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4314363 No.4314363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"he doesn't like to talk"
>"the quiet one"
>"all he does is read"
>"your book smart, I don't need books to be smart"
>"this is ok for a hobby, but you need to find a real job"
>"of all the things you've read what the most important thing?"
>"why are you so quiet"
>"he's the silent type"

What's up.

>> No.4314365

are you an executioner

>> No.4314368

Go fish

>> No.4314370


b-but i already went fishing today...

>> No.4314377

>being quiet
>not being a zany, drugged-up extrovert

>> No.4314379

>"he's an introvert"
>"why do you read so much?"
>"wouldn't it be cool to live in a library?"
>"what are you thinking about?"
>"I have friends like you"
>"what's your sign?"
>"he's kinda creepy"

>> No.4314383

Any kind of books on staying keeping silent in a loud opinionated world

Seems like a strange question

>Inb4 stoic philosophy

>> No.4314386

The obvious answer would be The Stranger

>> No.4314389

“silence is the language of god,
all else is poor translation.”

It's strange how silent i can be while being here, writing this.

>> No.4314391

I get so nervous when people ask me what I'm reading, guess it's because I've decided to give spirituality and world conspiracy a shot and it's become like crack to me

>> No.4314396


Silence could be described as a lack of sound.
Language is a method of communication.
Translation attempts to convert information from one medium to another without loss of meaning.

Excuse my autism, but that is a bad adage.

>> No.4314398

>your book smart

so this isn't a list of things people say to you then?

>> No.4314404
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>> No.4314418

Queers have sharp tongues. Men have sharp knives.

>> No.4314425


Boys, boys have tight arses.

>> No.4314449

“On the meridian of time, there is no injustice: there is only the poetry of motion creating the illusion of truth and drama.”

>> No.4314460 [DELETED] 
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“All I ask of life, he says, is a bunch of books, a bunch of dreams, and a bunch of cunt.”

>> No.4314485
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This can't be legit.

>> No.4314486

You can't derive meaning from silence?

>> No.4314501

Proverbs 29:11

>> No.4314507


You can't equate silence for a language.

>> No.4314981
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>> No.4315009


Susan did you start this thread?

>> No.4315019

actually i like to talk a lot. it's just no one likes to listen to me

>> No.4315035

I used to be extroverted and fun-loving. It's strange what a minor in Philosophy and depression will do. I'm very quiet now.

When people don't talk about themselves they have very little need to talk constantly. The reason people yammer on is because they talk in I's and Me's.

>> No.4315041


No one can ever seem to tell the difference between my "I'm genuinely enthralled" face and my "your voice will greet me in hell" face and I'm too polite to ever point out when it's the latter. So your problems would probably be over if I was ever unlucky enough to cross your path. You wont believe the boring stories I've smiled and nodded through.
Mostly by the same guy. There's a scene in Red Dwarf where Rimmer is taking everyone through a game of Risk he had decades ago, dice roll by dice roll. That's my friend. And I see him far too often.

>> No.4315047

>tfw proper rhetor

Read more fagets

>> No.4315054

Is that guy a dane? Aren't danes known for their sick sense of humor?

>> No.4315060

haha yeah i know a few people like that. i'm not so much chatty as most my friends like to talk about sports games while i wanna talk about books or movies that don't have superheroes in them. we only find middle ground when we go out and talk about tits and asses of the girls in the bar

>> No.4315083

>tfw none of these things apply to people but still pretend to be an introvert on the internet

>> No.4315100

>no face
Get out

>> No.4315104

u wot m8

>> No.4315115

>my feelings when

>> No.4315126

that's dumb...

>> No.4315134

What is signs language?

>> No.4315139

Just get out there and live more, guys. You can't properly understand the world just through consuming art, and you can't properly understand the art without understanding the world. The more you get out there and live, the more the books you do read will mean to you.

>> No.4315143


Being quiet is not the same as being a shut in.

>> No.4315148

>Everyone assumes I'm a mathematical genius
>completely and utterly average at math

>"He's just one of those guys who's going to come out and wow us with his talent some day."
>"What are you thinking about?"
>"Are you depressed?"
>"Wow, how much do you study?"
>"Did you already know all of that?"
>"What's that book about?"
>"You don't get excited easily, do you?"

>tfw awesome at public speaking and people know it, just don't want to talk to people
>tfw 9/10 facial aesthetics and probably really interesting but just don't care enough to talk to girls

>> No.4315152

>implying there are degrees of liveliness
>implying some hiki doesn't live just as much as le epic skydiver

>> No.4315156

>implying there are degrees of liveliness
>implying some hiki doesn't live just as much as le epic skydiver

? But the first is true and the second is false.

>> No.4315166
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>> No.4315172

Good intervention!

>> No.4315185
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>"he doesn't like to work"
>"the selfish one"
>"all he does is self-enjoyment"
>"your unspooked smart, I need spooks to be smart"
>"this is okay for a hobby, but you need to find a real ideology"
>"of all the things that are supposed to be your concern which is the most important one?"
>"why are you so unique"
>"he's the einzig type"

What's up.

>> No.4315275

>tfw you can't answer that you'd talk more if people weren't so dumb cuz it'd be rude

>> No.4315296

>too dumb to communicate with people outside of an anonymous image board
>want to call others dumb

>> No.4315303
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>tfw 9/10 facial aesthetics and probably really interesting but just don't care enough to talk to girls
>mfw this is what neckbeards believe

>> No.4315304
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>Introversion = dumb

>> No.4315313


>> No.4315319

>you'd talk more if people weren't so dumb
>uses the word "cuz"

>> No.4315321

mfw is my face when
tfw is that feel when


>> No.4315322

Oh god my sides. They just passed Voyager I. There's no stopping them now.

>> No.4315326

The worst is when you're with someone and you don't know them well enough to be comfortable with brief periods of silence. You're thinking about how no one is speaking and you know they're thinking about it too.

>> No.4315329
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>> No.4315909

> doesn't know about "that face when"

i kek'd

>> No.4315925

>dasein this neues


>> No.4315937

>it's said his blade weighed half o' ton
>o' Spanish steel, Christ how it shone
>with a whistle and a thump your dash were done
>and the axe cared not for who you were

>> No.4315941

That's, "How to be a sociopath." not "How to be introverted."

>> No.4315959

It's a common mistake to believe introverts are socially inept people. OP, you're an extravert with social anxiety. I can tell because you obviously want to talk about your problems by making a thread about it on a website.

The main difference between introverts and extraverts is not whether or not they like to talk to people or whether or not they are mostly quiet. The main difference is the amount of energy you get by interacting with other people. If you spend a day with your friends and you feel at the end of the day that you need some 'alone time': that's introversion.

Shy extraverts often mistake themselves for introverts: shy extraverts want to talk but can't, introverts simply do not care

>> No.4315987

Are you me? My friends call me a genius because my mind often wanders during group conversations. I'm actually of average intelligence

>> No.4316015

You don't consume art. Consuming is what you do with food, you use it up. One cannot use up art.

>> No.4316029


When people say consuming art they don't mean it in the biological sense. It's sociological consumption.

>> No.4316051

He could also be an introvert with social anxiety. Introverts like conversation and hanging out with small groups of close friends.

>> No.4316064

The context does not change it's meaning. You cannot consume information as you retain it and it's not used up. I think a more proper term would be "absorb"

>> No.4316083

It depends I think. The word 'consume' is so commonly used that it's just a colloquialism now, so I wouldn't think the scientific definition would be taken into consideration when normal people use it.

However, with regards to the idea of spending the consumed object, there might be some truth to that in regards to art that is socially thought to exist in a temporal space as well as a spatial one, as opposed to purely a spatial one.

>> No.4316084


>The context does not change it's meaning.

Context defines the meaning.

Pronunciation: /kənˈsjuːm/
[with object]
1 - eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink):
people consume a good deal of sugar in drinks

(of a fire) completely destroy:
the fire spread rapidly, consuming many homes

use up (a resource):
this process consumes enormous amounts of energy

2 - buy (goods or services):
accounting provides measures of the economic goods and services consumed

3 - (of a feeling) completely fill the mind of (someone):
Carolyn was consumed with guilt


late Middle English: from Latin consumere, from con- 'altogether' + sumere 'take up'; reinforced by French consumer

>> No.4316109

As much as software equates to information I think this applies well here http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Consume

>> No.4316164

>However, it is erroneous to speak of “consuming” information, music, books, software, etc., since using them does not use them up.

Think about the popular culture notion of a 'spoiler' in a plot. When a plot is 'spoiled', it means that in some sense, the original experience of receiving the knowledge of that plot is 'used up'. In some sense this would be consistent with a definition of art consumption, though it is by no means being used in this way.

>> No.4316212

>"of all the things you've read what the most important thing?"
The alphabet

>> No.4316225

but we are are not software or computers
That is why it is so difficult to create artificial intelligence
I am not saying humans are "speshul" because they have "immortal jesus loving souls", I just mean that we interact with the world in a way that you will never understand through normal computation theory
we dont compute the world, we dwell in it

>> No.4316279

anti-STEMfag propaganda on /lit/ at its best. 10/10, the page had nothing to do with anything you're talking about.

>> No.4316285

It's safe to assume extroverts are overall smarter than introverts.

>> No.4316350


>> No.4316352


On what basis?

>> No.4316363

if you're an introvert and smart you'd quickly figure out it is to your advantage to brush up on your social skills and become outgoing.

i'm working under the assumption the poster means introvert as in avoiding or mediocre at social interactions as opposed to someone who needs some time off to reenergize after socializing

>> No.4316371


It's a matter of preference, obviously. A personal trait. If a person decides socializing is not for them and they have the ability to change that it doesn't mean they're stupid.

>> No.4316379


>if you're an introvert and smart you'd quickly figure out it is to your advantage to brush up on your social skills and become outgoing.

The issue is in assuming that understanding it and fixing it exist as the same thing. Not that I don't understand what you mean. It's just there could be a worldly amount of other factors causing the introverted individual to be that way. Some may even (gasp!) be morally related and against the nature of extroversion which may (gasp!) not reflect the particular moral views under which the introvert has chosen to believe are more important.

Face it. Most extroverted people don't think about what they're doing and exist quite coincidently as those who society rewards.

>> No.4316407
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>> No.4316433

Extroversion and introversion are character traits, not descriptions of behaviour. There are plenty of introverts who are glorious social beings when they have to, it's just that they thrive on having their solitude while extroverts thrive on having company.

>> No.4316436

congrats faggot now re-read my post

>> No.4316439

I did, your assumptions are wrong.

>> No.4316447

It's the other way around
proof: http://www.celebritytypes.com/

>> No.4316451

most great mean were INTJ or INTP

>> No.4316453

you're retarded

you're born introverted or extraverted, it isn't something you're going to change
introverted =/= socially awkward

>> No.4316455


>> No.4316465

unless you're the poster i quoted you can't make that judgement

>> No.4316468

that's why there's a qualifier there you sperglord, i know what introverted means but used a qualifier specifically because most people especially on 4chan don't use it that way now kill your autistic ass

>> No.4316486

It's highly unlikely, unless he's an idiot making up his own definitions to words as he goes along and then expects people to understand him.

>> No.4316487

>you're born introverted or extraverted, it isn't something you're going to change

this is such horseshit. being "introverted" or "extroverted" are such relative, context-dependent terms that there would be no way to link genetics to them one-to-one. behavior is partly the result of genetics, yes, but choosing not to use words because of fear, boredom, apathy, whatever, has a host of different reasons but many of them are conditioned.

>> No.4316512

If that's OPs definition of introversion, he is simply wrong. Or rather sort of lacking. If someone is not good at socializing, they are simply autistic or have down's syndrome. Often times introverts are highly respected around others because of their witty quips and decisive thinking which stems from their highly superior logical thinking polished by endless games of chess which results in work done efficiently and people feeling good about themselves due to the fact that they could be put to good use based on their abilities and advantages. All decisions made by an introverted, middle-class, heterosexual male, savior of utilitarianism.

>> No.4316559

>highly respected around others because of their witty quips and decisive thinking which stems from their highly superior logical thinking polished by endless games of chess which results in work done efficiently...
My fucking sides.

>> No.4316756
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Does anyone have something beautiful to say

>> No.4316772

Zombies in fiction are metaphorical lumpenprole insurrection, that's why they spook the middle class.

inb4 not beautiful

fuck you

>> No.4316783


If you were an intelligent person, you'd probably see the advantage of using words correctly to clarify your opinion, rather than blindly assuming it was being used wrong originally.

>> No.4316790

>This is what happens when attractive people adopt beta personality.

>> No.4316803

>tfw i had a girl making obvious sexual advances on me and i got so nervous i almost threw up.
I like books -- books don't make me anxious or demand I show them my cock or make me have to deal with the fact that my body is an object, too, that people can see, recognize and quantify.

Has anyone ever written a fiction about a zombie outbreak from the perspective of the very low or very rich class? All the films, books, TV shows and comic books I can think of are always handled from a middle class man's perspective.

>> No.4316818

So is the big house in the middle for like King Suburbman or soemthing?

>> No.4316832

I second this, it was quite an enjoyable read.

>> No.4316836

>king suburbman
>is a super stereotypical suburban dad in a nuclear family
>wears a bathrobe, pipe and loafers everywhere he goes and always speaks looking up from the newspaper he's reading all the time
>commands all the other suburbmen and the decisions taken in the suburb with the help of the suburban parliament
>one day a suburbman is sent to trial for spoiling a barbeque
>the suburb jury declares him guilty
>'no, I'm innocent!' says the suburman
>'hello, Innocent, I'm king suburbman', he chants from his throne

>> No.4316838

There's a good reason for that. The low class is the first one to turn into zombies because of their unsanitary way of life or something that has to do with them being poor and the rich class flees the country because they know about the zombie outbreak ahead of time for some reason. That leaves us with the poor middle-class, the true heroes of mankind, who will fight for survival of humanity.

>> No.4316842

>"he doesn't shut up about books"
>"the always drunk one"
>"when does he actually read these books?"
>"you're a pretty smart guy, guy"
>"you should take up writing as your actual job"
>what's wrong with this one?
>"you don't always have to have something to say, you know?"
>"he's an asshole"

>> No.4316850

jesus fucking, i actually laughed aloud

>> No.4316957


Well in Zombieland, they hit up Bill Murray to see how he's dealing with it. And two of the main characters are underaged grifters.

>> No.4316984

Those two only exist for the audience insert to react to.

>> No.4317055

>hasnt watched Romeros later zombie flicks with their super obvious allegories.

>> No.4317600

>"he's kinda creepy"
>"why do you read so much?"
Americans are truly stupid

>> No.4317607

>What is signs language?

It's the phrase "sign language" with an unnecessary "s" you fucking retard.

>> No.4317634

>"Wow you have a lot of books"
>"There's no way you could have read all these books"
>"You don't have to lie to me, I don't care if you didn't read every book you owned"
>"Anon, stop lying, it's physically impossible to read this many books."
>"Do you always feel the need to lie to make yourself look smarter"

To this day I still have no idea what that fucking bitch's problem was with me.

>> No.4317637

That's too much. Try to find some balance. Go out more with your friends; you won't regret it. Moderation is the key.

>> No.4317642

>"this is ok for a hobby, but you need to find a real job"
What's wrong with saying this? 'I read a lot' is hardly a satisfactory answer to 'why don't you have a job?'

>> No.4317645

How about "society is so structured to make 20% of the population surplus labor"?

>> No.4317650

Why don't YOU have a job?

>> No.4317661
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>"Hey look at the little nerd reading his faggy poetry"
>they grab the book out my my hands, rip in up and throw it in a puddle
>it was a library book
>don't have enough money to pay for it
>no more books for me

>> No.4317663

>have plenty of conversations about literature and philosophy
>"I'm glad we had this conversation. It has been enriching for me."
>"Good thing there still exist intellectuals like you."
>"Let's go over to my place and listen to free jazz."

>> No.4317691

>Go out more with your friends; you won't regret it.

Yeah, right. Because most nights out are fantastic and not frustrating or repetitive at all.

That said, I do go out with friends. I just don't go out drinking with them anymore (unless it involves karaoke). Best decision I ever made, because god damn.
(Not OP though. But also, he's just quoting people saying he's quiet and reads a lot, not that he never goes out. If anything, that suggests he does go out, to have people pointing it out so much).

>> No.4317697


Because I get by better without one. Pleb.

>> No.4317703


>feel depressed
>"Hey you should go out! You'll feel better!"
>go out
>feel worse

>> No.4317748

They did you a favor, anon

>> No.4317756

>free jazz