David Foster Wallace non-fiction like A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. He's interested in over-analyzing decisions and how that connects to anxiety. Those essays are basically over-analyses of various experiences.
>inb4 no discernible talent

>> No.4355946

ambitious, depressed, self-conscious

consciousness and whether or not I'm wasting my life

>> No.4355976


>> No.4355980

Angry, Depressed and optimistic

I worry about death.

>> No.4355984

Kierkegaard: Fear and Trembling
The Romans: Ovid, Virgil
The Divine Comedy

>> No.4355987


The two things I constantly think about is where I'm going to be in life and how I'm most likely going to die single and alone.

>> No.4356206

Alright, Sane, Simple

Changing dichotomies of the middle class, self reliance

>> No.4356207

The crying of lot 49
The importance of being earnest

>> No.4356222

Emerson's essays
The Grapes of Wrath
The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea
Ordinary People

>> No.4356278

depressive, sincere, absurd

human relationships and memory

>> No.4356290


>> No.4356310
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handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

my prosperous future

>> No.4356311

quiet, relaxed, empathetic

All the oppression going on in the world.
Free will

>> No.4356316

Read everything Salinger ever wrote, then hang yourself.

>> No.4356323

Oh wow, you sound like me aged 18.

If you're anything like me you'll probably learn not to care so much about "muh oppression" and look out for yourself

>> No.4356333

you sound stupid and jaded

>> No.4356342

what does that mean. implying that I haven't rwad it.

>> No.4356373

Shit this is hard.

-Minimal in work unless it catches my passion, intelligent by test-standards though (apathetic?).
-Vacillatingly talkative/tight-lipped, probably overly talkative around friends.
-Socially confident (i.e. questions in front of large audiences, asking strangers if they'd like to have casual sex)

How to add another 65 jokes to my bad-puns list so I can reach 365 (desk calendar)
Suicide (some days, not all), I'd never do that to my family/friends though

>> No.4356395

Curious, meticulous and passive
Lack of free will

>> No.4356457

Apathetic, bleak, solitary.

Fuck I don't know what I think about.

Get me back into reading, I haven't really read for years but now I'm enjoying it again and I have nothing else to do.

>> No.4356465

no thank you but somebody please recommend me a book

>> No.4356472

Taken by the Pterodactyl.

>> No.4356510

Curious, calm, aloof.

How can I improve and be a better version of myself?

Also I tend to think a lot about ways to trascend my ordinary life; as routine depresses me a lot and makes me lose focus on the things that I really care about, but I find it difficult to break free from it, as I don't really know how.

>> No.4356585

Introverted, secretly very emotional but always hard faced, above above above average intelligence, but not a "genius".

Human relationships (as I hardly have any, even though I'm very good at reading people), why are people evil and ignorant (people can overcome ignorance)

>> No.4356599


Indecisive, anxious, abstract-thinker

>2 things that you constantly think about

What to write about next

>> No.4356635

reserved, confident, messianic

what is my purpose and sex

>> No.4356655
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blithe, gregarious, miscellaneous

Reconstructing the nature of knowledge, people, and the world we continue to create for ourselves and bitches.

>> No.4356673


The Bible.


Vaclav Smil


Hume or Middlemarch.


Read Tinkers.


A Clockwork Orange if you haven't already.


The Pun also Rises or I and Thou.

>> No.4356681

Neurotic, humorous, removed

College/law school; what will make me happy/how heavily I should pursue wealth

>> No.4356689


>> No.4356724
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self-assured, doubtful, flippant

what other people are probably thinking about me and music videos I make up to fit whatever song is playing in my head

i am self-diagnosed with self-diagnosed bipolar disorder

the moon is a harsh mistress

>> No.4356728

Anyone got a recommendation for me?

>> No.4356756

Sardonic, funny, exaggeratedly narcissistic for the purpose of self deprecation.
I think about how reality is distorted by perception and if losing concern in politics is enlightening or foolish.

>> No.4356761
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Insecure, solitary, idealistic

The politically + economically motivated destruction of the environment/nature

The grand narrative of history, how I can use personalties of the past as models for righteous living.

>> No.4356770

Extremely optimistic to the point of fault, extremely pessimistic to the point of depression and I'm fucking hilarious in person

I think a lot about how being a parent is basically about filling your child's mind with propaganda and how children eventually become their parents which means parenting at its core is fucked. And I think a lot about whether I should inflict my ego on a child in the future.

>> No.4356839
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I examine the disposition of things more than the actual substance to a harmful extent
I'm pretentious and intimidated by those smarter than me
I'm co-dependent and attracted to those mean to me

Why do I embrace nostalgia as an ideal
Will I ever have a friend ever again

>> No.4356847


The Corrections


The Recognitions


Thanks, you should try Perfume

>> No.4356869
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Over analytical about myself, what I say, how I think I'm perceived etc
Emotional, easily overwhelmed by the pessimistic fate of humanity, culture, the environment.
Romantic somewhat, or prone to seeing things in grand, abstract terms, often to the point of being absent minded.

How I can find fulfilment and enlightenment in life.

How I can devote myself to the mending of the world's ailments.

>> No.4356874


Meditations if you haven't already

>> No.4356886

Funny, Lazy, Calm
Wanting to just leave and drift around the country.
All the crime taking place around the globe, how many people are in dungeons/basements being mutilated and they will never be found.

>> No.4356888

Optimistic, chill, constricted

Authenticity of human senses and experience and the vast amount of knowledge and experiences available in the world

>> No.4356889

Forgetful, Excitable, Overly Meta (if that's a thing).

Constantly adding my own head cannon to media and life

The little grooves in your teeth that your tongue just can't quite reach.

>> No.4356896
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obsessive, solitary, anxious

I often wonder if I am a piece of shit and if I'll die unfulfilled.

>> No.4356910


Wow, you sound a lot like me, which is great, especially in regards to what you think about.

If you haven't read Gödel Escher Bach, then you should get on that ASAP. Otherwise try some Vaclav Smil, info dense non fiction, or Last and First Men, a beautifully written sci-fi with a no-less-than-impressive scope.

>> No.4356911


>> No.4356930

The Consolation of Philosophy

>> No.4356935

Energetic, panicky, introspective

science, specifically the our understanding of the scientific method, and trying new things.

>> No.4356945

I recommend some sort of negative hedonism.

>> No.4356953


>> No.4356957

Also sounds like me. Gonna read those.

If there was a /lit/ reunion, would we get along? Seeing that most anons here are very alike

>> No.4356959

Pretty much how secluded I am.

>> No.4356969


>> No.4356978

Awesome, thanks so much anon.
Good luck with the search for purpose.

>> No.4356984

What is that exactly?

>> No.4357018


>> No.4357036

I'm having a very tough time thinking of appropriate recommendations for everyone, but here's my contribution:

adventurous, curious, introverted

What I should dedicate my existence to.

The unfortunate disregard of morals, of personal dignity by society

>> No.4357106
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Calm on the outside (at least that's what people tell me)
Well poised / big vocab (everyone always thinks I'm an honors student. I'm not)
I'm good at classical bass performance.

I constantly think about Christianity and morality.

I think there's a higher power, but is it the Christian G-d? I've seen some crazy stuff that would convince some people, and my christian friends are the reason I'm alive today (drugs, suicide), but as much as I try I just am unable to accept Jesus into my heart. I'm afraid it's the placebo effect, and sometimes I think it is, but other times there's something there.

I have mild homosexual tendencies, but I'm not gay. I just crave cock every once and a while.

I'm a naturally vile and sinful person, so I've composed a code by which I live my life.
(((No pork
No shellfish
No meat with dairy (fish doesn't count)
No drugs/alcohol
No promiscuity/hook ups
No sex without love or marriage
No pornography
Don't do something just because you can. Don't do it because you can
Do it because you need to, or if it would better you or someone else
Tell people how you appreciate them, show love to those you love
Use "the claw" sparingly but fearlessly)))

But that has prevented me from being with the men that I've loved. I feel dirty whenever I do something homosexual, as I was raised that that was bad. But the thought is more on morality in general.

>> No.4357146
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>"the claw"
the what

>> No.4357155

you should practice building your friends up. Encourage them, affirm them for kindness and insight and hard work. But if they're being self destructive or stupid, sometimes you need to give them a serious reality check. This is the claw.

>> No.4357180

quiet, procrastinator, angry

How shallow the world really is. girls.

>> No.4357183

Some would tell you the two were related.

>> No.4357193
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introspective, reserved, nonchalant
-how to talk to strangers

-whether my imaginagination is just a camera peering into one of many parallel universes which my form inhabits.

>> No.4357200


Can't tell if you're trolling or not.

>> No.4357209

I know man. fuck.

Just be nice to them to stay safe from karma. If you are nice to them and they cheat on you so they can get more testosterone, yes.

>> No.4357241

Apart from the last point you're very much like me. Hopefully you'll get some recommendations, because I could probably use them to.

>> No.4357244

emotional, egotistical, neurotic

i'm always thinking about how i only have some 20 years with my parents left. the thought of death terrifies me

captcha: who diedvic
fuck me

>> No.4357248

I don't think it's too lopsided, but since I isolate myself from most people they all mostly meld together. I'd just say act according what you actually want to do with them, and not what you think you want to.

>> No.4357252

oh, two things i think about. i guess death x2. or death plus what others think of me (i'm paranoid as hell)

>> No.4357254


>> No.4357258

Idealistic, quick witted, curious.

I'm very future oriented. I think about the future of the human race and how technology will change our lives. When I'm 60 what will the world look like? How will we cope with overpopulation and climate change in a non-renewable consumerist society? But most of the time I think about my future; will I find a woman? Get a job doing what I love? Pass my exams? Get laid next weekend?

>> No.4357261
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>i'm always thinking about how i only have some 20 years with my parents left.
This is depressing.

>> No.4357276

Observant, Steadfast, Undeterred

Permanence, Health

>> No.4357278

Philosophies that strive to do away with suffering rather than pursue active pleasure. Epicureanism and Buddhism and Schopenhauer's philosophy would be examples. Therapeutic philosophy, so to say.

>> No.4357283

Future-oriented refers to people who aren't impulsive and plan ahead (realistic future), not thinking about the future in your vague, existential sense.

>> No.4357288


>> No.4357293

turbo Introvert,but still sociable
becoming a stuck up because I'm surrounded by retards

-I wish I was alone in my room
-Killing myself instead of getting a job when the time comes

>> No.4357299
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Getting old, dying just

>> No.4357307

withdrawn, witty, down-to-earth

the two things I think about the most is what I would like to happen and past memories (mostly the sad ones)

>> No.4357322

Well fuck this thread is full of all kinds of feels right now, oh well might as well join the herd.

Confident Independent (emotionally) Indifferent

Why should I care what people think when I control myself.

How much karma really affects our lives.

>> No.4357325

crawl back to /r9k/ if you want to whine about how you got rejected that one time scumbag

>> No.4357330

>becoming stuck up
i think it's a bit late for that m8

>> No.4357331

arrogant, charismatic, mildly bipolar

I constantly imagine entire delusional stories of either me or someone else. Oftentimes involves something super-human, like dominating the entire globe, or making trillions of dollars. Other times I have super powers. Also, I really like cartoons and the mafia.

>> No.4357342

Bad wit, "Hater", works hard/play hard

Dumb things - bad jokes, bad conversations everyone has, cheap beer dives crappy towns loser friends; weird old people; awful I cant wait to move to NYC types

Having to stay in New York for high paying job; why am I hanging out with people with no direction in life not that I don't like them or would want to not hang with them.

>> No.4357348

reserved, unambitious but confident

how most positions in life don't require or reward competence/effort and how broadly-accepted ideas are ofen just socially constructed nonsense

>> No.4357354

>how broadly-accepted ideas are ofen just socially constructed nonsense

There's a bittersweet point one reaches when all one can do it stand back and observe reactions to things because one knows those reactions are totally dependent on social construction.

For example, the Kanye West "Bound 2" video.

>> No.4357358

bump once more please

>> No.4357359

Focussed on the future then. It's 4am gimmie a break.

>> No.4357371

I'm not bitter about women, but it's easy to make the connection. Forgot I was on /left/.

>> No.4357373

the Art of War

>> No.4357374

Depressed depressed depressed

How to escape solipsism

>> No.4357375

Men are just as shallow.

>> No.4357384
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I don't act it yet though.

>> No.4357387

I didn't say otherwise.

>> No.4357393

I specifically tend to get to thinking about stuff like how almost everywhere almost everyone is deeply prejudiced against introversion in every way (and I am pretty introverted), and amidst all this modern social push for acceptance of everything it's still like that

and how although I stubbornly think that I don't want to "change" the fact that I'm introverted (as nearly everyone would tell/has told me to try to do) that it really is just meaningless arbitrary shit either way and there's no real sanctity in the previous formation of my personality

I just end up feeling like I want to distance myself from all these notions and how that can't really lead to anywhere but something like a stoic worship of rationality, but that in the end it's just another notion too

it's become my nature to shy away from myopically focusing on these things and try to "de-socialize" myself but god damn so little ends up seeming fulfilling

>> No.4357403

The men girls want to have sex with.

The girls men want to have sex with.
Sex is the devil and killer of all innocence.

>> No.4357420


I can get along with anybody, I can't say the same for everyone else here however. I would be willing to bet, though, that there would be a lot of damaged egos and intellectual intimidation.

>> No.4357423

you should watch Baccano!

>> No.4357449

Easygoing, Lazy, Detached
I constantly think about nothing, in the way that I can't stand the thought of the next moment, and I block it. Also, happiness, and adventure.

>> No.4357455

I suggested it because you seem 'tormented'. Perhaps some Wittgenstein for that quietism.

>> No.4357473

Playful, contemplative, humorous

Classical music and psychology

>> No.4357479


>Is life worth living if you have no real reason to live?
>Will I ever understand my peers and will they ever truly understand me?

>> No.4357517

Why does my soul feel so bad?

>> No.4357552

A mix of being introverted and extroverted, slow with spoken words but a relatively good writer, creative.

The purpose of life, if there's any meaning to anything and about music, as I'm a musician.

>> No.4357648
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Avoidant, compliant, easily confused

Inability to connect on a real level with others, video games

>> No.4357663

Never takes sides, loves the shit out of everyone, everyone loves the shit out of.

Always thinking about improving, always trying to find artistic value in stuff.

>> No.4357670

> A mix of being introverted and extroverted
Wow, welcome to being like every other person

>> No.4357671


3.5 billion people aren't shallow. Seven are.

>> No.4358061

Am I shallow?

>> No.4358081

No love for Jack?

>> No.4358092

Eccentric, narcissistic, happy

I think about how to improve myself and what tasks I have to do

>> No.4358146

Shy, socially incompetent, unmotivated.

What happened to the Space Age?
Am I ever going to achieve anything?

>> No.4358150

socially-awkward (though refusing therapy), lazy as fuck, passionate

Do I have any right to be depressed and angsty when people are litteraly dying from worse situations.
How will we live/survive seeing how we are fucking with the planet.

>> No.4358168

Narcissist, cynical, sapiosexual.

Does selflessness ever exist?
Who am I? *depersonalization disorder*

>> No.4358196 [DELETED] 

nervous, self-destructive, dumb

myself, where to get my drugs (new city)

>> No.4358395

Selflessness doesn't exist because self doesn't exist.

There you go.

>> No.4358411

max stirner

>> No.4358418

Creative, Lazy, Unmotivated

Will I survive my country's mandatory National Service?
Will I get laid?

>inb4 Catch-22

>> No.4358591


I'd say Spengler's "The Decline of the West".

>> No.4358609

spiritual, dreamer, kind


>> No.4358625

Any other recommendations for this one? Pretty please?

>> No.4358872

it's like there's only one guy posting on /lit/

>> No.4359173

Self centered, Machiavellian, Lost.

The future, is in my mind in every way.Will I change the world?Do have the genius to do so?I am getting older is it too late?What must I learn to do so?To which gods should I pray to?

I want to escape these vanities, I want to come to terms with the void.diogenus has more virtue than the alexander and ozymandias is the name for all people who lose the way in my path.Yet, I still beg god to allow me to steal the fire, without flying too close to the sun.

>> No.4359202

god I hope that this isn't really you.

I would consider myself all of those things also but the difference is I'm quite certain that I'll be a complete failure

>> No.4359419

Cynics are cool but you probably don't have what it takes. Most people don't. Epicureanism has many of the same virtues but isn't extreme enough to make you cry and have it backfire. Try Eppy.

>> No.4359917

>implying I said otherwise
Wow, you must have shitty reading comprehension.

>> No.4359935

stressed, lonely, arrogant

work and things at work that I need to do and sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night stressing about work, wondering how I can learn typical social protocols that most other people have been able to learn but for some reason I still stumble with.

>> No.4360018

Ok why not.

Indecisive, idealistic, disciplinarian

Comparing/ questioning structures and sources of order. Every belief system, every social convention.

What is the nature of the process that gives me identity? How do I define myself as "I"? How has nobody tried to kill the human race yet? Have they? Should I worry so much about everything? Is it good for me or not?

>> No.4360146
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You need some friendly humble people in a garden taking it easy and enjoying life philosophy.

>> No.4360155

Gide's L'Immoraliste. It's not necessarily an obvious recommendation, but it feels right intuitively.

inb4 your alarm bells go off at that expression
now you must read it

>> No.4360179

It's no big deal, but he likely figured you'd choose something more defining to him.

>> No.4360257
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By Machiavellian, do you mean a Republican statesman who worked tirelessly for the good of his people even against his own personal interest and an enormous, tenderly moving classiboo?

>> No.4360294

>No friends
>Doesn't like people

>A leader.

>> No.4360319
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>My professor asked me to a national philosophy conference so I could preform speech with her.
if u know what i mean

>> No.4360446

À la recherche du temps perdu

>> No.4360571

Io rido e il rider mio non passa drento,io ardo e l'arison mia non par di fore.

Good night sweet Principe.

>> No.4360577


>Is life worth living if you have no real reason to live?
Ask Sisyphus

>>Will I ever understand my peers and will they ever truly understand me?
No and no. You can only hope to understand yourself.

>> No.4360596
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I think you mean The Nightman Cometh

>> No.4361090
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I hope to Cthulu your first language isn't English because your manner of speech indicates either a severe delusion of grandeur, language deficiency, or that you were not born in a primarily English speaking country.

Either way I'm recommending my pic to you friend.

>> No.4361171

No in the sense having irrational supra relation to the law, and hysterical distance towards others.(male btw)Sometimes I create mores in social groups for my advantage, promptly discarding them when I see fit most cases getting away Scott free due to my amazing ability to rationalize everything and other social skills.

Isn't tranquility spook? Isn't happiness a spook as well?(likely a misuse of term "spook", I am learning the terminology through (mis)usage and would be ever so "happy" to be corrected if incorrect)There amazing feelings, however like all states and all feelings is temporarily, also the buddhist paradox one can look at the striving for tranquility as an act of disorder.

Even more so, why be happy when you can be interesting?Struggles and striving are help have a life affirming quality, after all desire is never truly for the object.The Calvinist say that it takes the intervention of god for humans to even to desire what's good, within that, could be secular truth.Maybe, "a good life" isn't the only intrinsic value humans want.

I am interested in what Epicureanism would say to such ideals.

>> No.4361172

responding to

>> No.4361173

Clever, depressed, anxious

Gender, History

>> No.4361175

>existence (why are we here) and death
Holy shit, the same as me.

As for traits, Introverted, Humorous and Curious

>> No.4361180

mellow, unconfident, lazy

nothing lol

>> No.4364037

Sociopath, bipolar, bigoted.

I look up people from my past on social media and burn with jealousy if I come across someone who is in a better job than me, is in better shape than me, is more socially successful, etc., to the point that I want to kill them in brutal ways.

>> No.4364055

Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?

>> No.4365919
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God dammit.

>> No.4365955

நீங்கள் திருக்குறள் வாசிக்கவேணும்.

>> No.4365966

Please, Bateman, just fuck off.

>> No.4365972
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>> No.4366011

Self Doubting , Loner , Coward

Why are some people so stupid and what will happen after death

>> No.4366036

Whatever makes you a coward has made lots of other also cowards so man up and be nice, my friend.

>> No.4366068


meh i'm generally afraid of everything and people

>> No.4366088

Stop being such a coward, nothing bites unless you attack them. You're too much of a coward to touch them, never-mind attacking them, so there you go.

>> No.4366100


if i could i would have , i don't like being do i ?

>> No.4366110

Then do it, you coward, because you can.

>> No.4366123


if I were more , I'd be more.

>> No.4366134

You are not, but you can become.

>> No.4366147

Heavily introverted, egotistic, pleb.

I constantly think about how I can stop being being an egoist pleb, and how I want to go trainhopping in the spring.

>> No.4366167

A book won't help you, you just need to get out there and do shit and meet people. Face your fears or waste your life, seriously.
Same goes for >>4366147 to an extent.

>> No.4366171

>Holy shit, the same as me.
DAE wonder why they le exist?

everyone with a functioning brain wonders about existence and death
you are not a special snowflake

>> No.4366174

Blindly optimistic, capricious, intense

Sex and contemplating my moral stance on things, what I truly believe is right and how congruent my ethic code and moral actions are

>> No.4366203

'Candide' - Voltaire

>> No.4366206

Ennui, Mundane, Surreal

>> No.4366212

I have it lying on my shelf. Should I?
I am the one which can't count, if you aren't too lazy to check.

>> No.4366228

surely if you think you are blindly optimistic, you can't be

>> No.4366242

Hm, yeah, maybe. I just have this knee-jerk aversion to books written centuries ago by philosophers and such. Always imagine them to be really dry and tedious. But since I don't read such books I won't judge beforehand and pick it up asap, thanks man

>> No.4366244

are you one of those cheating personality types that gets the best of both worlds or something

anyway, maybe try something from eastern philosophy like the zhuangzi or the daodedjing. they should make numbers, especially 2, less confusing.

>> No.4366259

Atlas shrugged, generation X

The picture of dorian grey


Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

Walden and Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.

Jane eyre

Quiet, too serious, lonely

Think about why I can't be more outgoing and what would make me happy in life.

>> No.4366261

dreamy, brave, spontaneous

Memories; their significance, their shape.

How to spend the few vague number of years I have left to live.

>> No.4366268

>zhuangzi or the daodedjing
I've read both.
>cheating personality types that gets the best of both worlds or something
Maybe I am, my friend.

>> No.4366270

Well, I always think situations will turn out for the best, throw caution to the wind and never learn from the experience when shit fucks up because I didn't want to consider a negative outcome. I got enough self-insight to realize this, but partly I'm too apathetic to do anything about it, and I also have a strong tendency to forget/supress negative experiences and memories. I guess this makes me kinda impervious to being beaten down by life, but it also makes failure and plans that never come to fruition a worn path for me

>> No.4366329

introverted, forlorn, inventive

I often think about the human race as a whole and where we are headed.
I also think about being lonely or having a failed marriage.

>> No.4366695
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>I also think about being lonely or having a failed marriage.
Are you those, or do you just like to contemplate it?

>> No.4366793

I'm lonely in most sense of the word. As for marriage I just think about it quite a bit, but I blame that based on the fact that I'm half way through "Stoner" right now.