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/lit/ - Literature

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4324900 No.4324900[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ok /lit/, what are you reading?

>> No.4324917

Hunger by Knut Hamsun

>> No.4325024

The Old Man and The Sea by Hemmingway. These descriptions of where he is or what he is doing on the boat are pretty annoying due to my lack of sailing experience.

>> No.4325045

Maus - Art Spiegelman

>> No.4325066

nooteboom - rituals
p horrible

>> No.4325083

Moby's Dick.
Long, hard, and satisfying.

>> No.4325086

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

>> No.4325126


>> No.4325135


Recently finished Swann's Way by Proust, currently reading All Quiet on the Western Front and next after that is either Valerie and Her Week of Wonders or Something Wicked this Way Comes because I never read that growing up.

>> No.4325145

i just can't concentrate in a book. i never read a cool big book like game of thrones or lord of the rings or the Bible :(

>> No.4325185

Lord of the Flies - William Golding
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding - David Hume

I'm getting stuck on ECHU though, just because it's so damn dry

>> No.4325187

Halfway through David Foster Wallace's The Pale King, I stopped to read Pedro Paramo.

>> No.4325192

Almost halfway into Catch 22.
>tfw browsing 4chan instead of reading again

>> No.4325215

A Tale of Two Cities.

Might read Snow Crash next, or finish Art and Illusion, which I got a bit distracted from.

>> No.4325219


>> No.4325232

The mysterious stranger by Mark Twain.
He can't write, but I enjoy it because the plot is fascinating.

>> No.4325234

I read it a few weeks ago and enjoyed it. How do you like it so far?

>> No.4325352

The Book of Mormon.
Not interested in converting just wanted to see what they believed.

>> No.4325456

Stephen King, Duma Key

>> No.4325495

what translation are you reading?

>> No.4325498

if you're reading him chances are he can write

>> No.4325508

Robert Bly. I didn't do any research beforehand but I really like it so far.

>> No.4325513

Currently reading Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill, and I just picked up Drood by Dan Simmons.

>> No.4325514

Did you read Descartes beforehand? I went straight from Descartes to Hume and it was pretty entertaining that way. Hume tears those filthy rationalists a new one.

>> No.4325521

Theory of Literature by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren

>> No.4325535

I was going onto Descartes next actually, I'm guessing your way was the "correct" way, given your reply

>> No.4325669

The Egyptian by Mike Waltari

In a way I feel like a kid again reading about Sinuhe's adventures, but every now and them there's a line that just throws you back into reality about how the world sucks.

>> No.4325679

If you think that is annoying you'll love Moby Dick.

>> No.4325691

Melville was at least alright in explaining what exactly was going on in terms of the ship's operations. At least from my recollection. Last time I read Moby Dick was almost three years ago and the last time I touched it was to snort MDMA off the cover. Yeah, watch my edge.

>> No.4325696


I just finished "On the western front nothing new"

It was superb

>> No.4325832

I'm unsure if there is a "correct" way to go about reading Hume, but Hume is responding in many cases directly to Descartes and Leibniz and the other rationalists, so reading at least some Descartes beforehand gives Hume some much needed context.

>> No.4326202
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Memoranda and a Garibaldi study/bio book

>> No.4326219

100 years of solitude

the translation is top tier, marquez is top tier, everything is good. satisfied with the book

>> No.4326228
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Almost done with The Tunnel - Sabato.

The whole is just spaghetti stories told by a fucking beta lunatic. Not what I was expecting, but still good. The prose is great.

>> No.4326235

The ending is fantastic.

>> No.4326236
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>> No.4326237


>> No.4326679

The Trial by Franz Kafka
The Picture of Dorian Gray for the third time this semester

>> No.4326699

Sorry, but you have to admit that after that entire book, Garcia gives quite the satisfying end.

>> No.4326807
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>> No.4326903

The Baron in the Trees by Italo Calvino.

>> No.4326927
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>> No.4326929

I was reading the anthology "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" by Harlan Ellison, but "Delusions for a Dragon Slayer" is really hard to get through. I find it completely uninteresting.

>> No.4326944

Vatican Sayings.

>> No.4326955 [DELETED] 

>consuming powdered love with the use of a cherished classic

Edge level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM9YWm6T_hc

>> No.4326960

>consuming powdered love using a cherished classic

Edge level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM9YWm6T_hc

>> No.4326962

Carson - Men in the Off Hours

>> No.4327380

Memoirs of Hadrian

It's incredible

>> No.4327410

Last pages of La Peste and after I'm done with that I'm reading Cain by Saramago, is it good? (Cain)

>> No.4327423

On the same level as whoring out nature for humanity's cheap thrills?

Yeah sounds about right.

>> No.4327448

King Leopld's Ghost.

Bly is a good translator, but his own poetry a shit.

>> No.4327453

The Winter of Our Discontent, by Steinbeck
A few of Plato's dialogues

Also picking my way through the Divine Comedy again, because I was able to get a nice hardback volume for pennies. The problem? It's the Longfellow translation and it has no footnotes for my plebian ass. I actually don't mind the translation, but the references man...the references kill me.

>> No.4327454

I'm reading The beast who shouted love at the world and about halfway through it, I have no mouth is next for me. Never read anything by him before it's pretty interesting

>> No.4327458

Making my first bought through Lord of the Rings. Only on Fellowship. It has terrible pacing issues.
The Hobbit was better

>> No.4327652
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>> No.4327711

Reading this too. So far, Not bad. I like his pros

>> No.4327728

I just finished The Name of the Wind.
Wasn't terrible.

>> No.4327756
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>> No.4328189
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>> No.4328330

It's one of his worst books, read some other and you'll be better off

>> No.4328354
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>> No.4328356

Great Expectations (finally)
Snow Country - Yasunari Kawabata

>> No.4328360


Oh, and I'm not Sarah. Forgot to take off the name.

>> No.4328363

The Red and the Black - Stendahl

I think it was a mistake buying it, as I had a long-standing and entirely false idea that it was some War and Peace style Napoleonic epic with war and grand events and the like, wheras it's actually more of a society critique. That said, i'm quite enjoying it so far.

>> No.4328402

H G Wells. The invisible man

>> No.4328420
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on to part two now

>> No.4328466
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just started. enjoying.

>> No.4328487

The Castle - Kafka
The Long Ships - Frans G. Bengtsson

>> No.4328516

how is it?

hate it when people just say the name with nothing else

>> No.4329328

Almost done with Stranger in a Strange Land. I hated Starship Troopers but I was in high school when I last read it so I thought I'd give Heinlein a second try. It's interesting but far too aimless and lengthy. Are his other works similar in these regards?

>> No.4329354
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>> No.4329546

Investigating The Unexplained - Paul Roland. It's a throwaway but a fun throwaway.

>> No.4329730

I'm reading that story in the toastoyevski thread. its surprisingly good for lit

>> No.4329790
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Celine - Journey to the End of the Night

almost done, I'm really loving it. he's so bitter and misanthropic. Back when I was reading Bukowski I remember him saying how much he admired Celine, and I can totally see the influence. Buk just wanted to be Celine.

also, can anybody recommend more books about impoverished, angry people, preferably somewhat autobiographical? Stuff like Hamsun's Hunger, Bukowski, and Down and Out in Paris and London

>> No.4329866

Notes from Underground, Crime and Punishment

>> No.4329901
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quite enjoying it, to be honest.
any recommendations for similar stuff? besides the trilogy, i mean.

>> No.4329910
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Nick Flynn. But he does attempt a sort of salvation or answer in all that bitterness and misanthropy. He's not corny about it, but the DeNiro/Paul Dano version is.

Wish he came up more on /lit/

>> No.4329924

already read those, but thanks anyway
sweet, I'll check this out!

>> No.4329943


>> No.4329984
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>> No.4330006

>almost halfway into Catch 22
>browsing 4chan instead of reading again
are you me

>> No.4330055
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>> No.4330422

Post more nigga

>> No.4330427

where's a good place to start?

>> No.4330432

neither impoverished nor particularly angry...

>> No.4330447

Paley - Little Disturbances of Man

>> No.4330461

Last of the Mohicans

>> No.4330537

Xenophon's Oeconomicus, Библия, Братья Карамазовы (lel), and Yeats' canon.

>> No.4330630
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Done with The Impossible State though. On the last chapter of The Unlikely Disciple.

>> No.4330701

Hyperion - Dan Simmons
about 200 pages in and I'm enjoying it so far.

>> No.4331951


I think you'll like No Longer Human

Currently i'm almost done with All Quiet on the Western Front, it's pretty good, I think this is the first book i've been shaken with while reading because I noticed that when he was describing all the soldiers getting pieces of their faces and other stuff blown off, usually i'm good with that sort of stuff but this one struck a chord with me.

>> No.4331967

If you like Joy of x, consider Russell's ``Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy'', I think it is a very accessible intro to things like well ordering and other set theory fundamentals.

Also consider ``Naive Set Theory'' by Paul Halmos, it is the third most beautiful book I own (in typogrophy and content)

>> No.4332419

how was the impossible state