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4310794 No.4310794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, did anyone read this after the previous thread?

What did you think of it? I recommend it. A bit bland, but accurate.

>> No.4310803

Here's the retail EPUB. Support the author and buy it if you like it.

It's light reading so get to it and you will be able to discuss the book in this thread when you are done.


>> No.4310807

You guys realize Zimmerman is a nutjob who beat up his father and law and pulled a gun on his wife, right?

>> No.4310810

No, that was fabricated and no charges were made.

>> No.4310817


proven false, you irrational moron

>> No.4310824

Guys, I know you want to defend him so you can pretend that racially profiling some kid then shooting him is OK, but:

>Beyond the 2012 Martin shooting, Zimmerman has had other encounters with the law, including two incidents in 2005, and five incidents in 2013

> in 2005, Zimmerman's ex-fiancée filed a restraining order against him, alleging domestic violence.

>police responded to a 9-1-1 call by Zimmerman's estranged wife, who reported that Zimmerman had threatened her and her father with a gun and had punched her father in the face

>On November 18, 2013, Zimmerman's girlfriend called the police alleging that after she had asked Zimmerman to leave her home, he had pointed a shotgun at her and begun breaking her belongings.

> Zimmerman had barricaded himself inside the apartment before they had made their way inside and arrested him.

This is all public information. Whatever you axe-grinders might think, this is not a model citizen.

>> No.4310825


I've got a copy. Might read it after I'm done reading Judt's Postwar.

>> No.4310834

Where are you getting your information from? Because I've only found stuff saying his ex wife regretting not pressing charges.

>> No.4310925

/pol/ thread. Reports/ignore/sage

>> No.4311692

She didn't press charges because there was no evidence and actually there was evidence she was lying.

Remember this woman was already convicted of perjury once.

>> No.4311702
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I highly recommend you actually educate yourself (i.e. read the book). If you aren't too close minded it will change your opinion.

George Zimmerman is a genuinely great guy. He would be a wonderful neighbor to have.

Sadly he got victimized by a violent thug who he was forced to shoot. Then victimized again by PC whipped morons who actually believe there is a demi-white neighborhood watchman on black youth crime problem.

The book covers this. Please read it!

>> No.4311710

He might be a bad person, but that doesn't mean he murdered a kid in cold blood. The last thread devolved into this, I'm sure if you look up "Zimmerman" in the archives you can find the thread about the book and go through that so we don't have to deal with it again.

>> No.4311721

No, he probably murdered a kid in hot blood, due to him putting himself in a dangerous situation by following somebody around, late at night, with a gun in his pocket. His retardedness led to the death happening. That's at least manslaughter in my book.

>> No.4311724

>He might be a bad person
He's not a bad person though. That's the point.

He's a genuinely good guy. He even stands up to cops when the thinks they are doing wrong.

A really nice, kind, generous, and helpful person got railroaded for no justifiable reason. He was doubly victimized by a violent youth and then a brutally careless and PC media machine.

>> No.4311732
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Why do you feel Trayvon has no responsibility for his actions?

Your view on the situation is like you are talking about a person who jumped into an animal cage at the zoo.

Are blacks wild animals which are not responsible for their behaviour?

>> No.4311733

purple drank

>> No.4311742

He's a genuinely good guy who has one ex with a restraining order against him, another who he's (alledgedly) pulled a gun on, and seven recorded incidents with the police?

Either everybody is lying, and the police are harrasing him, or he's not a good guy.

I don't think Trayvon should have hit the dude, you racist schmuck, but if I was followed by a dude I didn't know at night time, I might attack him. It's fight or flight. It's a reasonable response that a lot of people would have gone for.What you shouldn't do, is follow people around with a loaded pistol in your pocket, if you're not out to shoot anyone.

>> No.4311743

Nah, it's legally self-defense. He wasn't carrying the gun illegally and as a commander of a neighborhood watch he's certainly allowed to drive around his neighborhood.
>following somebody around
Not really, he lost track of Trayvon and stopped following him after the emergency responder told him to cut it out.

Trayvon jumped Zimmerman, and instead of just hitting him and running away, he kept hitting him while on the ground (battery, and even if he could initially have justified preemptive self-defense you lose that right to defend yourself once the other person is on the ground or incapable of hitting you back), Zimmerman called for help for about a minute (evidence from another witness who called 911 with Zimmerman calling for help in the background) and then Zimmerman shot him, after having his nose broken and his head bashed into the ground. There is substantial and objective evidence to support this (beyond the witness seeing Trayvon hitting Zimmerman and calling the police, there are the wounds covering Zimmerman, the lack thereof on Trayvon besides the gunshot wound, and residue and burns on Trayvon's clothing showing the gun was fired at near-to-point-black range) Regardless of race, it's clear that Trayvon committed a crime and Zimmerman defended himself.

Before you discuss this further, here is the link to the last archived thread where most of this was discussed: http://fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/S4294064

>> No.4311746

The issue isn't whether or not Zimmerman's a "nice guy," so I don't know why you're responding to that. The person you're responding too is probably trolling or just having a laugh at other's expense, there's no reason to believe Zimmerman was a nice guy or that his being or not being a "nice guy" has anything to do with this at all.

>> No.4311747

Yeah, basically I've realized the only people who think Trayvon is the asshole in this situation are racists. There are a lot more of them than I had previously thought. Disturbing shit. I literally passed one of my employees over for promotion, because I don't want a bigot in management.

>> No.4311763


too murkan

>> No.4311768

>"a genuinely great guy"

>> No.4311775

So you'd be totally cool with me following you around at night? You wouldn't confront me at all?

>> No.4311788

Imagine, a giant scary black dude with seven previous run-ins with the police follows a white 17 year old around at night. Then, when the white kid attacks the black guy and scores a few lucky punches, the black dude shoots him to death.

That black dude then goes on to be exonerated of not just murder but also manslaughter, and a book is published calling him 'tugboat'.

Does this story sound in any way believable to you? Because if it does, you're fucking delusional.

>> No.4311790

If given the chance to just leave, I would. I certainly wouldn't beat your head into the ground for a few minutes while you cried for help, no. Please actually look the situation occurring instead of exaggerating parts and minimizing others to distort what actually happened.

I already mentioned that even if there was a justifiable preemptive self-defense there, Trayvon lost that right when he continued to beat Zimmerman, and Trayvon had already had the opportunity to simply leave after Zimmerman stopped following him.

>> No.4311793

Not to mention, not even arrested in the first place.

>> No.4311819
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In your imaginary story the Negro neighborhood watchman wouldn't be charged with a crime and it wouldn't make the news.

>> No.4311824

>even if there was a justifiable preemptive self-defense there
Which didn't even exist in the first place.

You can't get followed, go home, wait FOUR MINUTES, then go back out and say "imma go beat that cracka, show him notta follow me!"

Trayvon, if he didn't die, would have been charged with assault.

>> No.4311836

Yes, I know, that's I used "if".

>> No.4311845

I was just elaborating on your post, because I felt it left a window of opportunity for some people to cling to their delusions that any of Trayvon's actions were justified.

>> No.4311852

Story about a middle aged black man that shot an unarmed white team in the face and killed him during an argument in front of his house. He did NOT call 911, he went out to argue with the teen and shot him dead in front of several witnesses. He was not attacked. It was not self-defense.

He got something like 2 years in jail and that his sentence was commuted by the black governor a few months later. He was let out after serving very little time.


>> No.4311868

I really hope you guys are using the report function.


>He fucking got off scot-free

>> No.4311872
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>He might be a bad person, but that doesn't mean he murdered a kid in cold blood.

>Literally, exactly what happened.

>> No.4311878

He got arrested, charged with a crime that he obviously didn't commit, and burdened with 2.5 million in debt.

Why? Just because anti-White racists accidentally misidentified him as White and wanted to lynch him for defending himself against a Black attacker.

>I really hope you guys are using the report function.

For what purpose? Are we not allowed to discuss books you have banned, comrade?

>> No.4311879

Try reading the book.

Why are people on /lit/ so averse to reading?

>> No.4311881


hahah, ridiculous

>> No.4311883

It would have been better if George Zimmerman were beaten and survived than if Trayvon Martin were shot and killed.
Self-defense is wrong.

>> No.4311888

>anti-White racists ... wanted to lynch him
yes white people are often killed by wild mob violence targeting them Thank You

>> No.4311894

It's a figure of speech.


>> No.4311895

/lit/ is THE easiest board to bait. You could have just reported the posts, hidden the thread, moved on. Let them rot.

>> No.4311900


People like him aren't interested in facts when the facts would violate their religious beliefs.

>> No.4311901

Please don't respond to trolling, thanks

>> No.4311908
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What in this thread violates any /lit/ rules?

We aren't allowed to discuss books not approved by Goskomizdat, comrade Stalin?

>> No.4311926
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>anti-White racists ... wanted to lynch him

Yeah you're clearly familiar with the history of lynching in the US, which continued until 1968.

(The creepy thing about these pictures is always the party atmosphere. Just with a dead black guy. Swinging from a tree.)

>> No.4311932

Not really comparable, since this was on the dude's lawn. Zimmerman followed the boy he killed.

>> No.4311937

Zimmerman stopped following him and didn't even know where Trayvon was until he was attacked.

>> No.4311951
File: 72 KB, 808x514, crimemultiples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More familiar than you, apparently. Lynching was done to criminals. Black people commit more crime, so they were lynched more often. Their proportion of lynchings was actually shockingly similar to their proportion of violent crimes.

>Nearly 3,500 African Americans and 1,300 whites were lynched in the United States between 1882 and 1968

Of course you are just trying to derail the thread by getting tunnel vision on a single word. Please stay on the topic of the book, thanks.

>> No.4311958

It wasn't on his lawn, it was out on the street.

The black homeowner didn't even claim self defense. He just straight up murdered a white kid and got away with it because he's a POC and they get special privileges over Whites.

>> No.4311972

Actually looking at the chart, Blacks were probably under-lynched relative to their crime rate.

>> No.4311985

I actually like these threads, because you get people who defend fucking LYNCHING standing shoulder to shoulder with the people who bought the bullshit about racism being in the past.

When you want to know what you're agreeing with, look at the people who agree too.

>> No.4311989

No, lynching is a terrible thing. People deserve fair trials.

It's just bizarrely inaccurate for you to hone in on the word "lynch" used figuratively and try to derail the thread into "boohoo poor black people, even saying lynch is racist against them" territory.

Read the book. Or watch this video. Then you can learn for yourself that PC whipped people really did want to lynch George "Tugboat" Zimmerman.


>> No.4312014

To be honest, with people like these shitposters, Godwin's Law works in reverse, since they'll probably bring up Hitler as a key figure of moral authority to help them win the argument before the thread ends. LIterally seen this happening on /lit/.

Fair trials weren't the issue with lynching, you fucking idiot. The issue was that people were being hanged on the regular for things like 'not showing respect'. Calling a doccumentary about a white dude who escaped prosecution for extrajudicially shooting a black kid 'the lynching' is bad taste on a scale only retards and racists could possibly approve of.

It would be like calling a case held about a dude who gassed a jew 'the holocaust', and making out that the dude who did the gassing was the victim.

>> No.4312020

ITT: Racism perpetuated

>> No.4312035

I really think you need to read the book.

>escaped prosecution
He was prosecuted. Unjustly. For no reason other than the colour of his skin.

He was legally justified to defend himself.

>bad taste
I'm sorry that reality hurts your feelings. Maybe you should stick to fiction instead of coming into a thread about a nonfiction book.

>> No.4312039

>an overweight, 30 something misogynist euromerican murders a young black man and gets away with it
Zimmerman is the perfect /pol/ fantasy figure, and you wonder why they're still defending him?

>> No.4312051

I'm not going to tell your you're being trolled, because he really is that stupid, but you're not going to convince them of anything. They're too indoctrinated.

>> No.4312055

Justifiably kills in self defense, you mean.

Read the book. Read the book. Read the motherfucking book.

>> No.4312069
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Why are you so averse to reading the book?

I am open to any new information. And I will change my views to account for any information you have which suggests I am wrong.

It's very disappointing to see so many people on /lit/ refuse to read or learn anything.

>> No.4312089

Is it Halloween?

Why is this thread so spooky?

>> No.4312097 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 252x297, zimman justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no matter what, Trayvon is still dead

That trial provided endless liberal tears, I love it.

>> No.4312178
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You disgusting racist.

>> No.4312192

Is it a general lack of understanding or something a bit more serious like mild brain damage that makes poorly educated people want to pigeon-hole everything into "liberal" or "conservative"?

>> No.4312222

There's no denying that feelings over the Zimmerman verdict fall pretty much cleanly on political lines.

Some people (conservatives) think you have a right to defend yourself. Others (liberals) think you should lay down and die if you are attacked by a Black "youth".

It's very much a political issue.

>> No.4312227
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So he was a nutjob for tutoring young black kids? He was a nutjob for being part of the Neighbourhood watch? He was a victim of a Race baiting media that branded him a "White Latino" and showed Tray-Tray as an innocent ten year old. That thug was trying to acquire an illegal firearm, was supposedly addicted to "Lean" also known as "Purple Drank" in which he only needed cough syrup to add to his Arizona Sweet tea. That fucker was 6ft tall. Zimmerman was 5ft 10. I'm sorry but you see a big, gang banging black guy, you're going to be afraid of being mugged, attacked and/or enriched. Zimmerman acted rightly and instinctively.
Besides, after Trey-trey died, the spate of burglaries and attacks stopped. Isn't that a weird coincidence?

>> No.4312236

Only because the media has dressed it up as such, and you (and many others) have gone along for the ride.

It's not even remotely as simple as "defend yourself or 'lay down and die' (are you on drugs?)" but they tell you it is.

>> No.4312238

>mixed race hispanic shoots black guy in self defense
>white racism is to blame

Liberal logic.

>> No.4312249

Tedious strawman.

>> No.4312260

I'm not sure why people aren't responding or discussing what actually happened. Most people here are either responding to trolls or trolling themselves because it's easier to do that than deal with the fact that a guy actually defended himself. I'm not sure what there's even left to discuss in the thread beyond race-baiting, trolling, and people deliberately ignoring what actually happened on both sides.

>> No.4312265

Brain damage it is

>> No.4312274
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>So he was a nutjob for tutoring young black kids?

Noble as it was, it was doubtless a wasted effort.

>> No.4312280
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>It's not even remotely as simple as "defend yourself or 'lay down and die'
It really is that simple. I watched the entire trial and read the OP book.

If you can't defend yourself when you are pinned to the ground having your head beaten in as you scream for help for 45+ seconds, you can't defend yourself at all.

Of course if the races were reversed liberals would suddenly support self defense rights and say the white boy had it coming for attacking an upstanding Negro neighborhood watchman.

>> No.4312282

I know it's a wasted effort but he meant well and it proves that he wasn't racist.

>> No.4312304

I agree.

The bitter irony of the whole thing is he was exactly opposite to how the media portrayed him. Leftists devoured one of their own.

It just goes to show that catering to leftist demands will never get you any gratitude or recognition.

As soon as you get attacked by someone more important on the liberal racial hierarchy, they will turn on you.

>> No.4312310

I wonder if any Trayvon supporters have read this book.

If you are so sure of your views what do you have to lose by reading and learning something new?

>> No.4312328
File: 9 KB, 300x330, pnney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF I thought /lit/ was supposed to be the liberal board. Has /pol/ finally fucked this place up too? fuck this I'm out of here. RIP queen of /lit/ we had some good times but it's over now.

>> No.4312330

Yeah it's been full of redneck neo-nazi shitheads for a while now.

>> No.4312333

Not agreeing that Zimmerman should be convicted makes you /pol/ now?

>> No.4312336

And the worst thing is, this is not hyperbole. They literally support Hitler, Lynching, etc about half the time, entirely openly.

>> No.4312340

>everyone doesn't agree fully on this one retarded american issue
>waaaah not leftist enough
Alright, get the fuck out.
"Leftist" whining didn't start here until the retarded philosopher kids were allowed on the board. Worst mistake we ever made. Lowered the quality of book discussion and half the threads are now about their favorite dumbass philosophical view of the week.
You all should go to /pol/.

>> No.4312341


I'm certain we've had an influx of new-people lately. Last week there was a thread about studying Liberal Arts and about 70% of the posts were damning it. I think people have been moving from other boards wondering where to go and thinking, 'I'm smart right and in college well I must go to /lit/'.

If I had somewhere better to go I'd be gone by now.

>> No.4312343
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moot must have told the mods people are allowed to discuss books without being censored based on the contents of the books.

I, for one, agree with this decision.

Leftists are incredible hypocrites. They say go to /pol/ if you want to discuss a book that offends their sensibilities, but they would never say the same to a left wing book that is offensive to conservatives.

It really shows how vapid they all are.

>> No.4312344

Yep. Nobody seriously believes that if Z had been black and T had been white, Zimmerman would have walked. Seriously, can you imagine it?

Because if so, you have a rich imagination. You should write poems.

>> No.4312345

>a privileged white woman is the queen of /lit/

>> No.4312346

>until the retarded philosopher kids were allowed on the board. Worst mistake we ever made. Lowered the quality of book discussion and half the threads are now about their favorite dumbass philosophical view of the week.
/lit/ should be about literature not this shit.

>> No.4312351

Yeah, /pol/ has infected this place. I really ought to leave too.

>> No.4312355
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>If I had somewhere better to go I'd be gone by now.

Try reddit.

Their entire website design caters to pseudo-intellectual groupthinkers who need to censor opposing views because their own ideology is fundamentally flawed and provably wrong.

>> No.4312362

I think most people believe that, if you look at the evidence, but I doubt you saw the testimonies or heard any of the expert witnesses during the trial.

>> No.4312366

ITT: autismal white fuckshits who will soon be crushed under the boot-heels of third world emancipation.

>> No.4312367

Here's a link to a book you can read which will give you information which you are apparently ignorant of.

Once you are finished reading it you will surely be embarrassed that you made that post.


>> No.4312368

Hating on liberal arts isn't anything new for /lit/, i've been here for 2 years.

>> No.4312370

It's because conservatives views include justifying things like lynching on the basis, I shit you not*, that 'black people commit more crime'. It's in this fucking thread, if you don't believe me.

Left wing views include an end to exploitation, hunger, and poverty. If you find that offensive, you're a screwball. It's a reasonable position, if you're a serious pessimist, to say that left wing ideas might not work. It's not a reasonable position to say they are offensive in intention.

>> No.4312374


I'd rather find a forum. The layout of Reddit is dreadful.

Yes I know you're being a facetious twat but I don't care.

>> No.4312376


Implying reactionaries deserve a voice.

>> No.4312379

>It's in this fucking thread, if you don't believe me.
I don't believe you.

Got a link?

>> No.4312380

Please read some fucking history... the left ending hunger? Tell that to communist china or soviet russia or north korea or any other socialist dream paradise.

>> No.4312381

You don't get Nazis on reddit. But, by the same coin, what you get is a steady diet of average. It's got really bad groupthink

>> No.4312385

>It's in this fuckign thread, if you don't believe me.
If you can't distinguish trolling from other posts, what are you doing on 4chan? Even if they're not trolling, they're sufficiently retarded as to be indistinguishable from trolling and should be ignored as such instead of taken as the norm for the board. Someone could seriously take any trolling "left-wing" position and pretend it's equally serious. I hope you're being facetious or something.

>> No.4312389
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>Left wing views include an end to exploitation, hunger, and poverty

Left wing views include saying nice sounding things as flimsy justification to line the pockets of the Commisars.

>> No.4312392

Nobody actually said what he is claiming, troll or otherwise.

Like most liberals, because reality is against him, he just starts making things up.

>> No.4312393

>Damn niggers, always causing trouble...
Looks like slavery wasn't that great of an idea, was it, Amerifats? You had it coming.

>> No.4312394

See >>4311972 "Blacks were probably under-lynched"

That's who you're rubbing shoulders with here, you guys who've bought the whole Zimmerman tugboat saint idea.

>> No.4312401

Seriously liberal arts have been slagged since day one.
It wasn't even a "liberal" board for the most of it. That whole stupidity only started when the philosophy stupidity of "what's your favorite flavour of intellectual aids, continental or analytical?" started.

>> No.4312408

The difference between a conservative and a nazi troll is the first passes over the holocaust in silence, or maybe makes a joke about german efficiency, and the second says what the first is too cowardly to state outright.

>> No.4312409
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That's not saying lynching was justified. It's saying it was not racially biased.

Your reading comprehension is incredibly poor. How did you end up on /lit/?

>> No.4312412

Yeah, the KKK were just trying to reduce crime. Nothing else.

>> No.4312414

Conservative Jews must really do a number on your head huh?

>> No.4312419

...Plus this whole idea of lynching being multi-racial is idiotic, since the white guys that got hung were usually immigrants (often Italian American).

But since this poster agrees with lynching ('under-lynched'), I don't think that's really the matter at hand here.

>> No.4312420
File: 12 KB, 683x343, hwrdet7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, exactly.

Blacks commit an immense amount of violent crime. I am sorry reality hurts your feelings so badly.

>> No.4312435

>white guys that got hung
Holy shit, you are so illiterate it hurts my brain trying to read your posts.

People are HANGED. Stockings are hung.

>since this poster agrees with lynching ('under-lynched'),
Again, your reading comprehension is below a 10th grade level. Your "OMG HE SUPPORTS LYNCHING" strawman was shot down as soon as you tried it: >>4311989

Not that there was ever any basis for you to try that strawman in the first place.