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File: 22 KB, 552x438, hot damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4308999 No.4308999 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for what I am going to unleash upon you, /lit/? Feel free to share your treasured inventions, the more phonetically pleasing the better.

Stelio Jonesboy

Brianne Throttinghams

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix

Frayleigh Howder Chunklesworth

Phreck Briggyran

Lenny Dee

>> No.4309002

Frent Dingus

Michel Hishmash Crown

Brenton Lenton

Miyama Sarsuke Santsjiu

Komar Heffalomp

Britt Bronken

Anan Benjamin Leffhé

Slungsab Shclokmohn

Tirian Octavius Hummelz

Asio Woodhill Hawk

Murdoch Clementine

Christina Usteed Homely

Dumble Rump-Riston

Leo Viewaja

>> No.4309006

Ture Romsfeldt

Joshdan Latour Remsway

Rinni Molleyman

Krump Grania Knidt

Svetlana Kindt Oskianova

Greshna Raiden Rogue

Daisuke Thi Thran

Nick Learner

Dean Grallawell Hymon

Loke Tookson Bronz

Latifa Blackberry

Jakob Weidemann

Andy Hopsins

>> No.4309007

Assango Lamischos

Hannah Schweb Roll

Brock Hardington

Mrs. Muster

Grink Shloppman

Veila D. Volace

Brinkton Steepdog

Horatio Smib Rummelramb

Joe Fellow

Heidi Klumaran Göeffson

Zelda Zonk

Olga Grim-Henderson

Anastasija Schwung Knebelhasen

>> No.4309009
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>> No.4309010

Bob Horseman

Alexius Miller Monst

Carl-Felipe Evsenius August Karolius Rexen

Cody Code

Simon Fidolachi McHellyway

Jones Joneston

Carlito Muchégranador

Helly Hansen

Groll Kuben Daveson

Slekk Mekkio

Bim Blommer

Guy Freightstand Cornwall

>> No.4309013
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That's hillarious! Source?

Umberto Eco

Carl Fraizen Meinong

Darryl Drimbus

Kreg Nickelbrock

Garry Ash Ketcham

Grape Grapple

Hilmar Larsson Svenby

Tim Heinegeber

Dronk Frescos

Kanny Hallyburtsglowan

Ronny Rimple

Greta Aspare Gussy

Drim Thompson

Siikh Rojan Frenetchió

Jean-Baptiste Luran Lunaré

>> No.4309019

kek where is that from

>> No.4309020

Juusso Röiske Volenia

Hamp Doughworth

Mulberry Bush

Ryan Schreiber

Piero Scaruffi

Hindley Schmidt Kruppel

Leila Godfromm

Dick Burner Scowlingforth

Fruppert Chirakko Bleinskväld-Renly

Angest Churchhill Rollingio

Rob Frob Slammertown

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Ronaldo Estrada

Shlomo Goldberg

>> No.4309029

Why is this funny?

>> No.4309024

Kraillish Haldock

Rumpreth Frattington

An honest merchant

Aquiles Cacho

Werner von Schleimachkeinzeit

Piero Scaruffi


Frump Slemmestad

Katie Thongbone

Murr Cockburn Trepidock

Alethea Rixus Everstrand

Ron Ringo

Lobb Hillgaard

>> No.4309032

Joran Bakken-Larsen

Ahmed Mansour

Menchenko Nogrado Trostnjikian

Rendt Reve Tismus

Will Cockday

Blake Fieldshrowl

Heine Slökk

Alex Kikaz

Oscar Ikarief Bloffstein


Hoyt Trimpston

Gjoeran Gjoevik

Rimbley Frott Slabbsail

>> No.4309037


If it's a serious question, just try to come up with your own names and you'll see. If it's an affirmation of your engaged humor, I concur!

>> No.4309040
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>> No.4309046

Grey Blueslot

Shaniqua Queen Shubbot

Lanny Halbert

Drake Fix-Durham

Jon Botherby

Hickson Brownswick

>> No.4309053

Frill Cabballero Baellitor

Rex Fluxens

Tormod Top-Vommer

Flicks Fowley

Shea Shookston

Biff Blinksroad

Shippy Frock

Aiden Aiskimakos Grem

>> No.4309066

Hong Shop

Fred Fishbone

Leddy Brack Tooter

Karen Houth Blackmount

Dirk Vanderbauen Glepschlook

Friedrich Runkel Tramb

Dietrich Jansson Helm

Ibby Gossdam

Aage Yuno Sabel

Susan Gum Braeillock

Web Klinster

>> No.4309075

Smith Hitchson

Liz Puspash

Tresh Grownhole

Kali Jackson-McMan

Luigi Frommagio

Marinetti Cornetto Frutt-Giambatista

>> No.4309086

Smoove Qrlington

Hoobas "J.J." Jengen

Faren LeFarrow

Hroid Towers

Norm "Norman" Man

Zioness Jewstein

Hroid Croazcyk

"Big Papa" Powdermoose

J.R.R. Tolkien

"Nasty" Clunker

Vivienne V. VonVampff

Trig Lewinksy

>> No.4309096
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>Smoove Qrlington

>Hoobas "J.J." Jengen

>Vivienne V. VonVampff

>> No.4309099

Next level: post a brief description of the type of character that comes up in your mind by reading the previous name

Hank Wharton

>> No.4309102

Schmeck Fripp

Rupert Raddington

Flex McFlock

Ian Anis Irr

Loch Holmboe Shuur

Albert Lidel Drong

Meeson Clane

>> No.4309107


Long face, receding hairline, has been fixing his mustang unsuccessfully for the last 15 years as a hobby, works as a dog-walker, takes you out to a cheap italian imitation for dinner, hates dogs.

>> No.4309112


Oh, and his fantasy is revolving around setting up advanced scene-lightning while being jacked off by a hand-puppet.

Gresh Bogway

>> No.4309116

Arthur Dunk

Eliza Veidelvalz

Siri Schumann-schmett

Ren Log Hebwith

Flip Shatrack

Dom Frump Hewder

>> No.4309123

a haggard, 60ish-year-old man with greasy grey hair, swarthy skin, and sickly moles. his face is lined with deep wrinkles and his teeth are as discolored as his hands. he works as a janitor in a high school, sleeps in a cheap motel room, and is in love with a 14-year-old prostitute who hangs out in the lobby. he speaks with a thick belgian accent and always has phlegm in the back of his throat.

Kermen Marie LeClamp

>> No.4309135


LeClamp has been regarded as bright since childhood. She is a busy career woman that increasingly finds it hard to merge her formalized, stressful, though successful life with her dark family secrets. A bipolar brother, schizophrenic mother and father that left in the early years. Kermen was bullied at school, as the boys preferrred to call her "Kermit" while making signature frog sounds whenever she walked past. This ended however, after a scheme in senior high where our character got to show her true colors.

Schubert Schleiman Sol

>> No.4309158

Josh Hinkle

Green Jusaf

Tash Aubergeen

Gulliver Belbeth

Corey Shibwutz

>> No.4309207

Schmack Shckenkem

Hyatt Rincon

Frockle Ripp


Ray Rollings

Lafayette Mippstown

Rogan Hemmings

Tari Lom Felter

Sir Adlesworth Tomwollings

Hebri Basqieu

>> No.4309221

not funny

>> No.4309242

Sean Adrian Crownley

Macy Togg-Dreifeldt

April Constantina Habritko

Lew Collinsball

Skip Raphael Treary

Butch Ramkernel

Snow Ligby

Trent Hilton Peaksbay

Ralph Viphensfull

Cull Taller

Gregory Howbank Spranglubber

Munt Frotchbrink Tiershelley

Honduras Verpstibler

Smögler Franz

Rulli Conchisle

Sebastian Biffslam Burt

>> No.4309245

Harriet MacNuget.

>> No.4309267

Lexi Billman Bosch

Hinake Cehws Turjaga

Tony Stookman

Eddie Voll Jonas

Gaspard Bell Hendrews

Allen Daehp Buntler

Bethany Cork Rowling

Fleb Gumbers

Danny Shoredew Bant

Lizzie McSprick

Hugo Yaleyork

Liam Grophton Finger

Sirius Hytzel-Rotter

Lawson Davespond

Thor Brattlesack Culler

>> No.4309277


Felipe Foster Jonesland

>> No.4309313

Scott Morry Tanders

Rilfard Demmings

Claude Jonas Borman

Peter Schnitzpilskin

Preff Bone

Randy Cosbing Phenilac

Lip Metters

Stan Goatrun Donley

Frell Snabber

Hilda Kletz

Jürg Schläbzkölnler

Freddie Coggers

Bolt Johnson

Nimbus Bettingsbag Doepffspchler

Martha Falson Britzschecker

>> No.4309320

tyrikwon baller-cripkilla Freeman

>> No.4309336
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>> No.4309362

Filbert Huntingston Clember

Rell Haliburt Friendsroom

Anna Bun Walley

Vishan Fuursh

Vic Reeveshore Conkersbrandt

Logan Rogers

Gabe Gabler Gibbons

Holbert Woolingham Wheeler

Kim Holderbach

Danielle Riff Ribbons

Gun Lucas

Deck Hanson

Fritz Grampus

Bella Blath Baldweld

>> No.4309368

oh my god, I'm finding this fucking hilarious for some reason, 10/10

>> No.4309380

Fredley White Preshton

Sun Hollings

Ruth Selken Schneide

Fern Drash Blackdrops

Jun Gshunck

Oliander Hilfander

>> No.4309387
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Thanks! I've been doing this for hours now, and I have no idea why I do it.

>> No.4309415

Josh Wu
Mindy Patterson
Laura Fuller
James Hyke
Christopher Tenard
Alexander Johnson
Guillaume Baudin
Trent Hilson
Hillary Jone
Paul Newt

Any of these names remind you of a specific personality or kind of person?

>> No.4309423

Abigayle Stillman Flogginshall

Balfour Paulsbury Bisham

Taria Gretting Stone

Baldrick Schnopler

Babs Rutterson Fordloch

Cassius Jutcher Gorben

Front Felley

Camilla Zöch Jekkers

Erwin Turpner Shlamm

Cayden Frant Bronser

Dax Curbmissle Stoughrent

Denzil Drummond Hapthkins

Diggory Drixton

Smo Drogsby

Esmeralda Pearl Hombricks

>> No.4309434

Dulcibella Culpen Trob

Fiona Fiott-Richards

Ermintrude Rubbler

Finley Flob

Gaynor Hillie Brelt

Gloriana Guul Fläshe

Hammond Lecherstraw Leafe

O'sheen Verm Krillharn

>> No.4309444

Fritten Smett

Laila Laureen Whil

Fenton Kinsel Swift

Jeanette Lemper Hollingham-Willis

>> No.4309456

Should I go to bed now?

Alexandra Brill Vogel

Trint Rumtpner

Welson James

Knoll Fimbletagg Cackerstaff

Drina Strump Refterstag

Bean Sharten

Sigmund Berntstabel Liekförschlaben

>> No.4309544

>Mindy Patterson
Cutie with limited intellect, is a nice person but too agreeable and eager to please, easy to exploit. Tries to be friends with everyone including Laura and doesn't understand why she doesn't like her, in fact she doesn't even pick up on how much Laura doesn't give a shit about her.

>Laura Fuller
Career woman and a huge bitch. Hates Mindy types. Was a former uggo that is now kind of good looking and on a hunt for her perfect man.

>James Hyke
Average Joe, watches sports, drinks beers, has some mundane 40k job. Has a crush on Laura, despite already being treated like complete shit by chicks similar to her in past. Seems to take everything easy, even when bad stuff happens to him. Go with the flow kind of guy.

>Trent Hilson
Trust fund baby, does nothing but party and drugs while blowing his parents money. Laura has a crush on him, but he doesn't really care about seeing women as anything past fuckmeat. Occasionally wonders whether he should change something about his lifestyle before he snaps back into the excesses.

>Paul Newt
Introvert with a good job, software or whatever. Loves his job and has similar interests in his free time. Is friends with James and occasionally hangs out with him out of habit and maybe even a little enjoyment but not that he would ever really show he enjoys socializing. Makes snarky comments about Laura to him, more just out of boredom than any real advice.

>> No.4309626

Peter Pushkin Frentspash

Borry Droger

Lianna Brass Buflock

Bross Torsham Flimp

Haggard Tollings Toogood

Franz Borken

Leiland Schlibber

Princess Prixton

Rambley Hinson Fuller

Troy Fripster

Ren Lengings Hawmower Stoodlerstown

Agatha Viviane Herring-Fischer