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/lit/ - Literature

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4310994 No.4310994[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Digital or physical, which do you prefer?

>> No.4311037

Physical obviously, but I read digital 99% of the time

>> No.4311045
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>> No.4311056

>try their damndest to break the fucking buttons off
>hits page button fifty times
Everybody does this, after I have to explain that it isn't a touchscreen, which I have to physically demonstrate, because apparently my word alone isn't enough to convince them. So then this "EBOOKS ARE FOR PORN ADDICTS AND LOSERS" starts jamming the page button IN instead of DOWN so I finally panicked and bit the fucker in the hand. Which he didn't comment on and I only realized about 5 minutes later.

>> No.4311059


Same here.


Yup. I have one that is touch, but the damn fuckers always try sliding the pages instead of tapping to change page, press the screen really fucking hard and all sorts of retarded shit. Lesson learned after letting other people touch my electronics too many times: demonstrate by using the device yourself, never let their filthy hands of violation near it.

>> No.4311240


What kind of fucking weirdos do you guys hang out with? Christ.

I never got anything more than a "Cool,"or a "Why don't you just buy real books" from people I know, sometimes hardly know.

>bit the fucker in the hand. Which he didn't comment on and I only realized about 5 minutes later.

Jesus christ, try using words you fucking queer.

>> No.4311248
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>> No.4311249

Physical for scripture, digital for the rest.

Scripture meaning books I consider so important that I will probably keep rereading them throughout my life.

>> No.4311253
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Are you and your friends twelve?

>> No.4311256

pretty much this since it's all free

>> No.4311274

>Jesus christ, try using words you fucking queer.
I get very excited. Articulating is actually a big problem I have, I have a hard time remembering words. Also he wouldn't give it back the first 4 times I asked.

>> No.4311280

>mfw we have people who post from the asylum

I like this.

>> No.4311286

physical but if it's really long or not available in my library, ebook

>> No.4311293

This completely. For me it's a KJV, a NIV and a pocket-sized new testament kjv bible to carry around absolutely everywhere, all Inherited, and I'm lucky enough to a dozen other translations at my pickings whenever as well.
All other physical books are just loans from friends to spice up using screens all the time.

>> No.4311298

Physical, maybe. I honestly just try to read a book I want to read in the quickest or most convenient way possible. Most of the time that's through the library, sometimes it's getting ebooks online.

>> No.4311301


I remember some guy who said he was in a mental hospital and he'd read Plato in Ancient Greek out loud, which made them think he was crazy. /lit/ for ya

>> No.4311319

It's easy as fuck to get people to think you're crazy. There's a surprisingly low threshold for it. I once heard that a guy was admitted into the psychoward because while getting a checkup, he chatted with a nurse about the french involvement in the american revolution or something.

>> No.4311373


>> No.4311378

Right? It's liked the fucking 1800s over there, from what you here. I knew a lady who flew out of country just to be institutionalized there instead of in america.

>> No.4311379

I...is this autisim?

Have we finally found it?

>> No.4311388

Some people think so, my mother included, but whatever. It hasn't been diagnosed and I'm not asking.

>> No.4311393


>> No.4311391

>not getting the bux

>> No.4311403

Autism bucks. Government money.

>> No.4311411

seriously? But I'm not in the sates, so, whatever.

>> No.4311417

Where are you at then?

>> No.4311425

Germany. And I already have a disabled card, so unless I suddenly lose a leg or two, I'm not going to get much more.

>> No.4311429

So you're already on delicious German welfare? That's a lot better than yankbux.

>> No.4311445

Why is that even a question? Who the fuck likes owning digital books better than physical ones?

>> No.4311450

Yes it is. UGH. I'm happy almost everyday anew that I got the fuck out of the states as soon as I could. Higher education? Free. Hospital treatments? Free. Beer? Not free, but delicious. But no pizza. And no burgers. sad face

>> No.4311453


Yeah, I wish I could be a damn European NEET. Consider yourself lucky.

>> No.4311452

People who don't feel like stashing 60.000 bundles of paper in their apartment.

>> No.4311459


They don't have pizza in germany? I mean, I'd imagine the kind they have isn't like the american kind but that's probably even better.

>> No.4311466
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>tfw at the end of my first year of doing truly nothing at all
>tfw ataraxia

Feels amazing.

>> No.4311469

They do, but it's thin. It's good, but sometimes I just really, really miss a fat, gooey american pizza. Pizza Hut hardly cuts it.

>> No.4311470

I was about to buy a cheap e-book reader, like 30 euro or so, a few weeks ago. I didn't do it becouse I realized

- I've actually read full lenght books on my netbook without experiencing headaches
- Public libraries where you can find all the books you need exist
- Used book stores where you can find hidden gems for 1 euro exist

>> No.4311472

European pizza is mostly Italian style pizza. Not really junkfood.

>> No.4311476

Free health care and American diets don't mix m8

>> No.4311485

Wanting a decent slice of pizza once every six months isn't a diet, m8

>> No.4311493

Calling American food decent isn't a good thing, m8.

>> No.4311506

Americans have perfected fast food. There's no contest.

>> No.4311561

mid-eastern fast food can be pretty amazing.

>> No.4311599


Gadget obsessed?
Irrationally defensive?

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the average ebook reader.

>> No.4311645


German pizza is pretty fat and American-ish when compared to the Italian ditto. I moved to Germany from Sweden, and I was surprised at how gooey and fatty the German pizzas are.

>> No.4311649


You'd be surprised at the kind of weirdos you run into as a travelling agent.

>> No.4311960

Where the hell do you get your pizza?

>> No.4311965


Achman's KEPAP and similar places...

>> No.4311984

>sweeping generalizations
>feelings of unfounded superiority
>blatant misuse of words
Helloooo /lit/.

>> No.4311995


>> No.4312001


Basically the local pizzerias, ran by Ali and his cousins from Turkey.

>> No.4312018

No, I get that, I just never really experienced it as much thicker than the Italian pizza. Even "deep dish" pizzas are considerably thinner than the american pizzas. I actually think it has to do with the dough in Germany, not sure which part, but I've tried to make my father's cookies, for example, and it was fucked. My mother has told me about similar experiences while trying to bake bread.

>> No.4312021


Huh, how could the dough be any different? Doesn't everyone make their own dough?

>> No.4312027

I like buying newer books on ebooks because I don't want to pay $30-$40 on a paperback. This is especially important if it is really long and I might not be able to read it from the library (recently bought The Son). I mostly read digital when I'm traveling or when I only have the book in digital format. I use the kindle app on my phone which works well, but if I hold my phone for too long my hand gets cramped.

>> No.4312031

I prefer physical but I own a Kindle Paperwhite as well (inb4 mad). There are many books I can't find in my country, or require a special order; and Amazon is getting harder to use here. E-books are free and relatively easy to find. Archive.org is an incredible source of public-domain books. I'm currently reading Eliseé Reclus' work, which I downloaded from there.

In the end, I wish I could find and afford everything in paper but in my current state that is not possible.

>> No.4312040

Yeah, but it has to with the ingredients of the dough. the flour or the yeast or whatever else goes into dough. The standardized ingredients would be different in America and Europe.

>> No.4312048


Hmm, perhaps. Guess the secret fat-powder isn't being used in Europe yet...

>> No.4312059



>> No.4312063
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Haha! Look, it's not the foods fault that people don't know what the fuck self control is. You can get fat off of anything.

>> No.4312081


Nah, we have plenty of that.


Are Europeans so much more self-controlled than Americans?

>> No.4312099


2much ordnung

>> No.4312114

>Are Europeans so much more self-controlled than Americans?
yeah, I mean, no, but it's a cultural and societal thing. America all about consumerism. More so than anywhere else, America has by far, more products on the market than anywhere else. A Walmart is easily 3 times the size of a big supermarket here where I live. And the number of fast food restaurants? Fuckin, I don't know. A lot. It's all about pleasure and instant gratification. It's an overabundance of everything really. People are getting fatter all over the world, but I think in America it's the only place where "too much" is something to take pride in, at least to that degree.

>> No.4312126

Obesity rates here are almost entirely due to subsidized gmo/ugly processed foods being the cheapest and most readily available, together with the myths about fat/cholesterol/meat ect. HFC's are in almost everything. Eurofags are lucky to have GMO's subject to labeling.

>> No.4312135

gmo's aren't inherently bad

so many myths

>> No.4312143

Humans have been genetically altering food for thousands of years. Same story with dogs.

If processed HFC foods are "fatty" consider it a penalty for being so lazy you can't make your own food.

>> No.4312147

it's always corn

>> No.4312258

I guess Europeans are also a lot meaner to fatties. Which is good.

>> No.4312292

this, with the exception of it being nightime (paperwhite) and since I already have 300,000 books downloaded I will use my ebook

>> No.4312308

Australia has obesity rates approaching murika but HFC's aren't used in food

>> No.4312320

I tend towards physical books almost entirely. The only exceptions are public domain works that don't have any good current publications (And I get so pissed off by those shitty companies that do crap reprints on demand).

The other case is for textbooks that I feel are too expensive to be justified.

Otherwise basically have everything in physical form.

>> No.4312348

Am I the only one here who isn't NEET, crippled, and autistic? What the fuck.

>> No.4312354


I don't think I am. I just read books for fun and I work and live a life filled with friendship and shit.

>> No.4312356

I tried reading a book with an e-reader once and I didn't enjoy it.

>> No.4312382

England is fat as fuck as well. Anglo culture is poisonous.

>> No.4312395

For me, getting a physical copy of a book entices me to read it. If I download a free digital copy, I may never get around to it or just forget about it. If I see my physical copy laying around, I'll feel obligated to read it.

>> No.4312396
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Pleb detected.

>> No.4312400

Mexico is up there, too.

>> No.4312403

So you have to force yourself to read books? In that case you might as well just try to lie efficiently about being a reader if that's what you care about.

>> No.4312407

The fat will trickle down, they said

>> No.4312416

normalfag please go