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/lit/ - Literature

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4314473 No.4314473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well well well are you man enough? That is the question? Myself i was found wanting.

What is the SLAM Poetry Challenge you ask? Its simple just watch one of the following videos.... ALL THE WAY THROUGH.

Hear are your relevant tiers:
Easy Mode: Watch the first 20secs
MEDIUM MODE: Half way through
HARD MODE: You have to watch the whole way through each video
GOD MODE: You not only have to watch, but you must discuss at length about it's subject matter, themes, etc.
WIZARD MODE: Its god mode but you watch all the videos listed in a row.

First is always hardest.


>> No.4314477


another vid if your keen for more


>> No.4314479

can't.... not cringe....

it might be the audience oh god

>> No.4314480

its ok some of us are mere mortals and not gods amongst men

>> No.4314482

another gem


>> No.4314488

that one is the worst by far

>> No.4314491

I love how most feminist relationship complaints are over relationship with alphas.

Even in social justice, nobody wants to fuck down.

>> No.4314503
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>the second one

>> No.4314506

whats the matter cis male scum?

>> No.4314509
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>> No.4314512

im so impressed with the OP's photo its like she is looking at you like

are you man enough to take the SLAM poetry challenge

>tfw no god's or wizards

>> No.4314534

Wizard mode attempt pending. I just watched the third vid and I can make it through all of them; not sure how good my analysis will be though.

>> No.4314539


This is the best one.

>> No.4314546
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>> No.4314547

Vid 1
Makkai attempts to take lyrics from a classic song about a young girl's worries -- "Que Sera Sera" -- and turn them on their head, criticizing what she perceives as societal pressure on girls to be pretty more than anything else. She elaborates on this idea by drawing from personal experience; directly quoting her mother's criticisms give her words more power, at least to women in the audience who also have insane mothers. Going deeper into themes is difficult, as the 3-minute reading is fairly shallow and repetitive. It seems as though Makkai only listened to half the song; she absorbed the message that little girls worry about their looks, but not the message that "whatever will be will be." Then again, maybe that's her point; that although we like to pretend that we've moved past sexism, those who are most vulnerable to it often still suffer.

At 3:10, she also makes a subtle jab at the hostility displayed towards women in math and science by forgetting how many letters are in the word "pretty."

>> No.4314551

This poem feels (or is meant to feel) less like a performance and more like personal therapy. The main emotion which seems to motivate Frohman is anger, supplemented by frustration built up over a lifetime of feeling oppressed. She moves back and forth from personal experience to general statements about straight and queer people, linking her life to the lives of the American queer population. It's a poem that could be powerful if it were written by somebody competent.

The critical here is not that Frohman is wrong; it's that she's lazy. This poem would have more effect if it stayed in her personal diary as a way of venting anger. She says nothing that has not been said before, by more eloquent queer poets. She echoes the sentiments of many people before her, but they're presented in such an unoriginal way that they ring hollow in her mouth. One has to suspect that her applauding audience is mostly straight; few literati with good in the LGBT community would find something new to applaud in this hollow, pointless work.

>> No.4314555

haha. Hmm. Yes. Yes. But on the video the uploader did point out that pretty has five letters in it, despite using six letters..

That was fun. I enjoyed that. Nice list. Compile another amusingly sarcastic list of things skirting the realm of actually compelling content. Actually, don't let me tell you what to do. Make a list. With your heart. Maybe you're good at this.

>> No.4314556

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

>> No.4314559

You really think so? I think any good passionate tirade, despite possibly its unoriginal content- ((I mean- if it's passionate- it *is* original, you know? at least the material is originating from a new place her heart/mind is taking it)) -is always a good way to jolt the people's interest into the realms of these unsavorable topics.

The transience and power of being physically attractive seems to fuck with a lot of poetic LGBT types. Or maybe I'm just generalizing vaguely from watching all that.

>> No.4314561

i cant do it anon i'm sorry that took a lot of pain and effort to create i cant do it again

>> No.4314562

Vid 3
Myers begins with promising imagery. The way she describes her mother's shrinking is genuinely appealing, at least to this listener. It seems as though she's ready to launch into the story of her family's struggle with an eating disorder, perhaps, something personal yet universal, a deadly issue which is too-often mocked.
Instead, she starts complaining about her father and brother. And she doesn't go into much detail either; good imagery should serve to supplement a point, but it seems as though imagery is all she has here. She makes the same mistake that Makkai above her does; she assumes that her personal experience is universal, but does a poor job of convincing the listener to relate to her.
This is an example of a poet with talent applying it poorly. I began this video hoping that she would keep it personal, hoping that she would talk about struggling with her sick mother or struggling with becoming too much like her mother. With personal stories, people often connect with them with the poet drawing explicit parallels to another's experience. A good sign that a story will do a poor job of relating to universal experience is if the poet has to keep trying to convince the audience that it does. If the story is good, it will stand on its own, and people will connect. This is something Myers does not seem to realize.
That said, this video is the first that didn't make me have negative feelings for the poet. I had disdain for Makkai, and pity for Fohlman. But I think Myers could be a very good poet if she stopped *trying* to be a feminist and let her emotions speak for themselves.

>> No.4314563

Well huh. Never saw a poetry slam duet before.

>> No.4314565

I promise I'll actually discuss these if you want, but I'm gonna finish my run first.

>> No.4314566

couldn't make it it past the half way mark

fuck me

>> No.4314567

My analysis
1. Would not fuck
2. Would not fuck
3. Would not fuck
4. Would fuck (with mouth taped shut. I like the short hair)
5. Would not fuck

>> No.4314568

You are a hero.

>> No.4314569
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>> No.4314573

But whites are a global minority. I love how people cherrypick what is and isn't an effect of globalism.

>> No.4314574

Ok, ok good. I mean we have to discuss these, if we want to be godly wizards right? So just hurry and run on back to me.

>> No.4314578

People like having a peeps to hate. I wish I had a person or entity-that-was-the-living-incarnate-of-all-things-shit, so I could punch it. You know, maybe hate-fuck it, but mostly just punch it. Dramatically and vitally and lustfully. Hm. Yeah.

>> No.4314583

oh I like her. She was way the sexiest. Look at that, walkin off like a rockstar, pushing the mic over.. S'like her anger wasn't born out of an impotent rage that seemed to accumulate in the hearts of the rest on this list. It was born from the rage you get losing the mental chess game in that great cosmic sex bed. You know? Like she didn't like being the bottom. She wanted to be the top. So she'd slash God's face until he recognized where she belonged. Oh yeah.

>> No.4314584

tbh i like her the most

the others are just shallow bullshit cunts but she is actually legit

>> No.4314586

Vid 4
I might lose you guys here, but I kinda liked this one.
Wylde plays the echoes several conversations she may have had in her life about casual use of hateful words and ideas. First she repeats the words of the people she's talked with, then she discusses what they're really saying. Wylde can definitely be accused of several sins; for one thing, this poem is one large straw man argument. But people who've had similar experiences can attest that she's not far off the mark. Another sin is hyperbole; the casual use of these words can hurt, and everyone should think about context before they use them, but she seems to treat them like something far more dangerous. Finally, she might be accused of hypocrisy. She's a white, American, and possibly straight woman, and thus has almost as much "privilege" (her word) as the people she rails against. I think this is a weak argument, though; I don't know much about the poet, but I'm of the belief that the identity of the author should nearly always be secondary to the content of the poem, and should never be a reason to dismiss it out of hand. Unlike many of the other poets, she keeps a constant style and has good pacing; her poem is structured in a satisfying way, in two clear halves; and most importantly, she doesn't belabor the point and make her poem last three minutes longer than it needs to. And though I could never stand to watch her for more than ten minutes, she's definitely a better poet than many aspiring writers will ever be.
I know 4chan is opposed to her message because it's been parroted and beaten to death by so many others, but she does a good job of showing the good points of her position with less ad hominem than most people are capable of.

>> No.4314592

ugh. Thanks for having to *real* discuss these, now I have to rewatch the video blast it gimme a second here..

>> No.4314594

And I think it was he. Oh no. I hope it's not because of people like me that he/she was so dark and cynical here..

>> No.4314598

you dun goofed

>> No.4314599

So what are we going to do when this guy discusses the fifth video? We should all do a golf clap, at least, shouldn't we? How many wizard gods do we get graced with?

>> No.4314604

he gets a rainbow star of understanding

>> No.4314610

Vid 5
I decided to record my thoughts on this live, because it sounds like that's what she was doing when she wrote this.

I'm 25 seconds in and my resolve is faltering. I can't understand a word she's saying, and I'm a born-and-bred Texan. This is not a good sign. I need to start over.

Okay, still couldn't understand :20-:25, but I'm pressing on.

Currently at 1:52. This is a very disjointed one. Perhaps that's the point, but it isn't working well so far. I was ready to dismiss this as drunken stoner college garbage from the opening section; her delivery is poor and hard to understand, and she has a few very childish moments. But she seems to be getting more genuine now, and approaching a more legitimate topic.

2:17. We're in the middle of the personal anecdotes phase. This sort of thing tends to resonate with me a bit more, if you haven't noticed. It's not the strongest I've heard, but I think she should have opened with something more like this; her emotions are a bit more genuine. But her technique seems to involve a sort of breathless, nonstop ranting, like the saddest orgasm in the world.

Aaand we're almost immediately back to how we were before. It's like she can't decide whether she's angry or sad or tough. It's a strange mix of emotions which I recognize as very real and human, but she doesn't express them well.

"Gender is a universe and we are all mere stars" back to the stoner sounding crap

And we're done. This is one that definitely ran on too long, it didn't hurt my ears though. In my opinion, this isn't the sort of video you watch while sober, because it clearly wasn't recorded while sober. Maybe I'm just tired, but this was the least remarkable of the bunch. It wasn't really wrong, it wasn't really interesting, it was just a slightly buzzed college girl talking about her feelings. This is one video where I can understand the crowd's reaction; in that kind of setting, this sort of performance is appropriate. Honestly, it wasn't too hard to get through this other than the initial confusion over the words coming out of her mouth. I almost wish OP had included a different video; this is a fairly anticlimactic conclusion to my


>> No.4314614
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>> No.4314616
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>like the saddest orgasm in the world

>> No.4314619

You have my golf clap. :)

>> No.4314622

well done

i actually meant to thave>>4314482

in the OP but i was to lazy

>> No.4314626

do it again! Make another one. What kind of list would you make? Would it be poetry? :/ Would it be off the charts madness? :D

>> No.4314627



>> No.4314629

That's a valid view you have. If you found something meaningful in that video, I'm not going to say you're wrong. But I thought the whole poem and delivery -- emotion included -- brought nothing new to LGBT discussion.

I think you're being facetious, but honestly, I want to make a clarification here. This poem is not talking about you. It isn't talking about one person. Maybe you've said one of the things she mentioned, but I'm almost certain you haven't said all of them. And few people have.
This is one reason I wish tumblr SJWs didn't exist. Words do have meaning, anon, they're not wrong about that. But I'm not going to demonize you if you've used those words. A lot of people have. I'm not claiming you're a bad person for it. But ideas like privilege and the meaning of those words -- those are ideas worth thinking about, anon. When you say "OP is a faggot" on 4chan, you aren't hurting anyone. But when people say it in real life, to or around strangers, it genuinely can.
One thing I wish people would understand is that just because you can't *understand* another person's perspective doesn't mean it isn't *valid*. Tumblr calls it privilege, but I think that's misleading, because obviously they don't understand the perspective of the alleged "privileged" either. It's just a big mess of misunderstanding, and I think when people can approach the issue without feeling personally hurt or insulted, poems like this (but better, for the most part) make it easier to communicate.

>> No.4314631

Thank you, thank you.

I'd rather not review that last one if it's all the same to you.

>> No.4314633

Oh fine gimme a minute

>> No.4314635

Oh her again. No more sober obviously.

She's from Mississippi. That explains a lot.

This is the same poem you fuckers! Nice try.

>> No.4314637


i'm glad everyone has enjoyed tonights challenge

and congratulations to our newly anointed wizard god >>4314631

maybe if i'm feeling up to it ile make a new challenge but thats enough for tonight contestants

>> No.4314640

lel XD


>> No.4314641

yeah i hate the word privilege (it's a privilege not a right!) but what should we call it? prerogative?


oh i thought anon was pointing to this one
do this one

>> No.4314645

i'd err prefer not you understand them (you)

>> No.4314646

I prefer "perspective".

>> No.4314652

But as long as people (not you specifically, people overall) hold that sort of opinion, nothing will get better. Tumblr will shout "muh privlidge" louder and louder, and places like /pol/ will shout "double nigger faggot" back at them even louder, until everyone has to pick one of either equally horrible side. I wish people here could understand that language is important, and I wish people there could understand that blindly accusing whole groups of racism only makes enemies.

>> No.4314654

Thanks. Was fun. Is late though. Maybe it's time to say goodnight...
Passion brings passion, and passion is always new. And timeless. It sits somewhere very close to the signifigance in vitality, in life. Anyway.

Pretty sure by definition my whole pointless meandering personhood is facetious...but in that I never had as much trouble admitting another person's view was more valid than any view I could come with. Since I am all that exists inside my mind, I know what's operating here, smoke and mirrors, really, a soul that's just an illusion of the complex human mind. But I can't confirm that with Other people. It's like..the opposite of that crazy person claim: 'I *know* I exist, that I have a soul, but you all could be robots.' Anyway...I just wonder. Are *all* views really valid? Sometimes you can't follow another person's view because they are just a smarter, more creative person than you. But sometimes you can't follow it because it's going some dumb hateful one diminsional place that soul and logic don't fit into. Is it valid then? They have it. They are alive. They are often a lot more adamant about it than anything I've ever been zestful about.

>> No.4314662

Why are people laughing at the non jokes

>> No.4314663

yes its great dont you see

now since the advent of the internet SJW be them muh white pride or muh transgender pride can shout as loud and as far as they want and they can circle jerk as hard as they want

then in the real world things are normal and nothing changes and the status quo is maintained

>> No.4314664

Argh and since I *know* my soul is a smoke and mirrors illusion of my mind, but I can't *prove* that about other people, when they seem like such a self-contained bundle of behaviors and beliefs, it's easy to get confused into thinking they're more of a real person than I, a source of more valid views than me..

>> No.4314667

SJW circle jerk in slam poetry your meant to be like WOOOWWWWW WOOOOWWW CLAP CLAP LAUGH LAUGH WOOOOWWW

imagine SRS's reddit page but in real life

>> No.4314669

if you were to be like

>that was shit and then start picking apart how that was shit

you would get (voted down) kicked out of the scene

thats why the poetry is so shit because nobody actually criticizes them

>> No.4314670

Where are you guys running off to? What ideas on priviledge and SJWS and tumblerling are you talking about? What's an SJW? What's the signifigance?

>> No.4314678


go here >>>/lgbt/ and then here >>>/pol/

and all your questions will be answered

>> No.4314683

like immediatly or do I have to ask them?

>> No.4314685

That fucking voice I don't know if I can do this

This is the polar fucking opposite of Vid 4. She's being self-righteous, setting up a straw man, and looking so fucking satisfied with herself. She has the victim complex-cum-superiority complex that characterizes so many pretentious people. 2 more minutes of this?

Her main technique is sarcasm, often through rhetorical questions or through an instructional style of speaking. It sounds like a passable satirical work, but when you listen to it, you realize she's parroting ideas that only exist in the minds of delusional harpies on the Internet.

The thing is, she could actually be seen as using two techniques: her particular kind of sarcasm, and humorous exaggeration. But they don't work well in conjunction. She's "humorously" (lol) exaggerating, but in the format she's using it comes off as though she genuinely believes that these are thoughts which go through mens' heads.

This audience is exactly what people mean by the phrase "echo chamber." This poem is the sort of absurd schlock that would only be enjoyed by people who already hold the same views.

And if I'm being serious, that's its main problem. If this poem is meant to convince people to rethink the way they think, it fails, because NOBODY thinks the way she describes in the poem. If it's mean to even contribute to discussion, it fails for the same reason. The only people who could enjoy this poem are those who already agree with every facet of it -- and that's not always a bad thing, but in this case it means even they have nothing to learn or gain from it.

I award her no points, and may God have mercy on her soul.

>> No.4314692

your final challenge if you dare to accept it


>> No.4314693

You sound a lot like a guy I know. You're wandering between solipsism and the reverse of it.
I'm sure you've heard this before, but a phrase I've found to be true is that foolish people are often a lot more confident in themselves, and thoughtful people can usually not bring themselves to hold an opinion fervently because they know they could be wrong. It also might help you to look up the Dunning-Kruger effect; confidence is not always a sign of competence.

>> No.4314695
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>> No.4314697
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>> No.4314701

People at /pol/ -- and, we don't like to admit it, in many other places on 4chan -- are the racists you've heard about your whole life. Some people hide behind the excuse of joking, but there are a lot of honest-to-god utterly hateful people in there.
SJW stands for social justice warrior. These people are mostly located on tumblr. They claim to stand against racism and prejudice, but they fall into the trap of being uninformed, emotional, and very reactionary, so they tend to launch into irrational, hate-fueled arguments about how right they are and how anybody who happens to capture their ire is horrible. They actually empower the /pol/ side, because any time they get called out on actual racism, they can fall back on "SJW tumblr faggot" to dismiss the person calling them out. It's not a pleasant situation, I'm sorry. The only way out is not to give a shit, but that only delays the problem, it doesn't solve it.

>> No.4314733

This actually shows signs of good work ethic. These people have clearly put a lot of work into this, and the way their voices blend is remarkable; usually voices in unison drown each other out, but they work very well together. Good timing, good use of the gimmick to emphasize important points.
That was the last good thing you'll hear me say about this video.
Talk. About. Strawman. The entire poem is based on responding to a strawman. I've heard the complaint they're talking about before, but it's hardly common among white people. But fine, they've chosen to write a poem about a specific person who pissed them off, whatever.
The delivery, outside of the duet format, needs work. The man has a weedy, whiny tone, though the girl has a strong voice and I wouldn't mind hearing a solo piece from her. They mix bitter complaint with condescension in a way that is frankly disorienting.
*cough* anyway
I'm not here to make fun of minorities. But these people, like the people above them, said nothing new. They added more voices of complaint. Perhaps this was cathartic for them and their listeners, but few people have anything to gain from listening to them if they don't already agree.

There are two kinds of political poetry, and two kinds of political argument, really. There's the kind that riles up the side you agree with. That's what SJWs do, that's what the Republican Party and Tea Party in America do, and that's what these poets do. This kind of poetry is relatively easy, because your crowd is with you from the start.
Then there's the kind that changes minds. This is very, very hard, because any crowd you're in front of is automatically against you or your point is worthless. We often remember the former kind of poetry, because when history moved past a particular conflict and one side won, everyone turned to that side. But the latter kind is more valuable. Maybe, when discussions of privilege and race have been irrelevant for 100 years, people will look at this video and feel gratified (probably not because it is shitty). But it means nothing right now. It's just two young, angry people saying nothing to nobody.

*drops mic*

>> No.4314750


>> No.4314759

How do you save threads? This doesn't happen too often, at least not since I've been here.

>> No.4314765

Preserved for posterity: fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/S4314473

Future generations rejoice.

>> No.4314766



>> No.4314780

More like.........


>> No.4314787

Holy shit. This is the first one that actually made me angry. I'm not gonna make fun of those people, if that's what you were hoping for. But Jesus Fucking Christ what exploitative fucks would set up something like this? And who the hell were those two chicks who could clearly function on a typical social level? Shit, man. Maybe this doesn't count as in-depth analysis, but you have to be a real special (ha ha) kind of selfish to video those people walking around like that and use it to promote yourself. I imagine the people who set it up were just thinking about how insightful and caring and awesome they are, and not thinking at all about the people in this video who are just there for the fucking novelty of it. Damn, dude.
If you were hoping that I'd make fun of them, sorry to disappoint you. You may have gathered that I'm no SJW, but I still might be a bit too liberal for your taste.

But seriously, who the fuck are those two girls?

>> No.4314790

Would anyone be willing to critique of this one?


>> No.4314797

I'm going to go to China and complain their popular literature doesn't have enough minorities.

>> No.4314816

i don't understand how anyone finds these slam poems entertaining. they are not poems. the subject matter is almost always the same and it's always delivered in the most boring, preachy and prosaic manner possible. they require no talent other than an overdeveloped sense of persecution and self-righteousness. if 'the death of art' were a thing, this is it.

>> No.4314819

She has an interesting premise; not the most original, but one with promise. The fact that she's clearly a fan of the work adds to the strength of the argument in some ways, but as a fan myself I can see that some of the things she says are just factually wrong (for example, Dumbledore's relationship with Grindelwald could be viewed as a homosexual one) and this makes her viewpoint less effective. Like most of the others here, she gets very worked up about this, which is almost absurd given the subject matter.
Her most salient point is about Cho Chang's name, and her analogy is clever and makes her point well. But ultimately, Cho was never portrayed often enough to really commit the sins this poet accuses her of. Perhaps that's a problem in itself, but then perhaps she should rant about the lack of portrayal rather than the inaccurate portrayal.
Her analogies to other Asian stereotypes are weak, except for possibly the Ravenclaw thing. This scans like she was chatting with her friends jokingly one day, and decided to turn it into a poem.

Exploitative and weak. muhfanfictions/10

>> No.4314825

This is shitty slam poetry. Don't let these cherrypicked examples spoil the art for you. Imagine if someone said "I can't imagine how anyone finds 4chan entertaining" after just browsing /b/.

>> No.4314828

lel no these aren't

these are the best of the best

>> No.4314832

Can we discuss something at least half decent instead of cherry picking the worst?


>> No.4314945

Yeah, those were good.

>> No.4314963
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>She starts singing.

I can't.

>> No.4314966

The original Slam Poet


>> No.4315220


>> No.4315889

Oh man, that first one was hard. Made it to 0021. Thanks OP, makes me appreciate muMs even more.

>> No.4315894

Heh, should have read the rest of the thread ebfore replying.

>> No.4317199

I'll admit I don't understand slam poetry that much and these performances seem to be fools who recite (or possibly create as they're speaking) prose, not poetry. Can someone explain it to me?

>> No.4317215

> /lit/ claims to be against postmodernism
> Cringes at any display of emotion that appears too sincere
Never change

>> No.4317222

Sincere =/= aesthetically pleasing all the time

>> No.4317228

Is an Allison to a well known song that sets up the rest of the poem

>> No.4317259
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If you think spoken word is stupid, and you haven't seen Guante, then I encourage you to do so.

He's really good. I've watched all his stuff on Youtube. A lot of the same themes as OP's vids, but this goes to show that it's delivery, not theme that makes a speech (let's face it, it's more speech-giving than poem-reading) what it is.

Also, the whole open-mic culture of this shit is awesome and amazing. It democratizes the whole notion of a speech. I think it's incredible that anybody can get up and say what's on their mind, and have an audience that's supportive. Not surprisingly, some people have more to say than others.

>> No.4317269
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i had two high school english teachers who were into this, and would preform it in competitions

>> No.4317272

eh slam poetry is just a shit art form
i used to think that guy was cool when i was high school but then i realized that even though he is sort of cool he's still just a sjw doing dramatic voices while talking about gender and "revolution" and whatever else dumb shit
see your boyfriend is a republican whatever other feminist shit he did etc.
also he made a fucking zombie political concept album. even if he managed to sort of make it listenable that's not just forgivable.

this song is pretty cool tho

also mn?

>> No.4317277

is the first one supposed to be the worst? its not as whiny as some of the others ive seen, at least it didnt go into the "privileged" nonsense

>> No.4317279


Like any other good 22 yr old white male, my knee-jerk reaction to PC shit is... well... to call it "PC shit."

I didn't really enjoy OP's vids (I'm on 5/5 now). The second was probably the best out of them, then maybe the first. I do agree with this notion. It must be unfortunate to be an unattractive girl in a society that values looks greatly. On the other hand, it sucks to be an unattractive male in such a society as well.

I dunno. I don't mind hearing what people have to say. The Guante bits that get me going are the ones that focus on the superficiality of life as mostly lived, and class consciousness. I'm not totally on board with the LGBT stuff, but my God it hurts me to see how poor people have to struggle. So those speak to me.

>> No.4317282

>but this goes to show that it's delivery, not theme that makes a speech
yes, perhaps, that is if you have lost all other brain functions except for your auditory perception

>> No.4317283

Why can't the writing and presentation of a speech be judged on two different levels like scripts and depictions of what's in a script are?

>> No.4317286

> you must discuss at length about it's subject matter

These videos are all about LGBT/women's rights issues...

You trollin' son?

>> No.4317293

it's just beta shit for betas
just listen to how whiny all the males are
imagine what kind of man would go listen to women whine about how people aren't attracted to them if they're fat or whatever for like 3 hrs

something worth listening to

>> No.4317300

going on number #2. so far the "oh im sorry" was one of the worst ive ever seen. not sure how the fuck they can call this poetry.

>> No.4317301


That's a pretty ridiculous critique. I'm open to critiques of these sorts of things... I have plenty of my own in fact, but that's pretty weak.

Why is it weak? Because it plays into and relies upon exactly the same sorts of assumptions that most of these people are trying to call into question.

Dividing men into betas and alphas is absurd, and I think you probably know that on some level.

>> No.4317303

im saying that presentation should never outrank content. not that presentation is worthless. and i dont think they are judging just presentation here.

>> No.4317305

Feel like puking in my mouth. Such shit.

>> No.4317309
File: 459 KB, 800x534, johnny crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not believing in whiny impotent sexually frustrated males is pretty absurd

i could listen to this, but instead i am going to listen to some ineffectual college undergrad getting angry about existence not catering to his/her/its/xirs every desire? lol

>> No.4317311

>something worth listening to
hopefully you arent serious, it rather listen to one of those fuckin slam poems again, only because theyre shorter.

>> No.4317314

confirmed degenerate

>> No.4317316


Surely whiny, impotent, sexually frustrated males exist. I'm not denying that, don't construct a straw-man. If that's your basis, then please, proceed to account for the existence of all slam-poetry themes/events and related subcultures on that basis.

I can't wait to hear your 10th rate sociology.

>> No.4317318

>posts rap
>calls me a degenerate
sure kid.
and i didnt say i liked slam poetry did i now?

>> No.4317319
File: 72 KB, 470x747, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surely whiny, impotent, sexually frustrated males exist. I'm not denying that, don't construct a straw-man. If that's your basis, then please, proceed to account for the existence of all slam-poetry themes/events and related subcultures on that basis.

>I can't wait to hear your 10th rate sociology.

>> No.4317320


What do you guys think of this slam poem?

>> No.4317321


That's about what I'd expect from someone who willingly uses beta/alpha terminology.

>> No.4317322

that's a straw man ad hominmen attack i'm going to fuck you to death for violating logic now. faggot.

>> No.4317327

je suis étonné. shakespear/dix, c'est beau

>> No.4317328

this is garbage, are you British? I bet you listen to trip-hop too


>> No.4317339


Oddly enough, your post is a straw-man.

>> No.4317342

no and no


>> No.4317350

you realize that all your music has the same shitty 4 beat format right? i mean you cant be this fucking blind

>> No.4317356

Slam poetry is rap for white people.

>> No.4317371
File: 210 KB, 640x445, 1354073356311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le progressive fedora man

>> No.4317374

>music is criticized for being the trash it is
>can only respond with ad-hominem
anything else

>> No.4317376

this is better but Hegel says music isn't valuable without a voice

this isn't music but instead slam poetry about slam poetry
it's one of the better ones in this thread I swear, I haven't even posted any before

>> No.4317377

on a scale from 10-10 how great do you find this song

>> No.4317385


10 seems to be the only option. This is not a very useful scale.

>> No.4317608 [DELETED] 

Believe it or not, Roop was actually pretty cute before growing those dreads and turning lezzy...

>> No.4317615

Believe it of not Roop was actually pretty cute back in college. Then she dropped off the face of the earth, grew dreads, put shit in her face, and turned lezzy.

>> No.4317836

This is the kind of thing that appeals to the (m)asses.

>> No.4317880


Sincerity doesn't make feelings valid. I could be sincere in my desire to rape, I could even write a song about it, but you'd still probably hate it. Exposing your soul and innermost thoughts to the world doesn't make those thoughts in any way interesting or unique.

>> No.4317949

>implying rape can't be valid

>> No.4318586

>You won't be able to live your life the same way after this

>> No.4318834

Well, in Fritz Lang's M the murderer child rapist does exactly this emotional defense to the crowd who will exectue him.

>> No.4318948

Post some good slam.

>> No.4318956

>you can't top this