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/lit/ - Literature

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4338741 No.4338741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i'm meeting a qt for coffee.
she's into me I think.

she has an english controlled essay she needs to write tomorrow and I offered to help her get some points of info together.

she's pretty dumb so I'd be surprised to see her get more than a C or B- (who cares ahe looks like kate moss)
the essay is about parenting and paternal relationships in a merchant of venice. entitled 'in my shoes' or some shit like that.

what are some key ideas I can give her so she has a little edge?

lots of lurve x

>> No.4338783

Nobody got any idea?

Shylock's estate??

>> No.4338782

fuck her in the butt

>> No.4338789

I'll take pictures of me doing exactly that if you give me info that gets her an A*

>> No.4338795

>Can't seem to fathom proper letter casing.
>Calls girl dumb, though he's helping her with her homework

>[W]hat are some key ideas I can give her so [I have] a little edge?

>> No.4338808


Excuse me for having a social life and regular sex.
>implying I'm not too lazy to write correctly with a phone keyboard.

Dude, she's skipping class to see me. I promised that I'd make it up to her by giving her some essay tips as I get decent literature grades

>> No.4338810

There's nothing wrong with that, I'm glad you're getting laid, just don't make a thread about it

Seriously, you've managed to combine two of the dullest threads on /lit/: homework help and "listen to me talk about how much sex I have".

>> No.4338863
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Oh enjoy.


>> No.4338892

Serious question time: Why is Sarah such a bitter cunt? Is it because she's unattractive? Can someone post her picture so we can try to correlate the two phenomena more precisely?

>> No.4338902

Oh wow. I didn't know people like you existed still.

Protip: She's feigning interest in order to get you to do her "homework".

Protip #2: You're not going to get laid.

>> No.4338993

Why should we help you? What's in it for us? We're not the ones getting laid.

>> No.4339022 [DELETED] 

I always find it amusing when guys call women stupid in these kinds of stories; you'd think they'd realise they were used.

>> No.4339026

>>4338741 (OP)
I always find it amusing when guys call women stupid in these kinds of stories; you'd think they'd realise they were being used.

>> No.4339345

>all this projection
I'm sorry about your bad experiences with women chaps.

>> No.4339355

>trying to exchange lessons for sex


>> No.4339368

>not realizing when you're being manipulated
See you on /r9k/.

>> No.4339397


I roomed with an engineering student who told me about his dumb ex girlfriend who dated him the exact length of her second year architecture course, during which time he did all her assignments. Plus, she didn't have sex with him often and pictures suggest she wasn't much of a looker either. And he had the temerity to say she was the dumb one.

>> No.4339406

Not only are you doing someone else's homework, you're consulting 4chan for help to do someone else's work.

>> No.4339419

I'm glad to say I've not had this kind of experience because I'm not so utterly oblivious and conceited to allow it to happen.

>> No.4339442
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Fuck my life.
This has happened three times in the past week.

The one time I try to be optimistic about things and it fuckimg happens anyway.

And I told my self I would never become a sad miserable cynical asshole like all the other guys on 4chan but right now I feel as if I may as well kill myself.

Fuck. Why do you guys always have to be right?

There's no worse feeling than being made to feel like a fool by a borderline retard.

>> No.4339448


If you never try, you never fail.

>> No.4339450



Tell you what though, until you learn to make contact with women in a fashion that is a socially acceptable precursor to a sexual relationship, you will not have sexual relationships with women.

>> No.4339458

Shylock's a jew

>> No.4339463

i haven't gotten laid in like 2 months and I'm beginning to lose hope.
I'm not ugly, I'm not unintillegent, i don't have bad social skills.
What is going wrong in my life.

I've been depressed as fuck since my gf left me and I guess I put people off me.
I hate my life. I hate women. Because they remind me of my flaws

>> No.4339469

i do though. I have had fruitful and successful relationships in the past.

I feel like I'm in a rut at the moment.

I'm a flirty person and I used to consider myself a stud. I feel lost right now and I guess it manifests itself in a lack of confidence; the one thing that turns women off the most.

>> No.4339484

>What is going wrong in my life
you calculate your self worth based on how much attention you receive from women

to paraphrase your own words, you're handsome, intelligent and socially adept. use that as a springboard to start bridging the gap between what you are now and what you'd like to be. take your flaws and improve them. pursue your own hobbies and interests, rather than pandering to what you think women might want. with this you'll acquire self confidence, and sex will come as a consequence of that. until your self confidence is derived from a stable internal pillar rather than temporary and superficial female attention, you're going to be miserable.

>> No.4339496

tell her portia is actually fat in the play

seriously portia means piggie

>> No.4339500

also, it takes some nerve to come here and whine about not having been laid in two months. do you realise where you are?

i usually go half a year or longer between women, but that's because i can no longer be bothered to pursue anyone who isn't going to rock my world.

>> No.4339535

I do pursue my interests. I box semi pro, play competition rugby. I read and watch films I like.

I mostly do what the fuck I want.

except it doesn't take long to realise that women will never go out of their way for anyone. Only 'club sloots' do the approaching. Not only that, but 75% of women out there enjoy being chased and wooed simply to feed their ego.
after that they go ahead and move on to the next fool, because they're 'just not ready for a relationship right now'

The wort part is I 'settled' for her. she is less intelligent, less attractive, younger than me. Easy prey, so to speak. Then I go ahead and fucking get rejected again.

>> No.4339564


>i haven't gotten laid in like 2 months and I'm beginning to lose hope.

lol @ vanilla ass normalfags and their "problems"

>> No.4339567

well you're either in the wrong location, hanging out with the wrong people or projecting an image which doesn't correspond to the kind of woman you want to attract.

you know as well as i do that when there's the right kind of chemistry things happen effortlessly, without even thinking about it. there's no question of chasing, game, ego, rejection, any of that shit. you just have to know what you want.

re read your posts in this thread, your self pity is unattractive and you know that. so stop feeling sorry for yourself and carry on having fun, if bitches are being bitches then why bother paying them attention?

>> No.4339578

You need to be able to separate the people who are attracted to you and the people who are interested in you. You do it by hanging out a bit after you interest them, (usually in classes where you're vocal and knowledgeable,) and then slowly suggest more and more informal meetings and more and more intimate topics of conversation. The problem is that most people rush the process to get laid in like two coffee dates or whatever, rather than letting chemistry emerge naturally as you talk and do things together.
Also be open to, you know, actually making friends. Friends are great. Read some Aristotle.

>> No.4339598
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cus I need to forget about her /lit/

>> No.4339602

I like aristotle
I love my friends
friends are great indeed

but I want something more

>> No.4339954


It's the way of the world.

It sucks, sure, but it's life. I became single a few months ago, after a 7 year relationship, haven't gotten laid since (except a few times of break up sex), and suck ass at approaching girls (being in relationships constantly since you were 16 will do that to you). I hate it as much as you do, but it is what it is.

Girls are everywhere. Don't worry about it.

>> No.4339991

>thinking she wasn't going to just drop you for being so beta
Good grief, faggot.
You really are dum', for realz.

>> No.4340018

>i haven't gotten laid in like 2 months and I'm beginning to lose hope.
>I'm not ugly, I'm not unintillegent, i don't have bad social skills.
>What is going wrong in my life.
>I've been depressed as fuck since my gf left me and I guess I put people off me.
>I hate my life. I hate women. Because they remind me of my flaws
I usually remain unfazed by everything I read in here but you actually made me angry.

>> No.4340100


>> No.4340160

i don't know who you are, where you are.
I have no knowledge of any of your attributes; characteristics; situations.
Yet looking back at the stupid love drunken shit I have written I realise that you are a beacon of truth and wisdom.
this all seems like a tired cliche and chances are you'll not read this post, but thankyou nonetheless.

Whether or not you live up to the words you commit to in person I'll have no way of knowing. I hope you do. I hope people like you exist.

>> No.4340161

>controlled essay

>> No.4340185

it's a stupid english supervised coursework initiative.
Exam boards caught on to the fact plagiarism had become uncontrollable and decided to make people write essays in exam conditions in an exam theatre.

Oblivious, it seems, to the fact that every essay is a carbon copy of the last as the titles are distributed beforehand to give teachers an opportunity to prep their pupils on structures and key points.

At least it shows who is and isn't capable of writing fluidly and coherently without editorial guidance.

>> No.4340253

that is stupid. there is a shit load of plagiarism detection software they could just use instead and it works much better

>> No.4340302


Everyone already knows that the britisg education system is fucked.

Labour has fucked iit beyond repair, and the tories don't even give a shit.

>> No.4341342


>There's no worse feeling than being made to feel like a fool by a borderline retard.
that is a feel I know

>> No.4341425

Because you think these are problems.

>> No.4341511

Nice try, OP. Nice try.

>> No.4341514


My sides are in the sublime.

>> No.4341533

Dude, if you consider her to be borderline retarded, there are two problems right there. One, how the hell is she gonna like you if you see her that way? Do you really think she has no idea? Two, are you into bestiality? Why would you want to involve yourself with someone who you deem as being so unworthy of a person, mentally? I know the obvious answer is "because boobs", but really think about it. Are you really going to be happy because you have sex? I'm telling you, man, I've been there and it's really not worth all the fuss once you get it. Seriously, man, I hyped it up so much and then once we were finished I sat against her bed wondering why the fuck I wasn't jumping for joy.

>> No.4343741

>windows phone

Bet you whipped that bad boy out in her presence, didn't you? It explains a lot.

>> No.4343764

how is this thread still on the front page

/lit/ really is the worst board these days. how did it get this bad.

>> No.4343805


"I want to manipulate a woman I don't respect"
"She manipulated and didn't respect me. Waa"

Learn and move on

>> No.4344681

You really didn't see this coming OP?
I usually get surprised if they don't ask for help with their homework

>> No.4345853

dude i haven't got laid in like 2 years hte problem is u being a pathetic useless self-defeating piece of shit

>> No.4346012
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>> No.4346042

Hush kid, we're laughing at OP for being a faggot.