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/lit/ - Literature

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4318439 No.4318439 [Reply] [Original]

>talking to a girl
>she doesn't know any Plato

>> No.4318819

women are pretty fucking retarded, speaking generally.

It's because they're told their entire lives that they have to be pretty and also ruthlessly successful post-feminists.

this deadly combination means they do not have time for things like "ethics" or "history"

>> No.4318823

/lit/ - Politically Incorrect

>> No.4318828


The Abyss gazes back!

>> No.4318832

Po/lit/ically Incorrect

>> No.4318836

>reading Plato
>not having sex with boys

what's ur fave dialog

>> No.4318839

>tell girl in bar I like to read
>get into discussion about books
>she says her favorite author is Stephen King
>get her number
>after texting a bit ask her for a King book to recommend me
>"actually I've only read Carrie but it was good"

>> No.4318841
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>going to her house
>no a single book in her room

>> No.4318851


>> No.4318855

Not a single ebook either

She doesn't like reading books

>> No.4318856

>e-reader but no real books?

>> No.4318863
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>"I don't read"

>> No.4318865

I'll concede the point that she didn't have an e-book either but for you (8856) e-books are the future so get over it. Gonna actually dump all my old books for my new flat and put everything in my e-book for convenience sake.

>thinking you've read more books than someone or that you are more superior literature-wise because you have more paper books than them.

>> No.4318866
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>mfw every bitch likes kurt vonnegut

>> No.4318883
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>mfw has entire library of real books and unlimited access to digital media

>> No.4318885
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>judging people not by their whether you enjoy their company but by an arbitrary check list as to what constitutes a worthy person

>> No.4318886

>not finding an attractive, relatively smart girl with potential and then gradually introducing her to literature
Patrician qts are made, not born. And certainly not found in bars.

>> No.4318890
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musky aromatic classic vintage paper backs with sublime artwork >soul-less e-readers used by corporate vacuous pin stripe suits

kill yourself, you vapid drone.

>> No.4318892

>be me, reading while waiting for a phil class to start
>girl sees book
>"oh who is Ma-kee-uh-vel?"
>"Actually, it's Machiavelli and he's largely responsible for the modern dispensation of liberal democracy."
>girl looks over to her friend, "Smart kid"
>never bothers asking what I meant or whether or not what I had said was true

It would be too much to ask for everybody to become philosophers, but I believe this rule applies especially to women who are not only susceptible to the traps inherent in the philosophic quest but in addition lack the equipment.

>> No.4318893

I've never talked to a single girl who wasn't either:
- a self-admitted casual or non-reader
- a dilettante (and wicked proud of it)
- a super-specialised academic with all the lack of breadth that usually implies (though not as universally with men).

I don't mind #1 at all, it just means we have different interests. #3 is not an option because it doesn't really interest me that my 29 year old TA categorically knows everything about some random Medieval archive they've been face-first in for half a decade. #2 is obnoxious and basically universal of girls in upper year Humanities classes.

I just want to meet one girl who is widely read and refined. One. I don't even want to fuck her, I just want to know it's possible. There's always that one guy in every class who is super smart and for whom his major is just the crowning jewel of a varied intellect, but I've never met one girl like that, and it's starting to bum me the fuck out. Those dudes are super interesting to talk to and basically prototypical geniuses, diverse minds with diverse but related interests that express themselves, in a refined form, in the field of their choice.

Girls seem capable of focusing intently on a decade of Russian lit or a single author, something which most male grad students are guilty of as well - basically academic functionaries whose destiny it is to write mediocre papers for eternity. But male geniuses aren't "rare" by any means, while I can't find any female geniuses at all. At least in person.

>> No.4318894

>paper backs

>> No.4318896

my girlfriend reads david sedaris and im pretty sure she was really into john greens 'the fault in our stars'

>> No.4318898
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>wastes time with morons
>enjoys company of morons
>educate them morons

>> No.4318901

What if she accompanies her elderly farmer grandfather to the village bierhalle where he talks in an authentic dialect and drinks hefeweizen in order to be properly da?

>> No.4318904
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I concur. It's always a poor translation of "The Art Of War" they are reading, too.

>> No.4318905

well that complicates things I'll agree

>> No.4318906


>> No.4318908

>not something to be squandered in self-enjoyment

Oh my.

>> No.4318910

there's nothing wrong with having a pocket translation of Sun Tzu on you at all times.

You never know when you might need to consider the tautness of the crossbow as an analogy for the superior strategic and tactical position, or the right kinds of terrain for the most effective movement of large chinese armies.

clearly these concepts have all kinds of relations to corporate america

>> No.4318913

>academic functionaries
So much of this. So many girls lack the most basic information in common, useful, practical knowledge but can still graduate from a decent university with a 3.8. It baffles me how they can put so much effort into schooling but have no desire for any intelligence whatsoever.

I sound pretty fedora right now and I don't like it.

>> No.4318914
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>> No.4318916

>implying pirated ebooks aren't the empowerment of the proletariat

Look at this privileged little hipster and his fauxthenticity

>> No.4318918

This is an institutional problem caused by hyper specialization.

I consider it cheating to write your senior thesis, master thesis and doctorate on the same topic.

>> No.4318982

you know as an incredibly close-minded individual who's only going to be annoyed by any discussion where the one i'm talking to espouses any view besides rigid stirneritarian nihilism or decadent french literature as the pinnacle of the art form dating a partner who enjoys keeping her opinions to herself and doesn't care to discuss philosophical or ethical topics really is the most pleasant way to go. the girl i dated before this was well-read but a chatty opinionated cunt of the worst kind and let me tell you my friends it was no fun at all

>> No.4319007
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yeah "speaking generally" because I do have a vagina and I've read and study rationalist philosophers from Plato to Kant, one of my favortire book is Kritik der reinen Vernunft which I found very poetical, my favortie writer is Heiner Müller, I dont give a fuck about feminism (just Elfriede Jelinek), I have time to think about modern "ethics" specially Bioethics and I'm interested about "history" with a cinematographic prism.

>> No.4319012

>interested about

>> No.4319024
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>being this butthurt

>> No.4319041

Oh, I'm sure that you're a man of impeccable genius and not just a bitter neckbeard with no friends.

>> No.4319049

What do you like to read?

>> No.4319058
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books are for fucking homos and if any of you nerds get gfs i will fuck them while you're reading books srs hope it was worth it

>> No.4319065

Reading doesn't necessarily make you smart. Someone can claim that they've read and enjoyed plenty of books but have done it simply to impress others.

Also, it doesn't look like you know how to construct coherent sentences.

>> No.4319078
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>tfw no marble-white super soft and smooth ginger qt to carry around

>> No.4319086



>> No.4319102

>implying used book stores dont have more accessible pricing than e-readers and an internet connection + computer required to download e-books

Look at this little psuedo-futurist chump. Twitter is changing the world man!! Real things are lame! Minimalist aesthetic!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4319130
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I study history

>> No.4319152

I'm french, that's why my "sentences" are not correct, sorry about that. It's not about making an impression, girls can live in a sentence, a book or an idea for several weeks, being completly obsessive about, read everything about, think/analyze/integrate then develop an other obsession. (like me, right now I'm completly obsessed about "On the Natural History of Destruction")

>> No.4319181
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Gotta respect the French ladies. They got taste

>On the Natural History of Destruction

>> No.4319192

>I sound pretty fedora right now and I don't like it.
That's your mind telling you to stop being retarded and drop the buzzwords.
It's a good thing

>> No.4319203

>misusing "futurist"

>> No.4319204

Are you 13?

>> No.4319206

I'm trying to to this now, grill I just started dating just ordered a ton of books (out if her own initiative I might add) because she wants to "get more into culture and literature" and because she "feels intimidated" by me.

lets see how this shit turns out, if all else fails I'll have a pleb gf with a nice ass

>> No.4319207

Buzzword is itself a buzzword.

And their use wouldn't make that point any less valid.

>> No.4319212

This sentence was perfectly reasonable until
>cinematographic prism

>> No.4319215

It's what I'm doing. She just started on my copy of For Whom The Bell Tolls, although I'm not quite sure what she'll think about it.

Her older brother got his masters at Harvard and has a bookshelf full of /lit/-core at her parent's house, so I'm holding out hope for her.

>> No.4319223

that's what buzzword users want you to believe

>> No.4319227

is Kant seriously poetic in the original? Because holy shit that was dry as fuck in the English translation

>> No.4319228

But men do escape it. At worst, the good ones are dragged down and destroyed by it. But there are still plenty of male geniuses in the system who are chaotic in their intelligence, you can sense that it lashes out in weird directions and is more eclectic than not. I can't find any woman who is like that.

>> No.4319236

maybe you should redefine your definition of women to include more than your mommy

>> No.4319312

>women are pretty fucking retarded, speaking generally.
People in general are pretty retarded, especially you.

>> No.4319321

I'm dating a philosophy major and I once fucked an MA Hegelian scholar in the butt so I'm trying man I really am

It is kind of a deadly combo.

>> No.4319411

>I once fucked an MA Hegelian scholar in the butt

Ha! that must have been rich.

"get your butthole ready baby, here comes the personification of the Universal Spirit"

>> No.4319416

If u baise mates on muchual interets ur going down.

>> No.4319450
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>talking to a girl
>she doesn't know any Quine
>not even WIttgenstein


>> No.4319460

>Stephen King
>got number
damn you have no self respect

>> No.4319462

Guys... there's a girl who seems interested in me. She reads a textbook that says something about society or culture or something like that on the bus. Should I go for her? She's not the most attractive. I'm not either.

>> No.4319464


Except no. I can lay down the value theory if you want, but your clearly inferior intellect probably couldn't handle it.

>> No.4319472

>Art of War
man, you're so edgy and interesting

>> No.4319473
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Holy SHIT you're pretentious.

>> No.4319476

>minimalist aesthetic
>reading e-books
0/10 go to /b/

>> No.4319477

Please explain in clear terms by which non-arbitrary check list the worth of a person can be determined.

>> No.4319480

>I've never talked to a single girl

>> No.4319481

if someone reads a lot and is studious and that matches with your values then it isn't arbitrary. Maybe what's on the checklist itself is arbitrary. But the checklist isn't.

>> No.4319484

>scan thread
>find someone who doesnt like girl
>say "you havent had sex with girl"

feminism status: saved

i love that the chief defense against stereotyping women according to their biology is 'you've failed to entice an ovulating female to couple with you ;)'

>> No.4319488

>guy talking to me
>brings up Plato
>oh shit that's like natty Randroid
>not even in a qt Being there for the Nazis roleplay in the bedroom way
>writing some shit aboutmyhiccoughing on twitter
>"I'm just not into Greek philosophy anon."
>"I speak Greek."
>"I'm sure you do."
stfu /fit/ you're not that hot

>> No.4319489


I've never understood this aversion people have to specialization. I've known that I'll be a professional philosopher since I was 11, and I've known I'll be primarily a philosopher of language since I was 14 or 15, and I'm proud of it, goddammit. I mean sure, I've dabbled in linguistics and history and the other fields of philosophy, but I'm proud to have chosen a very particular field as my primary interest so that I can excel in it. I would consider myself very intelligent - not a genius, but still very intelligent - and I am very much proud of myself for focusing my intellect on a single thing, instead of becoming a dilettante in everything. People who view specialization as "pigeon-holing" or whatever are the same people who have fallen prey to existential lies such as "authenticity" or "unlocking one's true potential". If you're going to do something, you had better do it well, if you ask me.

>> No.4319492
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>> No.4319501

Is that a dada poem?

>> No.4319505

sometimes i overdo the everage

>> No.4319508

Ok, it's a dada poem.

>> No.4319513

Plato was a dumbass, so that's OK. The only reason anybody gives a shit about Plato is because it's old.

>Socrates pulls a slave out of the woods
>Talks about triangles and geometry and shit

>> No.4319532


>> No.4319550

>talked to a girl
>she doesn't know any lucretius
Swerve! olol

>> No.4319558

German here, Kritik der reinen Vernunft is not poetic at all in the original! Kant's language was actually somewhat unintelligible even at his time. Nowadays it's just outdated. Anybody who claims it's "poetic" is a pretentious fool. Kant certainly isn't about the language

>> No.4319559

solid 7.8/10 would read again

>> No.4319560

German here, Kritik der reinen Vernunft is not poetic at all in the original! Kant's language was actually somewhat unintelligible even at his time. Nowadays it's just outdated. Anybody who claims it's "poetic" is a pretentious fool. Kant certainly isn't about the language.

>> No.4319563

it wouldn't happen if you weren't so sensitive to it
do you even know how trolling works

>> No.4319565

>talking to a girl
>she is not attractive


>> No.4319566

>talking to a girl

That doesn't happen to me

>> No.4319593

>talking to guy i don't know that well
>he starts talking about plato

>> No.4319868

>Reading doesn't necessarily make you smart.
Just look at all the fucking marxists here.

>> No.4319881

>Talk to girl
>she's read Plato

Must be a glitch in the matrix,
nothing to see here.

>> No.4319892

do you really not have anything better to do with your time

>> No.4319893

Where do you think we are?

>> No.4319906

i had those already low standards in mind when i asked the question

>> No.4319972


Is this an epic new meem?

>> No.4320218
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bitches who don't know Lucretius don't know jack

>> No.4320221
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>> No.4320225


Or you could use it as a chance to introduce her to Plato, rather than be a smug douche. The Meno paradox is something you can explain quickly if you know how to be concise and interesting about it.

>> No.4320479

That picture would be superior if Link used Apple, Ganon used windows and (perhaps) if it had the twilight princess using Linux.

>> No.4320488

it would be something completely different if you made it like that

you dumbfuck

>> No.4320499

That's right - instead of being a one-dimensional gag about lolhipsters, it'd have a number of amusing interpretations.

>> No.4320506

a number of amusing dumbfuck interpretations you mean

>> No.4320518

>talking to a girl i have a thing going with about stupid shit
>friend comes up and we start talking about italo calvino
>get on the topic of other examples of meta-art
>start talking about literature in general
>he talks to me about the russian lit he's recently delved into and i talk about the japanese existentialist stuff i'm getting into
>girl is still there, mostly silent
>makes token comment of interests every few minutes
>try to bring her into conversation and ask her about stuff she's been reading recently
>doesn't really say anything
>"ok, i guess i'll see you guys later"
>continue talking about turgenov and kobo abe

That's when I realized I wasn't really that into her.

>> No.4320521
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>> No.4320523
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>> No.4320532

I don't think it's a female thing. Mostly just a people thing. I've met 4 people genuinely into lit in my life. 2 are men. 2 are women. My ex is a damn great writer and is well versed in poetry and showed a genuine vibrant interest in literature I would show her.

>> No.4320535

Your sample size is too small to make any conclusions concerning gender. my subjective experience suggests that woman are worse at being literati then men.

>> No.4320543
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I should add that I'm not arguing that this is derived from sex but from gender, ie, it's a cultural phenomena.

>> No.4320544

I would suggest that men are better than women at posturing for social status. Keep in mind if the order of difference in the sexes is much beyond >>4320532 's estimation then you must either work in a particularly (and peculiarly) male dominated subsection of literature, or have too large a population to indicate actual insight into actual literature was the minimal limit. Either way, I feel bad that you have no qt lesbian literati friends because those are common, entertaining, and, helpful wingmen.

>> No.4320546

>you have no qt lesbian literati friends because those are common, entertaining, and, helpful wingmen.

you go to far sir

>> No.4320547

a girl's got to look for new friends somewhere

>> No.4320595


I think the point is everyone makes their own checklist and the fact that everyone makes there own means that there is no way to say one person's standards are any more or less arbitrary than another's because it is entirely subjective.

Everyone can have whatever standards they want to have. That doesn't mean you are required to live up to them. But if you get butthurt over not living up to someone else's standards that is a flaw in your own character. Not theirs.

>> No.4320600
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Wtf is a professional philosopher? People don't get paid for philosophy?

>> No.4320625

Look at his filthy pleb, I bet you never led your armies into salt marshes.

>> No.4320627

> >implying used book stores dont have more accessible pricing than e-readers and an internet connection + computer required to download e-books
yes I am implying that

if you wanna read the history of the decline and fall of roman empire, you can either buy an used copy of it (90 bucks give or take) or a kindle (80 bucks) and get it for free

>> No.4320629


Not same guy but...Why would I want to read that specifically? Why is that book the example chosen out of all examples? Why not any of the books that would make the other dude or dudette's argument more valid?

Oh, that's right. Because you are cherry picking.

I don't agree with you guys one way or another but please actually try to argue correctly, kiddos.

>> No.4320632

uhm what? you can get a used copy from powells for like 2 dollars


>> No.4320636

Female intellectuals are so try hard. Whenever I read an article and they start to name drop I always know it's written by a female.

>> No.4320639

>talking to a girl
>she doesn't know any Plato
>she is my little sister

What are they teaching kids in schools these days

>> No.4320640

did you still swerve?

>> No.4320646


Pretty much this but guys do it too. It is basically the fastest indicator of lack of potential in conversation for me. Girls just do it more often in my own experience. Which of course is my own and means nothing in any scheme but mine. But still.

>> No.4320677

You're all stupid and ignorant. Stupid kids posting on 4chan /lit/. Get some "self-awareness" you kids.

>> No.4320701

If you're being pretentious, then you're pretending to be a dick. If you're not being pretentious, then you don't sound like the kind of person I, or most other people, would want to hang out with.

>> No.4320800

No, it's a 169 year old critique of how people let certain concepts get the overhand in their lives rather than utilise concepts to serve themselves. It's shorthand for being ruled by concepts, enslaved by ideas.

>> No.4320831

>talk to social democrat dude in universtiy because of being assigned in a group work together
>he is incredibly proud of being a SocDem
>the conversation is turned to Marx
>reference the manifesto and the capital multiple times
>he doesnt get it
>i sense what is happening here
>ask him about his favourite part from the capital
>"uhm.... many. You should really read the manifesto"
>"yeah, i kinda referenced it earlier, You remember when I said '...'? Thats the first sentence in the manifesto"
>he looks dumbfounded
>"well, what do you think of the fetish argument?"
>he doesnt know what im talking about

man, university is full of people claiming to have read stuff. Its such an enjoyment to let them trap themselves, never mentioning that you know they didnt understand, or even read jack shit, just letting them dig their hole deeper and deeper.

>> No.4320834

i forgot the greentext the crucial part in the beginning

>he explicitly mentions and implies having read the capital multiple times

>> No.4320846

>reading for vanity
>feeling superiors to others because you read books
Most of the people here are probably compensating their inferior intelligence

>> No.4320850

>actually refers to it as THE capital

>> No.4320849
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>mfw I always played the hardline sceptic

There's nothing more fun to play and annoying to come across than a militant quietist.

>> No.4320854

In what sense do you mean skeptic, and in what sense do you mean quietist? Most of my contributions when my friends talk about philosophy come from a Wittgenstinian 'yall are just getting yourselves tied up in knots because you don't understand each other' perspective

Is that annoying? It's certainly enjoyable, but only because I actually believe what I say. Or are you using 'skeptic' in the sense of 'stfu guys none of you know or can know anything'? Because I really do find that fucking annoying

>> No.4320864

or maybe you're just really insecure and desperately searching for any holes in his story so you could convince yourself he doesn't read because you like to believe you are the only one in the entire university who reads. he could have forgotten the first lines or read some other translation. the problem with people like you is vanity, you like to feel superior to him yet you're not having any coherent debate about actual politics, instead you namedrop technical terms and feel like you won something when he looks (note: looks, not is) confused. it's pathetic.

tl;dr you're a sophist, not a philosopher

>> No.4320871

>It's because they're told their entire lives that they have to be pretty and also ruthlessly successful post-feminists.

lol this pleb logic is so hilarious. the majority of the interesting/non-parroting/polyglot/intelligent people i meet at parties are women.

>> No.4320872


yes, fuck all these guys. go for it

>> No.4320878


>That's when I realized I was gay.


>> No.4320882

Why would a social democrat care about Marx in 2013?

>> No.4320884

Just gadflying it up until they get stuck in their own web and are confronted with the arbitrary nature of all statements.

>> No.4320887

That's because you intellectualise the needs of your Charles Dickens and work hard to legitimise these women as worthwhile people so that you can justify trying to fuck them. You should go have a wank in the bathroom mid-party, come back out and see if they're just as fun to talk to.

>> No.4320892

Oh, you're that guy. Everyone hates that guy.
>I can't believe anyone thinks libertarians actually want to defend the presently-existing corporatist state as just, we clearly don't see that as the case
>Ahh, but what is justice?
>shut the fuck up, Steve

>> No.4320894

Yes, in reality that guy really read Marx thoroughly multiple times, he just happened to forget about the fetish argument and anon is a meanie.

Also, sophists are just philosophers without pretence and naivety.

>> No.4320897

nah, half the time their intelligence is the only attractive thing about them.

>> No.4320898

I'd rather ask what he'd consider just, which is a legitimate question in that context since it mostly function as shorthand for 'how I like it'.

>> No.4320901

Even then a good wank will make their IQ drop 20 points in your mind eye.

>> No.4320916

i want to preface what i'm about to say with: i don't think one sex is inherently superior or inferior in terms of academic/intellectual achievement.

but my experience is that some girls don't want to compete with boys in terms of specialised academic/intellectual pursuits because they feel inadequate if they can't be the best. the result is that they turn their attention to other fields in which they can excel without having to compete with masculine notions of rank or success.

maybe that's why people have noted the specialisation trend.

also, i had a /lit/ gf once. she cheated on me and it probably had something to do with all that bataille, nin and de sade she read. patricians can be truly heartless.

>> No.4320920

she probably cheated on you because you think like this:

>some girls don't want to compete with boys in terms of specialised academic/intellectual pursuits because they feel inadequate if they can't be the best.

>> No.4320931


she felt that way (which is why she leant towards literature, erotica and theatre whereas i focused on philosophy), so did my sister (who leant towards science because i wasnt good at it), and i've seen it a few other times. i'm not saying there are inherently more stupid or anything, they just dont get encouraged to be passionate about intellectual pursuits like boys are sometimes. they have little support and its hard to compete in these macho environments.

also i probably didnt encourage her enough or support her in what she wanted to do. i projected my own shit onto her and was dismissive of her interests.

>> No.4320938

>not unleashing your custom made theatre of cruelty on her

There's not a bitch that can't be broken.

>> No.4320940


when you love someone you don't want to break them m7

>> No.4320942


>so did my sister (who leant towards science because i wasnt good at it)

Yes. She leant towards science because you weren't good at it. It had nothing to do with her possibly having a genuine interest in science independent of your attitude towards it. I'm sure her main impetus in choosing an academic path in life was based around you first and foremost.

Holy fuck are you one conceited fucking loser. It's a shame people have to actually know you in real life, what a fucking burden that must be.

>> No.4320951
File: 90 KB, 252x376, Marquis-De-Sade-Surrounded-by-Devils-Posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loving a woman who cheats on you
>not pretending to forgive her and take her back
>not peppering your affections with subtle cruelty
>not gaslighting her for six months
>not constructing a whole happy future together only to break it all off without any warning in an instant
>not sending her into the psych ward

You must fight Sade with Sade.

>> No.4320955


we talked about it, she said it herself.

>> No.4320978
File: 44 KB, 450x470, stock-photo-excited-businessman-enjoying-video-game-on-computer-at-desk-18561139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4320979

>or maybe you're just really insecure

you know where you are, right?

>you are the only one in the entire university who reads

where did you get that idea from

>he could have forgotten the first lines
they are so incredibly iconic, if you self-define as a social democrat, and reference the manifesto YOURself on an offnote, you know those words

>read some other translation.

the tale takes place in the germanosphere

>the problem with people like you is vanity, you like to feel superior to him yet you're not having any coherent debate about actual politics, instead you namedrop technical terms and feel like you won something when he looks (note: looks, not is) confused. it's pathetic.

He went into marx. HE asked me if I read it (I answered truthfully that I read parts, about half). HE then sensed the opportunity to make him look good by acting well-read. He never was trying to discuss politics. I namedrop a technical term, a very very important one, an essential one even, from the work he decided to bring into the "discussion" (more: him trying to show off) and he doesnt know shit. I have won nothing, why would I win something out of this?

tl;dr: He tried to brag about his Marx, and I reality checked him DESPITE MY VERY LIMITED KNOWLEDGE of Marx

>tl;dr you're a sophist, not a philosopher

Neither am I, nor do I claim to be a philosopher. I may or may not be a sophist (which in contemporary discourse is a meaningless slander like hipster or pleb, really)

Actually I refer to it as "Das Kapital", in my mother tongue (inb4 pretentious). You know... the name of the book(s)?

>> No.4320991

fuckin' right on

>> No.4320992

don't get the facts get in the way of your vaginal indignation

>> No.4321002

it still sounds like a sibling thing, not a "women are inherently lesser than men" thing. and dude is still fucking right about the frame of mind and all that shit, so fuck it, right?

>> No.4321003

>you know where you are, right?

le epic posting on 4chan means you're a loser fallacy

>> No.4321018


>not being MC1R Nordic Master Race

You disgust me, subhuman.

>> No.4321025


>implying you've read it

>> No.4321027

i have, and he's right

>> No.4321031


No, you're the same person. I can tell by your lack of capitalization. I can also tell that a lot of shitposts are incoming from your general direction now.

>> No.4321059

>implying people on /lit/ samefag

>> No.4321278

>Have qt3.14 girlfriend
>Philosophy major
>She has a poster of Bergson in her appartement.

I'm pretty much living the dream.

>> No.4321290

>a poster of a writer

yeah, she sounds like a real winner.

>> No.4321299
File: 93 KB, 500x473, tumblr_inline_msdkcc5v5K1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wat ?

>> No.4321305


Duplicate... On my phone. The picture was a bearded vulture held by a guy, both having a face where the word " wat " could be read.

>> No.4321364

>Actually I refer to it as "Das Kapital", in my mother tongue (inb4 pretentious). You know... the name of the book(s)?

We still call it Das Kapital in English. We're weird like that. Some translations just go for Capital, though, it's true.

>> No.4321437

I think you mean Celtic dipshit.

>> No.4321664

Having posters of authors is pretty much the definition of uppity pleb. Having posters in general, really.

>> No.4321668


Name dropping female intellectual detected.

>> No.4321710

pleb detected

>> No.4322527


Seems to be only logical conclusion. Are you eight?

>> No.4323599

actually you're a faggot who apparently hasn't read shit

>> No.4326438

I have the picture of Axel von Fersen hanging on my wall. He is my one true hero and idol.
He fucked Marie-Antionette.
'nuff said

>> No.4326471

Methinks you desperate young men have simply chased away all the "smart" girls with your incessant, childish whining about the lack of smart girls.

Try approaching a smartly dressed girl, inviting her for coffee or tea, and bringing up your mutual interests from there. I guarantee you that is a lot preferable to probing us for dilettantism in the very first conversation.

And if at that point she still fails to "live up" to your absurd expectations that she know every male author who ever wrote on male issues, you can still benefit from interfacing with another human being outside your narrow purview.

>> No.4326490

>twisting the definition of words to make it look you are right
textbook autism

>> No.4326492

>all of these /v/ memes, mannerisms, and novelty terms
I want cancer to leave

>> No.4326497

Thanks for the advice. I'll have to go test it out tomorrow, except what classifies a woman as smartly dressed? Also, should I dress smartly? Right now I am wearing a plaid jacket with a red extraterrestrial on my shirt. I think this is as smart as I, personally, can dress. Somehow I don't think I have a shot with intelligent women.

>> No.4326499


What anon met was a non autist.

>> No.4326516

I personally can't stand women who over-think dress. Not slovenly is good enough for me...

>> No.4326602

Well, I do maintain proper hygiene and make sure my clothes are clean. I might just have a chance after all. Now I just need to figure out where the intelligent women of Duke University congregate.

>> No.4326612

>talking to a guy I met on /lit/
>doesn't know anything about Fermat's last theorem

Swerve, you pseudo-intellectual fuckers

>> No.4326625

Nice try, Sarah.

>> No.4326690

>assuming she'll say yes