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/lit/ - Literature

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4329091 No.4329091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you living the /lit/ lifestyle yet?

>> No.4329099

>So why weren't you handed a job for reading the words printed on so many pieces of paper?

The world is a cruel place.

>> No.4329100

>TFW want to be an author
>Need money to leave parents' house
>Don't want to waste my life away in college or a minimum wage job
>Just want enough to live off of for life, a steady income
>More would be nice

>> No.4329102

because new york is very cold in winter

>> No.4329104

I am living that lifestyle, minus the homeless part. My family is content with supporting me through my manic depressive episodes.

>> No.4329118

>not living in a country that gives you 800 euros a month for being jobless
toppest of all lels

>> No.4329122

>move out of the city
>get any job
>don't waste money on shit you don't need
>do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.4329132


>too far away from the city to do most of that stuff

>> No.4329136


>> No.4329150

>living in any city
>not living in a small town on the edge of a forest
>not spending most of your free time in the woods
It's like you enjoy being disconnected from part of your humanity, and would rather swap it for petty entertainments.

>> No.4329158
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>living in a small town on the edge of a forest
I want this so badly right now.
It's like a dream I've had for years, but it never came to fruition.

>> No.4329162

>you need to find job that is outside the city to keep yourself alive
>most jobs requires degree
Only way to be homeless requires being in big city where food is not so important
If you want silence, sleep in library or school at night.

>> No.4329168
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>homeless jobless
>concerned with reading latest advanced copies

priorities, m8
also, fuck humansof ny

>> No.4329170
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My nigga.

>> No.4329172

I have house near the forest in retired old people housing district.
What to do in forest not to get bored?

>> No.4329173
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>Has read thousands of books
>so why don't you have a job?
>why don't you
>you've read a lot so why don't you...

>read a lot
>automatically get a job

>> No.4329175


>> No.4329176
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martin pls

>> No.4329179

Frolic, practise ataraxia, play satyr.

>> No.4329185

I worked 4 12 hour shift this week and didn't earn as much as that.

Fuck I hate my countries economy. (Also my poor life choices)

>> No.4329189

>The /lit/ lifestyle

All I want to do is write a few books, get published and have enough money to be able to live off of and enjoy some things in life.

But I don't know where to start with writing, so it'll never happen. So I browse /lit/ with many others who are wondering the same.

>> No.4329196

wer u @?

>> No.4329201
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European /lit/ life looks more like this.

>> No.4329209


New Zealand.
Our dollar is nowhere near as strong as the euro either.

>> No.4329210

Sex bears.

>> No.4329214



New Zealand is just a myth made up to keep Australian children in line

>> No.4329229

Doesn't everyone read like that?

>> No.4329241



I was told the same, but only of everything above Australia.

>> No.4329248

which country is that

>> No.4329278

>not living in a cabin in the woods
>not having a beard and wearing overalls
>not chopping wood and hunting all day
>not slow cooking venison chili on the hearth

>> No.4329292

My dream life but I just can't leave behind the modern amenities that have come to give significance to my life.

>> No.4329296

I can't read in that position for long because my arm starts to hurt. I like to read while seated at a table with the book flat on the tabletop.

>> No.4329302

>not ridding yourself of spooks and leeching off of others without feeling shameful or guilty

>> No.4329344
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>not living in a commie block in the city
>not being clean shaven and wearing synthetic clothing
>not rocking boots and flâner all day
>not grilling vat grown meat on your electric stove

>> No.4329351

>tfw a homeless man has nicer clothes than you

>> No.4329357

where does heidegger talk about heraclitus

>> No.4329369
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I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok

>> No.4329380


>> No.4329398

Because I'm not a pseudo-intellectual retard.

>> No.4329474

I'm not homeless because I have my parents.

Besides that, I only read and write and browse /lit/ all day, so I think I'm good.

>> No.4329511

I like the internet, I like buying things with money, like food and shelter

>> No.4329613


Not at all, you're an intellectual, specifically the type who thinks he knows... but you haven't really thought for yourself once in your life. You've never really really really sat down and thought for yourself ever since you've been born a baby.

A true test of intelligence, no matter what his world reputation is that he wants the truth and nothing but the truth, not money, social status, sex life, he doesn't care about the grade or if the teacher likes him, he just wants the truth and thats it man.

>> No.4329653

You're so lucky, I'm forced to wear a mask all the time at college, pretending I get bad grades just because I'm lazy.

>> No.4329664

The modern enlightened lifestyle is to be a destitute consumerist whore. You stockpile other peoples' trash.

>> No.4329666

Smae here, I'd advise you to not be as stupid as I am and star writing right now, is the same for everything, the hardest step is the first one, so get the fuck off your ass and write whatever.

>> No.4329670

>"So why are you homeless?"

What kind of stupid follow up question is that? Being able to read doesn't guarantee you a job in the 21st century.

>> No.4329683

How's that going for you Hal?

>> No.4329702

I'm sure he was just looking for a "profound" answer that would get him more notes on his tumblr page.

>> No.4329712

I hope we someday manage to get that minimum income thing people are talking about. I'd be more than happy with just that.

>> No.4329737

I do all of those aside from cooking on the hearth and having a nice looking beard. Still need money for prop taxes and shit.

>> No.4329738

Wait, so you got bad grades due to depression? I didn't have that problem, but then again it gets tedious keeping up a grade point while you're working overnights and are high constantly.

>> No.4329750

Why is it all you tripfags think you're better than anyone else? Granted, that other anon is a dumbass. Seriously though every tripfag acts the same way. Is your name some arbitrary mark of distinction? You must be proud that you chose to eschew anonymity, unlike the "normals."

>> No.4329756

I'm not that dude, but I spent more time imagining my death from the comfort of my bed than attending class or studying or eating or doing much of anything.

>> No.4329767

I don't have it that bad, I might just be manic and eccentric. Suicide is on my mind a good portion of the day but I decided a long time ago that I don't want to leave my family with the mess of my death. Also, I'm somewhat optimistic that I can turn myself around at some point. Coursework has also never really been difficult to me, although everyone is different.

>> No.4329769

He probably reads shit books

>> No.4329780

Such as?

>> No.4329814

Fantasy novels
Sci Fi novels
Hunter S Thompson

>> No.4329822

What's wrong with genre fiction?

>> No.4329833

where do you think you are?

>> No.4329843

Not that I disagree, but what do you read exactly?

>> No.4329863

Such as?!
>How many books have you read?
>1000s of books...
I've read about 70 in the past three years. Yourself?

also has
>A whole stack...mostly advanced copies
Quick, make me a list of highly anticipated literature in the past, I dunno, two decades to comprise said "whole stack" of advanced copies. protip: you can't. Neither can he.

Confirmed for shit book reader.

>> No.4329864

>working in that Yeats reference

>> No.4329899

Wow, my comment sure made you angry. Did not mean to evoke that sort of response, I was merely looking for some clarification. In the past three years, not sure maybe 100 or 150, could be more the bulk of my collection is far away at the moment. I made no reference to the stack of advance copies, but that seemed to piss you off too. You've confirmed nothing but your own assumption which you made off of two words I posted. Everyone has different standards for "shit books" and I wanted to know what that anon's criteria were. Thanks for nothing, you blowhard twat.

>> No.4329920

>live on the streets
>get raped by homeless men
>so I can read books

Hm. Pass.

>> No.4329935

>wife who pays the bills
>live in cold, rainy little shit town
>writing my ass off
>just got my first story accepted for publication

I am living the writer's lifestyle. As for the /lit/ lifestyle, I'm not autistic enough, I actually write, and I've never read Pynchon, Joyce or Wallace.

>> No.4329964

Honestly did not mean to show this anon that I am better than him... i just wanted to bring up some philosophy (related to the OP) that i am currently working through. His was a shitpost, and it took advantage of that post to present information that would hopefully generate fruitful conversation, unrelated to trips if possible.

>> No.4329967

>pretending I get bad grades just because I'm lazy.

I've got some bad news for you: You're lazy and blame it on depression.

>> No.4329985

Aw, it wasn't you anon. It really is all that humansofnyc schtick. It's the facebook equivalent to a baw thread. This one in particular seems to have enamored OP and the 11,741 others with a semi-romantization of homelessness held up to dat strife of the real world. Ouch! Hang in there sweet homeless guy!

>> No.4329990

Well, I apologize for jumping all over you. Shitposting is a bigger issue than trips. Excuse my rudeness.

>> No.4329995

Isn't that what everyone does? I know that's what I do.

>> No.4330075


>> No.4330098

>not doing the raping
beta detected

>> No.4330106


Dude, just get your AA. You don't have to go to college full time.

>> No.4330111



>> No.4330123
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Argentine fag spotted

i'm out

>> No.4330139

>currency of euros
still jelly of that socialist welfare net

>> No.4330156

but I'm a girl lol c:

>> No.4330159

Are you implying girls can't rape?

Get out of my sight, sexist.

>> No.4330161

Is it true that Uruguay is objectively the best country in South America and closest to a Northern/Western European one ?

>> No.4330162 [DELETED] 

I saw your pic... you have a nice but

>> No.4330167

This is getting pathetic.

Thank you, though.

>> No.4330173

i thought her if was pretty nice too

>> No.4330177

>implying you could tell with that lighting

Stop filling in the blanks to the greater glory of our matriarch.

>> No.4330192 [DELETED] 

Show pic!

>> No.4330195

Switzerland is literally voting on a referendum that would give every adult the equivalent of 2800$ a month unconditionally. The goddamn Europeans have figured out that the world runs on consumption (not production) and now they're going to have the best countries in the world. Wouldn't be surprised if Europe's artistic scene begins to eclipse America's with this shift.

>> No.4330196

>also, fuck humansof ny

I like it. Sometimes I'm just suspicious about the quotes.

>> No.4330200
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Enjoy honey

>> No.4330202

I'm not sure which is more frightening... The fact that that is happening, or the fact that I thought it was cool for a second.

>> No.4330207

that's not it...

>> No.4330208


Try again

>> No.4330209

>give every adult the equivalent of 2800$ a month unconditionally

What is that in Switzerland, $5?

>> No.4330211

There's some mumbling about that in American politics as well but I doubt anyone on the right would entertain the idea unless they could do away with all other non-retiree entitlements, which is probably too much to ask at this point.

I can hope though.

>> No.4330215

It is cool though. Automatisation is not going to go backwards. We're not going to become less efficient so that people can have jobs. The only option, if you don't want insurrection, is giving people a basic income to live in the absence of work. It's to everybody's benefit.

>> No.4330218

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ pls

timestamp or gtfo

>> No.4330222

I lean towards anarcho-primitivism/being a faggot so it doesn't mesh with my retarded ways.

>> No.4330223 [SPOILER] 
File: 182 KB, 550x523, afterbball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, wrong pic

>> No.4330226

Seriously, someone has to have saved it. Please? Do it for a fellow anon.

>> No.4330227

>anyone on the right
>neoliberals and neoconservatives?

Republicans actually pushed the idea some time ago. Under what presidency was it? I can't remember, but it fell short in the senate, if I recall correctly.

>> No.4330228

once 3d printing and other cheap and completely automated manufacturing and data processing methods become available, this will pretty much be the norm in most countries I think

its either that or some Elysium like scenario with a massive underclass

>> No.4330231

No one could seriously suggest this in Washington. America's "progressive" interests are consistently free-market focused. But really, it makes complete sense. The fantasy of the American work ethic isn't what keeps the economy going - millions of machines and faceless workers overseas and our ability to buy the shit they make is what keeps it going. Honestly if Marx, Bataille, and Keynes were required reading for every congressman the country would be so much better off.

>> No.4330234

Plus the idea of relying on my government for literally everything is not something I'm fond of.

>> No.4330236

But that's never going to happen, anon. If anything, a basic income would provide you with enough money to live in a little hut innawoods and once while get some additional supplies. You won't get the whole world into caveman mode, but you could go Proenneke mode. Wouldn't that be absolutely glorious?

>> No.4330239

I'm sure they all read it in college but it didn't offer them the confirmation bias they were expecting after reading Rand.

>> No.4330241

I hate you

>> No.4330244

You wouldn't have to. You could save up for a piece of land and try to be as self-sufficient as possible with some extra pocket money in case you need it. A basic income policy would make homesteading a viable alternative for more people.

>> No.4330243
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Now I remember...

It was under Nixon.

>> No.4330256

What would a realistic number be? An amount that can offer someone with no consumerist interests with the bare necessities of life and a supplement for those who'd continue to work traditionally low paying but necessary jobs without having to live in squalor?

>> No.4330279
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I'd just rather be able to do it myself, and like >>4330231
pointed out, it would just amp out and continue the cycle of consumption and exploitation and consumerism. It would just expedite the industrial death-march and foster more materialism (which I can ostensibly argue against "objectively" but muh creature comforts and ingrained ideas about life, so I'll just say it's my personal belief system) and suffering in the world.
Granted this is all based on my belief that I should be "fair" or "right" and not exploit those other people, but then we delve into the absurd and blah blah blah etc etc.

TL;DR You guys can have my share if it makes you happy.

>> No.4330298

I guess that should be country if not region specific.

>> No.4330304

The best conversations I've had about books was with a homeless guy who basically just drank whiskey and read all day every day.

>> No.4330307

Thanks m8. The only realistic way to survive the industrial death march as you call it is more and more high tech though. The only way you can peddle sustainability is when it doesn't come at the expense of creature comforts.

I think a high tech welfare state is the only reasonable hope. And it better be quick, because a whole lot of drivers are going to be out of work soon:


>> No.4330316
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>> No.4330336

>Don't want to waste my life away in college

College is where i met some of my most interesting friends. In community college the fucked up intellectuals who are brilliant in their own ways but have very little hope in getting an actual career and in state college the terrifyingly ambitious asian girls who watch videos of autopsies for fun.

>> No.4330371

>be reading pirated ebook in the garden
>suddenly an amazon drone appears and takes away my kindle
>hear sirens in the distance
>the drone shoots a dart at my thigh
>wake up in an interrogation room

>> No.4330399

Damn. Maybe I should change my major to Software Engineering.

>> No.4330429

China is already doing it on a small scale. Imagine waking up, ordering something online, taking a shower and then going into the yard to find your package there. Imagine booze delivering drones at three in the morning. Imagine drone air taxis.

>> No.4330442

>>Just want enough to live off of for life, a steady income
off of what

>> No.4330462
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>> No.4330466

Yo soy Uruguayo y ni idea tenia que daban esa plata por no hacer nada.
Sabia que le pagaban a los pichis 50 planes diferentes, pero 800 euros? En serio?

>> No.4330468


The backs of hard-working citizens, obviously.

>> No.4330475

>The backs of suckers, obviously.

Shit. I used to be a pizza delivery driver. It was a fun job, but horribly inefficient when you have to drive 20 minutes back and forth to someones house to deliver a single pizza or sandwich. It barely even covers my gas compensation/wage for the time it took me to get there.

>> No.4330490

Also in letter on humanism. Has a great little story.

>> No.4330494

stoners worshopping the machine.jpeg

>> No.4330544


>then I get sad, and then I get high, and things fall apart

literally the best line ever written

is this real? I'm nominating him for something

>> No.4330556

It may have just been an offhand reference.


>> No.4330591


oh thanks mate

>> No.4330631

>That feel when homefree traveler
I was never happier than I have been for the past few months

>> No.4330641

How'd you afford it?

>> No.4330655

>how do you afford your fabulous hobo lifestyle

>> No.4330660

Not necessarily money, but what did you do for food/sleep?

>> No.4330663

not him, but i've hopped trains for a few months. people are unbelievably charitable. the more normal you look, the more money you're likely to get.

>> No.4330692

you should look up the trainkid threads in the archives, he was our resident hobo for a little while

>> No.4330693

Because I'm currently raising a kid. Maybe later.

>> No.4330710

I was here for them, but I'd prefer a solitary hobo existence and not have to deal with other trainkids.

>> No.4330721

Then stay away from them.

>> No.4330725

Is it that easy?

>> No.4330732

you'll likely be using the same crew change guide as them, so you'll be using the same spots, so you'll see others. generally they'll leave you alone, especially if you stay out of view. if they're drunk, it's another story tho. horrible drunks, that lot.

>> No.4330755

>if they're drunk

>> No.4330774

because it's cold as fuck outside

>> No.4331692

it really fucking pisses me off that i have to grovel to the corporations to just live my life

I dont want to do boring things im not interested in doing. I dont want to "get ahead". I dont want to "manage" the absolutely disgusting consumption of useless garbage. I want to jerk off, consume art, and go on hiking trips. fuck whoever thinks im "lazy" for not wanting to waste my time doing things i dont want to do just so i can fucking exist. I dont want "the finer things in life". I dont want to be rich. I want to be left alone. Leave me alone

>> No.4331696

What so you're not willing to go get a STEM degree?

>> No.4331703

>community college
>brilliant misunderstood geniuses
where? Where I live there are mostly parents in their 30s and 40s, and immigrants who speak little english.

>> No.4331700

terrible at math. also i was a liberal arts major in college.

too late

>> No.4331711

>this relative freedom from ideology
Commendable. I would tell you to follow your heart, but the advice would only really be directed towards myself.

>> No.4331714

Right on, I was being facetious. The new mentality is that the arts should just be a hobby, which I don't totally agree with. But, what do I know? I was a liberal arts major too, so my opinion is biased.

>> No.4331731

>that self awareness
It wasn't in vain

>> No.4331741

All I do is fuck around drinking and gossiping and having meals with people, then I read when I'm alone and write something every third-or-so day; to keep this going on, I only need to work three hours a week in order to imply to my father that I'm making an effort and then I'm sent about three days' worth of allowance each week. How am I to give anything up, if I'm not committed to, or responsible for, or doing, anything?

>> No.4331746

It's like you enjoy being a peasant.

>> No.4331749

Oh hey there, Bret Ellis. Didn't think you'd be out of your coke-stupor at this hour. Isn't your father dead? Be honest, you're sending yourself money.

>> No.4331779

It's like you don't enjoy being.

>> No.4331786

It's like you don't enjoy.

>> No.4331907

What's the joke?

>> No.4331920

Am I supposed to?

>> No.4332070

The thing about what you call the /lit/ lifestyle that don't fit with the way the world works is that sometimes other people depend on you. I have a grandma, who is too old and sick with diabetes to work, and a couple brothers who for one reason or other don't. Odonn is pretty much just a layabout like the guys you guys describe in this thread, and Lavelle has a criminal record though he gets work sometimes, but most of what he makes goes for childsupport. I am the only one of the family with a job, and i actually have two, one full and one part time. While it would be nice to just sit and read all the time for a week or two maybe, I know I would feel bad about not being able to help out, and also, I like working, and would do it most of the time even if it i didnt need the money, or got enough from the government not to need to. I'd find something to do. I think that work is sort of like exercise: it makes the leisure time and the reading taste better, like exercise gives you appetite.
Now, I like you guys, and I have got a lot of good reading recommendations from this board, so I don't resent that you being on welfare or whatever might take some out of my checks, it might even be better you have it than Odonn spend it on drugs and xbox games, and there are plenty like me to take up the slack all you slackers make.
Howsomeever, it strikes me you might also want to try it for a bit, find some job you can do and are good at, by volunteering or interning or whatnot, and get you a skill to fall back on. You might find you like it enough to keep on, and you'll have a good fallback if your grandma gets sick, or your brother gets a bunch of kids he has to buy christmas presents and school clothes for. Just saying.

>> No.4332086

No, but it's strongly advised.

>> No.4332091
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You should read Stirner and be freed.

>> No.4332097

You sound pathetic. Who would talk to someone like you at these meals, I'm really curious.

>> No.4332099

What's pathetic about him?

>> No.4332104

Yeah well, freedom ain't freedom from responsibility. In fact it makes you responsible for your ownself, and your own destiny, and maybe a little bit for the destinies of those around you. remember fear of responsibility and being exploited are spooks too.

>> No.4332105

I don't understand being given an allowance while fooling the person feeding your erudite piehole. Maybe I am a little envious, I read and write as well, everyday and hour I can more or less, but have to work a waiter job since being self-estranged.

>> No.4332117

Responsibility is a spook. There is no such thing except for what your family has conned you into believing. You use the term 'fear of responsibility' like there is any responsibility outside of your own acknowledgement of the term. You are thoroughly, textbook example spooked m8.

>> No.4332124

I agree he sounds like a cunt, but there's nothing inherently pathetic about conning your way through life at the expense of the people who felt the need to spawn you for their entertainment, or perhaps by mistake. If there's anyone you could have the right to exploit it's your parents.

>> No.4332126

Trips are worse. Fuck him and fuckbthe trips.

>> No.4332134

I really don't think that was an intentional reference, nor a reference at all.

>> No.4332147

responisbility for the welfare of your relatives is an inborn thing, though. I know i could cut off my worthless brother or my sick grandma who raised me, cause i don't have to take responsibility if i don't feel like it, but it would be like the guy in Glass Menagerie: i'd have to go against one aspect of my nature, and the nature of humanity, to fulfill or pursue some other one. This ain't a cultural or society thing. It's born in, evolved and part of our nature. Might as well say hunger or gravity or sleep are spooks. and fear of anything, be it debt, responsibility or starvation, is most definitely a spook.

>> No.4332292

>We're not going to become less efficient so that people can have jobs.
>So everybody should just consume moar!
How about not making people work as much anymore? >Capitalism

>> No.4332316

You are a drain on your family.

Have you experienced the misery associated with earning honest money for your skillset?

Until you realise the misery of reality, you cannot pretend to have experienced a real life.

It is this horrendous realization that may drive you to succeed.

Or perhaps fail.

But, anon, the first fail will either strengthen your resolve or send you on a horrendous path of depression and failure.

Succeed my young friend. Hopefully you may not have to witness the brutality of reality.

>> No.4332358
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I've lived abroad for multiple years, moved back to US in a metro city where I have no friends or family so I can focus on writing, quit 1 yr into my masters in lit theory, have an unpublished novel, working on another, survive off measly income writing website content and editing other people's novels, survive off library books, under 30
living the dream

>> No.4332359
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I kinda am. I fish salmon in Alaska for 2.5 months in summer. Than live in Southeast Asia the remainder of the year. Sunshine, read, write, travel, dollar beers, $10 hookers, $1 marlboro packs, $1 joints, $4 mushroom shakes, 50 cent curries, surf, and attempt fornication with eurotrash on holiday. Couple bucks for a visit to the Doctor. It's not paradise but it works.

>> No.4332376

What dream is this??

Please don't compare yourself to the great authors.

You are struggling for nothing

>> No.4332391

The misery is greatly exaggerated, believe me. I'm the guy with two jobs, and while there are times i'd like more time off, or less stress, i don't think occasional annoyance and inconvenience counts as misery. I actually enjoy my full time job, and ain't ready to compalin about my secodn, though it's wallyworld.

>> No.4332393


seasonal work retard. Work 6 months doing something sweet that will give you inspo for writing. EG. Tree planting, land surveying, cruise ship. Go on EI if you can for the Summer (or winter) and you'll have the other 6 months to pursue writing....

Most of these jobs will pay 25+ dollars an hour with overtime and a daily stipend. Lots of these jobs blow but adversity is important for your writing... Think about it

>> No.4332396


Failure and hardship inspires great work....

Bullshit, in reality only extremely talented and educated writers produce real masterpieces.

Enjoy your mediocracy. I hope at least something you created gets published.

Perhaps learn another skill as a fallback.

>> No.4332402


>Work 6 months doing something sweet that will give you inspo for writing. EG. Tree planting, land surveying, cruise ship. Go on EI if you can for the Summer (or winter) and you'll have the other 6 months to pursue writing....

Do people pay you for doing things like that? I thought this was one of the perks of volunteering during which you are paid back in making your college application look a little bit better.

>> No.4332418


Why are you attacking me?

We seem to share a common outlook on life.

A real skillset will always be more satisfactory than performing low-paid unskilled jobs to try and support a failed attempt at creating a decent literary composition.

>> No.4332430

the dream of making a living off writing and editing.
not sure if you read the fucking title of the thread you're posting in, but it's about living the /lit/ lifestyle, not about comparing yourself to great authors, dipshit.
>perhaps learn another skill as a fallback
did you not read the part where i said i was making a living off writing and editing? learn to comprehend text before making assumptions and giving advice. I'm not complaining of hardship, or even striving for greatness. I'm trying wake up and go to bed whenever i want and not need to be anywhere on time for a job, or succumb to a bullshit existence of 9 to 5. Maybe when you get into your 20s you'll learn that not every writer seeks vain affirmation of what they do. If publication were my top priority, I would have sold my soul long ago

>> No.4332445

Life is really not so hard.

I have a great love for /lit/.

I also have a great love for science and engineering.

9 to 5 is not a chore if you love every minute of your job. I do 8 to 8 every day at work and wish I could be paid this ridiculous salary for more hours, because every day I go home and do more.

It doesn't hurt to be productive, it is actually rather lucrative.

>> No.4332459

> waste my life away
> implying you'll ever be a good writer if you are afraid of "wasting my life away"

>> No.4332477

>girlfriend's older brother has a MA in Literature from Harvard and owns a publisher
>gf says if I ever want anything published I should talk to him

I'm trying, /lit/.

>> No.4332479

great. and if i cared about being lucrative or being productive in the conventional societal sense, what you say might mean something to me.
>Life is really not so hard.
response to unsaid and made up complaint on your part
>I have a great love for /lit/
should probably learn to read and interpret first, otherwise you're going to get your heart broken. Must be hard to fit /lit/ into 12 hrs of work every day, plus the unpaid work you do afterwards. Unless of course your job is bullshit like all other office jobs out there.
>9 to 5 is not a chore if you love every minute of your job.
I love every minute of my jobs because the schedule isn't prescribed to me. I'm an adult and can pull my own pants up. I 'work' all day and don't get paid for my own creative work, and I love the position I'm in.
>doesn't hurt to be productive, it is actually rather lucrative
>doesn't hurt to flow with the slosh of conformity, it actually makes expendable bank account digits of your dignity

>> No.4332503

>freedom ain't freedom from responsibility
Isn't that exactly what freedom is though? Especially in the sense anon is talking about here.

>> No.4332510

Fratricide is also natural in the same way. So is rape and violence and all other kinds of things you probably don't engage in. But of you feel truly powerless regarding this urge there is nothing to be done of course. You're going to be taking care for your druggy brother until your death. Or until you break down of course.

>> No.4332522

Hello /lit/ sorry for being off topic but I really want to make this thread but I can't upload pictures from my phone. (Got no computer)
/r/ any nice /lit/anon to make this thread for me
Subject: http://testyourvocab.com

Comment: Hello /lit/ I speak English as a second language and aspire to write in the language nonetheless.
I just measured my vocabulary size and I want to compare it to other /lit/ posters'. (Both natives and non-natives)
1. Post your measured vocabulary size.
2. How old are you?
3. Are you a native speaker of English?
4. If you're not, how long have you been learning English?

File: any image would do but thread relevant or a food pic would be ideal

>> No.4332528

tell me more, dream anon.

>> No.4332536


I think Chile is doing better but yeah Uruguay is pretty based

>> No.4332543

Please I'm waiting for the good anon.

>> No.4334277

What kind of website content do you write? How did you get your foot in the door? How did you find people willing to pay you for your editorial input?

Genuinely curious. Your life sounds close to my dream.

>> No.4334326

>stop contaminaing our rivers

>> No.4334330

What? That is crazy. I'm moving to SE Asian. I want dollar beers and packs of cigarettes and a leisurely life style like that.

>> No.4334349

>owning property

>> No.4334354

What are you supposed to do when you're older?

>> No.4334440

I write for a lit website that gives me free books and no pay, and also for Mr. Skin - adding captions and descriptions for very decent pay. I edit freelance and just got lucky off craigslist and elance when searching every day for people who want editors. It probably helped that I worked at my university writing center all throughout college and helped professors in their projects, and now built up an online presence with examples of my work on amazon and my name attached to the free writing I did. Just start out doing it for free/cheap and eventually you'll be able to present yourself to people who will pay.

>> No.4334488

Be even more aware that owning property is a scam.

>> No.4334489


>> No.4335184
File: 59 KB, 700x461, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ lifestyle
>not being an italian essayist, poet, politician and philosopher during renaissance that deal with Medici, Borgia and respected by Da Vinci

>> No.4335214

My friends, or people whose company I've enjoyed before and so would make an effort to contact, or people I sleep with, lovers, paramours, however you'd call them (I'm a faggot)? I'd be less pathetic but I'd have to be poorer first, and as it is I already spend all of my money immediately; I've tried to become thriftier but I haven't managed it yet, and I'm awfully, awfully lazy - couldn't interest myself in a full week's work. Thank you for listening.

>> No.4335222

I'm a car park attendant. My job is being there. Today I've read some Wittgenstein and worked on my second novel. I work for VINCI. I make lots of money, reading and writing. My life is pleasant, thus my novels will never have this pledge for something else and I'm doomed to be pleasant myself.

>> No.4335224

Well, when people talk about freedom they're generally talking about nobody telling them what they can and can't do; freedom from coercion. You still ain't free from having to get your own food and shelter and such. freedome ain't a free ride basically.

Now, like i said I got no real problem with people living off their relatives or the governement. I mean I got relatives living off me, and the government don't step on my checks too much to pay for the rest, so I don't resent that either. Part of responsibility of working is helping out those that can't for one reason or the other.

Now I get enough time to read at breaks and on weekends to not bother me too much, and my grandma and my brother's girlfriend keep house and shop and cook and do laundry so I don't need to worry with that stuff. So I sort of have it both ways. The whole /lit/ lifestyle might be fine i guess, but i like making my own way and my own decisions enough to be nervous about laying in and reading all the time. And writing really ain't my thing, as you can probably see here.

>> No.4335226

Were there only three trainkid threads in total?

>> No.4335228

you do sound gay. Or "effete" might be a better term.

>> No.4335232

Go to bed, Prof.

>> No.4335233

funny as of yesterday I have to pay 35% more if i want to buy a book, up from 20% which was okey
i now have to recur to steal books frmo bookshops can u believe it lit

>> No.4335237

why is that?

>> No.4335244

because when u buy things with credit card you have to pay 35% extra because ur not supporting ur country even tho buying books from here costs more even with that 35% extra
mostly to keep the country afloat to prevent people from buying things outside so that exports will always be higher than imports

>> No.4335246

I don't have enough of it.
Ive been away from home for a year or so.
Living outside this shell I built since I was a child
has shown me what I need to do to live the way I want
So now Ive got a bit of cash,
and have a few ideas to make more
When everything works out, Im going to have a beach house
filled with books
and live away from everything
Money mitigates all problems
I Hate money

>> No.4335248

Woah, what country?

>> No.4335249

Where in SEA? What kind of dwellings? Tell us your secrets.

>> No.4335253
File: 30 KB, 1231x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I do for short periods. Usually more like this but after a while it's nice to change positions.

>> No.4335261


>> No.4335269

you should get someone to send the books you want as gifts to you from amazon and then pay him back.

>> No.4335270

This doesn't match with any stereotypes I know of.

>> No.4335272

The entitlement on this board is ridiculous.

Other people spend their free time doing the things that need to be done so that you can have your free time.

Someone needs to build the houses, grow the food, make the clothing. Someone needs to invent the tools to make those things. The technology and science behind just getting a pizza delivered is extremely layered. Things that are just taken for granted.

Getting paid is the compensation for that time from the people who didn't have to put it in. It would be wonderful if everyone could do nothing and we could all have enough to live off of. But we can't. Even if everything that currently existed was equally distributed we would quickly run out. Our foods and medicines and resources need to be constantly replenished.

Arts loses economic priority over the things needed to survive. That is because people are more willing to pay for the things they need and THEN patronize the arts with the leftovers. The other way around isn't practical.

This board is quick to criticize people who haven't read a certain author or speak three languages, but when it comes to stuff like knowing math, they feel it is okay to be ignorant to it. That you can simply just not care about it. It's part of being well rounded. And it isn't that fucking hard.

You feel STEM jobs get paid too much for what they do? Maybe your art just isn't that significant? But no one here can grasp that.

Do what you want for yourself. And adjust your lifestyle to your income. You aren't entitled to more just because it is what you want you do. There are sacrifices to everything. Some people have to work hard. They get paid more (sometimes). Some people get to do what they want to but they don't get paid a lot. Some people get to have the best of both worlds.

You want to be given money for doing nothing. And also for some reason feel that in the event that technology completely removed the need for work (which is ridiculous, it's just a liberal arts major wet dream), you believe you deserve the same amount as the people who made that lifestyle possible? Every contribution isn't equal. There are no A's for effort.

But if you are truly doing what you want then any income is enough. You will find a way. You will fit your lifestyle to your income.

>> No.4335275

I laffed.

>> No.4335278

Feels like a juxtaposition of Afroman's 'Because I Got High' with the Yeats poem. And it is pretty cool.

>> No.4335281

Even I know the phrase 'Things Fall Apart'; the hobo's better read than I, he'd have known what he was saying.

>> No.4335291

You make some good points, but the fact is that you're on a board about literature. Whatever other things people here might consider important, it's fairly likely that literature is going to be one of them, since otherwise they wouldn't be here in the first place. You go to /sci/ and you'll see plenty of people who care about science or math but don't give a fuck about literature, the same way. It's just the board topic acting as a filter.

>> No.4335292

hahah yeah as if im going to fall for that and even then i dont think i can pay him back without having to pay the 35% extra
dog eat dog man

>> No.4335293


I just don't understand why it's such a battle between the two. They are both important. Extremely. One helps us survive and one gives us reason to survive. I guess it is just flexing.

>> No.4335294



gooey improve-your-life blog rhetoric

>> No.4335298

hmmm. what would you be falling for? i'd assume he'd buy you the book on spec and you could send him money by pay pall or something. If you didn't pay he'd just not send you any more books.
and how would just sending somebody money have a surcharge?

>> No.4335301


It was actually meant to be toned as more "Get over yourself and go die".

>> No.4335303

because i'd have to be buying dollars and i am not allowed to pay dollars, if i wanted to buy dollars officially i can't, which is around 6 ars : 1 usd plus the 35% so that makes it around 8 ars : 1 usd but the goverment doesn't want people to buy usd so i have to unoficially buy usds which are like 10 ars : 1 usd
books dont pay taxes here btw, maybe i didnt clarify enough, the 35% tax is when buying dollars or when buying something outside using a credit card

>> No.4335304


Disgusting capitalist rhetoric. Just admit it - admit that you're a slave to a system robbing you of your humanity.

>> No.4335315

i see what you mean. it hadn't occured to me that you couldn't just pay amazon in argentinian money. or pay paypal with that. Seems like your government is out to screw you in the marketplace. I had always understood that argentina was pretty conservative free-market. A friend of mine endowed an engineering school down there in the eighties, because he needed guys to work in his labs, and he said he did it because they had so few restrictions. Must have changed a lot since then.

>> No.4335320

Cosy in bed in fetal position on your side with your e-reader propped up against a stack of books is master race as well.

>> No.4335322

>a stack of books
Why didn't I think of this? I've been using the other pillows.

>> No.4335326

haha during the first part of the 80s argentina was a dictatorship, it was different, now it's really liberal
i pay paypal with argentinian money and they change it to usd but i guess i just have to deal with it

>> No.4335327

>muh human nature
>muh spirit
>muh God

>> No.4335329


I guess you make your own clothes then. And grow your own food.

Or the people who do it for you don't deserve anything in return? They're just slaves? Might as well take advantage of their misfortune?

Nice b8. 10/10 for making me reply. You da master troll.

>> No.4335330

No I'm the master troll.

>> No.4335334

Consuming is our first duty, not producing. My welfarian rump is contributing by spending government money on beer. I'm doing my sacred duty as a citizen, daddy-o.

>> No.4335340

that explains a lot. he moved his institute to indonesia i think in the late nineties. He's an old time german, and would have prefered to stay in argentina I think, but the indonesians were copycatting his designs and he decided if they could do that he might as well take advantage of it. Just out of curiosity, what are some of the books youd want, and what are they likely to cost?

>> No.4335344

I should be working and I am here. In on a brief future I can be this guy

>> No.4335353

right now i want to buy something by dfw, IJ or pale king they are somewhat reasonable 32usd (256ars) and 27usd (216) considering the prices of books here in argentina:

>> No.4335361

oddly enough, you're sort of right. Consumption is vital to all economies, and unlike production it can't be automated. The duty of all citizens is likely to keep shifting towards consumption and away from production for the next few decades.

>> No.4335367

It's another reason why e-book/paperbook hybrid is master race.

>> No.4335371

Is this a Falklands joke?

>> No.4335570

It's not very odd that I am right m8 I have all day to lay around justifying laying around.

>> No.4335850

what do you want to know?

>> No.4335928

>Quick Reply - Thread No.4329091